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[Panel Discussion] User Interface (6:00PM CST)

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Am I hallucinating or did we not get a single word about Combatlogs even though GeorgeZoeller said (Check devtracker), specifically, that this would be discussed.


Please tell me I just missed the entire discussion on what they are doing with this.

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Am I hallucinating or did we not get a single word about Combatlogs even though GeorgeZoeller said (Check devtracker), specifically, that this would be discussed.


Please tell me I just missed the entire discussion on what they are doing with this.


Yes, there will be combat logs and it was stated. In game you will have access to some very basic information (not actual numbers - but info on if you died to something during a fight, etc). There will be hard information that can be logged to your computer and viewed after the fact to be able to view actual numbers.

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what about UI freezing the game, for instance, when i open inventory or character menu? i' m much more concerned about quality of the gameplay than "fun stuff you can do with your ui". resizable ui should be there from day 1. it's 2012 for gods sake.. Edited by Carousel_t
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Yes, there will be combat logs and it was stated. In game you will have access to some very basic information (not actual numbers - but info on if you died to something during a fight, etc). There will be hard information that can be logged to your computer and viewed after the fact to be able to view actual numbers.


They discussed the combat logs at an earlier point when things just took a slight tangent. Simply put, everything will be logged *OFFLINE* for parsing with third party tools. Which is STUPID and lame, considering that FULL combat logs were present DURING MOST OF BETA.

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Watching this live stream made me \cancel just now. Its amazing how pompous these guys are.


My chains are broke, I'm free.


Schubert, Ohlen, and Zoeller come across as arrogant, even in a lot of interviews. I won't fault Zoeller, though, because at least of all of the developers that have had regular contact with us on the forums, even througout closed beta, he was a relatively straight shooter. I may not agree with him in particular, but I can at least respect him. Some things that Schubert and Ohlen said today, and a lot in the past, really smacked of some serious big egos that were totally out of touch with what their CUSTOMERS want.

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what about UI freezing the game, for instance, when i open inventory or character menu? i' m much more concerned about quality of the gameplay than "fun stuff you can do with your ui". resizable ui should be there from day 1. it's 2012 for gods sake..


I've seen the freezing you're talking about, and while I don't know the cause of it, I can certainly say that this isn't the only MMO to experience that particular issue. With Star Trek Online, they at least have a function to turn on graphing of screen frame rates, that will create a red tick mark on the flowing graph at a point of momentary UI pause, which they've termed "jitter". So while it may be something that nothing can be done about, at least someone out there knows how to FIND it and understands that it's something real.


EDIT: And nearly everything that has ever been posted about the User Interface, has been repeatedly burned into the forums on a regular basis... since about 1.25 years prior to release, at the start of the closed beta. Why they launched with the game missing so many major features and in such an unpolished state, is what you should be demanding an answer for, from EA's board of directors. Because someone lied to them and told them things were great, when they were not.

Edited by DTuloJr
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We can't remove our character/target portrait? All that customization and that isn't possible? :(


I think they took that as another "Duh" moment of realization that yet ANOTHER feature that should be in their MMO that can be found, in some manner, in other MMO's, was not present. Like a "Ready?" feature...

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They discussed the combat logs at an earlier point when things just took a slight tangent. Simply put, everything will be logged *OFFLINE* for parsing with third party tools. Which is STUPID and lame, considering that FULL combat logs were present DURING MOST OF BETA.


Did you even bother to listen to their reasoning behind this? Honestly, I think it's a great solution to much of the commentary on the forums about Combat Logs in game. Minimizes the ability of people to spam and epeen about their DPS/HPS but gives min/maxers a tool to evaluate and improve themselves.

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Seriously? Stored offline, like in a fully editable .xml file and then parsed later by a 3rd party tool. Please tell me they were joking about this. If it isn't pulling live numbers and locked to this functionality then it is useless. I enjoyed much of what was said at the event. I honestly was looking forward to a great many of these changes.


The fact that they said they would discuss this very serious thing, and then just kinda blew it off, is overshadowing all the great things that are coming. I love this game, but right now I can't bring myself to want to log on. I hope that changes before its time to reup my subscription. I really do.

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I think they took that as another "Duh" moment of realization that yet ANOTHER feature that should be in their MMO that can be found, in some manner, in other MMO's, was not present. Like a "Ready?" feature...


That's good, I need to watch the latter parts of the summit. I just heard this via elsewhere.

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Seriously? Stored offline, like in a fully editable .xml file and then parsed later by a 3rd party tool. Please tell me they were joking about this. If it isn't pulling live numbers and locked to this functionality then it is useless. I enjoyed much of what was said at the event. I honestly was looking forward to a great many of these changes.


The fact that they said they would discuss this very serious thing, and then just kinda blew it off, is overshadowing all the great things that are coming. I love this game, but right now I can't bring myself to want to log on. I hope that changes before its time to reup my subscription. I really do.


Its the same thing you can do with Combat Logs from WoW and is how they are handled/managed. Without the use of Recount to convert the Combat Log ingame, this is the only other method to review encounters. It logs the Combat Log to a file on your computer - which you then can look at and review. It is pulling live numbers and putting it into a text format, plain and simple.

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Are there any plans to allow for a reordering of the abilities on the companion bars? It is frusterating to have to open the bar to switch from healer to dps or tank to dps. It would also be wonderful to have an AOE abilities off option in the event of crowd control. I would think those 3 buttons and passive would be just right to fill the minimized companion bar
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Are there any plans to allow for a reordering of the abilities on the companion bars? It is frusterating to have to open the bar to switch from healer to dps or tank to dps. It would also be wonderful to have an AOE abilities off option in the event of crowd control. I would think those 3 buttons and passive would be just right to fill the minimized companion bar


The stance thing is partially poor organization on their part. The first 4 abilities should always be attack, passive, stance #1, stance #2.

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I've seen the freezing you're talking about, and while I don't know the cause of it, I can certainly say that this isn't the only MMO to experience that particular issue.


We know exactly what causes it. Read this thread LINK

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I've seen the freezing you're talking about, and while I don't know the cause of it, I can certainly say that this isn't the only MMO to experience that particular issue. With Star Trek Online, they at least have a function to turn on graphing of screen frame rates, that will create a red tick mark on the flowing graph at a point of momentary UI pause, which they've termed "jitter". So while it may be something that nothing can be done about, at least someone out there knows how to FIND it and understands that it's something real.


EDIT: And nearly everything that has ever been posted about the User Interface, has been repeatedly burned into the forums on a regular basis... since about 1.25 years prior to release, at the start of the closed beta. Why they launched with the game missing so many major features and in such an unpolished state, is what you should be demanding an answer for, from EA's board of directors. Because someone lied to them and told them things were great, when they were not.


About the game freezing when you open UI elements. Spam your inventory key sometime and run... watch what happens.


There have been a few threads about the UI lag around the forums. One of the more logical arguments is that when you call an 2D UI element, such as your inventory / character sheet, the game has to talk to the server first to find out what is in your inventory / on your toon (for the character sheet), while it does this, the game renderer literally has to stop rendering your UI elements until it finds out from the server what to actually render on your screen. This in turn, creates a lag spike... or a complete freeze if you spam your UI elements.


It should also be noted: This happens on a wide array of systems, from low end to extreme high end and on some they have zero issues at all.

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I was so hoping to get more info on addons. Mainly what programming language it will be. I read above that it's gonna be XML. Source?

There is no source for that information, because nothing of the kind was said. What was said was that they were designing the API, but that it was something that will happen down the road.


They discussed the combat logs at an earlier point when things just took a slight tangent. Simply put, everything will be logged *OFFLINE* for parsing with third party tools. Which is STUPID and lame, considering that FULL combat logs were present DURING MOST OF BETA.

EQ2 uses this style of combat log, and there is a parser available that parses the information on the fly. You don't need Recount. It's just not going to display inside the game without some copying and pasting until the API is created and released.

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all the changes that have been announced are looking awesome but nobody has asked the question how do we keep better track of our friends when the game invites people to have many alts ?


atm I have 4 and I know alot of my friends and guildies also have a couple and its atm fustrating to have to add everyone instead like wow have a global account name.


since swtor does not have something like battlenet then why not use the legacy system. make it so people can add by legacy name and then we could see no mater what char a person comes on with.


and on that note plz make it so that we can invite people from guild UI to a group so we don't have to type in the command every time

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all the changes that have been announced are looking awesome but nobody has asked the question how do we keep better track of our friends when the game invites people to have many alts ?


atm I have 4 and I know alot of my friends and guildies also have a couple and its atm fustrating to have to add everyone instead like wow have a global account name.


since swtor does not have something like battlenet then why not use the legacy system. make it so people can add by legacy name and then we could see no mater what char a person comes on with.


and on that note plz make it so that we can invite people from guild UI to a group so we don't have to type in the command every time


they did say in the livestream that you would be able to add, and find people based on their legacy.

would be nice if they would get the videos online.

the livestream was great, but for anyone outside the 20,000 people watching it live, or if we want to review it, currently we're screwed.

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I know it's been done but UI customization is not the same as addons. When can we get addons? And macros? And able to add companion abilities we want to their quickslot? Sorry, but I'm not liking the playstyle of the default UI. Bring in addons, no-one will be forced to use them or have their UI set up in a particular way. But not having them means we're all forced into a particular playstyle unless we choose to buy a particular mouse. Unfair much? Even this is one thing I didn't think would be all that important, but I've only been playing for a short while and I'm getting bored of how it looks even, let alone the lack of quickslots and keybindings. And sorry, but I really hate having quickslots up the sides of my screen.


I don't yet have a level 50 character, but I don't see endgame as being too compelling once I get there without these changes. Like I said, it's just not a style I enjoy playing. At the moment I'm loving the game for the story and for star wars etc, but when it comes to actually playing I'm not too sure what to think.


For now I'm just hoping that it's a waiting game until they're sure the API is stable enough to handle addons, but the lack of macros leaves me a little shaken in that faith.

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