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More Nerfs and buffs incoming for Bounty hunter and other classes


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That they mentioned a nerf to bounty hunters but didn't mention sorcerers makes me think that some of that stuff isn't true.


No, what that means is that if you think sorc/sage is OP, then you need to l2p.


They are balanced.

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It's great that Bioware gives this info to IGN.. and not us directyl. They really, really need a community director taht actually gets involved with the players.


you can watch the guild summit live i believe, im sure IGN had someone involved with it somehow

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Thanks for sharing the info; a lot of good stuff in there.


Legacy races: I like this feature. I hope they add an additional character slot or two though so we can take advantage of it. Or give us the feature to transfer characters so we don't have to delete one in order to take advantage of.


Heroic moment ability: OK, kind of nice. Probably not necessary to use in order to get through solo pve content though b/c I rarely need to use the comp-required abilities as it is. I'm guessing this is a cosmetic thing.


PvP: I like instanced pvp more than OWPvP. As a pugger, I was just never keen on the biggest zerg wins 90% of the time game style. I welcome this change.


PvP same faction WZs: Ugh...I simply hate Void Star. It's just not fun to me. To see that I'm going to get more of it probably means I'll be waiting through whatever penalty they impose on warzone quiters. I'm disappointed that they aren't allowing us to select specific warzones to play in. I'd gladly take a longer queue to play the WZs that I like.


PvP new warzone Novare Coast: It's hard to form an opinion without having seen it in action. I'm glad they're adding it even if I wish they'd done something more innovative like Huttball instead. Capture the turret is fine, but it's hardly fresh & exciting.


PvP ranking system: Glad to see that the solo queuer wasn't alienated. Not that I'm all pumped up for ranks/titles. I guess the herd needs some way to showcase their epeen.


PvP new armor: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't allow ranked tier armor to be used in regular warzones (assuming there's a stat advantage). RIFT failed miserably with respect to the gear divide between fresh 50s & tenured pvpers. Keep pvp more about fun & less about pimp gear owning lesser geared players.


Class changes:

New abilities for the warrior & knight: Really?! We don't have enough abilities to sort through as it is? Are we getting more ability bars to put these on? The one class that needed a consolidation actually gets more abilities. I hope they're intended to take the place of existing abilities. Nuff said.


BH nerf: So long tracer spam is my call. I left my BH at level 42 b/c it was just too easy. Hopefully the nerf will be intelligently handled and not kill the class.


Full of win: Guild banks & moddable user interface. If I can finally adjust the size of my procs (or better yet adjust them & make a new window for procs alone) then that's worth a new sub right there. Some of us don't have 20 year old eyes. Guild capital ships. New dungeon & flashpoint content.


Edit: Can you make the Republic turrets fire faster in Novare Coast. Thanks


Good way to start the day. Thanks OP & thanks BW.

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Do you wish your Bounty Hunter could shoot Force lightning? After 1.2, if you relate the Bounty Hunter to a level 50 Inquisitor, it'll be possible


Is this an april fool ? BH with force lightning, yeah and Marauder with backstab maybe and sniper with stealth :rolleyes:


This is a joke right...

Edited by BobaFurz
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so it is not even faction versus faction anymore. LOL It's you and your buddies versus the rest of the universe. :)


I hope they get rid of the speeder ride in Voidstar.


I'm sure in one of the upcoming expansions the factions will have to team up to fight a greater threat.

Edited by EternalFinality
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Is this an april fool ? BH with force lightning, yeah and Marauder with backstab maybe and sniper with stealth :rolleyes:


This is a joke right...


Only usable in PVE scenarios with Companions out...so not very often. It's more or less for people to screw around with when they're bored from the sound of it ; )

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first off sorcs are weak, second off i dont feel BH's even need a nerf, just maybe a small cd on tracer



the classes that do need nerfs are marauders, pt pyrotechs, tank assasin hybrids, and the amount of control coming from operatives/scoundrals (regardless of what bads say, me going from 90% hp to 8% with no control of my toon, @ 650 expertise is NOT balanced)


Whats wrong with marauders? Infact whats wrong with the vg/pt shared trees?

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Only usable in PVE scenarios with Companions out...so not very often. It's more or less for people to screw around with when they're bored from the sound of it ; )


How are pve scenarios defined ? Hope not this will be useable in world pvp.


But honestly, why should classes get already existing abilities from other ones. This sounds like a lazy content filler.

Edited by BobaFurz
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How are pve scenarios defined ? Hope not this will be useable in world pvp.


But honestly, why should classes get already existing abilities from other ones. This sounds like a lazy content filler.


only usable when heroic moment is up (so every 20 minutes and requires a companion to be out.)


oh, and world pvp? lol

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first off sorcs are weak, second off i dont feel BH's even need a nerf, just maybe a small cd on tracer



the classes that do need nerfs are marauders, pt pyrotechs, tank assasin hybrids, and the amount of control coming from operatives/scoundrals (regardless of what bads say, me going from 90% hp to 8% with no control of my toon, @ 650 expertise is NOT balanced)

So you name pretty much every class you don't play as deserving a nerf?


...okay. I think the problem is you.

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Are you kidding me? Sorcs are now proclaiming because they weren't specifically listed in the offhand mention of a few changes being made that they aren't receiving any nerfs?


It's going to be such an amazing day on these forums when the PTR notes go up for 1.2.


The funny thing? They have nowhere else to go. They actually think a class being overplayed somehow is going to protect them from the nerfbat? HAHAHAHA. Get ready to be "ret pallied" Sorc/sages. The idiots who think this class isn't OP are the same scrubs that can't break 1500 as a frostmage in WoW. Ranged in WoW aren't this faceroll. When they nerf this class back to reality it will still be the only option for these scrubs.


I mean who else isn't laughing hysterically when a sage/sorc calls a commando/merc faceroll?


They actually believe their class is hard ROFL. I mean how can you be that delusional.


BH nerfs will prob be bug fixes (raiding) because of stacking grav rounds/tracer missiles. Merc/Commandos are a hell of a lot closer to balanced then hybrid sage/sorc.


I am sure they want to add a more complex rotation for both classes (look what happened with hunters in WoW who are now one of the HARDEST classes to play, when they were by far the easiest in early WoW). I highly doubt they can do that by the next patch though.


But yes. The sorc/sage tears will be hysterical. I imagine they will all try to roll marauders/sents then flood the class forums with demands that the class be made easier to play...


Should be epic.

Edited by biowareftw
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The funny thing? They have nowhere else to go. They actually think a class being overplayed somehow is going to protect them from the nerfbat? HAHAHAHA. Get ready to be "ret pallied" Sorc/sages. The idiots who think this class isn't OP are the same scrubs that can't break 1500 as a frostmage in WoW. Ranged in WoW aren't this faceroll.


I mean who else isn't laughing hysterically when a sage/sorc calls a commando/merc faceroll?


They actually believe their class is hard ROFL. I mean how can you be that delusional.


BH nerfs will prob be bug fixes (raiding) because of stacking grav rounds/tracer missiles. Merc/Commandos are a hell of a lot closer to balanced then hybrid sage/sorc.


I am sure they want to add a more complex rotation for both classes (look what happened with hunters in WoW who are now one of the HARDEST classes to play, when they were by far the easiest in early WoW). I highly doubt they can do that by the next patch though.


But yes. The sorc/sage tears will be hysterical. I imagine they will all try to roll marauders/sents then flood the class forums with demands that the class be made easier to play...


Should be epic.


From what a guildie says, he has both a sorc and commando (along with a jugg), That the sorc is only a little bit harder to play than the commando but it's still pretty face roll.


and merc/comm are fine also sage/sorcs are too, only thing that needs nerfed on the sage/sorc is the snare on that channel, maybe the talent that makes lightning spammable needs to be moved higher into the tree.

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The funny thing? They have nowhere else to go. They actually think a class being overplayed somehow is going to protect them from the nerfbat? HAHAHAHA. Get ready to be "ret pallied" Sorc/sages. The idiots who think this class isn't OP are the same scrubs that can't break 1500 as a frostmage in WoW. Ranged in WoW aren't this faceroll. When they nerf this class back to reality it will still be the only option for these scrubs.


I mean who else isn't laughing hysterically when a sage/sorc calls a commando/merc faceroll?


They actually believe their class is hard ROFL. I mean how can you be that delusional.


BH nerfs will prob be bug fixes (raiding) because of stacking grav rounds/tracer missiles. Merc/Commandos are a hell of a lot closer to balanced then hybrid sage/sorc.


I am sure they want to add a more complex rotation for both classes (look what happened with hunters in WoW who are now one of the HARDEST classes to play, when they were by far the easiest in early WoW). I highly doubt they can do that by the next patch though.


But yes. The sorc/sage tears will be hysterical. I imagine they will all try to roll marauders/sents then flood the class forums with demands that the class be made easier to play...


Should be epic.


what would you do if they buff them instead how bioware goes wouldn't doubt it LOL

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