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Valor Cap


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If you automatically ranked up after gaining a level, it wouldn't be a cap, really.


If you are level 30, your valor is capped to rank 30 and any surplus valor goes to waste. When you reach level 31, the next valor gain will grant you rank 31 and you are able to fill your bar to just under 32 until the next level up and so on.

Edited by wtfnonamefree
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If you automatically ranked up after gaining a level, it wouldn't be a cap, really.


If you are level 30, your valor is capped to rank 30 and any surplus valor goes to waste. When you reach level 31, the next valor gain will grant you rank 31 and you are able to fill your bar to just under 32 until the next level up and so on.


It is just to prevent lvl 40s from buying BM bags. >_>

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It is to prevent people from hitting BM while leveling which would be kinda stupid if it were allowed.


"would be kinda stupid" is kinda stupid response, to be honest :-)


can you tell me what is so stupid about it?


it's not like he gets the valor for free, he plays the warzones so he should get the valor



and maybe you didn't see my whole post: he would still need to get to battlemaster rank in order to use the gear, obviously

Edited by FoxNemhauser
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It is to prevent people from hitting BM while leveling which would be kinda stupid if it were allowed.




If someone puts the time and effort into PvP why shouldn't they be able to get BM rank, the BM gear is level capped anyway (if I remember correctly, havent looked for a while) so its not like they will gain any advantage in <50 warzones.

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I can easily understand the reasoning behind capping Valor rank at 50 'till you reach char level 50. but the current system indirectly punishes anyone who devotes his/her time to PvP (meaning 60-70% of XP coming from warzones) Huge amounts of valor is lost during leveling.


Isn't BM gear Valor rank 65? you'd still need to grind 15 valor ranks to be able to buy/wear it.


A pure PvP'er would have capped valor rank 49 and would be valor 50 after his first warzone in the 50's bracket, the valor cap based on level is 100% meaningless and unfair for a pure PvP'er


I would like to impose a mechanic in PvE that restricts you from leveling ahead of your Valor rank by 2 levels. Thus you are forced to PvP to progress quickly in your chosen path.


Why can't a PvP'er at least get the advantage of early access to spending their PvP comms on stuff that will be useful for them when they reach endgame?


You get to use 4800 Comms on champ bags. any surplus. put it in lvl 46 PvP weapons or pvp adrenals/medkits. So very satisfying that I get to spend my rewards on that through 39 levels /sarcasm off


Meanwhile PvE'ers get smooth gear progression cushioned along by nice story, voice acting and so called content. Rewarded by blue/purple drops, random modables etc etc.

Edited by DaedalusV
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I can easily understand the reasoning behind capping Valor rank at 50 'till you reach char level 50. but the current system indirectly punishes anyone who devotes his/her time to PvP (meaning 60-70% of XP coming from warzones) Huge amounts of valor is lost during leveling.


I am not cricising :) but can you explain the reasoning behind it, as I can not come up with a single realistic reason why it should be that way other than to ensure that fresh 50s don't have any realistic amount of expertise. That, as far as I am concerned, is not a good reason because if someone has put the time and effort in they should be able to gear up before they reach the level.


You can do it in PvE to a degree, you can work on the money side and the system will allow you to have a base set of lvl 50 gear before you hit 50, so why can't someone who PvPs all the time have the same access to PvP gear? Even ignoring the hard cap on Valor rank, as an <50 PvPer you can't even get any Centurian gear before you are 50, which is pretty much the base level PvP gear (might be wrong here, going from memory and haven't looked at it for a while).

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I edited my post before I saw your reply. I think you will come to understand we see eye to eye on the issue, only point that differs is me wanting to protect the battlemaster title/gear so you don't get access to it until you have spent the time to grind your toon to endgame level (I'm not endorsing gear/grindbased progression, just applying the logics behind the formula)


If you get a valor rank cap @ 50 (under level 50) then pure PvP'ers have something to show for the time spent in the warzones = early access to champion gear (or w/e the lvl 50/valor 50 pvp gear is called) You get to grind yourself to an early valor 50 rating, and will be on more equal ground with the PvP'ers roaming the lvl 50 playing field when you ding 50 and get outta the little leagues.

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I edited my post before I saw your reply. I think you will come to understand we see eye to eye on the issue, only point that differs is me wanting to protect the battlemaster title/gear so you don't get access to it until you have spent the time to grind your toon to endgame level (I'm not endorsing gear/grindbased progression, just applying the logics behind the formula)


If you get a valor rank cap @ 50 (under level 50) then pure PvP'ers have something to show for the time spent in the warzones = early access to champion gear (or w/e the lvl 50/valor 50 pvp gear is called) You get to grind yourself to an early valor 50 rating, and will be on more equal ground with the PvP'ers roaming the lvl 50 playing field when you ding 50 and get outta the little leagues.


Yes, we do appear to agree in general, although I disagree on the title :p If anyone puts the time and effort in to get the valor rank they should have the title regardless of their PvE level. In essense, both a 50+ and 50- player would have done around the same amount of time / effort grind in PvP (if there was no cap) so why shouldn't both have access to the title at least. Gear is fine capped by level, otherwise it would provide an even bigger advantage to a <50 PvPer over more casual PvPers in that bracket.

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Can there be a single thing in this game without a post asking WHY IS IT THIS WAY WHY CANT IT BE THIS DIFFERENT WAY?


If grass grew more commonly on the left side of speeder paths I think there'd be people calling for left grass nerfs.

Edited by ShadowOfVey
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Can there be a single thing in this game without a post asking WHY IS IT THIS WAY WHY CANT IT BE THIS DIFFERENT WAY?


If grass grew more commonly on the left side of speeder paths I think there'd be people calling for left grass nerfs.


Welcome to MMOs

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You can only have one BM bag in your inventory so try again. You can have one Champ bag in your inventory prior to 50. I don't think you can buy 5 champs bags and then open them...I could be wrong there.


with the introduction of champion commendations people had hopes that those could be bought before reaching level 50, unfortunatelly you can't


the main issue here is that a lot of valor and warzone commendations goes to waste


after you get your champion bag and the 1000/1000, and lvl40 sets for yourself and all your companions and then the lvl46 weapons - the only thing that you can get are the pvp consumables


thanks for that, i've got 4 stacks of 15% expertise and 4 stacks of 35% heal, they would be of use to me if they did not share cooldown with biochem usables...


give something useful to buy us with those commendations while you level and wasting commendations won't be an issue (only the valor cap)

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