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Power or Crit crystals?


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With the higher end crystals becoming available from the fleet vendor would we as Sentinels be looking at 2 blue or purple power crystals or is one power and one crit a better option?

Currently still leveling as Combat but may change to Watchman but I dont think the stats change either way.

Just wanted to get some stuff for 50 now while its available.


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Ideally, have a balance of both.


As for which crystal to buy, I'd get the crit because it seems that there is a lot of acc/pwr on other gear.


To be clear though, the generally accepted stat priority for all Sentinels is power > surge > crit.




From this thread, a very clear explanation of stat priority:


[...]you will want a 'certain amount' of Critical/Surge/Accuracy and then all out Power.


Accuracy : ~95% (does not really help to stack this higher really for pvp, any lower however and you may get misses, for PvE go 98%)


Critical : around 400 points of +Critical is good, can do with less but more would probably be too hit with Diminishing Returns to be worth it.


Surge : around 150-200 points, as above, more is probably too hit with Diminished returns, and this should net you about 70% which is where you want to aim for.


Power : no diminishing returns, this is what you want to optimise as much as possible after the above stats are satisfied.




Watchman spec in pvp can focus stats to make the most of zen bursts at the expense of overall survivability. This is a personal preference but this would entail ignoring Critical completely and favouring Surge/Power.


Combat spec, can build accuracy further for more offhand hits and thus more Ataru procs although in my experimenting it is hard to say if this is worth it over the stat priority above.

Edited by Keja
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That depends a whole lot on a lot of things. What are your primarily specced as right now, in terms of your mods? I'm not a big fan, only my view, of balancing between the two. MMO's to include this one, tend to reward focusing in on a core focus. Its the reason while a variety of stats benefit a given class, all classes have a dominant stat. If you evenly spread, then you dont become dominant in either.


The general thought is Power ='s sustained DPS, wherein Crit ='s burst DPS. As a Focus Spec Sent, all heavily crit and strength based gear, my burst is insane already, at level 44 but my sustained and my HP suffer some. I can solo most any gold elite these days with ease, up to say 28K HP, due to Force Exhaustion/Stasis combos plugged into sweeps and pummels; they drop very rapidly. But if the fight does go super long, my returns diminish. Silver drops like butter and adds, I either one shot kill, two shots max. I popped my first 2500 crit with my pummel strike, oddly enough, at level 42. I popped my first 2500 and 3000 crit for sweeps at my current level, which as stated, is 44. All that said, my health is only 10K (Ive seen many at 12-13K at my level) and if Im not using Doc, which I often dont, my health may drop down to 25% on the tougher fights. On silvers, a solo silver, I may loose 10% health on silvers my level. Blah blah blah. My point is, Im fully in on one focus, which is the Focus tree under the umbrella off playing to that spec's natural strength, which is massive AOE burst damage.


I would pick what floats your boat the most, in terms of playing style and then go all in on that one thing, in my view. Its what Ive had the most fun with.

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Depends on your spec. As I'm focus specced, I already have a 100% crit chance on Force Sweep, and that's pretty much all I need, so for me, Power is the obvious choice.


However, crit can also be viable for the other two specs. I'd say balance them out if you are Watchman or Combat, and focus on Power if you are Focus.

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Thanks guys for the help, power does look inviting as I'am Combat but thinking about changing to Watchman on my Sentinel.


As I'am leveling these crystals are for when I hit 50 so I can mod around them so to speak as I get higher up.


I was going to go one crit and one power but like it was stated its best not to go even board and better to delve into one.


I can go for crit mods if thats where I'am falling down then but I guess you can never have enough grunt to back you up.

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I want to buy one of the white crystals for my Watchman sentinel. How harmful would it be to go with the +31 crit for my offhand as opposed to a +41?


I'm going to say a harmfulness of 10 crit.

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Power would be the better imo, it's hard to get pure power as a choice.


And stating things like "Get 400 or so points of crit" is a bit wrong, as the value of crit is highly dependant on your strength level. Someone with 1000 strength will probably need more crit points than someone with say 1800...

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sweet spot for watchmen sents is 25% base crit, then throw everything into power. by the math its the best damage.


no i will not show the math because it wouldn't be understood by the people here.


or you just don't want to post it because you're a dick/don't care enough.

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or you just don't want to post it because you're a dick/don't care enough.


It's Hizoka. He's a just a parrot who tries to sound smart. He read the stats breakdown on SW but he wouldn't be able to explain his way out of a wet paper bag.


P.S. Dude thought you could shutdown Ops bosses by interrupting them. Prime example of what a nubcake he is.



Edited by PantsOn
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It's Hizoka. He's a just a parrot who tries to sound smart. He read the stats breakdown on SW but he wouldn't be able to explain his way out of a wet paper bag.


P.S. Dude thought you could shutdown Ops bosses by interrupting them. Prime example of what a nubcake he is.




LOL. Funny thing is, for the first few posts - I thought he actually had some backing to his childish rants... then I realized he's just in troll mode all the damn time.

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Power would be the better imo, it's hard to get pure power as a choice.


And stating things like "Get 400 or so points of crit" is a bit wrong, as the value of crit is highly dependant on your strength level. Someone with 1000 strength will probably need more crit points than someone with say 1800...


Generally when people are asking about the finer points of gearing they mean in an end game setting. Tier and PvP pieces are going to have a certain baseline amount of strength, and you're really choosing what auxiliary stats you want.


The true answer is to get crit/surge until you start hitting diminishing returns, and then stack power. Go to Sithwarrior.com for the breakdowns if you want to see the math. It also depends on how you play. If you're a Watchman and you use Zen all the time, power will obviously be of more use to you. If, however, you're constantly using the group buffs then you'll want your healthy dose of crit/surge.

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As watchman ive basically attempted to drop my crit enhancements as much as possible. Ive been stripping my power / accuracy out of my rakata and putting in the smuggs power / surge enhancement from the champion helm.


stats look roughly like this -


str 1650

crit 26%

crit multi 76.5%


cant really remember my power rating atm, but its gives me about 110 bonus damage when i hover over.

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