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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Healers in Warzones now receive kill credit when a healed player kills an enemy.


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Are you kidding me? What sense does this make? Healers heal. They get credit for the points they heal, just like killers get damage credit for the damage they do. Why mess this up? Are killers going to get healing credit for each healer that heals them now?


Seriously, what sense does the change in the latest patch make that healers get kill credits for healing? You are losing me, Bioware...you are losing me.

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It's balancing the medals awarded in the matches. Why should healers be stuck at ~4 medals when dps/tanks are getting ~8 per match?


Don't believe it's like that? Plenty of threads on here discussing the issue.

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Sounds right to me.


A DPS player who lives long enough to kill another player, thanks to heals, only got half of the kill. The healer gave an assist and should get some credit for it -- beyond just what he did in healing. More kills for healers gives them a better shot at more medals. Plus, it's not like the credit for the kill was taken away from the damage dealer in the fight. It's just giving credit where it's due -- no one loses anything.

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Are you kidding me? What sense does this make? Healers heal. They get credit for the points they heal, just like killers get damage credit for the damage they do. Why mess this up? Are killers going to get healing credit for each healer that heals them now?


Seriously, what sense does the change in the latest patch make that healers get kill credits for healing? You are losing me, Bioware...you are losing me.


killers get credit for damage and number of kills. Healers who mostly just heal get no credit for kills. As a healer I can get to 75k heals then just go on the offensive to get the medals for kills or I can heal you. which one do you prefer?

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You guys do realize this already happens on Ilum, right?


What other motivation would I have to heal groups (other then helping them win more). If I didn't get valor/kill credit from healing, I wouldn't do it.


This is a logical extention with this patch, because they effectively took ilum all but offline with the current changes, even if they are temporary.

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Are you kidding me? What sense does this make? Healers heal. They get credit for the points they heal, just like killers get damage credit for the damage they do. Why mess this up? Are killers going to get healing credit for each healer that heals them now?


Seriously, what sense does the change in the latest patch make that healers get kill credits for healing? You are losing me, Bioware...you are losing me.


You do realize that us Healers are the ones trying to keep you alive long enough so that you can kill right? You also realize that us healers are constantly focus fired and CC'd out the wazoo right? You also realize that killing people doesn't win warzones, right?


Healing is a thankless job. But us Healers do it because we love to heal. We love being the people that can and often times do, make a difference.


Does it really hurt to throw us a couple more medals? Does it take anything away from you? Would you rather have NO healers on your team? How many kills would you get then? How many wins would you get if you had to rely solely on kill or be killed?


These changes take nothing whatsoever away from the plethora of DPS'ers out there. It is only throwing us Healers a medal or two more. Thats it. It's rewarding us for doing our thankless job.


This is a good thing.


By the way...


You are welcome.

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Healers were gimped with medals. This was a good change. Hopefully it superchargers their medal gain, because they have been shorted for so long.


Too many folks that worship at the alter of the big crit number show no respect to the supporting classes that enable them.



Edited by Ravenolf
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I don't say this often but in this case - get over it. No one is getting rewarded beyond 4 Medals anyhow.


As a healer who routinely does 100k+ damage (And usually between 7-9 medals a game) am I upset that other healers are going to be getting just as much kill credit now? Hardly. I'm happy to see it.


This change was necessary because of the change to the "Ilum" daily. It's about pure kill credit, not medals, since those were equalized with this patch anyhow. Perhaps you don't understand kill credit, but it's for being involved in ANY ROLE with a kill.


You're still going to get your credit for Damage Done 75k, Damage Done 300k, 2.5k Hit, and 5k Hit. The healers aren't suddenly going to be getting those medals on a regular basis. Healers are still going to get their 75k Healed, 300k healed, 2.5k Heal, and 5k heal medals. Only now they are going to get credit for being involved in the fight that results in kills even if they don't stop doing their primary job to nuke. This is good for them and you.

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