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Power Tech Or Merc?


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Whats better? power tech or Merc? someone pls tell ME!!! lol :confused: And is the armor for each class different looking? I know mercs are better at DPS and power Tech are better at Tanking. But I'm still not sure, Plus I know the share the fire bug tear. Although I have to admit I am a fan of the FETT and he's all pwer tech and Looks bad AZZ.. lol Thank you anyone
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u would not know what u truly like until u finish some HMs or Raids,

choose what u love, love what u choose, because BW don't give u a second chance to change ur AC.


i regret my class in EQ(a druid), and regret in SWTOR too,

cause i was lied by class description.

Edited by oakamp
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u would not know what u truly like until u finish some HMs or Raids,

choose what u love, love what u choose, because BW don't give u a second chance to change ur AC.


i regret my class in EQ(a druid), and regret in SWTOR too,

cause i was lied by class description.


What lie is there? Merc bring awesome DPS or healing, PT make great sturdy tanks or can also bring decent DPS, or so I heard. While ther merc is built around unload, tracer missiles and more ranged DPS, the PT seems to be built around fire effect (flame burst & flmaethrower) at shorter range.


One as the ability to offtank, the other to offheals.


I personnaly have a tank-spec PT I'm leveling and I enjoy it very much. A friend of mine chose an Arsenal merc, and is also having lots of fun with very good damage dishing at longer range.

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What lie is there? .


Bounty Hunter 賞金獵人


Powertech 科技獵人



Blaster Pistol 雷射手槍

Flamethrower 火焰噴射器 / Energy Shields 能量護盾

Ranged DPS 遠距輸出 or或 Mid-Range Tank 中距離坦克



Powertech description


Blaster Pistol

Flamethrower / Energy Shields

Ranged DPS or Mid-Range Tank


but actually PT is a melee tank, melee type DPS,

hate melee class, PT was told like it can be a ranged tank or DPS at 30m

this is the lie.

Edited by oakamp
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no offence but thats BS.


its a mid ranged class, you have 1 and ill repeat that for the slow, 1 melee ability (Rocket Punch) you need to fit into your rotation which has a CD so you dont spam it.


you have 1 mid ranged ability (Flame Burst)


everything else is ranged



i love Pyro, its great, so much mobility, you only have 1 skill thats casted and thats only a filler, everything else is instant.


tried AP but just couldnt get used to it, Powertech Pyro is the dps choice for me and there is no going back.

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In all honesty if you don't want an option to heal (self or others) then go PT. You get the option to tank, and the shared tree is much more powerful as a PT. Also speccing into the non-shared dps tree as a PT (Advanced Prototype) will earn you kudo's instead of being criticised as a noob for playing Arsenal.
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I've played both the Merc and PT. My play style is more suited for the PT.

I love the mobility, the in your grill face melting, survivablitiy, etc..


Merc was ok, but the cast times and cool downs killed it for me.


PT can dish out some pretty decent dps, it may not be on the scale of Sniper or Scorcerer, but I have no complaints.


I just switched over to Shield Tech to see if I'll like it (And I just got Gualt), if not it's back to Advanced Proto. (Yes, I like the spec.)


Play both to 20, it doesn't take too much time. By then you will know what suits your play style more. Just keep in mind that they both only get better as time goes on.

At lvl 25 I knew I wasn't enjoying my Merc., and wouldn't.

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You can tank at 30m if you want... your threat is going to suck, but you could do it.


prove it, show ur youtube tank endgame bosses.



we have no problem to play PT well in endgame,

just don't like to be lied that PT is a range(30m~) DPS or mid-range(15m~) tank.

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prove it, show ur youtube tank endgame bosses.



we have no problem to play PT well in endgame,

just don't like to be lied that PT is a range(30m~) DPS or mid-range(15m~) tank.


Stop trying to be right. It is mid-range tank. Most ability have at least 10 meter range, and some 30. You can kite an hard hitting melee and keep the threat if you so wish.


Also he SAID you CAN tank at 30m but you are going to suck.


Go try a sin or jug tanking, then come back and tell us PT is a melee tank.


As said you got 1 melee attack (actually tech, but range wise, melee) and thats rocket punch. Nothing stops you from running in, punching, and backing off to 10m.


But you open at range, and gradually close in on your target.


You cannot very much be a tank with sniper range, thats just ridiculous.

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no offence but thats BS.


its a mid ranged class, you have 1 and ill repeat that for the slow, 1 melee ability (Rocket Punch) you need to fit into your rotation which has a CD so you dont spam it.


you have 1 mid ranged ability (Flame Burst)


everything else is ranged



i love Pyro, its great, so much mobility, you only have 1 skill thats casted and thats only a filler, everything else is instant.


tried AP but just couldnt get used to it, Powertech Pyro is the dps choice for me and there is no going back.


no offense but that's unreasonable.


Rocket Punch is a significant part of a tanking rotation, and Flame Burst being 10 meter range only means that melee has to walk 6 meters to say hello to you- But because you want to rocket punch, you'd close that gap yourself anyways. The only circumstance where you would actually want to be in that 6 meter sweet spot is if a marauder/sentinel was chasing you and you wanted to maintain your damage output while still staying out of his.


And flame burst is so crucial to the pyro PT, that you might as well be in melee just as often as the tank. Just because a lot of your party favors have a 30 yard range, doesn't make you a ranged class. They're really just flirting. When its time for the romance, you are inside that 10 yard bubble, and that 10 yard bubble becomes melee pretty quick.

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no offence but thats BS.


its a mid ranged class, you have 1 and ill repeat that for the slow, 1 melee ability (Rocket Punch) you need to fit into your rotation which has a CD so you dont spam it.


you have 1 mid ranged ability (Flame Burst)


everything else is ranged



i love Pyro, its great, so much mobility, you only have 1 skill thats casted and thats only a filler, everything else is instant.


tried AP but just couldnt get used to it, Powertech Pyro is the dps choice for me and there is no going back.


so you dont use flame sweep or your interupt? the interupt is a 4m range. Jet boost puts u right on top of your target.


Info is incorrect. Just because you dont use somethign doesnt mean it isnt there.

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All tanks eventuallygo personnal, if only to get the flamethrower to punch 2 targets.


Yet you can reach 30 meter, allowing you quick recuperation of a ranged enemy you lose aggro on, or have a very efficient 10m wide bubble around you.


Because you jump in close quarters for efficiency doesn't mean you are melee.


As said, try a jug. Once that jump is used, its walking to the next, since they mostly are within the 10 meter unusable zone of Force Charge. You have ONE attack that reach 10m until you get a 2nd in your 30s thant reach 30m finally.


your real efficiency range is 4m. Sin does a bit better, but not like the PT.




Would you say operative is a melee class as well since it gets close to use the knife attacks? Even tough its main weapon is a BLASTER RIFLE?

Edited by verfallen
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Operatives have knife as a fall-back in case of melee closing on them. So no, they are not melee (I am agreeing with you).


PT's are meant to be close range/melee. We're not melee. We're not ranged. We're both. We work best in melee as one of our main skills for tanking and dps is melee range only. Also for tanking: a melee generates more threat, so its in a PT's interest to be right in there up-close and personal.


I said it before: if you want to heal sometimes, or like spamming TM, go Merc. Otherwise go PT. Pyro is way better as PT than as Merc. I also feel PT has more options in PvP with the off-hand choice.

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  • 2 weeks later...

but actually PT is a melee tank, melee type DPS,

hate melee class, PT was told like it can be a ranged tank or DPS at 30m

this is the lie.


I laugh every time i read this, it's so funny, ranged tank *laughs more* there is no such thing as a ranged tank there can never be a ranged tank wanna know why? its because MOBS aren't all ranged attackers even in soloing sorc merc sniper are being hit in melee ranged unless they use there tank companion, how bout stop complaining about a class that you don't like,


on that note if you don't like being melee you can never tank in any game so why go a class that can tank


I also forgot to mention any class that isn't within 4 meters forced to use abilities that only have 4 meter range is a ranged class, so powertech IS Ranged with a touch of melee thrown in mix, you don't have to be 30 meters out to be ranged you have to be beyond 5 meters to count as ranged

Edited by Wolfiepriest
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Whats better? power tech or Merc? someone pls tell ME!!! lol :confused: And is the armor for each class different looking? I know mercs are better at DPS and power Tech are better at Tanking. But I'm still not sure, Plus I know the share the fire bug tear. Although I have to admit I am a fan of the FETT and he's all pwer tech and Looks bad AZZ.. lol Thank you anyone


I never see Powertechs complaining about their class. Ever. They seem to love it and do extremely well with it. The same cannot be said for Merc.


Both are fun, but PT is just better.

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prove it, show ur youtube tank endgame bosses.



we have no problem to play PT well in endgame,

just don't like to be lied that PT is a range(30m~) DPS or mid-range(15m~) tank.


I would say a PT Tank or oftank is the perfect class to fight Jarg in KP where you want to limit melee range as much as possible. Also many many situations in HMs where I just stood there fighting an elite, while range tanking 2-3 other range mobs.


No one is saying that a PT is like a sniper in Heavy armor. But certain have way more range than the other 2 tanks.

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Ranged DPS, Arsenal Merc is what you want if you want to be wanted.


I would take a PT dps over a Merc any day. But that's just me. PTs put out as much if not sometimes better dps than mercs, but they bring a lot more to the table. A grapple of some add wailing on a healer, a well timed taunt to save a group or even an operation from a wipe or as an offtank when MT is down or in a mindtrap. Also so far, most of the endgame bosses require quite a bit of mobility. 100% of a PT's rotation is instant, constantly applying dps pressure while on the move.


So if you mainly just want to stand in one place dpsing, looking like you are always constipated when spaming tracer missile, then go ahead with a Merc. But dont come to the forums and QQ when a PT destroys you in PvP :p

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On the Powertech Tank specs. Don't listen to the ones saying it's a ranged tank. Yes you can use some skills at 30m. But you would never intentionally be that far away unless you're purposely trying to avoid some AOE or just got knocked back. Other then that you want to be right up in the enemy's face for rocket punch, quell, retractable blade, heat blast, flame sweep, oil slick, flame thrower, etc. depending on the tank build. Powertech tanks have jet charge and grapple for a reason.


Also Powertechs are not "off" tanks as I think some may have been suggesting. All geared tanks are good, but if you look at the tank forum you will see that many consider the Powertech to be the best main tank in the game.

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I would take a PT dps over a Merc any day. But that's just me. PTs put out as much if not sometimes better dps than mercs, but they bring a lot more to the table. A grapple of some add wailing on a healer, a well timed taunt to save a group or even an operation from a wipe or as an offtank when MT is down or in a mindtrap. Also so far, most of the endgame bosses require quite a bit of mobility. 100% of a PT's rotation is instant, constantly applying dps pressure while on the move.


So if you mainly just want to stand in one place dpsing, looking like you are always constipated when spaming tracer missile, then go ahead with a Merc. But dont come to the forums and QQ when a PT destroys you in PvP :p



It's less DPS and melee usually takes more damage.

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It's less DPS and melee usually takes more damage.


Show me a parse that proves Merc dps is better. Until then, I will take my experience with the infernal council in EV (where I am always done before our equally or better geared Mercs, by at least 5sec), my PvP damage score compared to Mercs, My win ratios over Mercs in a full health 1v1 and countless HMs ran alongside Mercs.


Also if that is not enough, then why are PT Pyros getting a huge nerf, while Arsenal Mercs getting a dps buff?? lol ...check the link.


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On the Powertech Tank specs. Don't listen to the ones saying it's a ranged tank. Yes you can use some skills at 30m. But you would never intentionally be that far away unless you're purposely trying to avoid some AOE or just got knocked back. Other then that you want to be right up in the enemy's face for rocket punch, quell, retractable blade, heat blast, flame sweep, oil slick, flame thrower, etc. depending on the tank build. Powertech tanks have jet charge and grapple for a reason.


Also Powertechs are not "off" tanks as I think some may have been suggesting. All geared tanks are good, but if you look at the tank forum you will see that many consider the Powertech to be the best main tank in the game.


You failed at understanding a crucial point. "ranged" or "melee" isn't about where you are in the fight, but about what abilities and effective range you got. And thats 30 meter for you at decent effectiveness, 10 meter full effectivess or so (minus rocket punch and mitigation technique working better with everyone in melee range)


You choose to go in melee range due to threat mechanic, and because it makes managing people/applying mitigation easier, but you still keep that ranged bubble around you to recuperate a target you lost threat on, or get that add on you.


Some people argued that jug and sin have a few more than melee technique, but play a Guardian/jug and I tell you Force Scream/Blade Storm is not enough to say you get an efficient 10 meter area of effectiveness. The most you'll do is refresh threat on that ranged mob every once in a while. I very much hope you don't need to overcome someone's DPS threat on the target, or you'll have a lot of fun trying.


Sin fares a bit better, but playing all three sure shows that when it comes to reaching that far away target, PT ranged capabilities in a channeled 30 meter decent hitter that is unload, Dart and a powerful AoE like DFA, that you have the Tanking class in the game that can build threat on an enemy constantly without hugging it.


So YES you'll operate in melee range for conveniance sake, NO this does not mean you are suddenly a melee tank.


As an ending note, retractable blade is an AP ability, not a ST one.

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