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So, am I supposed to just get wrecked for a month?


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I just dinged 50 on my republic toon yesterday. I leveled almost entirely off of PvP and walked into the 50's bracket as a valor rank 50. I expected to get face planted a lot and for the most part I have been. But that's not what surprises me. What surprises me the most is how prevalent dropping out of WZ's is on the republic side of my server.


My main is an Imp on Anchorhead and while, yes, you do get a fair amount of deserters... republic... oh my ****-ing gawd... you get no less than 7 people who drop out of the mission before the WZ even starts and then have to deal with another 1/2 a dozen or so people dropping out in the first 2 minutes.


It's absolutely insane.


I never understood where all this complaining came from regarding deserters until I hit the 50's bracket republic side on Anchorhead. Now I know. And I honestly don't understand why it's like this.

Edited by Gankstah
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So because you couldnt be bothered to get out of your level 40 questing items, its the game's problem?


And how did you only have 40 expertise?


6 Champ bags (from the moment you hit 50) is 90 Centurion tokens and 42 champ tokens... thats 3 pieces of Centurion gear and a 1 piece of champ gear...


and that's without doing both the illum and pvp weeklies on the same day for EIGHT more bags - or 120 more centurion tokens and 54 more champ tokens - another piece of champ gear and 3 more centurion pieces.


on day one.


Or you could have not been lazy and had full rating 124 purples waiting for the day ou hit 50 (actually, you could have had them at level 49... ).



Thanks for showing up, but you should read the rest of the thread - I said I opened five bags, not six and I didn't know about the level 49 mods beforehand. As for being 'lazy', well - this was my first 50 so I didn't buy incredibly overpriced lvl 50 purples because I kind of figured I'd get PvP gear. Silly me!

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You're going to encounter two schools of thought on this:


1) You're new and you're fresh fish so suck it up and take the abuse. This is what people who value gear will tell you. Some will be kinder, some meaner, but this is essentially what they will say. Notably, many of them have no lives outside of the game and you'll be clobbering them with skill once you have a full centurion set because they don't know how to play once they can't hide behind their gear. Even the centurion level of expertise will allow you to stay alive and hit hard enough to make a difference.


2) The gear grind sucks but there's nothing to do about it except suck it up or look for a different game. Unfortunately, SWTOR went the PvP stat route instead of just leveling the playing field for everyone and making PvP about skill only (and yes, it is possible to impose a stat ceiling in PvP, other games have done it and one of SWTOR's largest future competitors is trumpeting as loudly as possible that this is what they are doing).


In theory the WZ and comms changes will make the gear grind go by much faster, which will make your life easier in the long run. However, for the most part, yes you are supposed to get clobbered a lot for the first month or so. Since you can't roll with a premade atm I would recommend looking for the spec with the most survivability for your class. This is the option for minimizing the pain, and no it really doesn't help all that much.


Edited for atrocious run-on sentence.

Edited by RobNightfall
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If you equip a orange set with purple lvl49 armorings/mods/enhancements you end up with more hp than most people in random warzones.


If you dont suck you will do better than most people in random warzones with that gear.

Edited by Lhaim
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The important thing to remember is this is "interim" and it was BioWare's plan to put us through hell until the release of the Jesus patch, because we all wanted to go through hell to have something to brag about later. Also, we realize we should have put out a entry level 50 set of gear and we are going to do that in 1.2 (Jesus) patch, but until then just stop playing or try to remember you get bragging rights.


Translation: Game wasn't ready to ship, we are saying we had a "plan" to cover our *****3$, and we are trying to get a patch out before everyone quits.



Unrelated, but speaks to the attitude. I got mad and put in a ticket about reverse engineering 50 items and never learning anything. The reply was "Don't RE until after 1.2" a.k.a. stop doing it until it is fixed because we put out an under tested, under planned, under developed, PvE game with lots of voice acting and bugs.




(that concludes todays nerd rage post)

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So sick of these posts. Get some skill and stop whining. We all had to go through it...


Its actually a lot harder now than it was back then..


My first character; full champ by Valor 40

My second; full champ by Valor 58


0-70 (or something close to that) in Champion drops, so its signifigantly harder now than it was in January.

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Yes, get creamed for a month. It makes you a better player. We ALL had to grind out gear out. (with the exception of the Illum fiasco) Just because you hit 50 a month or two after the game is out, does not mean you should just be handed gear to compete with everyone else. I have a PVE main and a PVP alt. I hit 50 and fought "Baddiemasters" and creamed them. Sometimes it isn't about gear, but about how you play your class. Sorry, flame away but I HATE the sense of entitlement that MMO players have.




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Its actually a lot harder now than it was back then..


My first character; full champ by Valor 40

My second; full champ by Valor 58


0-70 (or something close to that) in Champion drops, so its signifigantly harder now than it was in January.


how is it harder now? You are one example... other people would get 4-5 of the same thing as opposed to a steady stream of champ tokens that allows you to purchase a piece every 24-48 hours. Not to mention you can be fully cent geared in less than a week. IMO they made it easier.

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Wanted to come back and thank the folks who offered genuine help instead of trolling. I was able to finish my dailies yesterday and today (painful!) and caved in to buy relics instead of waiting for another higher level set piece - got my expertise to right around the 300 range which is allowing me to compete.


Thanks folks!

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you're doing it wrong then OP, i dinged 50 yesterday.

opened 6 bags, no champ pieces(no worries). then i had about 300,000 creds, went to gtn bought some columi stuff and mods for my weapon. did the ilum daily. opened another bag.

i bought 3 cent pieces and one champ piece. i have 15k hp which is pretty good for a fresh 50. i can't 1vs1 people yet, but i can sure damage them. i have enough gear to hurt the enemy, make them withdraw.

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one thing i like better about lv50 bracket is that team work is much better then in 10-49 bracket on avg.


^very true even though i have only had a handful of the 10-49 brackets. I would also like to add that the changes they are making or have made will, and does make getting gear a little less painful. In a week of solid effort you should have enough gear to make a difference. In a month you should have full champion/centurion, which should be around 500 expertise which is where you want to be.


Yes you are going to get it handed to you but a lot of players all had to go threw this process.

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Wow, three straight you say? That must be some sort of record.






What I find pathetic about most you non-pvpr's is that you all are poor losers. The lets-come-to-the-forums-and-whine types.



l2p is the only bit of advice people can give to you to save you guys from being complete scrubs.

Edited by Draeb
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Just hit 50, did a ton of pvp while leveling. Opened my 6 bags as I hit 50, queued up...and immediately got ruined in 3 WZ straight.


Just looking at some stats, I'm about 3-4k HP down on people who are in full Centurion gear, and I'm rocking a righteous 40 Expertise. I did everything I could to prepare for the 50 bracket, but this seems a bit ridiculous for an entry point, no?


A War Hero Consular threw a rock at me for something like 3600. I understand I'm going to be at a disadvantage but is there no way to ameliorate the pain? Sadly, I'm a pugger for now because I play at odd hours. :(


Be glad it wasn't me. We all fought through the pain. If you ain't cut out for it, QUIT!

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The bets part is how people keep coming in here to slag me without reading that things have gotten better. I giggle.




This is where I've stopped reading:


"A War Hero Consular threw a rock at me for something like 3600. I understand I'm going to be at a disadvantage but is there no way to ameliorate the pain? Sadly, I'm a pugger for now because I play at odd hours."



Sorry but was there really anymore to read beyond that point? That was your closing statement...



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Just hit 50, did a ton of pvp while leveling. Opened my 6 bags as I hit 50, queued up...and immediately got ruined in 3 WZ straight.


Just looking at some stats, I'm about 3-4k HP down on people who are in full Centurion gear, and I'm rocking a righteous 40 Expertise. I did everything I could to prepare for the 50 bracket, but this seems a bit ridiculous for an entry point, no?


A War Hero Consular threw a rock at me for something like 3600. I understand I'm going to be at a disadvantage but is there no way to ameliorate the pain? Sadly, I'm a pugger for now because I play at odd hours. :(





Read this..... The bags are ok, but you need orange modded gear to get on a more level playing field, even with your few cent pieces...




But in another step I took read this one....



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