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[Unfair] Disadvantage for Sorc/Sage


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but seriously snipers don't run up to people to shiv them.


Dps operatives don't go into cover to use snipe or explosive probe except maybe if forced out of melee for a extended period.


No .. you Just Kick us in the ..........:eek:


But if you,re in Cover yer mine ... :D

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You aren't a real sage until you've killed a few people in a WZ with your lightsaber :)

I do still have the "double-sweep" in my hotbar for those times when I've been rushed and they have oh so little health left. Maybe I'm waiting on other cool-downs, but that slash for a little damage can kill off something/someone.

I think my record is 3 kills with lightsaber in a WZ - should have got a special comendation for that!

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First you wanted stealth, now you're upset about how a sorc/sage's weapon is not a damage machine.


A thought...maybe concentrate on what you have, how to use it optimally and not worry 'bout what other classes have.


You'll probably enjoy the game a bit more. Grass is not always greener. :)

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First you wanted stealth, now you're upset about how a sorc/sage's weapon is not a damage machine.


A thought...maybe concentrate on what you have, how to use it optimally and not worry 'bout what other classes have.


You'll probably enjoy the game a bit more. Grass is not always greener. :)


Either that or if you seriously wanna use a lightsaber so bad for damage go make a damned Jedi Knight/Sith Warrior and stop complaining about a Sage/Sorcerer have little ability to deal damage with a lightsaber. Seriously, if you recall Yoda and Sidious only used lightsabers when absolutely necessary, preferring the use of the Force over the use of a lightsaber.

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Uhm what?!?



This is a horrible troll. Willpower increases the damage done by ALL Of your abilities, including your melee attacks. The only reasons those attacks don't do much damage is because either


A.) You never bothered to level them


B.) They don't get bonuses/scaling from your skills



Each class has one stat that increases its damage, regardless of the attack being "melee or ranged."


It does NOT for melee strikes. Melee damage still has the strength requirement. Get your facts straight.

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First you wanted stealth, now you're upset about how a sorc/sage's weapon is not a damage machine.


A thought...maybe concentrate on what you have, how to use it optimally and not worry 'bout what other classes have.


You'll probably enjoy the game a bit more. Grass is not always greener. :)


Maybe he should just roll a, I dunno, a GD assassin

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It does NOT for melee strikes. Melee damage still has the strength requirement. Get your facts straight.



No you are wrong.


Each class has ONE stat that adds to their damage, and a second stat that CAN add to their damage.


Any damage you will be doing, regardless if its with your saber or with a force power will gain damage FROM YOUR WILLPOWER STAT!


Strength will add a .08 extra damage amount to your melee attacks ONLY, while Willpower adds 1.00 damage to ALL your attacks. READ THAT AGAIN ALL YOUR ATTACK! BOTH MELEE AND FORCE!!


Each class follows this SAME design.


My Jedi Knight has a force attack...does that mean I should be stacking will?





Nice attempt trying to troll, no go crawl back under a bridge.

Edited by cyvaris
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Again... I say.


Either that or if you seriously wanna use a lightsaber so bad for damage go make a damned Jedi Knight/Sith Warrior and stop complaining about a Sage/Sorcerer have little ability to deal damage with a lightsaber. Seriously, if you recall Yoda and Sidious only used lightsabers when absolutely necessary, preferring the use of the Force over the use of a lightsaber.
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The main stat Willpower does not increase the damage of their weapon (Lightsaber). Lightsaber damage is tied to Strength, an utterly useless stat for sorc/sage.


I know it is a ranged class, but all other ranged classes have their main stat Aim or Cunning tied to their weapon damage, and they can use it at close range too.


Is this as intended or is it an oversight/bug/feature?



First off, you're wrong. lightsaber strikes for your class are tied to WP (otherwise, an assassin wouldn't be stacking WP). Secondly, you NEVER want to even be within Melee range if you can help it as a Sorc.

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It does NOT for melee strikes. Melee damage still has the strength requirement. Get your facts straight.


Dead wrong. Jedi Consulars and Sith Inquistors, AND both Advanced Classes of those, use Willpower to increase both force AND melee damage. Show me a shadow/asssassin that's stacking strength for increased melee damage and I'll show you an idiot.


Easier yet, unequip some of your Willpower gear and watch the melee bonus damage go down.

Edited by Ancaglon
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Dead wrong. Jedi Consulars and Sith Inquistors, AND both Advanced Classes of those, use Willpower to increase both force AND melee damage. Show me a shadow/asssassin that's stacking strength for increased melee damage and I'll show you an idiot.


So you would show the OP himself then?

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IMO, Sages/Sorc should not even need a lightsaber... being they are never used.


Sages/Sorc should have some kind of focus item in their "MAIN HAND"... and in combat, their hand is just glowy or something...


Pulling out a lightsaber during combat seems odd for this class.

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Why are you attacking with your weapon as a Sorc or Sage?


if you're a heal spec sorc, it's DPS isn't that far off from what you can do with lightning. Really.

I have 690 base force power (well, by base I mean with just my own class buff) on my Sorc so I'm comfrtable in saying this. Considering the nature of PvP and interrupts, it's not bad at finishing someone off. I wouldn't spend the entire fight doing it, obviously.


Plus, in PvE (standard stuff), it's just fun :)

Edited by islander
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