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If Dps Maur is greater than Dps Jug...


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does a MARAUDER (not muruaudher, not mauradder, its not hard to spell you dumbs) do more damage than a juggernaut, yes probably.


can a MARAUDER step into a tanking stance, throw on a couple pieces of D armor and offtank a nightmare boss? hell no.


juggs get the heavy armor, all the good tactics, marauders get medium armor and a bunch of damage moves to distract them from surviving. dead dps is no dps.


edit: but marauders do get all the fury perks, which are incredibly helpful to all


i offtanked sorno/jarg in kragga's palace and it went fine. Obviously not as fine as if i was a tank spec'ed jugg but still, i tanked and kept agroo during all the fight.


Marauders deal more damage because well, our second lightsaber's damage stat is used in 95% of our abilities , we have the fury mechanic, our dps stance which deal more dmg then the jugg's and we also generate more rage.


Dps juggs are still very good though

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I'm just going to throw this out there by the way Both of our Tanks are specc'd into DPS tree's because nothing hits so hard in this game even in nightmare mode to kill you fast enough if you have competent healers. Our main Juggernaut tank is actually wearing half DPS half tank gear I would actually go as far as to say as long as you have a taunt you can tank right now. And again I don't think any marauder would argue that they should do 2X's 1.5X's or 1.25X's a Juggernauts damage but a 5% increase isn't asking too much considering you can lose that 5% damage just because of raid mechanics, Soa making you fly anyone? Mind trapped? Carbonite droids? Stun Droids? There are literally so many things in each and every fight that can make that disappear for any melee DPS class that its laughable that people are screaming Imbalance and nerf marauder to juggernauts level.


I have a better idea how about we complain about the Ranged Vs. Melee imbalance which is much more noticeable then the damage advantage marauder has over Juggernaut.

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i offtanked sorno/jarg in kragga's palace and it went fine. Obviously not as fine as if i was a tank spec'ed jugg but still, i tanked and kept agroduring all the fight.


Marauders deal more damage because well, our second lightsaber's damage stat is used in 95% of our abilities , we have the fury mechanic, our dps stance which deal more dmg then the jugg's and we also generate more rage.


Dps juggs are still very good though


Sorno went like this:


Saberward -> okay this isn't half bad.... Saber ward expires -> Cloak of pain + Predation stacked -> Okay I am getting hit but this is manageable-> Cloak of pain and Predation expire-> Oh crap I am getting wrecked right now. Frantically try to build Fury to refresh predation , swear about not being able to Force camouflage-> Pop Predation -> Realize that 10% damage mitigation for a medium armor wearer is pretty negligible-> Nearly die a few times -> Saved by Saber ward.


That about right? Our defensive cooldowns are fairly strong when you can use all of them and we can offtank although its pretty dicey and we can be melted. If given the choice and having to choose who offtanks Sorno between a DPS spec'd Juggernaut and a DPS spec'd marauder I'd probably take the Juggernaut because ignoring cooldowns which will give you 30 seconds of coverage for the first minute of the fight and then 15 seconds of coverage for the 2nd and 3rd minute (due to cooldown timers your likely going to be surviving with just predation for this period of time.) Your essentially naked and taking full damage for about 60-70% of the fight.

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Anybody else notice that the "pro hybrid tax" people seem to be more angry and condescending in their arguments?


In any case, the argument FOR hybrid tax seems to be:

- Pures won't get invited to operations if they don't do more dps because a hybrid has the potential to fill different roles for different fights


However, if this is in fact true, then the converse is also true. I.e., if pures do more dps then hybrids won't get invited to raids. Which means that hybrids may as well not have dps trees at all. I.e., Shadows/Assassins can ONLY be tanks, Sages/Sorcs can ONLY be healers, etc.


The reality, of course, is that neither scenario happens unless the dps differences are extreme. Sure, in some cases (think Boomkins and Rets in Vanilla WoW) the dps was so bad that it was a running joke and you rarely saw those classes in raids. Or occasionally when some class is broken in an OP way the best guilds in the world stacked those classes for a world first.


But in the vast majority of cases the priority for raid selection is:

1) Bring your friends

2) Bring the best players you know

3) Make sure you have the right roles filled

4) Make sure you have all buffs & debuffs you need

5) Try to balance loot distribution by bringing a variety of classes


Slight dps (dis)advantages might have some impact on class balance in the population because it influences what classes people role, but it basically never has any impact on who actually gets invited to raids. Maybe it does for some brain-dead pug leaders, but if your main way of raiding is getting invited to pugs by strangers, you don't need more dps...you need more friends.



Then give me the option to tank then in one of my marauder tree's and make every advanced class capable of filling 2 roles. If you don't think that that is a major advantage to being a juggernaut...


you know what **** it this is so profoundly stupid...


Level 10 Imperial Fleet-> Advanced class trainer-> You sit there and you read both tree's and you read juggernaut you think yeah it can DPS and it can tank that'll be handy. (atleast I did when I read it.) Then you read the marauder tree and think you know what I am going to be a specialist class, I am not going to tank, I am only going to DPS but I am going to do that extremely well. (atleast that's what I thought when I read it.)


Nowhere in that entire train of thought when I was choosing my advanced class did I think, " You know what I am going roll a marauder so that every 5 minutes I can give my party +15% damage." And I guarantee that that thought never entered anyone else mind either.


And Further if there was an advanced class in this game that could do nothing but tank then yes it damned well should be the very best tank in the game by a slight margin same thing with a healing class.


So yes there needs to be a hybrid tax nothing extreme but 5% for those classes that can only fill 1 role seems completely reasonable.

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Ignoring Blood thirst and predation which no marauder would use as Berserk in annihilation is much better for the raid.... If juggernauts did the exact same damage there would be no reason. What you've broken marauder down to is a buffing class when their description says, " There is no swifter bringer of pain and damage in the galaxy." it in no way states that there is no better raid buffer in the galaxy.


Real simple you suffer a DPS loss because you have the option of respecing as a tank, marauders and snipers get no secondary role.


Actually what is real simple is, it doesn't work the way you want it to in your head. You're living in a fantasy world.


Perhaps the fix to this issue for people like you is for BW to make one of the Mara and sniper trees into a pure support Buff/debuff tree, there for you have 2 roles and can no longer QQ. Hybrid tax is retarded. What you're saying is you want to penalize someone for not liking Dual Wielding, or Sniper rifles. Just because a person has the option to switch to another role doesn't mean they have any desire to or ever will. The choice is there, but the choice was also there for you at level 10.


Here's a news flash about MMO's for you man, Pure classes are NEVER guaranteed to be the best at what they are pure at. Every game, an I mean eery game there is a chance for any class Pure or Hybrid to fall terribly behind or rise quickly past all the others based on balancing changes. You are not entitled to be top dps because you decided you like dual wielding, You do have a greater role beyond simply dpsing and that's buffing which guess what Juggs don't do (we an decrease armor which Jugg tanks and even Mercs do as well so that isn't just special to us.). So that argument is moot. So not only can you deliver competitive DPS, you also bring buffs to the table that no one else has.


And I can damn well guarantee you if a raid leader calls for Bloodthirst and a Mara was like "lol I'd rather blow it on Berserk for myself. " That Mara may not be raiding much longer. Because it takes very little time to rebuild a 30 stack of Fury, esp when you can just pop Frenzy as well. News flash for you, raiding is about group progression not just you.

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Sorno went like this:


Saberward -> okay this isn't half bad.... Saber ward expires -> Cloak of pain + Predation stacked -> Okay I am getting hit but this is manageable-> Cloak of pain and Predation expire-> Oh crap I am getting wrecked right now. Frantically try to build Fury to refresh predation , swear about not being able to Force camouflage-> Pop Predation -> Realize that 10% damage mitigation for a medium armor wearer is pretty negligible-> Nearly die a few times -> Saved by Saber ward.


That about right? Our defensive cooldowns are fairly strong when you can use all of them and we can offtank although its pretty dicey and we can be melted. If given the choice and having to choose who offtanks Sorno between a DPS spec'd Juggernaut and a DPS spec'd marauder I'd probably take the Juggernaut because ignoring cooldowns which will give you 30 seconds of coverage for the first minute of the fight and then 15 seconds of coverage for the 2nd and 3rd minute (due to cooldown timers your likely going to be surviving with just predation for this period of time.) Your essentially naked and taking full damage for about 60-70% of the fight.


nope nope & nope.


First of all you get cloak of pain half the time of the fight as its cd of 1min begins the very moment you pop it and it lasts 30 sec, knowing that you can reduce it cd by 6 sec everytime you use reteliation so basically you take 20% less dmg for 3/4 of the fight which is actually better then a dps jugg


2) Predation gives you 10% DEFENSE(aka dodge) not 10% more armor so medium or heavy it doesn't change a thing


3) you get 2 fury every 1,5sec + 1 rage every 3sec when you get hit and 4 fury per abilities used with annih spec + the first carnage skills aka you use your fury abilities every 20 sec or something and predation last 10 sec so you can get that +10% dodge half the time


but honestly i never use it, i use berserker which heals me for 18% of my hp in like 4 or 5 sec and i'm not counting the passive heals i get from normals dot crits when berserker isn't active



I'm not saying Jugg DPS can't tank though, i was just answering someone who said marauders dps can't offtank whereas i've done it many times.

Edited by Soulfighter
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Ignoring Blood thirst and predation which no marauder would use as Berserk in annihilation is much better for the raid.... If juggernauts did the exact same damage there would be no reason. What you've broken marauder down to is a buffing class when their description says, " There is no swifter bringer of pain and damage in the galaxy." it in no way states that there is no better raid buffer in the galaxy.


Real simple you suffer a DPS loss because you have the option of respecing as a tank, marauders and snipers get no secondary role.


Berserk is not better than bloodthirst for your raid. That's one of the more ridiculous claims I've seen while browsing this thread.


They don't suffer a dps loss for the reason of offspec options, they have a bit lower dps because it wasn't balanced as well as devs intended. Secondary roles have nothing to do with it according to Bioware's announced intent.

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Then give me the option to tank then in one of my marauder tree's and make every advanced class capable of filling 2 roles. If you don't think that that is a major advantage to being a juggernaut...


you know what **** it this is so profoundly stupid...


Level 10 Imperial Fleet-> Advanced class trainer-> You sit there and you read both tree's and you read juggernaut you think yeah it can DPS and it can tank that'll be handy. (atleast I did when I read it.) Then you read the marauder tree and think you know what I am going to be a specialist class, I am not going to tank, I am only going to DPS but I am going to do that extremely well. (atleast that's what I thought when I read it.)


Nowhere in that entire train of thought when I was choosing my advanced class did I think, " You know what I am going roll a marauder so that every 5 minutes I can give my party +15% damage." And I guarantee that that thought never entered anyone else mind either.


And Further if there was an advanced class in this game that could do nothing but tank then yes it damned well should be the very best tank in the game by a slight margin same thing with a healing class.


So yes there needs to be a hybrid tax nothing extreme but 5% for those classes that can only fill 1 role seems completely reasonable.


Your entire argument(here) is based off of the banter you kicked off with. You have no valid evidence backing the opinion you are stating as a fact.


Off spec options doesn't present any valid reason for a hybrid tax, because the scenarios you've been talking about keeping mara's out of raids or imaginary.

Edited by Zaxxus
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I believe in the guild summit it was stated that snipers/smugglers & Sentinals/marauders where the highest dps classes in the game..


So wall of text that all you want :\


How are they finding that statistic?


Highest in game. Of course Marauders are, they don't have a heal spec or tank spec to mess up the average DPS.


Think about this.


You take all the DPS from Marauders and average that out per player.


Do the same for Juggernaughts.


Who will naturally have the higher DPS? The marauder on average will have the higher DPS because they don't have a non DPS spec with low DPS averaged into the equation.

Edited by illgot
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How are they finding that statistic?


Highest in game. Of course Marauders are, they don't have a heal spec or tank spec to mess up the average DPS.


Think about this.


You take all the DPS from Marauders and average that out per player.


Do the same for Juggernaughts.


Who will naturally have the higher DPS? The marauder on average will have the higher DPS because they don't have a non DPS spec with low DPS averaged into the equation.

What kind of idiocy is that?


They determine highest DPS class by taking damage logs (which they do have on their side) from raiding guilds, parsing damage and seeing what players (and thus classes) are at the top.


Them stating marauders and snipers are the highest DPS means that in every fight currently in game, either a marauder or sniper holds the top DPS spots (likely varying by how melee friendly each fight is).


If you still don't understand how they can determine this information, I suggest you browse a site like http://worldoflogs.com/ to see how much information a combat log parse can give.

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Then give me the option to tank then in one of my marauder tree's and make every advanced class capable of filling 2 roles. If you don't think that that is a major advantage to being a juggernaut...


you know what **** it this is so profoundly stupid...


Level 10 Imperial Fleet-> Advanced class trainer-> You sit there and you read both tree's and you read juggernaut you think yeah it can DPS and it can tank that'll be handy. (atleast I did when I read it.) Then you read the marauder tree and think you know what I am going to be a specialist class, I am not going to tank, I am only going to DPS but I am going to do that extremely well. (atleast that's what I thought when I read it.)


Nowhere in that entire train of thought when I was choosing my advanced class did I think, " You know what I am going roll a marauder so that every 5 minutes I can give my party +15% damage." And I guarantee that that thought never entered anyone else mind either.


And Further if there was an advanced class in this game that could do nothing but tank then yes it damned well should be the very best tank in the game by a slight margin same thing with a healing class.


So yes there needs to be a hybrid tax nothing extreme but 5% for those classes that can only fill 1 role seems completely reasonable.


Ah, ok. Now I understand your argument.


When you picked your AC, without doing any other research other than read the descriptions, you THOUGHT you were picking the WTFPWNBBQ dps class, and that therefore because you believed that, you are now entitled to do more damage, regardless of your skill, than somebody who read developer comments all the way through beta which claimed that all dps classes would be about equal.


Got it. Thanks for clarifying.

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Well based off several Council fights, where the Marauder and myself (Juggy DPS) had the same 100k hp mob, I would say Marauder can do slightly more damage, but not really enough to be noticeable.


We have exactly the same gear (all rakata with columi implants) and in the two fights where I watched to see who finished first, we tied once, then he beat me by about 3 seconds.


That's fine by me, I have no problem with any of the content including Nightmare mode. I have slightly better survivability (19k hp plus saber ward means I am one of the last alive when everything goes to hell) , plus an armor debuff that benefits the entire raid (awesome in 16man).


what spec do you run?

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what spec do you run?


Has to be vengence.


I run vengence but i havent had a proper test. I am planning to take a better look next time i do council, but i am always first killing my mob, seing as i kill the juggernaut one with less hp.


I then have to run to the middle of the room to be able to target the marauder that is on the opposite end. I compared to an assassin next to me last time and he still had more than the extra hp the mob had to go. Hes not a good comparison in skill terms though.

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In my guild its standard thinking that Mara dps is far better than Jug Dps. To be honest this seems based on feelings and no hard evidence.


Today in guild chat there erupted a argument once again on this much debated subject but this time with a twist.


Our Dps Jug said fine,he was done arguing and would freely admit that indeed the Mara was out-damaging him by up to 15%.


Then he asked if this meant that the Mara should be Nerfed to be more inline with the other dps AC or if the Jug was going to get a buff to put him on the same level?


This caused the entire thing to suddenly take on a new level of debate and a lot of things were said I had never heard before.


What do you guys think? If you take it for granted that indeed Mara Dps is greater than Jug Dps by 15% then what does that mean for the AC's?


*Edited to change to Mara!:D


Sounds like an ex-wow guild.


SWTOR is not rift or wow. "Tank" class dps appears to be just fine, if you look at kill times (terrible I know). Without logs, there is no way to tell who does more dps.


Anyone who says different is just guessing. They may give you a ton of blah, blah, blah in an attempt to show how they are calculating comparative dps, but trust me, it's just as accurate as "blah, blah, blah."

Edited by Thankyjack
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Sounds like an ex-wow guild.


SWTOR is not rift or wow. "Tank" class dps appears to be just fine, if you look at kill times (terrible I know). Without logs, there is no way to tell who does more dps.


Anyone who says different is just guessing. They may give you a ton of blah, blah, blah in an attempt to show how they are calculating comparative dps, but trust me, it's just as accurate as "blah, blah, blah."


They can give you accurate comparisons(Per player only) with council. It's very easy to time your council from hit to kill and math out the dps.


While it isn't an accurate representation of your output for all content, it's still a good "patchwerk" fight to see your own dps in a burn fight.

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I'm getting really sick of these types of posts. We have no combat log, and a bunch of not even 50 people giving anecdotal evidence of class dps. Until there is a combat log, the closest thing we have is the Council fight in EV, and I've seen most equally skilled, equally geared juggs and marauders kill the same HP mobs in about the same time, and we don't even know if the mobs on council have the same armor rating.


As a level 50 jugg in full Rakata, I can assure you that we do plenty of dps. Marauders have some utility that is unique, but so do juggernaughts. Listing a few: intercede with huddle - (immediate movement to healers or out of aoe), saber throw, double taunt for adds, 2 sec invincible saber ward, near guarenteed crit vicious throw depending on crit from gear and talents, and finally 30% increased smash damage to name a few.


I don't want to be a marauder clone, I want to be a juggernaught, a distinct and unique class. If I have to do slightly less dps to trade for the ability to absolutely save raids and have more movement abilities, then that's absolutely fine.


Stop your WoW style QQ, it's going to ruin this game just like WoW was ruined in WoTLK. Many excellent guilds bring Jugg dps and personally as a raid leader, I prefer them over marauders for the mobility and taunts. There's more fights then you realize where having a dps that can taunt adds is very beneficial.

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When my guild was working on NM back in january (we were some of the first to down NM Soa and killed HM soa pre 1.1), we ran a number of tests on various world bosses (read: not just one) with our most geared players. I was a vengeance juggernaut for most of these tests though I did spec rage on occasion to see how it fared relative to the other specs.


It's a common myth that marauders "completely outpace" juggernaut dps. Vengeance parsed for roughly 1700 sustained DPS (I don't have access to the spreadsheet anymore sadly) and our annih marauder was at roughly 1730 DPS). Barring our snipers parses, we were the top DPS by a significant margin (we had two BH DPS that rotated, a sorc and an assassin) All of us were in well-optimized rakata gear (not fully optimized, true, but in very good shape regardless).


The net verdict was that ALL DPS Classes in the game are within 5-10% overall dps of each other. There's no reason to NOT take a vengeance juggernaut if there's room for the guy and you like him as the net DPS loss is next to nothing.

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When my guild was working on NM back in january (we were some of the first to down NM Soa and killed HM soa pre 1.1), we ran a number of tests on various world bosses (read: not just one) with our most geared players. I was a vengeance juggernaut for most of these tests though I did spec rage on occasion to see how it fared relative to the other specs.


It's a common myth that marauders "completely outpace" juggernaut dps. Vengeance parsed for roughly 1700 sustained DPS (I don't have access to the spreadsheet anymore sadly) and our annih marauder was at roughly 1730 DPS). Barring our snipers parses, we were the top DPS by a significant margin (we had two BH DPS that rotated, a sorc and an assassin) All of us were in well-optimized rakata gear (not fully optimized, true, but in very good shape regardless).


The net verdict was that ALL DPS Classes in the game are within 5-10% overall dps of each other. There's no reason to NOT take a vengeance juggernaut if there's room for the guy and you like him as the net DPS loss is next to nothing.


I'm guessing you guys had all the debuffs stacked on these guys? I was only able to pull 1340 with no cds and 1400 with them on council(not fully rakata or remodded, yet) But I'd also be missing the armor debuffs and such, it just didn't seem like the thing to cause that large of a gap.

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I'm guessing you guys had all the debuffs stacked on these guys? I was only able to pull 1340 with no cds and 1400 with them on council(not fully rakata or remodded, yet) But I'd also be missing the armor debuffs and such, it just didn't seem like the thing to cause that large of a gap.


Yeah we kept debuffs stacked, we did our best to mitigate any extra damage flow by having them use low level vendor weapons and just shoot with low-level gear to keep them up.

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Marauders are far more dps, not sure why this is still a debate.

Go to Hoth,in the heroic area over by Snowblind, there is a Champion standing there next to a chest.

Have a Marauder kill him

then have a DPS Jugg kill him after he respawns

Time both fights.


People have done this. On average, the two classes are pretty close in the timed event's I've seen. Please feel free to post yours if you disagree. and PvP screenies don't count.


For anyone who is stating that the summit discussed class DPS, could I have a link to the data? Not doubting, honestly interested. If there's a disparity, I'd like to see it.


In all honesty, the only times I see people say Mauraders out DPS Juggs is when they have NO data available other then their own opinions...which are usually fed by opinions of others. pure spiculation. I've made this statement in dozens of posts, and have yet to have someone able to feed me solid data. only anecdotal experience.


So I'm awaiting links on this information from the summit. I'd be perfectly happy to see mauraders edge ahead of juggs by a fraction. but in my play and in what i see as it pertains to real data? isn't happening.


And yes, DPS specced Juggs do great damage when played well. My jugg is one of 3 different classes i Play at high levels, and she kills just as fast as my other classes...of course, this is anecdotal expeirence (like all the other rantings in the forums), so take it with a grain of salt.


the question in this post itself can be misleading. But to answer it...if Bio sees a bad enough disparity, they will adjust. But were not dealing with a true disparity most the time, were dealing with ignorance

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If ur really still trying to figure out which dps is better u guys all need to do more homework or maybe just quit the game.


1 marauders bring the best utility / buffs compared to any other dps class in the game. Hands down and if you think otherwise your a dumb dumb.


2 marauders atleast w/ my itemization(530 melee bonusdmg) is out dpsing sins/snipers/bh full rakata geared.Ev counsil im done around 20sec ahead of everyone. The reason why is cuz we have unlimited UNLIMITED rage which means we dps 100% of the time. My normal burst rotation can net me around 15k dmg w/o dots applied. Im expected to sit on every boss 100% of the time because of my dmg output which also means im bres priority over everyone else :) except heals/tanks.


3 marauders use 2 lightsabres nuff said.


Im going to end this w/ If you wanna dps as a juggernaut **** , u guys dont bring enough utliity besides wearing heavyarmor rofl! Do wut u do best(sintanks will always be better) and tank. Why would u roll a tank class(90% tank class) and want to dps. THIS ISNT WOW you dont have 1 class doing everything good. If you really wanted to dps why roll a jugger? Did the duelwielding medium armor warrior sway ur judgement?? Thats ur fail! Also if your healers are to busy healing marauders cuz of there stupidity then thats ur healers fault for healing that retard. I take minimum dmg unless i pull threat and mitigate every nightmare boss aoe w/ cd rotations. PLAY UR CLASS RIGHT STOP BEING BAD!


Like i say to everyone that raids, dont cry cuz u cant do something better then me. You cant beat an asian at his own game. Instead adapt to ur class and play it w/o judgement.

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If ur really still trying to figure out which dps is better u guys all need to do more homework or maybe just quit the game.


1 marauders bring the best utility / buffs compared to any other dps class in the game. Hands down and if you think otherwise your a dumb dumb.


2 marauders atleast w/ my itemization(530 melee bonusdmg) is out dpsing sins/snipers/bh full rakata geared.Ev counsil im done around 20sec ahead of everyone. The reason why is cuz we have unlimited UNLIMITED rage which means we dps 100% of the time. My normal burst rotation can net me around 15k dmg w/o dots applied. Im expected to sit on every boss 100% of the time because of my dmg output which also means im bres priority over everyone else :) except heals/tanks.


3 marauders use 2 lightsabres nuff said.


Im going to end this w/ If you wanna dps as a juggernaut **** , u guys dont bring enough utliity besides wearing heavyarmor rofl! Do wut u do best(sintanks will always be better) and tank. Why would u roll a tank class(90% tank class) and want to dps. THIS ISNT WOW you dont have 1 class doing everything good. If you really wanted to dps why roll a jugger? Did the duelwielding medium armor warrior sway ur judgement?? Thats ur fail! Also if your healers are to busy healing marauders cuz of there stupidity then thats ur healers fault for healing that retard. I take minimum dmg unless i pull threat and mitigate every nightmare boss aoe w/ cd rotations. PLAY UR CLASS RIGHT STOP BEING BAD!


Like i say to everyone that raids, dont cry cuz u cant do something better then me. You cant beat an asian at his own game. Instead adapt to ur class and play it w/o judgement.


LOL --- man this guy makes me laugh

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