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It's time to end the grass/snow days...


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For all the people that don't play both imps/republic, when u call grass/snow it means we have to stop and think for a good 5-10 seconds (checking our map) on which side to backup!


It's time for everyone to learn their east/west or keep it simple right/left!


Most of us are sticking to 1 side to lvl up to 50 but sooner or later we will change from imps to republic or the other way around and i can tell you, checking your map and thinking which side is snow/grass takes a good 5-10 seconds and half the experience playing playing this game will just leave the map and it will just be the noobs left!


Trust me, i do my daily WZ on both imps/republic and its so annoying cause pvp is all about the split second! Calling snow/grass will cost a good 5-10 seconds to ppl that play both sides and cause they play both sides they are more experienced!


Can we learn our left & right or I'm I just asking for 2 much cause for some stupid reason i do many ppl in reality unable to tell the difference and it's really not that hard or is it???

Edited by pmurie
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If it takes you 5 to 10 seconds to figure out what that means and you've played civil war as much as you say you have you're just slow or have no sense of direction. With reaction time like that I'm surprised you even like to pvp.
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Its funny because we use Grass and Snow because of the disorientation caused by taking the speeder.


We don't use west and east because its subjective to where you are on the map.


Snow is always snowy, grass is always grassy.


Anyone ever been in the ship when it exploded? good times.

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I really don't see what the problem with using left / right is.


There is no grey area, there is only one left and only one right, the side you are on makes no difference.


I always used to think that until a warzone I played this afternoon, I called 'inc right' and someone responded with 'ours or theirs?' I mean, really? left is left, right is right, its not rocket science!


Left = Left speeder in ship or turn left at the land point.

Right = Right speeder on ship or turn right at the land point.


Whats difficult about it and thats far easier for everyone to understand, or at least it should be you would think!

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If it takes you 5 to 10 seconds to figure out what that means and you've played civil war as much as you say you have you're just slow or have no sense of direction. With reaction time like that I'm surprised you even like to pvp.


you noob aZShiftyZa... it's like saying go right and u have to go left when u switch from imps to republic! next u want to jump over to imps again, than left means right... have u heard of muscle memory????


lift your right hand.... i bet u left your right hand straight away... now for the next day, every couple hours tell yourself to lift your right hand but lift your left instead.... how long did it take u to lift your left instead of right, was it more than a split second which is what u need in pvp?!?!?

Edited by pmurie
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I am happy that people are calling incs at all. It doesn't take long to figure out any direction. But grass/snow is universal whether you are playing imp or pub. My only problem from switching between pub and imp is I always forget what side the enemy is going to spawn at the side turret when I play my pub. Edited by Bnol
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So... You really just said that East and West rotate depending on your position?


With respect to TOR it could easily be misinterpreted as there is no north marker on the Alderaan map (that I can remember, might be wrong) :D. Generally, the natural way of regarding East / West with no reference point is East = Right, West = Left, however you can't guarantee that some people may look on it differently.


However, Right = Right and Left = Left no matter what.

Edited by Loxion
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With respect to TOR it could easily be misinterpreted as there is no north marker on the Alderaan map (that I can remember, might be wrong) :D. Generally, the natural way of regarding East / West with no reference point is East = Left, West = Right, however you can't guarantee that some people may look on it differently.


However, Right = Right and Left = Left no matter what.


Not if you're facing the opposite way of where your ship is.


If you're on republic, facing the warzone battlefield. You say left, meaning grass side. So you call out "RUSH LEFT"


Someone on your team on the ground in the middle facing your ship, goes to the left... which is snow side. So no, right is not right and left is not left in that situation.

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Not if you're facing the opposite way of where your ship is.


If you're on republic, facing the warzone battlefield. You say left, meaning grass side. So you call out "RUSH LEFT"


Someone on your team on the ground in the middle facing your ship, goes to the left... which is snow side. So no, right is not right and left is not left in that situation.


Do people really move left / right based on their character when the call is made? I don't know, hence why I am asking, to me that would be really un-natural because the player making the call has absolutely no idea which direction his team mates are facing, therefore the call obviously has no relevance to the way they are facing.


Maybe its just me, but I never turn my character in the direction the call is made, I turn it toward the left or right turret because that, to me, is the most natural response.

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With respect to TOR it could easily be misinterpreted as there is no north marker on the Alderaan map (that I can remember, might be wrong) :D. Generally, the natural way of regarding East / West with no reference point is East = Left, West = Right, however you can't guarantee that some people may look on it differently.


However, Right = Right and Left = Left no matter what.


Any easy fix would be to have a north on the map like in WOW BGs, u never have this issue where it just ***** me when i get the Alderaan map these days! i might play late at night and i'm 2 tried to even think which way is grass & snow where i'm sure there is more than a couple ppl out there that understand where i'm coming from!

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Not if you're facing the opposite way of where your ship is.


If you're on republic, facing the warzone battlefield. You say left, meaning grass side. So you call out "RUSH LEFT"


Someone on your team on the ground in the middle facing your ship, goes to the left... which is snow side. So no, right is not right and left is not left in that situation.




psst..right and left is based on the mimi map..it never changes or turns it stays the same way.



now if you are in the middle and someone calls left and you cant figure it out within 2 seconds then the problem isnt left or right its you.

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Its funny because we use Grass and Snow because of the disorientation caused by taking the speeder.


We don't use west and east because its subjective to where you are on the map.


Snow is always snowy, grass is always grassy.


Anyone ever been in the ship when it exploded? good times.


How are cardinal directions subjective? I don't care if you are standing on your head, east is east and west is west...


Grass and snow? Jesus christ people learn how to read a map, not only will it help you in this pixel world but REAL LIFE as well. :rolleyes:

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With respect to TOR it could easily be misinterpreted as there is no north marker on the Alderaan map (that I can remember, might be wrong) :D. Generally, the natural way of regarding East / West with no reference point is East = Right, West = Left, however you can't guarantee that some people may look on it differently.


However, Right = Right and Left = Left no matter what.


No, right and left are completely subjective.



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Maybe I'm the 1% but I know where they're calling out regardless, I can get my orientation for the map no matter where I'm at, it's not difficult, if you're in mid and look out 1 side it looks like your spawn, look directly behind you it's the enemy spawn...from there you "should" be able to figure out where you need to go. If you don't have a grasp of the map by now having multiple characters in both factions you're doing it wrong. To me grass and snow is the most consistent call out. Half the people will call out right based on where they're looking from, the other half will call it out from the direction they spawned and just as many will get it wrong trying to use it in relation to where they're looking.


It comes down to you having situational awareness. If you can't do that, don't complain about call outs, learn the map better and be glad someone called out at all.

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Any easy fix would be to have a north on the map like in WOW BGs, u never have this issue where it just ***** me when i get the Alderaan map these days! i might play late at night and i'm 2 tried to even think which way is grass & snow where i'm sure there is more than a couple ppl out there that understand where i'm coming from!


Actually WoW BGs has names of locations that were easily graphically discernible. You didn't say west or east you said GM(gold mine) or LM (lumbermill) . The thing is that BW did make easily graphically discernible locations by using grass and snow around the turrets.

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Grass and Snow, is far better than the idiots who call left and right and are not referring to the map/mini-map or the turret icons on the scoreboard. Too many people call out right and left in this game relative to the current direction they are facing.


East and west are far easier to recognize, and you don't need a north marker as another poster so stupidly mentioned because your map/mini-map does not rotate with your direction.

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Grass and Snow, is far better than the idiots calling left and right and are not referring to the map/mini-map or the turret icons by the score. Too many people call out right and left in this game relative to the current direction they are facing.


East and west are far easier to recognize, and you don't need a north marker as another poster so stupidly mentioned because your map/mini-map does not rotate with your direction.


Actually, in reality yes you do because the directions North, East, South and West are all markers relative to each other, without at least one of them as a reference point it is very difficult to identify the others. If I am sitting in a room and someone tells me to point North, there is a chance that I may know, but more than likely I will have no idea because I have no other compass point to take reference from.


Having said that, I can see where you are coming from as people often accept that 'up' on a fixed map may be considered North, however that doesn't mean that everyone thinks the same way. :D

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