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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.2 TRAILER! For those that missed it!


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Anyone else notice this? "Ship Droids Gain Affection"

This means they can also lose affection, so maybe we can get far

enough into negative affection that they stop talking to us!

Edited by Ralev
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Well since the guild summit is about to begin and the chat is moderated on the stream itself..


I Trevyn of Lifetapt Gaming invite you all to come watch it with us and chat in our open chat room while watching it and seeing what is to come for SW:TOR!


Check us out and spread it around!


Link: Lifetapt Gaming


EDIT: 1.2 Trailer!




thank you for the link. watching it live now :D

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Sith Pureblood jedis....are you *********** ******** me?


Whats this....a non force user force choking someone?





I cant wait for Roleplay to start up on republic side with sith purebloods "I KILLED THOUSANDS OF JEDIS BUT NOW IM A JEDI AND YOUR FRIEND HURURUEUREHURE"


Have you ever heard of Drizzt?


I'm really excited about the race stuff. But classes getting to use other classes abilities is stupid. I choice my class for a reason, because it had stuff other classes didn't.

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All I see is stuff that should have been in at release.


For those with this mentality, GET OVER IT. Blame EA for not wanting to push back the release date AGAIN and holding to there last launch date deadline. It's coming in now, stop ******** and be happy.


Oh yeah? I couldn't care less!

How about fixing the stuff that I have been begging to get fixed, by sending tickets, posting and providing data for the past 3 months?

Stuff that I need to do every day and bugs the heck out of me?


-Why can I not add my own alts to friends list. (Bug: "Character does not exist" if person is offline. Off course it's offline, it's my alt)


-Fix the massive Galactic Trade Network bugs. Worst interface ever.


-Crafting. Every time a companion returns from a mission, their answer is not tied to the success/failure of the mission.


-Can't do Ilum. My almost-top-of-the-line PC can not handle 30vs30 combat with all graphics set to low without crashing.


-How about every single raid boss having bugs and issues?


-Fix the sage and commando annimations for Full Auto, Mortar Volley, etc to be in line with Imp counterparts (really? you left this in the game for months and instead are working on new content? your game is broken!)


-LET US DROP QUESTS. quest logs are full with useless stuff.


YOU YOU YOU YOU... wait, not you. Remember this game was not made for you, and only you in this world. Try to formulate your argument and words better instead of using an entire post of self possessive words - you just come off as... “that” person.


Personally, I think the trailer was awesome. It's jam packed with improvements and game changing things. There is a LOT to look forward too.


Also, this was a TRAILER. Something that promotes the basis of something. When you see a trailer for a movie, there is still an hour and a half of content you DIDNT see or hear about in the trailer. Same goes for this... there will be plenty of other stuff like bug fixes and such in the patch notes OTHER than what was advertised. They just showed the more important stuff. Some of you, seriously, grow up and THINK before you go all crazy.

Edited by SillyTurtle
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Probably my fault for watching the latest trailer from Trion before coming to the forums but sadly SWToR all looks, well, just what I am use to in Rift, but like less interesting. This game had its chance with me and sadly it just didn't get off the starting blocks. And now cus everyone has left, its just failing big time. Maybe it will attract a core group of players but this stuff isn't going to cut it, basically cus it looks more like damage control. Not one thing there isn't already in games like WoW and Rift and in those other games its way more polished... I mean come on the Lost Island was it.... Isle of Quel'Danas and Ember Isle... Where is the originality in that.


Anyway... I will leave you. I have another game to get on with.

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That looked really good, yea it should have been in at release, but we all know EA pushed this out for Christmas. I am going to get over that and enjoy the update, looks like it is on its way to being a solid mmo, appearance customization, YES PLEASE!
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Probably my fault for watching the latest trailer from Trion before coming to the forums but sadly SWToR all looks, well, just what I am use to in Rift, but like less interesting. This game had its chance with me and sadly it just didn't get off the starting blocks. And now cus everyone has left, its just failing big time.


This commercial was brought to you by Trion Worlds, Inc. :rolleyes:


All honour to RIFT, but SWTOR is in another class. I can't go back to standard MMOs with no or little voice acting.

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"It should have been in at release"

"Yeah, but I'm emo, I must cling desperately to my disappointment and complaints"


It absolutely should have been in at launch. I think the disappointment for me is that I like the game and want to keep playing but so many people have left the game now that it really feels empty and becomes unenjoyable. These changes will help but how many people will really come back? They've lost the momentum and have already started with free trials after what? 3 months?

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It absolutely should have been in at launch. I think the disappointment for me is that I like the game and want to keep playing but so many people have left the game now that it really feels empty and becomes unenjoyable. These changes will help but how many people will really come back? They've lost the momentum and have already started with free trials after what? 3 months?


Plenty will come back. Plenty of new people will come to the game as well. Many people were waiting for an update like this. Oh, and free trials mean absolutely nothing. All the MMO's do it. It's called promotion - in this case they are using word of mouth.

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Glad to see SWTOR officially launches in April 2012.


thats what i thought as well!!! Who are they kidding 99% of this stuff should of already been in game. According to some since it wasnt in game at launch we should get over it and just pay our money cause thats the right thing to do...

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I mostly like this patch tho i am slightly bummed out for a few reasons..


one is that i want to make a alt and was waiting till this patch so i could make the race/class combo i want (Rattataki Sith warrior) but the patch is being pushed back a month so i will finish leveling my current main (human smuggler) that i am now slightly annoyed with because getting a human to 50 seems to be useless to the legacy system.


then i will more then likely stop playing until the patch is released.


can't really say this is a complaint so much as a minor annoyance but for getting a race to 50 you unlock that race for all classes but what do you get for getting a human to level 50?


also any ideal from the devs about what the price range will be for using in game money to unlock the races? cause in some cases like the Rattataki i want to play one as a sith warrior but not really anything else but until i get one to 50 as a Inq, IA or BH i can't make one as a sith warrior :p

Edited by soulself
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Didn't they just announce there is one somewhere on here.... it's server wide too.


Nope, I've looked everywhere and see no such information. I don't mind server-wide as long as it is more functional than the current /who and general chat. This is ridiculous....

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Nope, I've looked everywhere and see no such information. I don't mind server-wide as long as it is more functional than the current /who and general chat. This is ridiculous....


I was watching the flashpoint/operation section today. They said they are aiming for a Group finder (only your own server) for 1.3

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Lots of nice stuff. Sadly the new gear of course looks still as crappy as the ones in game.

Jedi will look like Optimus prime with of course emo hoods on that you cant take off.


So sad that the artists they have making armor no nothing about what people use in the star wars universe.Talk about beeing clueless.

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