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Classes able to use other class abilities? will this break the game?


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Let me explain,Species are unlocked....


So if i was to roll a Jedi Guardian as a Chiss, I would have Force abilities...



Get it ???


OOOHHHHHHH. Now I get ...wait


so why was the smuggler in the video force choking someone?

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Because giving people a chance for further immersion in an mmoRPG is totally absurd, no way a Chiss or Sith Pureblood could have a mind of their own and defect, or someone who isn't a trained jedi or sith be able to use force powers (even though all throughout the game you see this isn't the case in the slightest). Oh wait they can? Well then excuse me!


Ya let's just throw out the factions then. They will have no individuality or character after this anyway, who cares. And let's get rid of the classes as well, why put limits on abilities. I want a Jedi Bounty Hunter who can shoot lightsabers out of his eyes and force fart himself into outer space.


Why do we have all these differences and restrictions?

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Let me explain....


Species are unlocked....


So if i was to roll a Jedi Guardian as a Chiss, I would have Force abilities...



Get it now ???


You are not seeing a Chiss agent udsing Force powers....you are seeing a Sith Sorcerer who is a Chiss...


Its really not rocket science.


Oh, then why is there a guy wielding a pistol who proceeds to Force Choke a mofo then? Got an explanation smart guy?

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OOOHHHHHHH. Now I get ...wait


so why was the smuggler in the video force choking someone?


If you came in game and saw my Jedi Guardian you would think he was a trooper, Clothing and Appearance do not mean that he is a Smuggler...


There is a Item customization tab aswel.

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Since I realized I'm responding to your posts in different threads I'll just leave this here too:


By your logic there should only be one Jedi Knight, Trooper, Smuggler, Consular, ect. Which leaves for a total of 8 players per server, seeing as how the story only leaves room for one per class. Also those companions that everyone shares? Impossible get rid of them, dying and constantly being able to come back even if I jump in molten lava? Absurd we must have no more of this, being able to make a speeder magically appear? I'm going to unsub right now!!!


Or maybe just maybe I'll loosen up due to the fact that 1. This is a game and 2. This is a MULTIplayer game, and I'll allow others to enjoy the game the way they want to and if I don't like it, seeing as how I'm not providing the only source of income for the company that owns the game I can either unsubscribe (you won't be missed) or enjoy it my own way and let this insignificant details go.


Also in a galaxy with sentients in a far larger number than we could ever imagine its not that hard to imagine a few hundred of a race rebelling against a regime they dont agree with

Edited by ZanriI
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So much QQ of something that's a pve or cosmetic perk? Really? I mirror the sentiments of the above. We know for a fact that not all imperial controlled or republic controlled worlds support their own form of oppressive regime. Defectors is common. There's a quest where you help some force sensitives that were deemed too weak in the force to be trained as Sith but are forced to go and die anyway. You are given the choice to rat them out or let them escape in to the night to live their barely force sensitive life away from the empire.. Not to mention that some people simply don't want to be apart of something larger than themselves and chose a solo career as a bounty hunter.. If I had force powers.. I'd probably be the most feared Bounty Hunter in the universe. ;)
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There. Is a lot of selective reading/viewing in this thread.


Legacy works like this: it unlocks varying species for play that otherwise weren't available to a class, links together your characters through the branching "family" hooks so that abilities can be carried over--probably like one or two at a time--between them, unlocks training dummies and the GTN aboard your ship, and generally just makes life a little easier in certain regards.


Everything is lore compliant, and it's basically a reward for just playing the game as you normally would. That's it.

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If you came in game and saw my Jedi Guardian you would think he was a trooper, Clothing and Appearance do not mean that he is a Smuggler...


There is a Item customization tab aswel.


Except your Jedi CANNOT WIELD PISTOLS. The character in the video was using a gun, and then Force Choked somebody.


Get it?

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Cross faction species doesn't bother me. If this means a few more people playing Republic, then more power to them.


Cross class abilites, even if PvE only and on a long timer like the Heroic Moment type buff, is double facepalm worthy.


Let me explain....


Species are unlocked....


So if i was to roll a Jedi Guardian as a Chiss, I would have Force abilities...



Get it now ???


You are not seeing a Chiss agent udsing Force powers....you are seeing a Sith Sorcerer who is a Chiss...


Its really not rocket science.


Did you even watch the video? There is either a force user using a flame thrower or a bounty hunter wielding a lightsaber. Either way spells epic fail.

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Since I realized I'm responding to your posts in different threads I'll just leave this here too:


By your logic there should only be one Jedi Knight, Trooper, Smuggler, Consular, ect. Which leaves for a total of 8 players per server, seeing as how the story only leaves room for one per class. Also those companions that everyone shares? Impossible get rid of them, dying and constantly being able to come back even if I jump in molten lava? Absurd we must have no more of this, being able to make a speeder magically appear? I'm going to unsub right now!!!


Or maybe just maybe I'll loosen up due to the fact that 1. This is a game and 2. This is a MULTIplayer game, and I'll allow others to enjoy the game the way they want to and if I don't like it, seeing as how I'm not providing the only source of income for the company that owns the game I can either unsubscribe (you won't be missed) or enjoy it my own way and let this insignificant details go.


Also in a galaxy with sentients in a far larger number than we could ever imagine its not that hard to imagine a few hundred of a race rebelling against a regime they dont agree with



That really is a tremendous leap of logic you made there. Because we have to make certain unrealistic changes for convenience in video games we can't have any sense of reality or immersion? That is simply nuts.


Others enjoying the game has nothing to do with it. So by your thinking, we should just let people have whatever they want, Republic can wear Empire armor, Smugglers can Force Choke people(oh no, wait, they are actually adding that!) and you can buy an item at the VIP vendor that auto levers you to 50. Hey, I don't have time to level to 50, but I want to enjoy the game!


As to your last point...ya, and those few hundred would just happen to all be at the fleet most of the time to account for the fact that they would probably end up representing a third of the population on the fleet at any given time, despite the fact that there are a few hundred or thousand of them among billions. That is the way statistics are normally represented in real life, right? :rolleyes:

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So much QQ of something that's a pve or cosmetic perk? Really?


Remember we do have trolls on these forums and even if this was the greatest idea since the dawn of MMO's you would still have the trolls spinning it to make it sound awful...


Like the guy who equates sharing one skill (which a person can only use every 20 mins and ONLY in PvE and only when a companion is out) to having ALL class restrictions removed... they exaggerate and spin because that's what trolls do..

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That really is a tremendous leap of logic you made there. Because we have to make certain unrealistic changes for convenience in video games we can't have any sense of reality or immersion? That is simply nuts.


Others enjoying the game has nothing to do with it. So by your thinking, we should just let people have whatever they want, Republic can wear Empire armor, Smugglers can Force Choke people(oh no, wait, they are actually adding that!) and you can buy an item at the VIP vendor that auto levers you to 50. Hey, I don't have time to level to 50, but I want to enjoy the game!


As to your last point...ya, and those few hundred would just happen to all be at the fleet most of the time to account for the fact that they would probably end up representing a third of the population on the fleet at any given time, despite the fact that there are a few hundred or thousand of them among billions. That is the way statistics are normally represented in real life, right? :rolleyes:


Except general gameplay additions and tweaks will always take precedent over story and immersion. This is game development 101. You're the one who's acting nuts by immediately harping on this like it's the end of the world.


And for the record? Smuggler explanation: he's a reformed Sith/Jedi that has given up either path in service of being free from an order. There are plenty of cases to support this. And you'll need a companion out to use it anyway--legacy abilities are perks for when you're leveling an alt. That's. It.

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Remember we do have trolls on these forums and even if this was the greatest idea since the dawn of MMO's you would still have the trolls spinning it to make it sound awful...


Like the guy who equates sharing one skill (which a person can only use every 20 mins and ONLY in PvE and only when a companion is out) to having ALL class restrictions removed... they exaggerate and spin because that's what trolls do..


I am starting to think there are a hell of a lot of people out there who have no clue whatsoever what a troll is. Exaggeration is commonly used in arguments to make a point. It is usually not meant to be taken literally, and it certainly does not mean someone is trolling.


The past couple of years I have seen both on forums and in games, the minute someone makes a somewhat controversial comment or states an opinion in an argumentative way, everyone starts chiming in with "troll!". No.


Starting an argument and having an opinion different from yours does not make someone a troll. Trolls are deliberate, and you can weed the more obvious ones out because they will follow a position to truly nonsensical extremes just to get a rise out of people.


Some are more subtle, but not every person who argues on the forums or has an opinion you don't like or that differs from the accepted norm is a troll.


If you are in doubt, better to keep quiet than just spam TROLL TROLL TROLL hoping you are right, doing so makes people look foolish.

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Except general gameplay additions and tweaks will always take precedent over story and immersion. This is game development 101. You're the one who's acting nuts by immediately harping on this like it's the end of the world.


And for the record? Smuggler explanation: he's a reformed Sith/Jedi that has given up either path in service of being free from an order. There are plenty of cases to support this. And you'll need a companion out to use it anyway--legacy abilities are perks for when you're leveling an alt. That's. It.


If people are going to keep using exceptional cases to back up this silliness there is nothing I can counter with. I do like how you fall back on the norms for game development and then break out abnormal situations to defend your argument though.


And BTW...this kind of thing is NOT the norm for game development. The vast majority of MMOs never allow one faction's races to be rolled by another, for the simple reason that they CARE about the individuality and integrity of their factions.

Edited by Cancrizans
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1) It's only one ability not all the abilities from the other class so your statement "Why play a class when one class can do it all" is a huge exaggeration

2) It's makes sense that for example a Agent could have force powers due to him being slightly force sensitive, maybe not strong enough to be a full jedi or sith but can do a trick or two..

3) It's strictly only PvE and can easily be put into a RP back story of yourself, especially with the legacy tree where you might have a jedi in the family tree so the genes are there...4) Luke Skywalker was able to shoot lighting out of his fingers.... forget which book it was in but he had the ability



Anyways I think it's a cool idea


The one thing I see beyond the PVE notion is open world PVP...how would the game know to disable this ability when you fight in a non warzone. Just curious.

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If people are going to keep using exceptional cases to back up this silliness there is nothing I can counter with. I do like how you fall back on the norms for game development and then break out abnormal situations to defend your argument though.


And BTW...this kind of thing is NOT the norm for game development. The vast majority of MMOs never allow one faction's races to be rolled by another, for the simple reason that they CARE about the individuality and integrity of their factions.


Distinction AND imagination together are wonderful things; this is a gameplay addition, pure and simple, but I never said it was actively breaking the lore did I? I merely pointed out the obvious.


Is it really that absurd of an idea? There's a Twi'lek "Jedi" on Tatooine for Republic players that mentions how you can do more good by abandoning the Order to work more closely--and without the titles and "honor" of being a Jedi--with the people. Furthermore, most MMOs rely on the racial tension aspect of their story to drive conflict.


That isn't what Star Wars is about.


It's a galaxy-spanning opera that's about light and dark, political scheming, redemption and corruption. The story is defined by more themes than "oh, that guy has red skin and ridges on his face." It's the characters themselves, woven into vast and differing set pieces, that set the story.

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I'm quitting. They should make the legacy system how I want it to be. I'm so entitled.


No, but they should at least put some effort into it instead of this ridiculously lazy "let's just unlock some races and abilities that are already in game for other factions/classes".


Sorry, I have rarely seen such a half arsed attempt at "content" in all my years of playing MMOs. If you guys are happy with it, enjoy, but I am not so easily fooled or willing to accept such shoddy development and lame gimmicks in a product I pay monthly for.

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Distinction AND imagination together are wonderful things; this is a gameplay addition, pure and simple, but I never said it was actively breaking the lore did I? I merely pointed out the obvious.


Is it really that absurd of an idea? There's a Twi'lek "Jedi" on Tatooine for Republic players that mentions how you can do more good by abandoning the Order to work more closely--and without the titles and "honor" of being a Jedi--with the people. Furthermore, most MMOs rely on the racial tension aspect of their story to drive conflict.


That isn't what Star Wars is about.


It's a galaxy-spanning opera that's about light and dark, political scheming, redemption and corruption. The story is defined by more themes than "oh, that guy has red skin and ridges on his face." It's the characters themselves, woven into vast and differing set pieces, that set the story.


And there will be far too many of these "unusual" and "rare" combinations running around for even the most willing to suspend disbelief. I find that unacceptable.

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Pure and simple insanity....that's what this is.


Not the Dev's putting this in the game (I actualy think its kinda kool that you have a trickle down effect fer each toon that gets to 50 after the first).

But let's think about the Star Wars World in general. There a billions of galaxies and Billions of systems and Billions of races and yadda yadda yadda.....


So in Theory there would be a whole fricking lot of combos.......


So whats the problem?


For a bunch of people that complain soooooooo much about not being able to hit on the same sex in this game isnt it Ironic that cross contaminating classes would be such an issue?


I hope that people realize that the more options you have and the more alts you have lead to an enjoyable experience and have some replay value. Which most of us roll out the max we can just for the fun of it!!!

Yes this is a MMORPG but its also a solo game much like the Original KOTOR.


And now its time to make a grill cheese sandwhich.... :)

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