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Anyone else think the legacy system is stupid?


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Now the idea is nice but the way it's implemented looks like it was written by a 2 year old brain dead monkey


Legacy = family tree

Yep, that's right. chiss, human, twi'lik, rattataki, high ranking sith, independant bounty hunter, noble jedi knight, trooper.. they're all BIOLOGICALLY related...


Blood line powers

Using another classes power means you have to be related to them (does that mean decended from them? as that's the only logical way the explaination works)

So will that mean BH can use daddy SW force choke but SW can't use son BHs abilities?


Forced characters

You can't play a new race/class combination unless you've already played that race to 50 (thus possibly forcing people to play class they don't want to just to get a class/race combination they do want to play)

You can't use other classes abilities untill you've played that class to 50 (again forcing people to have to play)



Under the moto of K.I.S.S (keep it simple stupid) here's a much better option:

Each legacy level gives a legacy commendation

Legacy comendations are a global currency (ie shared by all characters on the account)

Legacy vendor has things to buy with those commendations (eg race unlocked for all calsses)

Class trainers have new 'legacy' tab where you can use legacy commendations to buy abilities (either unlocked for account or just that specific character)


Voila! people get the new stuff, the legacy levels actualy have a use, no one feels forced to do things they don't want to and everyone's happy


But wait.. hang on a minute.. that method doesn't involve mindless grinding and forcing people to play for a long time to get what they want.. :p

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Legacy = family tree

Yep, that's right. chiss, human, twi'lik, rattataki, high ranking sith, independant bounty hunter, noble jedi knight, trooper.. they're all BIOLOGICALLY related...


Wrong. They said you can be ALLIES in the legacy tree as well, no need to share blood line


Forced characters

You can't play a new race/class combination unless you've already played that race to 50 (thus possibly forcing people to play class they don't want to just to get a class/race combination they do want to play)

You can't use other classes abilities untill you've played that class to 50 (again forcing people to have to play)


Wrong again. You don't have to level any of that stuff. It's not compulsory stuff, it's just a reward for playing. And besides, you can buy those races with credits if you got enough legacy level. It was already confirmed that you can unlock most of the legacy rewards with credits and legacy level.

Edited by Veimi
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Ummm.. I do not view the Legacy as family tree..


To me the Legacy can be either a family tree as YOU believe it to be.. "Surname" option, or YOU can use the legacy title option.. which IS is not to be confused as a last name like a family.. Legacy can also be used and considered just a simple group.. Like the Pittsburg Steelers Legacy. They aren't family are they?

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Forced characters

You can't play a new race/class combination unless you've already played that race to 50 (thus possibly forcing people to play class they don't want to just to get a class/race combination they do want to play)

You can't use other classes abilities untill you've played that class to 50 (again forcing people to have to play)


This IS stupid.

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I don't want to level a Chiss IA/BH just so I can roll a Chiss Jedi/Sith. I don't want to play IA or BH at all. Guess I don't have a choice?


You do. You can farm credits and get enough legacy level so you can buy that race as available. They said that they're not forcing anyone to play alts, everything can be unlocked via credits and legacy level as well.


Lots of disinformation going around lately, especially considering legacy.

Edited by Veimi
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You do. You can farm credits and get enough legacy level so you can buy that race as available. They said that they're not forcing anyone to play alts, everything can be unlocked via credits and legacy level as well.


Lots of disinformation going around lately, especially considering legacy.

Were any prices revealed or not? Looks like mainchar-players are totally out of loving.

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Were any prices revealed or not? Looks like mainchar-players are totally out of loving.


why? afaik killing stuff at lvl 50 makes you gain legacy quicker than rolling alts all the time (given the current system, anyway)

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Personally I agree with the OP, a system where players just earned legacy "commendations" or whatever every time they gained a legacy level and then could use them to buy things they wanted would make far more sense to me.
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Were any prices revealed or not? Looks like mainchar-players are totally out of loving.


Legacy is intended to benefit alts. If you only play a level 50, and nothing else, Legacy has no effect on you and you can feel free to ignore it. Even if you ignore it, you'll still gain Legacy levels anyway such that if you ever decide you actually want to play an alt then you'll be able to take advantage of the Legacy levels you already have but were ignoring.

Edited by terminova
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Legacy is intended to benefit alts. If you only play a level 50, and nothing else, Legacy has no effect on you and you can feel free to ignore it. Even if you ignore it, you'll still gain Legacy levels anyway such that if you ever decide you actually want to play an alt then you'll be able to take advantage of the Legacy levels you already have but were ignoring.


Again, wrong. Legacy unlocks offer a great deal of benefits for your main as well including:


- In-ship post/gtn/droid upgrades

- Bonuses from finishing your companion stories including stat boosts

- New social emotes

- Mounts/titles/vanity stuff

- Quality of life boosts including shorter cooldowns to fleet pass and the shuttle call thingy (what the heck was the name?)

- "Sprint" -like ability equal to consular's force speed

- Lots of other unannouced stuff.


So if you did actually listen to the summit feed - they specifically said that Legacy is meant for all your characters, not only your alts.

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Legacy is intended to benefit alts. If you only play a level 50, and nothing else, Legacy has no effect on you and you can feel free to ignore it. Even if you ignore it, you'll still gain Legacy levels anyway such that if you ever decide you actually want to play an alt then you'll be able to take advantage of the Legacy levels you already have but were ignoring.




Well actually it seem more like DDO where you level a character up to "earn" something, then delete (or in that case cashing it in) the character to them be able to play the character you want.


If you want a Sith Jedi, your original main Jedi and the Sith toon you level to get it will effectively be worthless and with the number of character slots, people that are really serious about this will inevitably end up deleting L50 toon. :eek:


Which I'm not sure is a good thing for Bioware, because although it opens up a huge grind to people (to keep subs) equally it's going to put a lot of people off (and lose subs).





I think perhaps they need to look at a more user friendly way to please those that will casually grind Legacy and those that will hardcore it.

Edited by Goretzu
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For those sayig legacy is not a biological family tree




"Game Director at BioWare James Ohlen provided plenty of detail"


"Specifically, they'll let you set up a family tree, where you can arrange your characters and earn bonuses."


"Do you wish your Bounty Hunter could shoot Force lightning? After 1.2, if you relate the Bounty Hunter to a level 50 Inquisitor, it'll be possible,"


"In the future, it may be possible for players to fuse their Legacy systems and marry others, but that's far from final. At least for 1.2, only your characters can be slotted in the Legacy family trees. "


That interview makes it obvious that in order to get the legacy bonuses your characters have to be related as part of a family tree.

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For those sayig legacy is not a biological family tree




"Game Director at BioWare James Ohlen provided plenty of detail"


"Specifically, they'll let you set up a family tree, where you can arrange your characters and earn bonuses."


"Do you wish your Bounty Hunter could shoot Force lightning? After 1.2, if you relate the Bounty Hunter to a level 50 Inquisitor, it'll be possible,"


"In the future, it may be possible for players to fuse their Legacy systems and marry others, but that's far from final. At least for 1.2, only your characters can be slotted in the Legacy family trees. "


That interview makes it obvious that in order to get the legacy bonuses your characters have to be related as part of a family tree.


Q: Will there be a way to copy and paste chat logs? Will there be ways to include characters in a Legacy as not blood related?

A: Yes, you can add allies, step-son, adopted children, etc.


Source: http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/19973-guild-summit-stream-live-blog/page-7

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I love the idea of legacy system, if i manage to level a sith warrior to 50 i can unlock pureblood as a race for other characters and i unlock force choke meaning my smuggler can just be unbelievably ******. and if I don't bother with the sith warrior I can just have a normal smuggler, its a good reward system for playing characters to 50. i'm actually looking forward to seeing what all the different class heroic abilities for legacy will be :)
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Q: Will there be a way to copy and paste chat logs? Will there be ways to include characters in a Legacy as not blood related?

A: Yes, you can add allies, step-son, adopted children, etc.


Source: http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/19973-guild-summit-stream-live-blog/page-7


and according to ""Do you wish your Bounty Hunter could shoot Force lightning? After 1.2, if you relate the Bounty Hunter to a level 50 Inquisitor, it'll be possible,"" non blood related will NOT get the legacy bonuses


The whole point of the legacy system is to open up things for other characters, what's the point in adding them as non blood related if they will not get those bonuses? You may as well have a piece of paper on your desk saying "these characters are fwends"

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and according to ""Do you wish your Bounty Hunter could shoot Force lightning? After 1.2, if you relate the Bounty Hunter to a level 50 Inquisitor, it'll be possible,"" non blood related will NOT get the legacy bonuses


The whole point of the legacy system is to open up things for other characters, what's the point in adding them as non blood related if they will not get those bonuses? You may as well have a piece of paper on your desk saying "these characters are fwends"


The point is that you said it's not possible. I proved you wrong. Anything else is unconfirmed or just esthetics. Where's your quote about BW giving info about "Legacy ally bonuses" ?


Could you also edit your first post because it's clearly spreading misinformation.

Edited by Veimi
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I see a lot of people seem to like the legacy stuff, so I'm probably a minority when I say: Nope. To me, it is just a disguised mechanic to get you to play more by levelling up an alt. Using carrots on a stick to lure you. As opposed to fun experiences.


The MMO genre is becoming more and more about the carrot. They even had to put in datacrons (carrots) to lure you to explore. Don't think it is to 'reward' you. Rewards for these sorts of things are intrinsic. They are lures to the point where people log on the internet and research locations and then, like a sub-routine, initiate completion by travelling from planet to planet getting the datacrons.


People clamor to do a flashpoint, rush through it not talking with others, like some robotized experience.


It's all about the grind now.


I get that there needs to be incentives, but adding more layers of it just makes the total experience less fun and more work feeling for me.


I see the legacy system as another layer of this. Veiled under some hood of coolness, when it's really just giving you perks for completing grinding elements that keeps you playing.. and paying.

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