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Patch V1.2 Moved to April


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Yay!!! Another thread full of whiners whining in the face of a content patch that's going to address almsot all of the issues they've been whining about, so they now have to whine about it not being soon enough, which is how you can tell they'ev got nothing real left to whine about!!!! Yaaaaay!


Yes, because everything that everyone has been "whining" about is 100% covered in patch 1.2 :rolleyes:

Edited by Tarka
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Gosh, April eh? I might have to (Shock horror!) find something else to occupy my time. Like, you know, work. Family. My Birthday. Food. Women. TV. Mass Effect 3 (thankyou BioWare!)


How ever will I cope?! xD

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The game wasn't ready when it launched either. We've all been paying for beta since December. I'm not surprised 1.2 isn't ready. I doubt we'll see a real update any time soon. In the meantime, server populations will fall and I'll be on to the next game.


The way the thing plays now, it's a monthly subscription SOLO game with some online PvP challenges. That's it. Honestly, if there was a new Fallout, I'd wouldn't be playing SWTOR at all.


Don't even get me started about the state of Guilds. And that goes no matter what they say in their presentation later this afternoon.


I really wanted to like SWTOR, but it's just not there. Looking at the basic structure of the game, it's never going to be. Flame away, but I'm right. Only the most ardent fanboys will be left in short order.


Dear Bioware Austin (and by the way... Texas isn't where real digital arts are made... the international community should have been suscpious of that from the get-go), April is too little too late.

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Gosh, April eh? I might have to (Shock horror!) find something else to occupy my time. Like, you know, work. Family. My Birthday. Food. Women. TV. Mass Effect 3 (thankyou BioWare!)


How ever will I cope?! xD


Don't forget Battlefield 3 and Fall of the Samurai!


Maybe even GW2?

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I didn't know it had a release date before that


The release for 1.2 has been set for March since the game released pretty much. 1.2 was being talked about 2 or 3 weeks after the game released and it was always set for March, them pushing it back to April is no surprise..


People will just keep chasing the carrot whereever Bioware chooses to wave it. Yea your patch is coming out, 1.2 will come sooner or later..


It's ****ed up though that they've never hinted it would not be in March, they always said March. The fact that they never said any date in March (Beginning or End) was just more fuel for the fire for the people that do have doubts on the performance of this game and the people running it.


So.. Now the 1.2 Jesus patch that has been slated to hit in March for the last 2 months has been pushed back to April.. (LoL, I know Biodrones I know, I'm just kicking dirt in their faces).


I just want Bioware to keep it real and stop trying to decieve the playerbase behind their shady tactics. I'm sure everyone wants them to be a bit more honest with their approaches, instead of putting out all these advertisements and info like they are truely on track with their game.


They get no props for telling me about a Patch that is to hit.. Tired of hearing promises, time to see action.. No ********..

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Don't forget Battlefield 3 and Fall of the Samurai!


Maybe even GW2?


Not that stoked about BF3. Fall of the Samurai, maybe... But my S2:TW has a bug atm where I can't start campaigns! Utterly disappointing.


Nah, I'll be fiiiiiine. I've got tea, biscuits, and plenty of things to do for a month. Hell, I still need to get my first 50 on TOR because I haven't been one of these people who live, eat, breathe and sleep the game. I wouldn't do that unless I'm being paid to make the damn thing!

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So long as it's done properly when it's released, I couldn't care less if it's May. Seriously. If it's polished and functional when it hits my PC, I'm happy.


If it takes them until April and it's broken and buggy and crashes my PC and whatever, then yeah, I'd be annoyed.

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If you think that this is "just a game" then you are missing the point of what an MMO should be. A service. One that people invest time and money into. I suggest you watch Raph Koster's presentation on running "


Sorry, but telling people to just "have patience" doesn't cut it when they are being asked to hand over a sub every month.


Plus, expecting players to just return is a little naive. One common piece of knowledge that is shared across MANY industries is this:


It is easier and cheaper to keep an existing customer, than to try to get one back.


I'm sorry, but it is just a game; one I enjoy a lot. Some people are so self entitled its amazing. Watch a presentation.... I swear college kids think everything is simple.

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Not that stoked about BF3. Fall of the Samurai, maybe... But my S2:TW has a bug atm where I can't start campaigns! Utterly disappointing.


Nah, I'll be fiiiiiine. I've got tea, biscuits, and plenty of things to do for a month. Hell, I still need to get my first 50 on TOR because I haven't been one of these people who live, eat, breathe and sleep the game. I wouldn't do that unless I'm being paid to make the damn thing!


I upgraded from XP to 7 so I can play BF3 fine but now Shogun 2 won't start. :eek:




Ain't that always the way. So I need to figure that bug out before I can buy Fall. If I'm still here it should be nice to not feel gimped with my Jug since it looks like they are getting a boost. However, my new Pow main is apparently getting nerfed...




Meh... We'll see what happens.

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I'm sorry, but it is just a game; one I enjoy a lot. Some people are so self entitled its amazing. Watch a presentation.... I swear college kids think everything is simple.


I take it you didn't actually watch the video that I linked?

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Well it gives me time to grind out credits....


I know right, i want a fancy speeder from 1.1.5 :D


Any news on some decent music that can be put on loop?

Or we doomed with foot steps and hummin of speeders?


they did talk about adding more 'ambiance' in the open world areas. from sounds, to visuals, and more npcs/chatter

Edited by FourTwent
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After listening to almost all the panels so far I can completely understand why it was pushed back. Its going to need more tahn 2 weeks of testing by the various groups that are signing up to test it and the regular PTS server people.


Its pretty massive with some massive changes you dont just throw that on a pts server for a week or two then launch it .. or you get another Patch 1.1 where it was a super short public test time and boom it blew up in their face.

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Too bad, my sub has ran out by that time.


the beauty of it is, you can always resub after the update. nothing wrong with waiting to see if it is what you are looking for, if it meets your expectations.


too many people jump into new mmo's forgetting how the launch's first 6 months or so are all about tweaking the game, getting things just right, adding those last little touches that didn't make it in at release. i have been a part of many mmo releases, and all of them are like this. it just the nature of the beast. i personally think that this was one of the best launches i have seen. my opinion of course, but there you go.

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