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Everything posted by Xivez

  1. I think its funny that ppl complain about expertise as its extremely easy to obtain almost 2018 at any lvl, even easier pre 4.0. To me it looks like the people complaining about expertise are clueless and dont want to read/search the PvP forum on how to obtain it, even so If you start out pvp from lvl 10 and up and participate now and then, by the time you reach lvl 65 you will have enough WZ comms to buy a full set of reg. PvP gear. Yes, you have to grind for it and play against other players that might have ( at lvl 60+ ) full 2018 expertise. Im sorry to inform you, but 80ish expertise is not a gamebreaker and if you are good with your class and know the class you are fighting against you should be more than able to hold your ground. If you dont like PvP, then you dont, just the same way that alot of PvPers dont like to PvE aka. Flashpoints/ Operations. What I feel is that PvP gives you way more challenge than any Operation boss will ever give. Once you learn the script it gets easier. Then you have the power of TS/Skype or whatever voice com your guild is using. In PvP 8 ppl only rely on a chat unless you play with friends and you´re using Voice comm, even then you still rely on chat cus your 6 other teammates are not on your voice comm. Expertise is fine, it should be seen as a goal to reach rather than a barrier to break. Is it an outdated stat? Sure it is Do we need it? sure we dont Is it ruining your PvP game? Only if you are clueless and dont do your homework and read some easy finding threads on the PvP forum.
  2. I too watched the Video and could not see a INSANE burst that you can't get with a "nromal" Decpetion build with some above average gear. I play Sin myself, not full Conq gear, tho I see some of the same results regarding burst.
  3. I would sugest you run this spec for Deception Sin: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200bcZfrdRzGrRrbkzZbM.3
  4. I dont know what year you live in, but its been a long time since PVP was considered a mini game for PvE gamers.
  5. Xivez

    Operative Healing

    Just so you know: That Cover you keep talking about doesnt do jack**** for Operatives. And Operatives can roll like 3-4 times before they are out of energy, if you slow/hinder them they roll half the length if you didnt. Seems like you just met a better player than yourself.
  6. You drama queens subs think you deserve everything for a lousy 15 bucks or whatever you are paying. I pay my sub money gladly to support future patches and content.
  7. Or just put the questgiver inside the FP as u enter. Yes it ****s up the story on how you got there...you ported by a magical beam from wherever you where standing.
  8. Not to be an ***, but December 15th 2012 ?? The game was released later this year?
  9. Not farming consumables in Vanilla WoW? Are you on drugs? You didnt do anything else once you started raiding than farm herbs, mats or what not. What Vanilla WoW did you play? You needed a high ammount og Fire res pots for MC/BWL, Elixirs, Flasks, mana pots, HP pots, Nature res for AQ40, Frost Res for Naxx ( if you got that far ) I almost forgot runes... You seem deluded of what Vanilla WoW was really like.
  10. Explore an age thousands of years before the rise of Darth Vader when war between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire divides the galaxy. This is the reason you wont find the gear your looking for within the game. I understand you want to look like the Jedi/Sith from the movie. If you look at the movies you see a a difference between Episode 1-3 and 4-6 when it comes to clothing, even for the Jedi and Sith. Heck, you even see a huge difference between the swordfights. Something George Lucas stated was because of the huge ammount of years between Episode 1 and 6. I like how my SI looks like with the whole robe thing. The game was just released, Im sure there will be more to come.
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