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Commando or Vanguard Please help :)


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Previous I pvped with a Sage- (telekinetic- 31 pt build yeah!) respeced to hybrid (:|) did not like it.


I am playing a trooper and would like to go with assualt spec or a hybrid.


Cant decide between commando and vanguard. I will go dps.


Commando Pros:

can toss up heals

gets an instant cast. (going to be used on plasma grenade)

With a hybrid can get access to grav for buff to high impact, and a full auto that could proc a second bolt. (bolt will have 30+35 armor penetration)



Takes more damage

Gets an absurd amount of stuns or interupts with its spec

Better looking (not heavily weighed)

High crit rate ability similar to sage.



Who wins in a fight between an assualt commando and vanguard?


I think the vanguard though with the right build would this always be the case?


Also what are your thoughts on plasma cell and its slow effect to ruin melee that try to get on you?

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Commando does more dps in PVE (getting a little nerfed in 1.2). Vanguard crushes the commando in 1v1, it's not even close. Assault spec vanguard is one of the most OP specs in the game when geared. Good vanguards can range melee and close range. They're all instant cast and if you use your abilities right, can adapt to almost any situation. Burst is insane, even without procs. Edited by durvas
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Assault spec VG has probably the highest PvP DPS in the game that almost entirely ignores armor and is good from melee range to 30m with entirely instant casts.




I'm currently playing an Ironfirst build because I like to guard and have more utility but assault spec is insane for damage. When I see one they are #1 on my kill list after a healer.

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How do you like to play? Thats the question you should ask yourself.


Commandos are a plant and shoot play style.


Vanguards are extremely mobile that do a lot of melee ranged attacks.


Both AC's seem to be really "slow" and "clunky" in the game play though it always used to bother me.

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I prefer a mobile gameplay, I can los, kite and hit buttons with fluid motion.


Why would a vanguard own a commando with the same spec?


It should come down to the differences between them

where a vanguard has

more armor, harpoon, interupts

offensive cooldown


and a commando should have



more damage

defensive cooldown

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Are the interupts making the vanguard spec OP?


They only have 1 True Interupt










and shared between both AC's




So yes they can shut down a healer pretty well...

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you realize that two of those "interupts" are ranged only. everyone has a stun, so throw that out the window. most classes have a knockback, mez, knockdown, or additional stun, so throw carbonize out the window.


my assassin can interupt better than my pt.

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Yes any casting class would be shut down against a vanguard without a doubt (without burning the defensive cooldown). Would an assault commando have the same problem? Edited by Soultyr
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Vanguard is the frontline fighter - excels at 1 on 1 and target lockdown. Situational AoE


Commando is the Heavy Artillery - excels at single target ranged Nuking. Situational AoE



I Have both. Ive always played melee characters so vanguard is my favoured style but they are both fun.


The commando isnt very good at 1 v 1 but I love combining plasma grenade with Mortar volley. Insane damage.

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Vanguard is the frontline fighter - excels at 1 on 1 and target lockdown. Situational AoE


Commando is the Heavy Artillery - excels at single target ranged Nuking. Situational AoE



I Have both. Ive always played melee characters so vanguard is my favoured style but they are both fun.


The commando isnt very good at 1 v 1 but I love combining plasma grenade with Mortar volley. Insane damage.


Does the vanguard have problems with melee?

The commando can be specced to have 2 throwbacks and a slow so perhaps less trouble with melee than vanguard?

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Does the vanguard have problems with melee?

The commando can be specced to have 2 throwbacks and a slow so perhaps less trouble with melee than vanguard?


The vanguard is at his most dangerous in melee. You an hold your own in "most situations"


The commando has 2 knockbacks but for good reason. It is very hard to function as a commando with a melee in your face. However, If you can kite/LoS, you can drop a few quick heals on yourself.

Edited by Kalliadies
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The vanguard is at his most dangerous in melee.


The commando has 2 knockbacks but for good reason. It is very hard to function as a commando with a melee in your face.


What are the vanguards counters then?


They lock down cast classes.

Better at melee range.

offensive cooldown.



Only thing I can think of is not being able to get out of combat situation. (cant pick and choose fights)

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Does the vanguard have problems with melee?

The commando can be specced to have 2 throwbacks and a slow so perhaps less trouble with melee than vanguard?


Vanguard does fine with melee as long as you use the correct abilities at the correct time.

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What are the vanguards counters then?


They lock down cast classes.

Better at melee range.

offensive cooldown.



Only thing I can think of is not being able to get out of combat situation. (cant pick and choose fights)


No escape is certaninly one drawback.


Being a melee range character is by definition a counter. What it means is you will always be a highly available target because you are closer. By human nature, people tend to target the guy that is up close and personal. (with the exception of pulling a target to you every 35 seconds when specd)


you will also get alot of guys coming back for revenge after they got burned trying to stand against you in 1 on 1 :p. I had up to 4 chasing me all game, but I was Tank spec so mission accomplished XD


Marauders with full cooldowns if played properly should wreck a DPS vanguard - Not many good marauders though


Good Snipers will give you a fairly good throttling - there are a shortage of these aswell


other than that, Vanguards are very solid.....very

Edited by Kalliadies
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What are the vanguards counters then?


They lock down cast classes.

Better at melee range.

offensive cooldown.



Only thing I can think of is not being able to get out of combat situation. (cant pick and choose fights)


Yeah, no escape when you are in over your head... Unless you count charging an enemy that's not in the group trying to kill you.


But overall they are either just as easy to kill as any dps, when dps soever, or don't do as much damage when tanky soever. They aren't all in ones but certainly have much more utility then commando.

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I play a mercenary (not sure which is the "mirror" class on republic side) but I can give you some imput here. I play the pyrotech tree (no tracer missile/grav round) for me.



MOBILITY - Alot of your attacks are instant cast or you can use on the run. Also, lets you get open for passes alot more than as an arsenal.

Basic attack - It applies a pretty good DoT that does decent damage.

Burst - Your burst is just as good if not better than an grav spammer. This is assuming a target that knows your attacking it and therefor moving.

Not taken seriously - This happens alot actually. - The way you can line up your attacks, you can take 50% of a targets health before they really know whats going on.





Heat/ammo management - It requires ALOT more effort to keep yourself where you want to be and to know then to burn out. That can take some time to learn.

One less knockback

Lose out on the debuffs that tracer missile provides


These are just a few that i could think of off the top of my head.

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Vanguard assault 2 button spamming death machine with little to no thought process you could cook and play it.


Basically two Assault Vanguards, three Focus-Guardians (maybe two and add in a sentinel), two medic Scoundrels, and a tank-Shadow is your near perfect ranked team.

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