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Everything posted by Xirmak

  1. I found my marauder was like this through leveling. oh wow i am strong! after lvl 23 or so, omg i am so weak!, hit 35-40 oh yah im strong and uber again look at me, 45-50 *** weak again nooooooooooo. hit 50 ran dailies got the gear up back on top baby!!! the class is very "hands on" takes getting used to tough to play harder to master. i switched spec while leveling i was carnage at first then tried annihilation which i wasnt keen on at first cause im not a DoT type person. but the way they made it for DoTs is so simple and awesome you get the hang of it right away.
  2. so you basically just want to flip flop to whatever one is the flavor of the month class. hey it says make your choice you cant change. make new toon problem solved. simply logout and login with the other. real hard stuff i know
  3. another idiot who cant tell sarcasm..... medal earned for you.
  4. yah seriously when i switch over to my alts and i play AND win AND out dmage a lvl 49 AND more kills AND fewer deaths AND more medals....... wow peoples egos are bruised so easily by getting rolled by a lvl 10 lol. so in the end you will want to bracket another then another then another next thing you know you will be all alone playing by yourself so that way you can win or stand in a lvl 50 circle jerk on ilum and cash in kills? the system is great it allows all lvls a chance to pvp. dont be upset that a low lvl pwned you be more upset that you have some work to do to not suck
  5. <sigh> another macro post..... bottom line you kiddies cant play a game without having one button to push only. l2p and learn how to keybind your abilities so you can do just this stuff. no macros no noooooooo never stop trying to make this wow.
  6. not saying it was a nerf or a buff but rather maybe its not working like many other things at first implementation. i DEFINITELY noticed a difference in my bleeds and just applying them. they seemed to tick MUCH slower and not as many even though i got to 3 AND it didnt take 3 hits to do it. took me extra and dont say well my acc or something cause im hit capped. in the end i did the same amount of damage as before when the numbers showed but it did FEEL far far less and not as fluid as before.
  7. well considering there is NO MARAUDER GEAR at the darkside vendor might as well stay neutral
  8. well you can tell this game is awesome and legit cause if this is what you complain about then they are doing an exceptional job on the game. i mean really you are crying over 1 commendation and an internet ego. wahhhhh mommy i didnt get a trophy i want my trophy booohoooooooooo.
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