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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do you fear an Operative?


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Most useless class in the game. Players who play them are generally the worst players and only concerned with getting cheap easy kills for lawls. Only thing they are good for is making bad players feel like they are good.



I dont fear an op, I fear an op being on my team. It seems like the team with the least Ops has the best chance to win. GJ killing a guy 2v1 or ganking someone no where near the objectives. You will go 30-0 and your team will lose.

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Fear...hmnnn not really, after they pop out of stealth Im dead so fast there's no time.

Also I don't really mind classes I have 0 chance against.


Of course Im a 259 expertise Jedi so... any BM will wipe the floor with me, Operatives just have the ability to do it before my eyeblinks; which is honestly better than a 12 minute drawn out fight with another Vigilance Jedi who is in all BM.


At least with the operative it's over so fast who cares. It's not like they're doing anything worth while or focused on an objective.

Edited by VoidJustice
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I play an operative valor 61, and I've recently swapped out the champ armor mods/enhance to crit and surge ones, having switched over from medic (power heavy) to concealment a couple of weeks ago. I have the usual biochem 400 toys. I still haven't hit for over 5k yet, but I swing for the fences with the amount of 3-4.5's I get in a typical clickied-opener.


And, much to my surprise, Huttball is fun again. Nope, we don't bring any utility to the table. Yup, in a world of sprints, charges, knockbacks, grapple, pulls, and leaps we are missing a little extra shiny stuff. I'm finally ok with that, now that I've given up on personally accomplishing the objective and switched to denying them the same. You can almost smell the bitter salty pre-made tears as you take out the weakest links in their pass chains :D


I've recently decided to make it my job to patrol our catwalk and theirs in stealth to melt single med/light armors, assassinate the huttball carrier on the fire traps, and pick low health targets in the middle for either sniping or a hop-down-stealth-kill. Or I just mess with the sorcs/dot the crazy dual-wielding stealth jedi's to keep 'em visible. I really can't stand to miss the opportunity to mess with those two classes in particular.


I will pick on snipers just because, and I will pick on heavies when we're winning.


There is nothing not fun about this, except that WZ are kind of repetitive and Broken Ilum is still quite broken as an open-world PvP concept.


Everything else being equal, operatives/smugs are THE fastest ticket to the medcenter. If you find yourself the lowest one on health in a group, or have wandered too far from support...expect us, whether you fear or or not!

Yeah, this is the best strategy in Huttball and it gives you some options.


Problem is it only really works against bad players/teams where you can pick off players wandering on their own. A well coordinated team/good players and then you're back to being useless.

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Listen, I dont want to discuss something for nothing, but I give you the advice to be more tolerant in a discussion and to think about what other want to talk about. Its my decision what I answer to him and not yours. You said more or less shuddup, only lvl 50ies should answer this was your own troll answer. You dont even recognize that I answered to his lvl range. I know what endgame means, but I didnt answer to endgame I did answer to his lvl....Hope you understand now and we can close this case. Thank you sir.


So when he asks: Is it worth it to level up to 50 as an operative, and you say...man I had a blast with my level 15!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Awesome useful information bro.

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My main is an assassin and i just rolled an OP because i do respect them. Of all the classes that gives my Tank speced Assassin issues its the Op. I would, to answer your question, stick it out. But if your having issues i would change your tactics a little. I saw a good rotation earlier in this tread and hunt healers, or be a "punk" and kill the wounded. The Ops ability to stun lock someone esp a healer in PVP is awsome. But since my op is far lower lvl than yours i won't give advice. But as an Assassin i respect them.
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Iam not backpedalling, I said read whats the toppic about. Its about a lvl 34 and I did comment on his lvl. Doesnt mean if I did answer to endgame or not. You should better learn to discuss in a more friendly tone.


You are backpeddling and you should have never posted in the first place. TC should wait till level 40 when he picks up acid blade to see how he likes it. It is a game changing skill.


Doesn't change the fact TC would be better off rolling any other class... especially a assassin as they do absolutely everything a operative can do and so much more.... at least if he wants to win.

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no because i know it will all be over soon after they open on me



true story...


scoundral opens on me, i had no trinket.


i went from 90% to 8% before i had control of my toon



thats balanced


You must be in full greens of under level 50 gear... vs a full BM relic/adrenal popping Op because if your anywhere near 500 expertise your lying.

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I don't fear the class itself.


When you combine the class with a player that optimizes the class strengths and has plans for their weaknesses though, it is dangerous and they are a worthwhile member of their team.


Of course you can say that about any class.

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some days i wake up screaming because i dreamed about fighting an operative.


does that answer the question ;)


course i can console myself with the knowledge that in wzs getting back into stealth can be difficult, thereby the op stunlocking me to death when my CC breaker is down is counteracted by the knowledge that he is now in trouble in his next engagement.

Edited by Ryotknife
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As a DPS Operative I cannot stress this enough:


Don't wander off by yourself on Ilum. That's right, don't go off like a noob and think you're going to ninja the Northern Assault, because a tier 3 speeder can get from Central to North in the 60 seconds it takes for you to blow up those crawlers.


If you're a Sage, don't think for a moment staying back from your group is a smart idea. No, get in the thick of it, make yourself hard to isolate. If you're hanging back healing you're Op bait.


As for the class needing a nerf, really, come on. I don't believe a single one of you claiming to be uber-ganked by an Operative or Scoundrel at 50. 10-49 maybe, because 10-49 there are skills differences. A level 49 Operative or Scoundrel is absolutely going to eat your level 39 Sentinel/Juggernaut for breakfast. Sorry.


At 50 the game changes. Everyone has their capstone, the fight becomes more balanced skill wise, and the real big difference is gear and player skill.


If any of you want advice on how to survive an encounter with a Concealment Operative please feel free to ask. The biggest thing is resolve... learn the resolve system. Know precisely how much resolve each of your CCs grant. I do.


The 1.1.1 nerf actually had one little thing that makes playing Concealment Operative fun. That 50% nerf to Jarring Strike means you don't get full resolve on my opener like you used too. No, you get damn close, but not quite enough to prevent me from immediately Debilitating you for another 5 seconds. Pray to god you haven't popped your CC breaker before that moment, because if you have you're not going to make it.


Resolve is the key to defeating the Operative. Learn it. Study it. Live by it. Save your CC breaker. Don't waste your CC breaker to break my sleep dart in order for you to blow up a crawler on Ilum... BIG MISTAKE. I bait people with sleep dart ALL the time. They think: "Oh I have resolve... CC BREAKER!" No. You've screwed yourself hard-core, because sleep dart doesn't break stealth, so I'll wait until your resolve runs out and open on you with a vengeance.


Op is not OP. Op is the least understood class in the game.

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If you see an Operative on a speeder, don't chase them LOL.




Yes! They are watching you follow. Yes! They're going to dismount when they crest that hill, but you won't know because you're too far away to hear it. Yes! They're going to stealth, and YES they're going to wait for you come along.


These things aren't things I just pull out of my butt. These are real tricks and traps and ambushes many a Republic player has fallen for repeatedly. I then get accused of being a cheater. I then hear people saying my class needs a nerf.


We already got our nerf! We really don't need another, trust me.

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Ofc no, after the initial burst they are nothing.


Lol spoken from a scoundrel who thinks since she can no longer 2 shot someone she is nerfed. OMG I have to stun lock now plz buff me. So funny how many bad players have picked this game to be their first pvp experience.

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This is an honest question. Mine is lvl 34. W/O Hidden Strike and Acid Blade I am really struggling. Huttball just makes me want to puke. Question is... Should I stick it out? Is it worth it post nerf?


Endgame...Do you fear/respect the Operative


This is like a little kid asking mommy for treats when dad said no.

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Honestly I don't see how they provide more utility than a stealth assassin/shadow in a team environment.


I find a lot of operatives to be cowards frankly. They spend more time in stealth walking around than actually making a difference I feel.


A big problem is their top heavy burst damage. If a class survives the initial burst and gets away or CC's you and vanish is on cool down.. Game over.


At least that's how most of my fights with operatives go (I play a pyro powertech). If i'm not dead due to initial burst.. they aren't going to survive the encounter.


In a proper team game an operative isn't going to get much of a chance to have a purely 1v1 fight. If 2 people are beating on an operative whose just jumped out of stealth they go down very fast.


Whenever I see one they become my top priority I taunt them asap dot them up then burst them down.


An assassin/shadow gets speed boost, very good 10m range skills and the ability to taunt/guard apart from the fact that you might enjoy the class you play if you want to be a good team player I'd say sin/shadow is a much much better option.

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Not on my mercenary and definitely not on my shadow


Their damage has already been gutted to oblivion. Even if they get to you, all you have to do against them is knockback and snare. Only thing they can do from there is a probe bomb on a 30 second timer and snipe which they can't do for long

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A big problem is their top heavy burst damage. If a class survives the initial burst and gets away or CC's you and vanish is on cool down.. Game over.


Someone hasn't played against a good Operative.


Even with Cloak Screen on cooldown, please, please fill up my resolve bar. I beg you. I'll pop my CC breaker, activate my Shield Probe, and make you regret it.


Oh, and when Cloak Screen isn't on cooldown, don't for a moment think if I use it I'm running from you. No, I'm lining up another Acid Blade/Hidden Strike/Jarring Strike on your 6'oclock.


You haven't faced a good Operative yet. Just newbies.

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Someone hasn't played against a good Operative.


Even with Cloak Screen on cooldown, please, please fill up my resolve bar. I beg you. I'll pop my CC breaker, activate my Shield Probe, and make you regret it.


Oh, and when Cloak Screen isn't on cooldown, don't for a moment think if I use it I'm running from you. No, I'm lining up another Acid Blade/Hidden Strike/Jarring Strike on your 6'oclock.


You haven't faced a good Operative yet. Just newbies.


This. Honestly, in my experience as a powertech, if it's a good operative it's a no win situation. My only hope is to try to drag the fight on long enough for my teammates to find me (which as a powertech I can do for a long time).


When I die to good operatives I can usually take them down to ~30-40% health when I drop, so if a teammate comes across the fight usually it's a win for me and that's my strategy.


But yeah, in a pure 1v1 situation where I recieve no help and the op gets the drop on me with his cooldowns, there really is not much hope for me. The class is designed around 1v1 assassinations and it certainly is good at that.

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