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So I tried to tell my wife...


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Trying to meet a girl and telling her about the 75+ hours a week you are gaming with your friends will not result in a favorable outcome (99.99999% of the time).




I have nothing against gamers but my previous bf was one that would organize a whole starcraft weekend with his buddies turning the whole living room into his personal gamershall and wants me out of the house because "I did not understand".


Ow I sure would understand he loves to game, I never understood why the house would have had to be turned into a personal LAN party every weekend.

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I truly wished it worked this way at my house. My wife is a lost cause when it comes to gaming. Unfortunately she thinks this game along with every other mmo that i've played are stupid.


She might have a point tho. MMO's aren't really the thinking man's type of game. :mon_trap:

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Although we are no longer together my previous girlfriend played many MMOs with me, and although we had several competitive issues at times (which was mild really), we got on real well. We actually met in an MMO and got together in real life, and although we are no longer together, we are close friends and do talk every week.


Gaming with her, watching her own noobs in PvP was great honestly.


If ever I do get with another girl, if she doesn't game, it isn't happening. In fact I've had several moments like that and I have just stepped away.


My gaming is too much for a non-gamer, I am responsibly aware of this :p



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If ever I do get with another girl, if she doesn't game, it isn't happening. In fact I've had several moments like that and I have just stepped away.


My gaming is too much for a non-gamer, I am responsibly aware of this :p



I agree... only exchange the girl for a guy. If I'm dating a non-gamer, I feel really guilty for ignoring/neglecting him or I'm counting the minutes before it's polite enough for me to leave and log in. It's a sickness.

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Not all girls hate gamers. I think the issue is that a lot of girls are unaware of the differences between a casual gamer and an addicted gamer. No girl wants to know at the start of a relationship that she will ALWAYS take second place to an Op, Raid, FP, WZ, mission, etc. If you start dating someone and take her out places and show her that you are capable of an IRL relationship, mentioning that you also happen to play videogames will not be an issue.


Trying to meet a girl and telling her about the 75+ hours a week you are gaming with your friends will not result in a favorable outcome (99.99999% of the time).


True that LOL.

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I have nothing against gamers but my previous bf was one that would organize a whole starcraft weekend with his buddies turning the whole living room into his personal gamershall and wants me out of the house because "I did not understand".


Ow I sure would understand he loves to game, I never understood why the house would have had to be turned into a personal LAN party every weekend.


Women... If you spent the whole weekend drinking and dancin they complain..

If you stay home the whole weekend and remain under surveliance of the female with all the other husbands in the area, then they also complain :S

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Women... If you spent the whole weekend drinking and dancin they complain..

If you stay home the whole weekend and remain under surveliance of the female with all the other husbands in the area, then they also complain :S



They complain because the man dont pay attention to them. Hell you can drink/game/do whatever all weekend as long as you include me in it.....Im more then just a pretty wall flower..

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I usually roll 1 male toon, then all my alts are female. I just can't stand looking at a dudes butt all the time. :)


I 2nd this post!


I'm a guy and I'd say about 90% of my toons in all MMOs I've played have been female. Exception being UO but thats only because you actually look down(ish) at the toon.






Kinda joking...



LF Girl Gamer who lives in Illinois or southern Wisconsin ages 28-38.

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I've been married to a gamer now (the same one) for 11 years, together for more. He was the one who got me to try MMOs (I was an old fashioned pen and paper RPG girl growing up).


If your partner does not feel that s/he is important to you, if you spend hours arranging instance runs while neglecting to arrange a date night (or relying only on them to do it)--there's going to be a problem. If you blow off intimacy to "finish one more thing" too many times, there's going to be a problem. If you allow your irritation at loot ninjas/frustrating content/some idiot who messed up your raid to boil over to being snappish and sulky with your partner for the rest of the day because you're still butthurt over it, then that's going to be a problem. Of course any of that is going to happen SOMETIMES (hey it happens with work/school/life too!) but if it's a habit--that's something to look at. Many gamers (men in particular, but that's probably because I know more gamer guys than gals) tend to sweep all of that under the rug and just think it's all about their partner 'not getting it'.


I think most of the time when people complain about gaming in a relationship (from either side) it's because they're avoiding the real issue, it's more convenient to push it off on a computer game (or the fact that someone just 'doesn't understand gamers') instead of really making sure that they are treating each other well and have the maturity to negotiate and ask for what they need.


I really honestly do not care that my hubby has been staying up until 2+ AM every day for almost the last week to get his ME3 on. :D But that is because he still pays attention to me each day (even if he is adorably edging towards the computer), he still is keeping up with household responsibilities, and I know without a shadow of a doubt that if I were to really need him he would dump it for that time period without pouting or sulking. Hubby has a wife who brings him snacks and keeps the kids from pestering him during his game time, listens to him talk about the game with interest, ect--not because I am so awesome but because HE is mature, thoughtful, and puts his family first and I have learned I can trust that. Plus, it's fun to tease him. I love my adorkable gamer geek.

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I love my adorkable gamer geek.


Kudos for you two. That's how a gamer-geek family should work.


* <<< still has to negotiate some game time... but is also perfectly OK with the spouse spending part of the paychecks at the casinos, as long as the rent, bills, and other "need to have" stuff is covered first*

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Kudos for you two. That's how a gamer-geek family should work.


* <<< still has to negotiate some game time... but is also perfectly OK with the spouse spending part of the paychecks at the casinos, as long as the rent, bills, and other "need to have" stuff is covered first*


I have spent countless hours in moms groups/pta groups explaining the $$ and time-suck that can be gaming to non-gamer spouses by using scrapbooking/PTA analogies! I know so many other moms who can easily drop $200/pop in a scrapbook store and more hours than their gaming spouse--so it's their hobby that's most expensive. :) If you negotiate the terms (you do something fun with the kiddos while I go scrap with friends for 5 hours+ on this weekend, and you can then lock yourself in the home office for a raid party weekend or let's trade off some other way) everyone's happy!


Hubby is pretty happy that my hobbies are SWTOR and websurfing, rather than scrapbooking and hmmm...whatever other expensive girly things are out there. ;)

Edited by Chantrea
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dude, my wife still asks and expects me to put the game on 'pause'


(so you dipsh*ts who choose to comment on me being AFK in a WZ can go f' yourself - I am dealing with wife aggro, dammit!)



That... would depend on the type of 'aggro' you're getting. Boom chicka wow wow.

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I'm surprised by the number of responses! I really just posted this to see what others thought, but I would have never guess there would be so many different ideas, lol.


When I posted this, we had already come to the agreement that I would play early in the AM before work, usually from like 5-6. It works out great because she always has fresh coffee and breakfast ready when she wakes up. I'm pretty sure I'll have to re-roll on a UK server though so I can play at "peak" times lol.

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I'm surprised by the number of responses! I really just posted this to see what others thought, but I would have never guess there would be so many different ideas, lol.


When I posted this, we had already come to the agreement that I would play early in the AM before work, usually from like 5-6. It works out great because she always has fresh coffee and breakfast ready when she wakes up. I'm pretty sure I'll have to re-roll on a UK server though so I can play at "peak" times lol.


Man that's awful. Sounds really controlling to me. I hope for your sake she makes up for that in other ways. I've been in relationships with controlling women in the past and I know how those "agreements" work.


I've been married for 8 months now and its been awesome so far. My wife never creates a schedule for when I can and cant play games. I made sure to marry someone who likes video games. Shes not as crazy about them as I am but she can get into them and shows interest in my hobbies as I do hers.


She actually played SWTOR with me for the first 2 months but got bored and quit. She does not nag me at all when I play by myself. She usually reads a book or watches TV and we converse as I play. I usually play for about 2-3 hours a day and whatever times I want.


You honestly cannot even play an MMO for 30 minutes a day. That's just logging in and killing two mobs and logging off. I would either cancel your subscription to SWTOR or cancel your subscription to your wife (divorce).

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Man that's awful. Sounds really controlling to me. I hope for your sake she makes up for that in other ways. I've been in relationships with controlling women in the past and I know how those "agreements" work.


I've been married for 8 months now and its been awesome so far. My wife never creates a schedule for when I can and cant play games. I made sure to marry someone who likes video games. Shes not as crazy about them as I am but she can get into them and shows interest in my hobbies as I do hers.


She actually played SWTOR with me for the first 2 months but got bored and quit. She does not nag me at all when I play by myself. She usually reads a book or watches TV and we converse as I play. I usually play for about 2-3 hours a day and whatever times I want.


You honestly cannot even play an MMO for 30 minutes a day. That's just logging in and killing two mobs and logging off. I would either cancel your subscription to SWTOR or cancel your subscription to your wife (divorce).


Well I get to play for longer on the weekends too :p


The relationship is great, but mmos are something new to her. Its just more convenient for me to play in the mornings, the coffee is an added perk. I would drop out of a 5-0 WZ with 30 seconds left if I needed to do something for my wife. She will always come first, that's why we have a schedule.


PS- I also get to play when she watches the following shows: American Idol, The Voice, the bachelor, my fair wedding, greys anatomy, and several others. Its all about balance.

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My hubby and I came to an understanding very, very early in our marriage.


Rule #1: As long as he goes to work every day, takes care of the yard work on a weekly basis and takes the trash out... I will NEVER complain about how much time/money he spends watching/attending sporting events.


Rule #2: As long as I keep the house clean, do the laundry, do the shopping and make diner five nights a week... he will NEVER complain about how much time/money I spend playing computer games.


There are plenty of other duties that we both share.. but these are the ones we have mutually agreed belong to each of us. It works out great because neither of us ever get nagged while doing the things we enjoy most.

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I think my husband married me only because I game. I've always been surprised by wives who freak out that their husband plays. I mean, he's sitting there, in your house, where you can see him, playing a video game. He's not out partying, or at the bar. Some men are into sports, some are into cars, some are into games. I always tell the wives-- why don't you try playing WITH him?


Anyway-- women like that are ridiculous, imo.


Can't agree more! Though strange that I've seen the same issue at both sides: female players on our guild complain that husbands don't like very much about the wife's playing and vice versa. Why can't we just get along and play together? :p

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