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Sorc/Sage Friendly Pull


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I'm not saying I havent been on both ends of the rescue ability, as I have. I've seen both the benefits and the detriments of it being used in huttball. The fact remains that it still ruins the dynamic of huttball as a competitive game. It removes the skill involved in setting up passes and replaces that with chains of rescues. Huttball is ENTIRELY a comp dependant gametype, and that's my problem with it.


EDIT: And yes, the Sin/Shadow pull ability is exclusive to their respective tanking trees.


You can replace every "rescue" in this post and replace it with "leap" or "charge" and your argument still wouldn't be valid.

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You can replace every "rescue" in this post and replace it with "leap" or "charge" and your argument still wouldn't be valid.


Saying my arguement isn't valid without providing any evidence to prove it wrong. Your argument is invalid.

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Is what skilled player will like, huttball is about teamplay and skill... and of course a little about gear

Voidstar and expecially Alderaan are mostly about gear and a decent team with 2 healers

but that count for huttball also


Huttball has nothing to do with skill, that's why so many games open with a 2-3 fast point lead then turn into deathmatch.

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There, I fixed it for you.


Seriously, kill the sage/sorc standing on the very top /dancing waiting for the ball carrier to get into range.... or, have someone grapple when they get the rescue.


You didn't fix anything, and you didn't read my post on the problem with grapple being the supposed 'cure all' for rescue. One is resolve dependant, the other isn't.

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Originally Posted by buubz

I'm not saying I havent been on both ends of the rescue ability, as I have. I've seen both the benefits and the detriments of it being used in huttball. The fact remains that it still ruins the dynamic of huttball as a competitive game. It removes the skill involved in setting up passes and replaces that with chains of rescues. Huttball is ENTIRELY a comp dependant gametype, and that's my problem with it.


EDIT: And yes, the Sin/Shadow pull ability is exclusive to their respective tanking trees.


What you said is absurd 'cause rescue work as pass it makes the ball go there so to pull you a sage should be were you can pass, just is activated by the sage and not by the ballkeeper

the only difference is that with pull the guy is alongside you and the ballkeeper still keep the ball

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I find it funny that people spend so much time qqing about sorc pulls. News flash, don't let the sorc lead far ahead for a pull. Kill them, knock them off you have things to do. It's totally counterable if you think ahead. Is it a powerful tool? Yes. Is it unbeatbale? No.
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The best huttball game I saw was where the team setup a "pass chain".


1) Pop, pass to catwalk, pass to pit, pass to endfield - score 1.

2) Pop, pass to catwalk, pass to pit, pass to endfield - score 2.

3) Pop, pass to catwalk, pass to pit, pass to endfield - score 3.

4) Pop, pass to catwalk, pass to pit, pass to endfield - score 4.

5) Pop, pass to catwalk, pass to pit, pass to endfield - score 5.

6) Pop, pass to catwalk, pass to pit, pass to endfield - score 6. Done.


All in under 2 and a half minutes.


Just have three people in the pit, three in the endfield, one on the catwalk and one where the ball spawns. It's even faster then the speed hack people are using when done correctly.


Anyway - all of this to say - should they not allow people to pass the ball? Hutts don't have feet, we know this, but their arms can't be much help either! :p

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And Jedi/Warriors can jump. Who frikkin cares? At least a friendly pull takes some setup and skill. Don't like it? Look for the sorc/sages around ledges and knock them off.


There's nothing wrong with pulling. It's especially helpful if thee ball carrier is a... 'special' person.

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What you said is absurd 'cause rescue work as pass it makes the ball go there so to pull you a sage should be were you can pass, just is activated by the sage and not by the ballkeeper

the only difference is that with pull the guy is alongside you and the ballkeeper still keep the ball


So it's intrinsically better than pass, by your own words. It's impossible to intercept, like a pass is, and it puts you right next to your teammate, wherever that may be.

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And Jedi/Warriors can jump. Who frikkin cares? At least a friendly pull takes some setup and skill. Don't like it? Look for the sorc/sages around ledges and knock them off.


There's nothing wrong with pulling. It's especially helpful if thee ball carrier is a... 'special' person.


Not all classes have knockbacks, although it may seem that way. For example Pyrotechs/Vanguards have no knockback ability. Some see the grapple as an equivalent to a knockback, but it's very far from that.

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the best huttball game i saw was where the team setup a "pass chain".


1) pop, pass to catwalk, pass to pit, pass to endfield - score 1.

2) pop, pass to catwalk, pass to pit, pass to endfield - score 2.

3) pop, pass to catwalk, pass to pit, pass to endfield - score 3.

4) pop, pass to catwalk, pass to pit, pass to endfield - score 4.

5) pop, pass to catwalk, pass to pit, pass to endfield - score 5.

6) pop, pass to catwalk, pass to pit, pass to endfield - score 6. Done.


All in under 2 and a half minutes.


Just have three people in the pit, three in the endfield, one on the catwalk and one where the ball spawns. It's even faster then the speed hack people are using when done correctly.


Anyway - all of this to say - should they not allow people to pass the ball? Hutts don't have feet, we know this, but their arms can't be much help either! :p


omg!!! Nerf catwalk!!!!

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So it's intrinsically better than pass, by your own words. It's impossible to intercept, like a pass is, and it puts you right next to your teammate, wherever that may be.


yes it's better, didn't deny that but it's not unfair 'cause of sorceror efforts to get in place

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I can't use pulls or charges myself. My Commando's more of a tank-healer, slow-walk-to-the-endzone character. But I love that pulls, leaps and speed boosts are part of the game. I'd rather have an unpredictable and varied scenario than one that's perfectly balanced.
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The best huttball game I saw was where the team setup a "pass chain".


1) Pop, pass to catwalk, pass to pit, pass to endfield - score 1.

2) Pop, pass to catwalk, pass to pit, pass to endfield - score 2.

3) Pop, pass to catwalk, pass to pit, pass to endfield - score 3.

4) Pop, pass to catwalk, pass to pit, pass to endfield - score 4.

5) Pop, pass to catwalk, pass to pit, pass to endfield - score 5.

6) Pop, pass to catwalk, pass to pit, pass to endfield - score 6. Done.


All in under 2 and a half minutes.


Just have three people in the pit, three in the endfield, one on the catwalk and one where the ball spawns. It's even faster then the speed hack people are using when done correctly.


Anyway - all of this to say - should they not allow people to pass the ball? Hutts don't have feet, we know this, but their arms can't be much help either! :p


I've been part of chains like this. When it works, it is an absolute blast.

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I find it funny that people spend so much time qqing about sorc pulls. News flash, don't let the sorc lead far ahead for a pull. Kill them, knock them off you have things to do. It's totally counterable if you think ahead. Is it a powerful tool? Yes. Is it unbeatbale? No.


Like I've said before, there are 3 pathes people may take when attacking, now as great as your solution sounds on paper, it's much harder to apply in an actual game. Also, I never said it was an unbeatable strategy, we've won games against teams that employ multiple uses of rescue, but they've been very sloppy with their execution and lost because of it. I'm not asking for the removal of the skill in any way shape or form, just asking for some way to regulate it's usage.

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Not all classes have knockbacks, although it may seem that way. For example Pyrotechs/Vanguards have no knockback ability. Some see the grapple as an equivalent to a knockback, but it's very far from that.


True, they don't. but they can spec an uppercut. They can also kill the sage/sorc. But that is beside the point. It shouldn't be up to THOSE guys to do this. They are carriers. The sage/sorc, ops/smugs and marauders should be dealing with these guys.

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So it's intrinsically better than pass, by your own words. It's impossible to intercept, like a pass is, and it puts you right next to your teammate, wherever that may be.


Yup, and about half a second later you have a Knight and a couple troopers using force jump and charge to get to the new spot. Or a Trooper or shaddow pulls them right back. What is the problem?

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I can't use pulls or charges myself. My Commando's more of a tank-healer, slow-walk-to-the-endzone character. But I love that pulls, leaps and speed boosts are part of the game. I'd rather have an unpredictable and varied scenario than one that's perfectly balanced.


I agreed with you until your last sentence, but I respect your opinion on the matter. I also agree with you and the poster you quoted on about being part of passing chains, as I think that's the essence of skilled huttball play. There's a chance for failure in passes though as they can be intercepted, and have travel time for people to adjust. This chance for failure isn't present in rescue however, which is my problem.

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Yup, and about half a second later you have a Knight and a couple troopers using force jump and charge to get to the new spot. Or a Trooper or shaddow pulls them right back. What is the problem?


That one of the things you mentioned is resolve dependant and the other isn't.

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True, they don't. but they can spec an uppercut. They can also kill the sage/sorc. But that is beside the point. It shouldn't be up to THOSE guys to do this. They are carriers. The sage/sorc, ops/smugs and marauders should be dealing with these guys.


Wrong, that's a commando/mercenary only talent.

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I agreed with you until your last sentence, but I respect your opinion on the matter. I also agree with you and the poster you quoted on about being part of passing chains, as I think that's the essence of skilled huttball play. There's a chance for failure in passes though as they can be intercepted, and have travel time for people to adjust. This chance for failure isn't present in rescue however, which is my problem.


you can make that rescue immediatly triggers a pass to the one that pulls from the place he were before he was pulled so it can be intercepted etc

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You're supposed to keep the enemy out of that area so they can't pull people to advantageous spots to begin with. If a sorc manages to make it to a place where pulling the ball carrier to him would be advantageous, knock the sorc off the ledge, pull him away with grapple/force pull, or at least harass him (but please don't just run up to him and melee on the catwalk when the ball carrier is a jugg or something, because then he'll leap to you and I'll have to read a thread about how unfair it was).


Huttball is not about making a big dogpile on the ball carrier and comparing your team's dps on the carrier to their ability to heal him and kill you first.



These complaints are the equivalent to a football team sending their entire team to rush the quarterback as soon as the ball is snapped...then complaining when he passes it and the receiver scores. You need awareness of the entire enemy team, especially when they have the ball, and not just the guy with the big light coming out of him.



Series of offensive leaps and friendly pulls leading to quick scores require a series of minor misjudgements from players on the team. Rather than complain that it wasn't fair that the team scored because your team didn't have situational awareness, do something about it instead.

Edited by ShadowOfVey
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You're supposed to keep the enemy out of that area so they can't pull people to advantageous spots to begin with. If a sorc manages to make it to a place where pulling the ball carrier to him would be advantageous, knock the sorc off the ledge, pull him away with grapple/force pull, or at least harass him.


Huttball is not about making a big dogpile on the ball carrier and comparing your team's dps on the carrier to their ability to heal him and kill you first.



These complaints are the equivalent to a football team sending their entire team to rush the quarterback as soon as the ball is snapped...then complaining when he passes it and the receiver scores. You need awareness of the entire enemy team, especially when they have the ball, and not just the guy with the big light coming out of him.



Series of offensive leaps and friendly pulls leading to quick scores require a series of minor misjudgements from players on the team. Rather than complain that it wasn't fair that the team scored because your team didn't have situational awareness, do something about it instead.


So by your logic, a team full of players with leaps/pulls vs. a team without them, they should be an even match by tactics alone. I find that very hard to believe.

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