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Compensate BM and above post 1.2


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I posted it in another thread before but I think it deserves another thread by itself.


I can understand why people will be outraged from this change. There are pvpers out there that actually got their valour legit and suffered through countless rng bags to get their bm gear.


With the incoming changes, the time investment made is pretty much a complete write off.


I can't imagine what I would say if fresh 50 raiders were getting T2 raid gear by just wiping, after the countless bugs and wipes I had with Soa.


If they had this approach from the start, then no worries... the problem is that BW's pvp structure till now has been gear vs gear and it is not pvpers fault. By switching it this way, might improve future competition but its totally gimped the people who actually earned their gear.


I think it would be wise if current BM and above get some kind of compensation for it (ie unique title, fancy colour crystal, new mount, pet etc..) when 1.2 comes out.


If you agree sign here.

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I think it would be wise if current BM and above get some kind of compensation for it (ie unique title, fancy colour crystal, new mount, pet etc..) when 1.2 comes out.


Let me get this straight,


You think since you have played 2 months just like alot of us, and you grinded PvP more than the new batch of people, and now cause of this patch you think you deserve a "I am sorry compensation prize"?


Are we stroking a ego here?


I think we are.


Let me just say that games evolve, and players evolve with games. Just because "you" think you deserve more, does not mean new players deserve less.


I have spoken.

Edited by Caeliux
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Doing this to placate all the angry, angry, self entitled people that feel that just because they spend a lot of time in a game their achievements should be lasting forever?


Why not just petition bioware to release a commemorative plaque with all the names of the people that have BM gear before the patch, they would have to write the names in REALLY tiny letters of course.


Then all the windbags would have something to show the world that THEY spent more time getting their digital game content than all of these new posers. =p

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I did PVP because I wanted to PVP. I got battlemaster and then I got battlemaster gear. Throughout this I have continued to PVP.


I have already received my reward for the "work" I put in, seriously btw shouldn't you have been having "fun"?


I could support your idea on one condition; you must delete all your BM gear today and cannot use any before 1.2.

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First come the Players complaining that they can't compete against the BM's, and that it's just a gear grind, and that they're gonna /unsub and tell all their friends to too. Then you get the BM's complaining about the RNG Bag system and the mythical 1:4 drop rate that noone actually experiences to that ratio. Now comes the complaining that it's too easy to get to Valor 60 post patch, and that the BM's that got it before now deserve some manner of reward for it lol.


Congratulations to all the pre 1.1.5 BM's, you done good.


Artificers can complain about the crystals, cybertechs can complain about the speeders, everyone can just complain, complain, complain. It's a game, it (like all other MMO's) changes over time, in 6 months noone's gonna care how so and so got BM rank, including massive gains exploiting on Ilum (*cough, cough*) lol. At some point they'll increase Valor gains again, will we complain more then? Stop playing now if you think something you've done thus far deserves some manner of accolade. The game is still new, go play it.

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I was BM pre ilum Valor Farming.


I am Special. I deserve lots!


I deserve compensation for attaining the very very minor upgrade that is hardly noticeable in gear now that others can get the same minor upgrade and wonder what is wrong with itemization just like I did.




I stopped wearing PvP Titles a long time ago (minus for vids I crappily make) People know my name on my server in Warzones for what I can do, that's what matters more to me than a Battlemaster or War Hero title.

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Let me get this straight,


You think since you have played 2 months just like alot of us, and you grinded PvP more than the new batch of people, and now cause of this patch you think you deserve a "I am sorry compensation prize"?


Are we stroking a ego here?


I think we are.


Let me just say that games evolve, and players evolve with games. Just because "you" think you deserve more, does not mean new players deserve less.


I have spoken.


So want want all new players to have tier 2 raid gear by running story mode?


I did PVP because I wanted to PVP. I got battlemaster and then I got battlemaster gear. Throughout this I have continued to PVP.


I have already received my reward for the "work" I put in, seriously btw shouldn't you have been having "fun"?


I could support your idea on one condition; you must delete all your BM gear today and cannot use any before 1.2.


Done.. sort of.. since I don't have a BM char


I want BW to acknowledge that they made meal out the current pvp and to compensate those people who got screwed over by playing the game as intended.

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With the incoming changes, the time investment made is pretty much a complete write off.


Well, I would expect that the time investment has made you a "better" PVPer through practice. So even when they level the playing field with gear, you will still have an advantage over a "new 50".


I mean, you wouldn't possibly be trying to suggest that you're not better than a new 50, right?

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Let me get this straight,


You think since you have played 2 months just like alot of us, and you grinded PvP more than the new batch of people, and now cause of this patch you think you deserve a "I am sorry compensation prize"?


Are we stroking a ego here?


I think we are.


Let me just say that games evolve, and players evolve with games. Just because "you" think you deserve more, does not mean new players deserve less.


I have spoken.



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I do agree that the rng is complete ****, and I can see how someone who grinded for countless hours to get something would be mad if that thing was now made easier to get...


But If you have a full BM set at this point, you still have an advantage over all other players. Grats, you earned your BM set (either legit or ilum exploit, who really knows), you now can pwn all noobs at the speed of light.


The only difference now is that is is quicker to BECOME a BM. Gear is only slighly easier to aquire now since you are able to purchse BM tokens (for about 60 games worth of commendations :/). There's still the same **** rng and you'll be getting a whopping 1 extra BM token a week with the new system (assuming you have a moderate amount of free time). So the gear progression still isn't much better.


Being someone who was BM before 1.1.5, I really don't care that they made it easier to get to BM now... because I'm already there, what do I care? If anything, it's good, now I can get my alt to BM more quickly and start getting champ gear for her faster.

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By switching it this way, might improve future competition but its totally gimped the people who actually earned their gear





I just want to point out that nobody is gimped when you already have the highest tier of available gear. There aren't any changes to the gear, just the way it is obtained. It might be a bit of a bummer that it will be much easier for new 50s to gear up, but at the same time everybody will have that same opportunity from this point forward. You really want me to believe that you would like to spend all that time grinding on another character if you decided to roll a different class/faction? Let me answer that question for you... No, you wouldn't.

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I do agree that the rng is complete ****, and I can see how someone who grinded for countless hours to get something would be mad if that thing was now made easier to get...


But If you have a full BM set at this point, you still have an advantage over all other players. Grats, you earned your BM set (either legit or ilum exploit, who really knows), you now can pwn all noobs at the speed of light.


The only difference now is that is is quicker to BECOME a BM. Gear is only slighly easier to aquire now since you are able to purchse BM tokens (for about 60 games worth of commendations :/). There's still the same **** rng and you'll be getting a whopping 1 extra BM token a week with the new system (assuming you have a moderate amount of free time). So the gear progression still isn't much better.


Being someone who was BM before 1.1.5, I really don't care that they made it easier to get to BM now... because I'm already there, what do I care? If anything, it's good, now I can get my alt to BM more quickly and start getting champ gear for her faster.


You just said exactly what I was thinking when I typed my response above.

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