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Invite a Friend Program - What's My Incentive?


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Either you're coming from the angle of "That MMO which starts with W" which promises ponies and etc fluff (promoting greed)


Or you could be those who sell "trial invites" for vile mercenary gains which again comes from "That MMO which starts with W".

Final Fantasy, WoW, Rift have this.


It's just a more or less common incentive.

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Because everyone should bow down and kiss Bioware's backside for giving us all, the distict privilege of drumming up business for a company that wants to do nothing more than gain customers and make money...there's nothing wrong with that...that's what businesses do, but come on now...don't make it sound like they are doing us some great service by "allowing us" to go do their marketing job for them.


You people really are brainwashed!

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Because everyone should bow down and kiss Bioware's backside for giving us all, the distict privilege of drumming up business for a company that wants to do nothing more than gain customers and make money...there's nothing wrong with that...that's what businesses do, but come on now...don't make it sound like they are doing us some great service by "allowing us" to go do their marketing job for them.


You people really are brainwashed!


Could not agree more!!!

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don't make it sound like they are doing us some great service by "allowing us" to go do their marketing job for them.


You people really are brainwashed!



No greater a service than saying to a gamer friend,

Hey friend since we are friends I got some FREE game time for you if you want to try out this game I'm playing. Thats not a job it's friendly banter.


It's not like it is required either , it's free game time ffs. While we are at it, perhaps we should check out the gift horses mouth to make sure his teeth are good before we take our free gift.

Edited by HanoverFist
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So yeah, Refer a friend came out recently and I briefly considered which of my friends I might suggest this game to. Shortly I wondered what rewards/incentives were being offered in exchange for MY endorsement.


To those of you who will generously apply the term "entitled", the offer of incentives and rewards is very common and frankly I was a little surprised that there was absolutely nothing offered for the service BW/EA are asking us to do for them.


By the way - when I read the blurb for the refer a friend program BW are initiating, I see that it is now a privilege to offer my friends some "free game time" with some fairly limiting restrictions. and if your not a current subscriber don't worry as soon as you sub you can have the privilege too!!! WOW that's awesome - not... I rolled my eyes and thought "get over yourself BW". Recognise that you are asking us for a favour and not the other way round. I consider their presnetation of the "refer a friend" program to be extremely cheeky and condescending.


I did a quick Google search for "Refer a friend Rewards" and added the name of a number of other popular titles to refine the search a bit if I needed to and I came up with a very common theme - 100% of all other titles that I investigated give rewards ranging from free game time to in game items and benefits to the referrer in addition to the free trial time for the friend.

  • WoW = in game benefits , extra levelling, unique mount, other benefits, free game time for friend.
  • Eveonline = In game item that can be applied to your account for 1 months game time or can be sold on in game market for approx 400million in game currency, free trial period for the friend.
  • LOTRO = in game benefits/items for both friend and referrer, free trial period for friend.
  • Rift = in game benefits/items for friend and referrer, free trial period for friend.
  • Aion = in game Benefits/items for both friend and Referrer, free trial period for friend.

That is where the bar is set. once again BW falling short a standard that has been set by others.


Anyway the above are not the main reasons I would not refer a Friend, the only reason I am a current subscriber is that I still have a few friends left here and I do still enjoy aspects of the game.


The first and foremost reason I will not be referring a friend is the extreme poor customer service experience I have had with this game. they say customers are important to them but their actions say otherwise.

  • They constantly perform global maintenance at a time that ONLY suits Americans.
  • In Game tickets/reports are answered only by canned response and closed immediately with no further discussion entered into.
  • time for resolution is very long, I still have quests that cannot be cancelled even though it was reported over a month ago.
  • poor and unfair forum moderation policy - mostly their insistence that we all post in the consolidated discussion and the closure of all other threads on the subject


when i see BW's attitude improve towards customers and customer service - i will consider offering a friend the opportunity to play this game and it would be nice if BW recognised that my endorsement of their product has some value even if its some crappy in game trinket - at least make the effort ffs.

Good post.


Personally my take is I would give a bad service to BioWare to actually send invites to friends considering the actual status of the game. Once the game will have improved to 2011 AAA MMO quality standard I'll pass along the invitations, not before.

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Let's face it, if I am going to go to all the bother to convince up to three friends to sign on, shouldn't there be a reward for my efforts?


I guess they simply want us to do these things out of the goodness of our hearts. Anyway, doesn't this offer seem to smack of desperation?


Nope. Smacks of "hey, yuo want your friends to play this with you, don't you???"


"Uh huh. Yes."


"Well here's something to help you convince them!"


Try eating yur tinfoil hats...it might help you in the long run.

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You people really are brainwashed!
And apparently the opposite of "brainwashed" is having *****y ideas.


Referral programs are not necessary. You are not entitled to them. You do not lose anything by referring a friend for nothing in return, and actually only gain 21 hours of free game time.

Edited by MaverickXIV
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When I invite friends to come over, I don't demand that they pay for the pizza. I seriously hope this is a troll post, because there shouldn't have to be any incentive for playing with your friends. God today's youth feels entitled.


You fanboys are relentless of late, eh?

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The fact that you are playing a game you enjoy with a friend?


What incentive do you want?


If you thought this was some sort of job opportunity then you are unfortunately mistaken. Otherwise im clueless on what the issue is...

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If you thought this was some sort of job opportunity then you are unfortunately mistaken. Otherwise im clueless on what the issue is...


The issue is that some of these forum trolls are desperately searching for more ways to try to stir up anger and resentment over the game and towards BW. That's IT.

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Ah, the Internet. Where everything is Right or Wrong. Everyone on this thread is apparently either an entitled brat or rabid Bioware/Star Wars fanboy.


It's odd that they don't give some sort of in-game incentive to get people to sign up. It's pretty standard in MMOs - in fact it's pretty standard in almost any business. Pointing that out doesn't mean you're feeling entitled. It just means that you think it's a bad business decision by Bioware (Although there are people in the forum who are oozing a sense of entitlement).


Playing with your friends and family is it's own incentive to some extent (depending on how much you like playing with them). Whether it's enough probably depends on how much you like them :-). But what's wrong with an in-game incentive as well.



Once nice thing about it: you're not trying to force someone to sign up for your own gain - it just introduces the game to someone who can make up their own mind. WoW has a "Refer a Friend" Program which grants levels to both people more quickly and gives the referrer a fancy two-person mount. It wasn't unheard of for people to recruit total strangers on the forum and use the new person just as a way to power-level their alt, then abandoning the new person who had leveled so quickly he barely knew how to play his class and hadn't had a chance to meet anyone else in-game.


That's an extreme example...and ultimately while I think that getting friends to sign up is a reward in and of itself, it is very surprising that BW isn't also offering some sort of in-game goody. I'd bet they will eventually.

Edited by amantheil
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Let's face it, if I am going to go to all the bother to convince up to three friends to sign on, shouldn't there be a reward for my efforts?


I guess they simply want us to do these things out of the goodness of our hearts. Anyway, doesn't this offer seem to smack of desperation?


You're reward is getting to play with three friends you convinced to play. If that isn't enough for you than don't convince them to play.

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When I invite friends to come over, I don't demand that they pay for the pizza. I seriously hope this is a troll post, because there shouldn't have to be any incentive for playing with your friends. God today's youth feels entitled.


Cool, so invite me to play this game and buy it for me as well. What OP is saying is nothing is free in this world. If we get them (friend's) to play we just made BW at least the cost of the game. I mean it's cool and all to have your friends play but come on lots of other games offer incentives.

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7 days of free game time = $15/4 = $3.75 x 3 friends = $11.25


Those of you that complain about your 15 bucks a month... here is free money. You can even tell all your "friends" to send their $3.75 back to you and it will subsidize your monthly bill.


something for free....

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It's not enough that we are *still* beta testing the game and paying for the privilege, now BW wants us to do their marketing for free.


If you don't see a problem with this, then I have a multi-level marketing scheme you might be interested in!

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It's not enough that we are *still* beta testing the game and paying for the privilege, now BW wants us to do their marketing for free.


If you don't see a problem with this, then I have a multi-level marketing scheme you might be interested in!

You are not paying to beta test. Stop being melodramatic.
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If Bioware stands to make money off the new recruits then the middle man should be rewarded in some way. People that say nay are obviously naive and probably aren't very successful in life. Please give me one other example where 3 parties are involved, party 1 stands to make money from party 3, party 2 did the work and gets nothing?
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If Bioware stands to make money off the new recruits then the middle man should be rewarded in some way. People that say nay are obviously naive and probably aren't very successful in life. Please give me one other example where 3 parties are involved, party 1 stands to make money from party 3, party 2 did the work and gets nothing?


Its called a finders fee. If you find friends to BUY the game to play this then well you should be compensated, this is how the world works....

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Its called a finders fee. If you find friends to BUY the game to play this then well you should be compensated, this is how the world works....


No its called gimmie, gimmie, gimmie!


I wont do anything if I cant get something for it.


I feel pity for everyone in this boat.

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