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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Make Buffing Random PPl Award 1 Social Point!


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since this game is story driven and all about questing ..how about award 1 social point each time you buff somebody who is not in a grp with you, i.e. somebody you just run in too during questing?



Edited by BoyZzDEViL
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Sweet. I'll get a friend to stand in front of me and we'll keep buffing each other over and over to max our social points!


Unlike standing in a pvp zone on Ilum and trade kills with the other faction? Oh that is happening already. lol Not everyone would cheat to complish things and many of us already ninja buff people as we run about. :D

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Sweet. I'll get a friend to stand in front of me and we'll keep buffing each other over and over to max our social points!


I'll get my guildies to group up and buff them then have them turn it off , after that buff them again . Wash , rinse , repeat , and Voila ! max social points . :D

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This is totally exploitable...and unfair to those of us that have worked hard for our social points by actually grouping a good bit of the game including doing all the pre 50 flash points.


If you want social points group more, you dont even have to work with them or even talk to them.


Buffing is not a social interaction.

Edited by Kindara
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I approve of the OP's suggestion.


Sweet. I'll get a friend to stand in front of me and we'll keep buffing each other over and over to max our social points!

As opposed to running the first flashpoint over and over again for the points?


They could easily get around this by placing a small debuff on the caster that prevents gaining social points from buffing for 30s. They have something for giving companions gifts, they should be able to do it for buffs.

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Sweet. I'll get a friend to stand in front of me and we'll keep buffing each other over and over to max our social points!


I think its a good idea, just needs a cooldown or some restriction to weed about people like this.

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This is totally exploitable...and unfair to those of us that have worked hard for our social points by actually grouping a good bit of the game including doing all the pre 50 flash points.


If you want social points group more, you dont even have to work with them or even talk to them.


Buffing is not a social interaction.


The could maybe put some control in by only allowing 50 buff to 50 different people a day, and that way it isn't excessive. (or choose your own reasonable number, I don't know what it is)

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This is a nice idea, but no. heh. Totally exploitable. Even if not exploited, you could max out your social points in a night of simply hanging around the Fleet.


I'd rather they just improved the social point rewards from grouping in one of the many ways that have been suggested.

Edited by thewatcheruatu
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I approve of the OP's suggestion.



As opposed to running the first flashpoint over and over again for the points?


They could easily get around this by placing a small debuff on the caster that prevents gaining social points from buffing for 30s. They have something for giving companions gifts, they should be able to do it for buffs.


pretty muchg this would solve it right? award social points only once every 30 secs or whatever seems resonable and make it work only in questing areas, not in save zones like the fleet.


better now?

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