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To gank, or not to gank . . . that is the question.


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Just wanted peoples thoughts on ganking.


By ganking I don't mean ambushing a character of similar level to you. I mean attacking someone over 10 levels below you because, well, not sure why people do, but just because. You know what I mean, that level 50 that one shots a level 25 because hey "it's PvP" (insert sarcasm here).


Are people more of a kill-and-let-live type? Or are more people the type to camp a certain area and player till they get fed up and leave?

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If you want to keep playing PvP servers in MMOs get used to it.

Ganking, Zerging and similar actions are normal on PvP servers and sorry, I just can't see why exactly would a sith leave jedi alone because he's weaker than him.... Just makes no sense.


Besides, you must realize that if you gather a group and head out to look for Open world PvP on planet like Tatooine ganking is exactly how you find it. Those ganked usually call for help on /1 which gets more people for gankers to fight until it breaks out into group vs group fighting.


So as much as it can annoy you, just take it as granted on PvP server and you'll actually come to understand why it's happening and that it's better to have it in game than not.



On the other hand, camping an area in sole purpose of killing lower level players while not really looking for a challenging fight is called griefing, and is seen as rude behavior by most PvPers



Edited by Quashar
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I love it. don't care which side I'm on. Say my Jedi Sentinel is level 35, every empire kiddy I see is attack on sight whether they're level 25 or 50, no problem.


When they're significantly lower it just adds more fuel to the PvP machine my friend. She needs a steady supply of anger, ego, and tears :p

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I never gank, i dont find any challenge in that. I want a straight up fight cause i like a challenge.


So how exactly do you find a group vs group fight in an open PvP ?


It's not like you'll likely stumble upon one. Or you just don't to the group open pvp?


Of course ganking is not a challenge itself. it's just a way of finding one. Have you ever fought 6 people vs 20+ that came after you because of the calls in general chat?

That is a challenge.

Same goes if you get ganked. Quickly gather a group (SWTOR makes it even easier than other mmos) of people on the same planet and fight the gankers to take your revenge.

That is a challenge.

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It's going to be done by both sides regardless. In my experience in prior games and being ganked by higher levels, I enjoyed it. I'm not a masochist but it is a changed from normal pve servers who can flag up. Soon as I capped level I went on a killing streak to get it out of my system but never camped the spawning ground. Now I will kill a lowbie if im walking along and he is in the path but I will not take the time from doing other things to camp.
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I mainly gank for payback when I do gank let's say my main is lvl 50 and my alt is lvl 25 and a lvl 40 ganks me ill switch to my main for some payback love it


Exactly! I got ganked badly back then when I was a wee Sith warrior in his 20s. Now i just enjoy to get my revenge at lvl 50. But I gank the sht outta everyone be it lvl 30 or lvl 50. Its just so much fun! You know Sith enjoy this kinda mayhem and murder..

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Just wanted peoples thoughts on ganking.


By ganking I don't mean ambushing a character of similar level to you. I mean attacking someone over 10 levels below you because, well, not sure why people do, but just because. You know what I mean, that level 50 that one shots a level 25 because hey "it's PvP" (insert sarcasm here).


Are people more of a kill-and-let-live type? Or are more people the type to camp a certain area and player till they get fed up and leave?


its part of the game, go for it.

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I dont actively search out lowlevels to gank them, but if Im at a lowlevel planets anyways, collecting datacrons and whatnot, of course I stop by the occasional sith camp, 2 shotting 3 guys at once with mortar volley and move on.


The advantage with playing rep is that there are just so many sith babies to gank. Unfortunatley theyre kinda like vermin. Its not like I enjoy it so much. To me its more a matter of population control.


So yes, definitely gank.

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Just wanted peoples thoughts on ganking.


By ganking I don't mean ambushing a character of similar level to you. I mean attacking someone over 10 levels below you because, well, not sure why people do, but just because. You know what I mean, that level 50 that one shots a level 25 because hey "it's PvP" (insert sarcasm here).


Are people more of a kill-and-let-live type? Or are more people the type to camp a certain area and player till they get fed up and leave?


Gank. Definitely. If you have a problem with that, move to a PvE server.

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Hehe. I remember from WoW huge group fightings on Isle of Quel'Danas, that happened around TBC level.


Even on my low populated(Sporeggar) server it was brilliant. Every day you could see a 1v1 gang that soon grows into group pvp ;)


Until people manage to pull guards!

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Just wanted peoples thoughts on ganking.


By ganking I don't mean ambushing a character of similar level to you. I mean attacking someone over 10 levels below you because, well, not sure why people do, but just because. You know what I mean, that level 50 that one shots a level 25 because hey "it's PvP" (insert sarcasm here).


Are people more of a kill-and-let-live type? Or are more people the type to camp a certain area and player till they get fed up and leave?


I dont mind being killed by a 50 on a PvP server. Well, if he sees me, kills me and move on that is. That is part of being on a PvP server.


If he camps me, that is an other matter. The system makes you unable to get away because you "spawns" ON your corps. All the ganker need to do is AoE the area when you resurect and you are dead again before the loading screen is gone. Who was the freaking idiot that tought up that idea about loading screen when resurecting?

If you had the chance of moving away from your corps when resurecting (without taking any damage for a few seconds, like a ghost form or something) then you would actually have a chance of getting away, but not as it is now. You resurect, they see your corp is removed, they AoE, you die.


resurect at the medstation? Sure, could work out, but many medstations are in a "neutral" place. I have been camped in areas, then resurected in a medstation, for then having that camper coming flying in faster then i can say "Oh ****" and keep camping me AT the medstation. Now I cant do jack ****. Except or hoping someone is close by and can help. Tough luck that be in a low LvL area with a 50 camping you.

The guild? Oh, they are raiding and I am LvLing my alt.

I could always relog my main, but moving her around from the fleet is a pain. Damne loading screen all over the place. GOD I HATE LOADINGSCREENS!!!!!!!

Did i say I hate loadings creens btw?

The resurection system is a really bad system that is porly tought rough.

Edited by Mamono
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