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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware, what are you thinking?


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But instead, we will see LARGE and DISPROPORTIONATE numbers of these cross over races in the world.


You don't actually know that will happen.


I've heard the very same thing said before, and it generally does not happen like the doom cries say it will.


Sure a number of people will try out Chris and Sith, but mostly those will be people doing it for the sake of RP. But by and large there will not be armies of Sith Jedi running around.

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Yes, you posted the same thing in another thread, and apparently didn't read my response. You are simply ignoring an important aspect of the same reality you are using to advance your argument for the sake of convenience.


You are talking about a galaxy with trillions of sentients...where does that exist in SWTOR? It doesn't. You are using a yardstick that doesn't even exist in the reality in question.


And even if we use it as an IMAGINATIVE yardstick...the fact is that in such a situation the rarity of cross overs would be REPRESENTED in the world. In other words you would see few of them on a fleet, because they would have a minor statistical representation compared to the more "normal" races for a given faction.


But instead, we will see LARGE and DISPROPORTIONATE numbers of these cross over races in the world, which WOULD NEVER happen if they were actually "rare oddities".




You have an opinion and it is a "restrictive" view on something that is total fiction and does not have to have any basis in logic. Another person has an opinion and it is a very "open" view on something that is total fiction and does not have to have any basis in logic.


Someone doesn't agree with you? So they are wrong? Both arguments are about a fiction. Either of your views are correct.


Oh and Chiss can be Force Sensative!! ;)

Edited by Urael
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Sometimes less is more, and I ~REALLY~ hope Bioware reconsiders keeping some races stuck to one side of the fence. Including Sith Purebloods, almost all Purebloods enjoy an elite societal status within the Empire, are the ones who are responsible for the damn Sith order, and didn't even ever see anything the Republic has to offer, especially since their first encounter wasn't until about thirty years before the start of the game. So it's highly improbable that you'd ever see an adult Sith Pureblood Jedi, if not downright impossible.

Sith Purebloods who are weak in the force are treated as little better than slaves and would have every reason to leave the Empire rather than face a mandatory Academy visit doomed to execution.


Don't any of you actually READ Star Wars lore before commenting on it?

Edited by Caelrie
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Yes, you posted the same thing in another thread, and apparently didn't read my response. You are simply ignoring an important aspect of the same reality you are using to advance your argument for the sake of convenience.


You are talking about a galaxy with trillions of sentients...where does that exist in SWTOR? It doesn't. You are using a yardstick that doesn't even exist in the reality in question.


And even if we use it as an IMAGINATIVE yardstick...the fact is that in such a situation the rarity of cross overs would be REPRESENTED in the world. In other words you would see few of them on a fleet, because they would have a minor statistical representation compared to the more "normal" races for a given faction.


But instead, we will see LARGE and DISPROPORTIONATE numbers of these cross over races in the world, which WOULD NEVER happen if they were actually "rare oddities".




I understand, but disagree. Civilians GREATLY outnumber soldiers, who GREATLY outnumber PCs, yet, represented in the game, PCs outnumber soldiers and civilians, combined. In-game representation NEVER matches In-character representation in any MMO that doesn't make PCs just regular average Joes and Janes.

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I'd personally like to be able to change an existing character's race once this gets implemented. It won't happen and I'm good with that, but my Smuggler will be sitting until I can purchase the race I really like.
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Sometimes less is more, and I ~REALLY~ hope Bioware reconsiders keeping some races stuck to one side of the fence. Including Sith Purebloods, almost all Purebloods enjoy an elite societal status within the Empire, are the ones who are responsible for the damn Sith order, and didn't even ever see anything the Republic has to offer, especially since their first encounter wasn't until about thirty years before the start of the game. So it's highly improbable that you'd ever see an adult Sith Pureblood Jedi, if not downright impossible.


It's a bad idea all around. Doubly so for RP servers where you'll now see a sharp increase of stupid little Mary Sues who will do everything they can to be the most special little unique snowflake the galaxy has to offer.


And why would a Mirialan defect to the Empire? Mirial has been one of the Republic's longest running and most loyal allies. It'd make little sense for an ALIEN race to join up with the XENOPHOBIC Empire.


So again I implore you Bioware to reconsider this frankly idiotic move.


Defection, defection, defection, every point you make can be explained by that. A sith pureblood being RETRAINED as a jedi? Not hard. A Mirialan that falls to the dark side and thus chooses to join the sith (which by the way has Sith Lords that are aliens, whether or not the Sith always like it, it's still allowed)? Also, not hard, if you think outside your box you'll see it's not as bad as people make it out to be

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Before anyone else posts the "there will always be some who switch sides" argument for the 30th time, please read the edit at the bottom of my original post, I am tired of retyping the same thing because people can't be bothered to read the whole thread.
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still dont see how people are caring about classes when there totally making a mockery of star wars with force wielding troopers/IA/BH/Smugglers.


Because it doesn't matter. So a bounty hunter can use force lightning once every 20 minutes as long as he's not in a flashpoint or PvP. Who cares?

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Before anyone else posts the "there will always be some who switch sides" argument for the 30th time, please read the edit at the bottom of my original post, I am tired of retyping the same thing because people can't be bothered to read the whole thread.


Player Character are disproportionally represented in-game. In-character, Player Characters are a tiny fraction of the populace, smaller than the number of cross-over species, yet are over-represented in game. Therefore, complaints that a percentage of PCs would be over-representative, when PCs themselves are over-representative, are silly imo.

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Cool, looks like legacy is getting some interesting perks (with the main one being something we've known about ever since we first saw that miraluka sith, way to miss the boat on that one OP).


Don't like it? Too bad. :D

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You do know that they're adding in a new flashpoint and operation right? Along with new dailies for Corellia, new tier gear for PvP and PvE, pets, mounts, over-hauling crafting and a plethora of other features. I really just wanna respond to you in the way I want but I'd get myself banned. So I'm just gonna say no mmo has released new races in a content patch, they've always done it in expansions and TOR will be the same. I like it, I would like to be a Chiss Jedi Knight and if YOU have some problem with that then you need to go to therapy




Gameplay is such a technical and isolated concept, a MMORPG combine so many more aspects, that ultimately provide the added attraction. To lose sight of these aspects is to isolate them. And to recycle assets is to lose sight of the RPG origins that made these MMORPG's popular in the first place. Among the chief components of a true RPG is a distinctive and identifiable framework, which makes the basis for this debate, rather than insinuations and a resurrection of the Captialis Romana. ;)



Edited by Sernon
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so if you can play a sith on a republic side or a jedi on empire side, what will happed to the class quest?


You can play a Sith Pureblood Species on Republic; you still won't play a Sith on Republic . . . still be a Jedi, Smuggler, or Trooper.

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That's not happening. It's species, not classes.


Not saying I don't believe you, but is there anywhere you can point me to that confirms this?


I was just wondering if perhaps they intend to unlock all races for all classes, but races still bind the person to the faction (rather than the class).


Just looking for a clarification link. Thanks in advance :D

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OP I am as big a star wars nerd as anyone, and you really missed the mark here as most races in the story line follow their hearts and minds as the true fight implies...is for FREEDOM


This debate over force wielding in non Jedi roles… all I can say is read the books, it happens, even Princess Lea gets force sensitive.


To me Bioware is kind of to blame for some of this division being so blurred, even in this story you have imperial and rebel forces that duplicate the other.


Rebels have operatives and spies, but not playable in game. Imperials have all kinds of commandos, but once again, not playable by imps in game. Sith and Jedi are the 2 forces, Rebels and the Imperials are the factions.


As far as races playing for both, or playing as BH, Comm., Agent, Smugg,……………Freedom of Choice will be the need of anything that lives, even in fantasy lands;)

Edited by Rotton
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Not saying I don't believe you, but is there anywhere you can point me to that confirms this?


I was just wondering if perhaps they intend to unlock all races for all classes, but races still bind the person to the faction (rather than the class).


Just looking for a clarification link. Thanks in advance :D


Why would species bind you to a faction? Genetics don't mandate loyalties


Why wouldn't class bind you to a faction when one class is an IMPERIAL Agent?

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There are those that believe they are an oracle and fear being Cassandra and simply must get all of us to agree (with them). ;)


You've got the wrong guy. I've never been the type to care if people agree with me or not. I just see a very poorly thought out change being made, when there are so many other options and paths that could have been pursued, and I thought I would share my opinion.


When it was misrepresented, I tried to clarify it. If people want to continue to misrepresent it and support this craziness by falling back on exceptional cases, ignoring the fact that the vast majority of MMOs never take this step because they actually like the idea that their factions have identity, that is their prerogative.

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Now that it has been confirmed that getting a character of any race to 50 will allow you to roll that character as any class.



he said Race....not character of any class






Getting to level 50 will unlock that character's race for all classes you create thereafter, bypassing the regular class and race restrictions. "If you were to play a character to level 50 with all the races, you could create any class of any race," said Ohlen



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