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Guild Summit: Mac users better really want it...


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Really sorry about your luck, guess all that stuff you posted was ignored by everyone at EA.


That must sting.


It's very doubtful EA has ignored it. Even recent history shows that they know full well how lucrative providing OSX versions can be. If they didn't, I would not expect they'd continue much with any Mac development. However that isn't the case and they continue actively developing under others of their--especially for their very successful titles.


As far as TOR goes, I think the biggest hindrance so far has been technical limitations with the engine. Once that's really been overcome, I expect we'll see some different answers.

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It's very doubtful EA has ignored it. Even recent history shows that they know full well how lucrative providing OSX versions can be. If they didn't, I would not expect they'd continue much with any Mac development. However that isn't the case and they continue actively developing under others of their--especially for their very successful titles.
Did WAR ever release for Macs? I know they were working on it, but if I recall correctly they just quietly gave up at some point, though perhaps that was when EA decided to put everything into SWTOR, an option they don't have with SWTOR itself (unless there's some other MMO they're working on that I'm unaware of).
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it not jsut taht windows had a securty issues, it also that anyone that going to make a virus not going to aim at the population that only 10-ish%(the Macs) vs the 80%(pcs, the other 10% or random other platforms, and no the numbers are partly made up to lazzy to find the study i used for my essay while in IT school) you want to aim fo the biggest target to to cause as much trouble,hack data, etc to the majority.


and Mac OS not perfect other wise tehre would enver be aneed for they updates tehy do, including some if you read the notes security updates to prevernt securty issues.AKA hackers,virus,etc. hell 3 years ago asa class project me and 3 other hacked 3 diffent mac ystems in the computer lab to show poeple macs can be hacked, jsut takes allittle more skill and diffrent tools then a PC.


Interestingly enough, hackers will tell you that Macs are easier to hack into then PCs. Read this article http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/blog/2009/mar/20/browser-economics This guy gets paid for every bug he finds, and he states for the time it takes to find one bug on IE and Firefox, he can find 10 more on Safari in the same amount of time, but it isn't worth it because he gets paid more for the IE/Firefox bugs.

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Did WAR ever release for Macs? I know they were working on it, but if I recall correctly they just quietly gave up at some point, though perhaps that was when EA decided to put everything into SWTOR, an option they don't have with SWTOR itself (unless there's some other MMO they're working on that I'm unaware of).


Yes, WAR made a Cider port for Mac.


If you go to their FAQ section, they seem really proud of it too, lol.

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I have had great success running the game on my 2007 Clovertown MacPro with 16GB of Ram. I even hacked my Win7 to run in 64 bit mode to get access to the full 16GB of system memory.


Only week point is the AMD 5870 GPU, which is OK but nothing special. I'd have better GPU choices on a newer MacPro, but I'm happy with performance, especially since heavily populated areas (ilum pvp) were a slide show for everyone anyway.


I'm running a Dell u2711 monitor and the game looks great.


Honestly, I'm not surprised by BioWare's comments toward Mac users. But I don't take it personally since they basically treat all of their customer service issues and concerns in a similar manner. They really don't care about us. They have no player retention effort. Also, what can I say except we all appear to be gluttons for such punishment. :)

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Would just like to point out yet another instance of how iOS is becoming a gaming platform of choice, and through that, eliminating Windows proprietary technologies like DirectX.


Developers all want to develop for iOS, so they use more open standards. This developer skill set is important because it means they have the tools and skills that makes their iOS game automatically compatible with Mac OS X as well (it's the same OS as iOS.) Developers will be then making their current choice in reverse - "Should I port to Windows?" and those who answer "yes" will be fewer and fewer.


Latest case in point: Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition. Originally announced for the new iPad, and now coming to the Mac. Not a mention of Windows.




Sure, they are not the latest cutting edge games... yet. But I'm here to tell you the number of "latest, cutting edge games" you see, especially ones that rely on Windows proprietary technology are going to decrease in numbers drastically.


This is but one of the first snowflakes to fall in what is to be a blizzard of reality for Microsoft, the Windows platform and PC gamers.


The game is over.


Apple platforms are, without question, premier first-tier gaming platforms, and any developer - especially that of a Star Wars subscription game - are foolish to not supper the platform as soon as possible.


Balder's Gate Enhanced is a PC game as well, announced as a PC game, with the annoucements for IPad and Mac that came later.

Edited by Wolfeisberg
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Balder's Gate Enhanced is a PC game as well, announced as a PC game, with the annoucements for IPad and Mac that came later.


Actually, it hasn't been announced for the PC at all... certainly not first. The official site hasn't been updated with it at all. Interesting, huh?


iPad was the first goal of the release, it made the Mac version easy, and the Windows version will be for nostalgia - and use no proprietary Microsoft tech. Just as I said.

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I laugh at the people complaining for mac support and saying that you were forced to pay extra to play the game, when in truth you choose to pay extra~ instead of buying a Mac get a more powerful gaming PC for half the price and save your "extra" money they "forced" you to spend.



also whoever pays to bootcamp windows is not a strong thinker spend a few hours/a day downloading it and your set and saved yourself the 150 bones.

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Actually, it hasn't been announced for the PC at all... certainly not first. The official site hasn't been updated with it at all. Interesting, huh?


iPad was the first goal of the release, it made the Mac version easy, and the Windows version will be for nostalgia - and use no proprietary Microsoft tech. Just as I said.


i already showed you the quote from Trent Oster from March 15th stating they are concentrating on the PC version, with annoucements for other Platforms later. So yes, in fact it the PC version was the first confirmed version of that game. Ipad information wasn't released till 1 week after the PC version was already confirmed. You are just assuming that IPad version was the flagship version they were working on and porting to Windows, since you have zero to back that up. All I can say for a fact is that this game is going to be PC, Mac, and iOS, and that the PC version was the first confirmed version. There is nothing to state what was being worked on first, though.

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MACs are for artists and people that know little about micro-processing technology.


People that don't care what's in the machine as long as it's the most pop/hip & most expensive thing out. They don't care to upgrade and keep their machines up to date cause they probably have the money to buy and recycle Computers like they were video games.

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MACs are for artists and people that know little about micro-processing technology.


People that don't care what's in the machine as long as it's the most pop/hip & most expensive thing out. They don't care to upgrade and keep their machines up to date cause they probably have the money to buy and recycle Computers like they were video games.


What exactly do I need to know about "micro-processing technology" to play a video game? The answer is zero.


Macs are for people who do much more with their computer that play video games. Macs are for people who value, value. Macs are for people who just want their computer to work.

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This entire game, lmao including the forums is like a bad joke.


Congratulations on running your game to the ground. Everyone from the lead designer to the pawn forum mods are ridiculously arrogant, lol jokes on you with your failed game.

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EA is a money making business, and they look into costs vs reward all the time based on various pieces of data at their disposal. At this time, they have determined that spending the money on Mac OSX is not going to give them as much reward as doing something else, what ever that may be.


It doesn't matter what the doctors say, ultimately it will be EA who decides if they want to spend the money on it, and when. If the doctors are serious about it, it will be up to them to have enough data to prove that it is a worth while investment for EA to put money into it, sooner rather then later.

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EA is a money making business, and they look into costs vs reward all the time based on various pieces of data at their disposal. At this time, they have determined that spending the money on Mac OSX is not going to give them as much reward as doing something else, what ever that may be.


It doesn't matter what the doctors say, ultimately it will be EA who decides if they want to spend the money on it, and when. If the doctors are serious about it, it will be up to them to have enough data to prove that it is a worth while investment for EA to put money into it, sooner rather then later.


I think you can infer by the way that they are speaking in interviews that the wheels are already in motion.

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I think you can infer by the way that they are speaking in interviews that the wheels are already in motion.


any new interviews since it was stated that the game works fine on Bootcamp/Windows at the Guild Summit?


And what do you mean by "wheels already in motion"? Like they are actually developing it, or are they gaining data, making a plan, find out how much it would cost, how much it would cost to support, and about how much money it could make for EA? So they can present that information to EA and ask them for more money to do it.

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any new interviews since it was stated that the game works fine on Bootcamp/Windows at the Guild Summit?


And what do you mean by "wheels already in motion"? Like they are actually developing it, or are they gaining data, making a plan, find out how much it would cost, how much it would cost to support, and about how much money it could make for EA? So they can present that information to EA and ask them for more money to do it.


He means the wheels are in motion for this game to go down the toilet, how can they possible set the game up for mac when they can't get the game to work on windows? what a joke

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MACs are for artists and people that know little about micro-processing technology.


People that don't care what's in the machine as long as it's the most pop/hip & most expensive thing out. They don't care to upgrade and keep their machines up to date cause they probably have the money to buy and recycle Computers like they were video games.


Generalizations don't serve anyone very well. I think you'll find that the truth is vastly different than what you think it is.


In other words, most of the Mac-savvy people I know also know far more about computers than the general Windows population. Certainly there is a large group of users of both platforms that know very little about their machine other than it works or doesn't work and that will buy a new machine rather than learn how to upgrade their hardware.


Trying to pigeon-hole the thoughts and knowledge of gamers within either platform with the thoughts and knowledge of non-gamers is pretty much a moot point and really doesn't have much place in this discussion.

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any new interviews since it was stated that the game works fine on Bootcamp/Windows at the Guild Summit?


And what do you mean by "wheels already in motion"? Like they are actually developing it, or are they gaining data, making a plan, find out how much it would cost, how much it would cost to support, and about how much money it could make for EA? So they can present that information to EA and ask them for more money to do it.




""I'd say 'not yet,'" Zeschuk assured me when I told him that, as a BioWare fan, I'm unable to play The Old Republic on my less than two-year-old MacBook."


"We've done a lot of Mac ports before of our games. We haven't announced any details yet for The Old Republic, but we know that's an important and large audience."

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Uh, no. Why should Mac users support the game by paying a subscription when you have to jump through hoops like that, and to top it off you wouldn't even be supported in return. Only a fool... laughable.


What you meant to say is anyone who wants to play great games on the Mac go here:



Edited by Lethality
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Uh, no. Why should Mac users support the game by paying a subscription when you have to jump through hoops like that, and to top it off you wouldn't even be supported in return. Only a fool... laughable.


What you meant to say is anyone who wants to play great games on the Mac go here:




Or here http://www.eveonline.com/


Now being more serious: the wine way is even more undesirable than going the bootcamp way. As soon as I get my new Mac I'll have to bootcamp it which sucks but I still want a NATIVE OS X client.

Edited by BrunoLogan
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Or here http://www.eveonline.com/


Now being more serious: the wine way is even more undesirable than going the bootcamp way. As soon as I get my new Mac I'll have to bootcamp it which sucks but I still want a NATIVE OS X client.


You can't have it both ways. The only way to speak is with your wallet - cancel your account until the game is available as a native Mac OS X version. Otherwise there's no incentive for BioWare to do one.

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You can't have it both ways. The only way to speak is with your wallet - cancel your account until the game is available as a native Mac OS X version. Otherwise there's no incentive for BioWare to do one.


I'm still playing because I'm running the game on my Windows PC ( C2D 2.4 with 4GB RAM and a 9600GT) but I'm planning to replace it for a desktop Mac. However canceling the subscription is a serious option as I don't have space on my desk for 2 desktops and a laptop.

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