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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Combat logs 1.2. Parsable outside of game.


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Again they devs got something right. I just gained a little ( a little :p) more respect for them.


There will be combat logs with everything your toon does. These logs can be downloaded to disk. Guilds or who ever from there can get the information they need.


This goes a long way for uniqueness of your character. BioWare's philosophy is that you should have some degree of privacy for your toon. Not everyone wants or need to run the "optimal spec" in order to do lower tier flash points and operations.


For those high end world first types (used to be me) they will have all the tools the need to further their progression.

Edited by BCBull
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Again they devs got something right. I just gained a little ( a little :p) more respect for them.


There will be combat logs with everything your toon does. These logs can be downloaded to disk. Guild or who ever from there can get the information the need.


This goes a long way for uniqueness of your character. BioWare's philosophy is that you should have some degree of privacy for your toon.


For those high end world first types (used to be me) they will have all the tools the need to further their progression.

So if a raid leader asks the newb in questing blues what his dps is and he says his is higher than everyone else, were supposed to just believe him right? Fail.

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So if a raid leader asks the newb in questing blues what his dps is and he says his is higher than everyone else, were supposed to just believe him right? Fail.


Why are you taking along a noob in questing blues to begin with? I'd say you're the noob and the fool not the dps

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No not at all, but if your pugging you are probably not gonna be doing nightmare mode, Thus optimal wont be needed.


Now, most mmo vets (raid leaders) can eyeball someone and see if they are not geared for content or how they want to do the content.

Edited by BCBull
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Personal, downloadable logs are a half-baked, half-assed way to implement combat logs. If Bioware is going to implement combat logs that can be saved for offline parsing, they need to go all the way and let me see everything from everyone.
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Personal, downloadable logs are a half-baked, half-assed way to implement combat logs. If Bioware is going to implement combat logs that can be saved for offline parsing, they need to go all the way and let me see everything from everyone.


Nope the logs are in game, but if you want to parse them you can dl to disk and parse them.

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So if a raid leader asks the newb in questing blues what his dps is and he says his is higher than everyone else, were supposed to just believe him right? Fail.


It is for guilds, not to harass people in pugs.

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Personal, downloadable logs are a half-baked, half-assed way to implement combat logs. If Bioware is going to implement combat logs that can be saved for offline parsing, they need to go all the way and let me see everything from everyone.


wow :rolleyes:

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I don't understand why people insist on seeing the negative in everything.


DPS races were one of the most fun aspects of playing a DPS character.


Real-time feedback in how I was doing compared to others pushed me to improve my character, improve my play, improve my spec, tailor my gear, and so on.


Not having that here has taken away a very practical tool for raid leaders and a very fun aspect of gaming for those who enjoy some in-guild competition.


If you don't have that, sure some baddies will be carried and swear it isn't them. People will be using sub-optimal specs and cause raids to fail without any repurcussions. Raid leaders will be making subjective decisions about who to bring along instead of objective decisions, and MOST importantly.......


Developers won't have to deal with imbalance issues that can be objectively illustrated.

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This will not prevent DPS and Healing discrimination. It will simply make it more difficult to do so.


As an OPs leader, if my group is hitting enrage timers, I'm going to have to stop the run, have everyone email me their text files, and process the info. It's a cumbersome, tedious process.


Bad decision in my opinion. It'll only be half a tool. You can't pound nails with half a hammer.

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This will not prevent DPS and Healing discrimination. It will simply make it more difficult to do so.


As an OPs leader, if my group is hitting enrage timers, I'm going to have to stop the run, have everyone email me their text files, and process the info. It's a cumbersome, tedious process.


Bad decision in my opinion. It'll only be half a tool. You can't pound nails with half a hammer.


Yeah they are going way too far with this just to protect bad player's from getting their feelings hurt.


Ya know it might actually be better if they were criticized so they could improve and not bring down all the groups they are in.


I personally have wiped because of enrage issues and without combat logs we could not determine who was playing incorrectly. Tis a shame they won't make it more accessable.

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Personal, downloadable logs are a half-baked, half-assed way to implement combat logs. If Bioware is going to implement combat logs that can be saved for offline parsing, they need to go all the way and let me see everything from everyone.




What a PITA. Why not just give us meters. I want to know who is failing so I can help them get better.

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I don't understand why people insist on seeing the negative in everything.


DPS races were one of the most fun aspects of playing a DPS character.


I so much agree with you on this, but me crushing pugs by 4k dps did nothing but boost my pride a little.


I can lose that if I get to keep my flexibility in spec for operations and flash points where optimal is not needed.

Edited by BCBull
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Yeah they are going way too far with this just to protect bad player's from getting their feelings hurt.


Ya know it might actually be better if they were criticized so they could improve and not bring down all the groups they are in.


I personally have wiped because of enrage issues and without combat logs we could not determine who was playing incorrectly. Tis a shame they won't make it more accessable.


It's times like this.....that I'm so glad that I'm on an RP server.


Folks on RP servers are more inclined to actually help one another, then to play 'Who's the bad? Let's kick him!'


I think Bioware did the right thing.

Edited by JediElf
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Why are you taking along a noob in questing blues to begin with? I'd say you're the noob and the fool not the dps


because its hard to find players that were around before WOW.


Why do you ask?


Sometimes you just need to settle for whats available :)

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So if a raid leader asks the newb in questing blues what his dps is and he says his is higher than everyone else, were supposed to just believe him right? Fail.




1) if a raid leader accepts an unknown player (ie: never seen them play), that's on the raid leader.


2) If the raid leader cannot assess the player by inspecting them and (if need be) doing a performance test duel, then the raid leader is the fail, not the game.

Edited by Andryah
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I don't understand why people insist on seeing the negative in everything.


DPS races were one of the most fun aspects of playing a DPS character.


Real-time feedback in how I was doing compared to others pushed me to improve my character, improve my play, improve my spec, tailor my gear, and so on.


Not having that here has taken away a very practical tool for raid leaders and a very fun aspect of gaming for those who enjoy some in-guild competition.


If you don't have that, sure some baddies will be carried and swear it isn't them. People will be using sub-optimal specs and cause raids to fail without any repurcussions. Raid leaders will be making subjective decisions about who to bring along instead of objective decisions, and MOST importantly.......


Developers won't have to deal with imbalance issues that can be objectively illustrated.


Reiterating this because this is the best post so far in this thread, and wipes the floor with any counter-arguments.

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1) if a raid leader accepts an unknown player (ie: never seen them play), that's on the raid leader.


2) If the raid leader cannot assess the player by inspecting them and doing a performance test duel, then the raid leader is the fail, not the game.


Heaven forbid we ask for a common place tool that every other mmo has to assist us with bettering our other members.


I don't know about you but I don't like trying to see how someone performs while I am blindfolded. Combat logs are a necissity. There are so many more good reasons to include it over the single reason not to include it: protecting bad players from getting criticized.


Seriously, one of the worst kinds of people to work with in my day to day life at my job are the people that cannot and will not take criticism if they do something wrong and refuse to improve.


Do you like dealing with these kinds of people? Having no combat log caters to this group of players and HINDERS the rest. Real smart bioware, real smart.

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2) If the raid leader cannot assess the player by inspecting them and (if need be) doing a performance test duel, then the raid leader is the fail, not the game.





"If you beat me in a duel you can come DPS on my NMM Ops!"

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