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Who cares about "lore" as long as the game gets more fun!


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I feel really bad for when a new novel comes out based in the SW universe and they throw in some force sensitive of a race that has no previous lore of being force sensitive. I can only imagine the lore jockeys would stack it in a pyre and burn it.



No idea, but there are no races available for play in SWTOR that have not already demonstrated force sensitivity, its more rare in some of them, and others are always force sensitive, but all of them are capable of having force sensitive members.

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Everytime I see one of these I have to ask: Why are you here?


You don't like the game, cool. Maybe even make one of those pointless "goodbye" threads if you need. But then go. Why do people feel the need to troll the forums?


"Not only do I not like this game, I will check the forums to make sure other people aren't enjoying it either, and if they are, I'm going to make sure to call them out for it."


Go do something else.


Are my posts really crippling other peoples enjoyment of the game?


Maybe, if they are, its becasue they have some truth in them that far too many people seem unwilling to face.


Now i've got as much right to be here as you do. You wont convince me to stop posting becasue i'd like this game to get to a state where I can start enjoying it. Its a freaking Star Wars MMO made by one of the best PC RPG developers of the last 2 decades. I should love this game, but I dont, and there are far too many people willing to accept the bad changes that are just a band aid to fix falling subscriber numbers in the short term.

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Bascially the "lore" Star Wars is why I wanted to play the game, and that lore is why I picked my first character to be a Scoundrel because that is the character I was able to indentify with the most from the "lore" I saw in the films and read about in the novels.


So now along comes this new way for a BH to cast force lightning? How in the name of star wars does that fit into any of the the lore? It is absolutely ludicrous and only shows me that Bioware thinks they can keep people subscribing by handing out all abilities to all players via the legacy system. I worked to get my force lightning in my class and now a smuggler can do it just cause they have my last name?


Absolutely ludicrous...:mad:

Edited by Rahl_Windsong
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I am curious what lore exactly is being broken? I will admit that Sith Warrior would not make as much sense with a non human or sith pureblood, but they already allow Zabraks which do not fit the story perfectly.


Sith Inquisitor story fits almost every race with the exception of Sith Pureblood, which is already a race that can be an inquisitor, the only other race that isnt perfect for it is chiss, but there are some chiss that have left their society and could become slaves, so its still more likely then the already allowed pureblood.


I saw mention of color crystals by a earlier poster, this is actually a lore fix, there was never a limitation on color crystals used by either side other then the availability of them.


This. I haven't seen a legitimate complaint about this game breaking lore that didn't go on to redefine lore such that "personally, I think canon should include XYZ but not ABC." This is especially true of "only the OT is canon" opinions. TOR takes place nearly 3,500 years before the movies, which means it's entirely in the Expanded Universe. Further, the canon that Bioware is working with here is in large part authored by Bioware (KotOR series is canon, btw).


Nothing in the legacy system that they've revealed so far breaks lore.

Edited by kisharrr
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A casual disregard for the lore can only serve to make this game less fun.


I bought this game for a Star Wars experience, by making the game less Star Wars, I become less interested in playing it. I mean, the Star Wars universe is a pretty broad canvas as is, do we really need to throw overboard what few solid rules there are?

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hate to break it to ya, but pandas are a part of the warcraft lore.


i am not sure why people are having such a cow over that. i think it looks pretty cool, and plan on havinga great time with it.


by part of the lore you mean they were an april fools day joke then sure,

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Lore and gameplay is a balancing act. As long as BW can give me a reasonable explanation as why they made something that may superficially be lore-breaking, I am fine with it.


Lore is important for us who are playing this game to play a fun STAR WARS game.

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A casual disregard for the lore can only serve to make this game less fun.


I bought this game for a Star Wars experience, by making the game less Star Wars, I become less interested in playing it. I mean, the Star Wars universe is a pretty broad canvas as is, do we really need to throw overboard what few solid rules there are?


How does any of this break Lore?

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Well, considering that with the coming changes in 1.2 we will all just be playing Imp Wars, I think you are right. BW is pretty much already throwing the lore out the door.


They also showed that the imps on a large scale don't outweigh the reps as much as people thought....it was within 15% I believe.

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How does any of this break Lore?


If only one or two Chiss ever joined the Republic or one or two Sith became Jedi, it doesn't exactly justify making them playable. Sure, you might not call it breaking the lore, but it is stretching it right up to breaking point. And if they're already doing this two months into the game I can only dread to imagine how much worse they'll abuse the lore further down the line.


At least LotRO needed a few years before it developed a casual disregard for the source material.

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Been asked a couple times now, will one of the complainers say exactly what is lore breaking about the legacy system?


So far the only thing I have read that even comes close is the inhereted ability that can be used during the heroic moment ability on a 20 min cooldown that requires a companion, its a little lore breaking but you wont see it very often if at all if you dont use it yourself.

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If only one or two Chiss ever joined the Republic or one or two Sith became Jedi, it doesn't exactly justify making them playable. Sure, you might not call it breaking the lore, but it is stretching it right up to breaking point. And if they're already doing this two months into the game I can only dread to imagine how much worse they'll abuse the lore further down the line.


At least LotRO needed a few years before it developed a casual disregard for the source material.


The issue is, with the story, you ARE the 1 or 2 Chiss that joined the reps, you are the 1 or 2 Sith that became Jedi...It makes perfect sense....Also, there's no way of knowing exactly how widespread this is and people are their own. In the Galaxy, the PCs are but a speck...and also the stars of their stories.

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If only one or two Chiss ever joined the Republic or one or two Sith became Jedi, it doesn't exactly justify making them playable. Sure, you might not call it breaking the lore, but it is stretching it right up to breaking point. And if they're already doing this two months into the game I can only dread to imagine how much worse they'll abuse the lore further down the line.


At least LotRO needed a few years before it developed a casual disregard for the source material.


There are not really millions of epic hero's running around the galaxy, there are 8 for the 8 stories, thats it. Outside of your storyline you are playing an mmo, and there is no lore any longer, there is certainly no lore in someone taking a 100 blaster bolts or lightsaber swings to the face without suffering death. Those players never interact in your story and are not a part of it.

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There are not really millions of epic hero's running around the galaxy, there are 8 for the 8 stories, thats it. Outside of your storyline you are playing an mmo, and there is no lore any longer, there is certainly no lore in someone taking a 100 blaster bolts or lightsaber swings to the face without suffering death. Those players never interact in your story and are not a part of it.




There is a place where Lore ends and Game Mechanics begins...this is that point...It makes sense lore wise because you are the 1 of 8 heroes in the game....When you group, you have to have a suspension of Disbelief. Its true in most MMOs...I mean in WoW, we are just a rag tag group of adventurers who may have been there when the aspects and thrall downed Deathwing.

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Maybe, just maybe, he cares about Star Wars and doesn't like seeing it get sold down the river to make a cheap buck?


A more applicable question is: why are you here? If nothing matters, then shouldn't you find WoW's pandas and pokemon combination thoroughly stimulating?


Wow doesn't have any pandas or pokemon. What in the world are you talking about?

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There are not really millions of epic hero's running around the galaxy, there are 8 for the 8 stories, thats it. Outside of your storyline you are playing an mmo, and there is no lore any longer, there is certainly no lore in someone taking a 100 blaster bolts or lightsaber swings to the face without suffering death. Those players never interact in your story and are not a part of it.


Except, once again, I RP, so I will probably be encountering a fair amount of those Sith Jedi. Or I guess I could just pre-emptively /ignore them.

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My RP'ing buddies over in Azeroth would fall out of their chairs and spasm with delight if they could do half the things SWTOR's Legacy System does.


The whole thing is absolute heaven for anyone interested in heavily playing the "RPG" end of "MMORPG."

Edited by Dayfax
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so 14% difference....so still withing 15%...That's pretty good for an MMO.


Interesting. I'd like to see that sample split between PvP and PvE servers. Additionally, I'd like to see the spread on level 50 toons. On my server Imps outnumber Pub 2-3:1 at any given time. I'm sure my Server is not the only deviation from the 15% norm, but then again, it is a PvP Server.

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