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Devs/Blues/GMs: What Gives?!? CODICES BEING IGNORED?!


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To Who (Or Whom) It May Concern (Translation: To whomever the hell is responsible for looking into and/or resolving the soon-to-be-referenced bugs/issues),


Early Access began 12/15/2012.. This is not counting Beta Tests, since the game was still considered a 'work in progress' (although, ironically, it is still a 'work in progress').


Next week, we'll hit 3 months since the game has been out.


And how many patches have we had? I've lost count, so who knows?


But in all those patches, NOT A SINGLE GOD **** Codex issue has been addressed or fixed. Or mentioned AT ALL!


There have been numerous topics and threads on the various codex issues, specifically stated here because I am simply not going to try to list every last issue.


But, seriously, what the **** is the point of the codex system if parts of it are broken? What good is it if I can't get the Sullustan Race codex or the Jedi Weapons Codex (Knight) or [FILL IN THE *********** BLANK].



Keep in mind, this isn't written (or typed) out of anger but frustration. I mean, c'mon.. EVEN ONE CODEX FIX PER PATCH is better than none. Seriously, this needs to be addressed.


Either start looking into (and/or fixing) the Codice system and it's issues or if y'all are just going to continue to ignore it, REMOVE IT COMPLETELY. It is annoying as hell to have a codex system for which CAN NOT BE COMPLETED!


Thank you.


Have a nice day.


(BTW.. I love SWTOR. Won't quit 'cause I'm addicted and I love the content and the patch content... I just want some codex love already.. 3 months and no codex love makes me a bit grumpy).

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To whomever the hell is responsible for looking into and/or resolving the soon-to-be-referenced bugs/issues


I'm no expert, but I believe that may be a rather ineffective way to get your point taken seriously.

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u mad bro?


No, not at all. TLDR: Frustrated ventiong and a questioning of why they haven't even mentioned the codice problems.


To the other two responders who claimed to have stopped reading at the first line - well, nobody can force anyone to stop being too lazy to read a thread. Doesn't give the thread any less value, except perhaps to you. But if you honestly stopped reading at the first line, the second poster clearly read enough to see the first post's response.


Besides, angry people don't wish others to have a nice day. Angry & Nice don't usually go hand-in-hand. I suppose it's too much to ask that one's common sense would know as much.


Oh, by the way... Have a nice day.

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Todays patch notes:





The Shader Complexity preference now supports a "Very Low" option.

Codex entry popups now display correctly for level 50 players when they are unlocked.


Pretty sure that counts as a mention that you said didn't exist, but hey, I know not everyone has time to read with all that typing.

Edited by Etapi
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No, not at all. TLDR: Frustrated ventiong and a questioning of why they haven't even mentioned the codice problems.


To the other two responders who claimed to have stopped reading at the first line - well, nobody can force anyone to stop being too lazy to read a thread. Doesn't give the thread any less value, except perhaps to you. But if you honestly stopped reading at the first line, the second poster clearly read enough to see the first post's response.


Besides, angry people don't wish others to have a nice day. Angry & Nice don't usually go hand-in-hand. I suppose it's too much to ask that one's common sense would know as much.


Oh, by the way... Have a nice day.


He asked if you were mad, not angry...just sayin.


And you have a point, but it's certainly NOT worth the rage you're exhibiting.

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Hello and good afternoon, people and players of peace, love and serenity,



I bring to you out of love this message of hope and peace. Three months ago, a wonderful and totally perfect game in the eyes of all fanboys and fangirls came out. On this most glorious day of December 15th, 2011, Star Wars: The Old Republic was realesed for Early Access.


Since then, we have enjoyed three pleasuarable, glorious, perfect months of love, peace and harmony as only those issues which would bring about further peace, love and joy to us wonderful and totally peaceful, serene fanboys and girls were addressed. In fact, us wonderfully endearing, sweet, perfect men and women who have adorn our rooms with posters of SWTOR Media and have had custom bedsheets and bedspreads of SWTOR characters made can find no flaws in our most exquiste and delightfully masterful game.


However, in these three blissful months of paradise, there is a few of us CareBearing fans who would like to see a fraction of that love and peace work towards ever further perfecting that already perfect Codex System. Yes, we acknowledge we can't be found in wanting for the game, for this game satisfies all our needs and desires and longings but despite us not being in longing, it would be wonderfully masterful, kind and sweet of those most beloved and precious GM's or Devs would tease us ever lovingly with their plans and thoughts on any possible improvements to the Codex System.


Farewell, my fellow lovers and fans of SWTOR - the game that can do no wrong because us, it's direhard fans, are perfect in the eyes of each other for we have nothing but love and kind words to offer.


/Signed with a red-crayon'ed heart and sealed with an amourous kiss.

Edited by ALivingShadow
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frankly the codex is the LAST bugged system that needs fixed. they need to fix all quest related bugs and whatnot first. screw the codex until that stuff is done.


seriously you're worried about a codex entry when there are quest/game stopping bugs? (some bugs that keep class quests from being completed?)


whatever man. perspective. get it.

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What a shame this was fixed today.


All that rage for nothing.


It wasn't fixed at all.


What was fixed was the popup that most lvl 50's weren't seeing. By my estimation over 30% of the codex entries for my SI aren't currently obtainable. Be they bugged/broken/'actually intended for a different class entirely' etc.


The actual broken codex entries are still broken/bugged/missing.


It's annoying as it's not 1 out of a hundred that's broken but more like 30-40/100. Some word on this from Bioware would be nice.

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Am I the only one who read this as CODPIECES BEING IGNORED?! Then again, I came from the Warhammer Badlands server where those sorts of conversations were commonplace. And I'm like, OMG! another codpiece post. That's so 16th century. I'm sure the Witch Hunters are behind it, because ... well .. they are usually behind everything and everyone...and what was the OP about again? Oh yes CODICES! Seriously, I care more about codpieces, and chain mail bikinis are nice too, and Witchelves where hawt in that boney butt sort of way ... and am I off topic again? Sorry. I do hope the devs continue to work on the Codex because I use it all the time to go back and figure out which mission skill I should have taken, and if they could just slip in a codpiece for my smuggler, well that would be peachy.
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Hello and good afternoon, people and players of peace, love and serenity,



I bring to you out of love this message of hope and peace. Three months ago, a wonderful and totally perfect game in the eyes of all fanboys and fangirls came out. On this most glorious day of December 15th, 2012, Star Wars: The Old Republic was realesed for Early Access.


Since then, we have enjoyed three pleasuarable, glorious, perfect months of love, peace and harmony as only those issues which would bring about further peace, love and joy to us wonderful and totally peaceful, serene fanboys and girls were addressed. In fact, us wonderfully endearing, sweet, perfect men and women who have adorn our rooms with posters of SWTOR Media and have had custom bedsheets and bedspreads of SWTOR characters made can find no flaws in our most exquiste and delightfully masterful game.


However, in these three blissful months of paradise, there is a few of us CareBearing fans who would like to see a fraction of that love and peace work towards ever further perfecting that already perfect Codex System. Yes, we acknowledge we can't be found in wanting for the game, for this game satisfies all our needs and desires and longings but despite us not being in longing, it would be wonderfully masterful, kind and sweet of those most beloved and precious GM's or Devs would tease us ever lovingly with their plans and thoughts on any possible improvements to the Codex System.


Farewell, my fellow lovers and fans of SWTOR - the game that can do no wrong because us, it's direhard fans, are perfect in the eyes of each other for we have nothing but love and kind words to offer.


/Signed with a red-crayon'ed heart and sealed with an amourous kiss.


Are extremes your hobby or something? Rumor has it there is a happy medium in here somewhere.

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Hello and good afternoon, people and players of peace, love and serenity,



I bring to you out of love this message of hope and peace. Three months ago, a wonderful and totally perfect game in the eyes of all fanboys and fangirls came out. On this most glorious day of December 15th, 2012, Star Wars: The Old Republic was realesed for Early Access.


Since then, we have enjoyed three pleasuarable, glorious, perfect months of love, peace and harmony as only those issues which would bring about further peace, love and joy to us wonderful and totally peaceful, serene fanboys and girls were addressed. In fact, us wonderfully endearing, sweet, perfect men and women who have adorn our rooms with posters of SWTOR Media and have had custom bedsheets and bedspreads of SWTOR characters made can find no flaws in our most exquiste and delightfully masterful game.


However, in these three blissful months of paradise, there is a few of us CareBearing fans who would like to see a fraction of that love and peace work towards ever further perfecting that already perfect Codex System. Yes, we acknowledge we can't be found in wanting for the game, for this game satisfies all our needs and desires and longings but despite us not being in longing, it would be wonderfully masterful, kind and sweet of those most beloved and precious GM's or Devs would tease us ever lovingly with their plans and thoughts on any possible improvements to the Codex System.


Farewell, my fellow lovers and fans of SWTOR - the game that can do no wrong because us, it's direhard fans, are perfect in the eyes of each other for we have nothing but love and kind words to offer.


/Signed with a red-crayon'ed heart and sealed with an amourous kiss.


plenty of problems with this game. if you would like people to hear the ones you are experiencing, and respond to you in a civilized manner, try not sounding like an underaged, overendulged jerk. rants will get you nowhere.

Edited by testszag
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I read this as "codpieces" ... and was confused for a moment.


They have more pressing things to deal with. They'll get to them eventually, probably all at once because they're probably easier to deal with en masse.

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frankly the codex is the LAST bugged system that needs fixed. they need to fix all quest related bugs and whatnot first. screw the codex until that stuff is done.


seriously you're worried about a codex entry when there are quest/game stopping bugs? (some ?)


whatever man. perspective. get it.


I'd agree with you if you were right. :w_cool:


Today though there is not one 'bug that keep class quests from being completed'. There were in the past and they were rightly prioritized. Those should be dealt with first I agree.


Today, the 6th March 2012 though to ask about codex bugs isn't blasphemous imo.


I'd prefer the ongoing raid bugs to be fixed but asking about a Codex fix is ok also I guess :)

Edited by Jamus_Divinus
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plenty of problems with this game. if you would like people to hear the ones you are experiencing, and respond to you in a civilized manner, try not sounding like an underaged, overendulged jerk. rants will get you nowhere.


Three problems with your response:


1. Underaged? First, plenty of person(s) I know directly and indirectly under the age of 13 can act and behave and conversate much more maturely than a lot of the person(s) who are over the age of 18 I know. Furthermore, plenty of person(s) over the age of 18 can behave and respond as if they are under their age.


1. TLDR: Age is irrelevant.


2. Overendulged? Hardly. If you've scanned my post(s), what >few< I have, you'll find that unlike more than 50% (statistic made up on-the-fly as a guesstimated number), I've only had the one issue so far - the Codex system. Seriously, going on three months before downright requesting/demanding/yelling for some kind of official answer is hardly being 'over indulged'.


2. TLDR: No. Stop being lazy and read my prior post(s).


3. Jerk? ... Ok, maybe in this particular OP, I could have been a bit more 'jerkish' than absolutely, positively necessary.. but tell me.. was the world built on the backs of the sweet, nice, peaceful, loving peoples? No. It's built by people who come in and whoop ***. Sometimes, a little bit of nastiness is required to get the job done.


3. TLDR: To each their own. I disagree... partially.

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I think it's more of a perception thing, but the missing entries that result in an incomplete player codex are one of those things that, to me, makes the game seem more rushed/cheap/poorly-tested/unpolished/etc than it otherwise generally is. I would throw some of the graphical clipping issues into the same boat (They seriously couldn't get even one artist to fix the hooded robe mesh that clips with miraluka eye rags? Hell, there are players who would have fixed it for FREE if they were able to mod the game like they can Bioware's other single-player games).


These things don't change the gameplay, which understandably is a priority, but they do change the way the game is perceived and can affect the impression the game makes on somebody to whom those things matter. In a world where perception is 99% of reality, they make TOR look bad in a more obvious way than some of the other things that are being worked on.


So yeah, I am somewhat surprised that there hasn't been more of an effort to address something like the codex.

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Hello and good afternoon, people and players of peace, love and serenity,



I bring to you out of love this message of hope and peace. Three months ago, a wonderful and totally perfect game in the eyes of all fanboys and fangirls came out. On this most glorious day of December 15th, 2012, Star Wars: The Old Republic was realesed for Early Access.


Since then, we have enjoyed three pleasuarable, glorious, perfect months of love, peace and harmony as only those issues which would bring about further peace, love and joy to us wonderful and totally peaceful, serene fanboys and girls were addressed. In fact, us wonderfully endearing, sweet, perfect men and women who have adorn our rooms with posters of SWTOR Media and have had custom bedsheets and bedspreads of SWTOR characters made can find no flaws in our most exquiste and delightfully masterful game.


However, in these three blissful months of paradise, there is a few of us CareBearing fans who would like to see a fraction of that love and peace work towards ever further perfecting that already perfect Codex System. Yes, we acknowledge we can't be found in wanting for the game, for this game satisfies all our needs and desires and longings but despite us not being in longing, it would be wonderfully masterful, kind and sweet of those most beloved and precious GM's or Devs would tease us ever lovingly with their plans and thoughts on any possible improvements to the Codex System.


Farewell, my fellow lovers and fans of SWTOR - the game that can do no wrong because us, it's direhard fans, are perfect in the eyes of each other for we have nothing but love and kind words to offer.


/Signed with a red-crayon'ed heart and sealed with an amourous kiss.




Not to be an ***, but December 15th 2012 ?? The game was released later this year?

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Not to be an ***, but December 15th 2012 ?? The game was released later this year?


... I hate you!


Oh, fine. Tear up my totally serene and peaceful post! *Sobs* Nobody wants to hug my carebear post. :p


(Hey.. It's not as though I'm perfect.. [And if I am.. uh... that pretty much means mankind is screwed if I'm the best of us. O_o ])

Edited by ALivingShadow
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Not to be an ***, but December 15th 2012 ?? The game was released later this year?


There... Fixed.


Can we hold hands and sing ***-By-Ah now as we wait to see if any Devs or GMs will kindly and most lovingly, peacefully respond with their perfect, valuable and most precious thoughts and perfecting an already perfect and totally enjoyable, sweet, addictive Codex system? I promise my hands are clean... ish.

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Hello there,


As another user has already posted, one issue with the codex was addressed today, you can review this in the 1.1.5 patch notes. For other issues involving the codex, We kindly ask that you submit bugs in-game through the Customer Service Portal (click the ? in the top navigation bar) or by entering "/bug" into your chat panel. Thank you for helping us identify these issues, and have a wonderful day!





The Shader Complexity preference now supports a "Very Low" option.

Codex entry popups now display correctly for level 50 players when they are unlocked.


We also already have an ongoing thread on this topic for Imperials and one for Republic; we request that you continue your discussion there. We are closing this thread at this time. Thanks for understanding!

Edited by Trineda
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