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Meh no point of levelling to 50 i'm going to stop at 49


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You obviously dont get what he means. Below lvl 50, every 1 has b stats equivalent to lvl 49. Sure you may start with less talents but are able to put out enough dmg to matter, where if you joined at 50 and ur in starter gear you have 0 chances of a 1v1 win vs a full BM geared player unless he is afk.


Someone doesn't understand how bolster works. If it worked the way you think it does, everyone of a given class would have exactly the same HP in a sub-50 WZ and this obviously isnt true.


What it does is scale your current gear to level 49, and then deduct effective levels if there is a large gap between your gears level and yours


For instance, if you are level 40 and wearing level 20 gear, it will buff your gear to level 49, and then apply a penalty because your gear is 20 levels lower than you.


If you are within a few levels, it doesnt apply this penalty.


The big, important thing, though, is that it buffs your gear to level 49 - of whatever quality you're wearing.


My primary alt just hit 48. Im in almost full purples (My main in as Armstech, so i already had piles of mats to level my alts Armormech and just had to buy some of the purple mats with my millions of credits) - and when i zone into a WZ, i easily have 2200-2500 more HP than almost everyone else. Because it is buffing my 45 purps to level 49 purps, meaning my gear is still way better than the average tom dick and harry in the WZ with me.


I already have an entire set of orange gear for my (Vanguard) alt ready to go that has full 126/124 purple mods in every single piece, and six-stat BiS + augment socket earpieces, implants, wrists, and belt.


When i hit 49 (the level req on those) ill be even FURTHER ahead of the poor fools in the WZs with me.


And then, when i hit 50, ill be ready to roll straight into WZs without a hitch, already being in the PvE equivalent of full centurion gear (or better).


Just follow the link in my sig if you cant figure out how to hit 50 and already have rating 124 or better purples in EVERY SLOT.

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Well, I have two toons in 50's: a 70 BM'ed out healer sorc, a 58 champed out trooper combat medic, and when I hit the char select screen, I look at those two toons and see


A.) boring ilum outnumbered lagfest

B.) people leaving 50 warzones because they're getting stomped by premade BM groups (which will be worse when these valor 90 whatever early ilum exploiters get more 70+ gear)

C.) Longer queue times and a terrible need for cross server because the server is already almost dead.

D.) A need for ranked matchmaking so it isn't point B above.




E.) The utter lulz by instead clicking on my purpled-out 49 scoundrel, queuing up, getting more pew pew pwnage than FPS Doug, and leaving before it's over.


PvP in this game is in shambles, might as well have fun until they fix it.

Edited by MoarPowar
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Bolster works far better than some of you give it credit for. At level 11 I did 280k damage in a single huttball match on my powertech. At freaking 11. My overall damage hasn't really gone up in the 15 levels since then, but I do have some nifty tools that I didn't have then, of course. Sure, if you twink a 49 in full epics, he's going to rule the field. I've done it twice, and it's fun, but since he will hit 50 at some point, it doesn't matter that much. Twinked out 49s are a very very rare sight. The playing field is incredibly balanced at 10-49. A good lowbie player will win out against a good high level player. I've never been in a situation with my powertech where I've thought "crap, I can't beat that guy 1on1". I always know it's possible.


But oh well, I do enjoy 50 bracket as well. The downside to those is that the differences between the teams can be quite huge, especially if it's premade vs pug. Especially huttball with a well geared BM+ tank and somewhat decent healers is a lost cause if you're in a pug. You never ever have that pre 50, and they actually rely a lot more on teamwork and passing, which is weird. The problem pre 50 is that there are a LOT of seriously bad players, most likely newbies, who don't really know their class yet. It rarely bothers me though, but can make some huttballs fairly painful.


TLDR: Bolster works, and makes pre 50 incredibly balanced, but it's still no more fun than at 50.

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Man silly argument at 49 your king of the hill period have almost all of your abilities and talents except one. You are the BM of the 10-49 group if your losing 1 on 1 to a level 10 your just a bad player period. It's sad that it's even discussed it maybe fun to abuse those less than you but not competitive in the least.


At 50 it doesn't take long to be competitive and BM means only grinded longer many BM/War Heroes I see can't play a lick at all.


I have fun with my alts in wz and at 50 the same exact problems exist. I just use wz to practice for the day I take them to 50 and enjoy beating higher levels with no skill. A bh 49 pulls my level 30 sentinel up a bridge figured he have a easy go of it I was laughing my arse off when he started to run away to find friends cause I was handing him his arse......

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Bolster works far better than some of you give it credit for. At level 11 I did 280k damage in a single huttball match on my powertech. At freaking 11. My overall damage hasn't really gone up in the 15 levels since then, but I do have some nifty tools that I didn't have then, of course. Sure, if you twink a 49 in full epics, he's going to rule the field. I've done it twice, and it's fun, but since he will hit 50 at some point, it doesn't matter that much. Twinked out 49s are a very very rare sight. The playing field is incredibly balanced at 10-49. A good lowbie player will win out against a good high level player. I've never been in a situation with my powertech where I've thought "crap, I can't beat that guy 1on1". I always know it's possible.


But oh well, I do enjoy 50 bracket as well. The downside to those is that the differences between the teams can be quite huge, especially if it's premade vs pug. Especially huttball with a well geared BM+ tank and somewhat decent healers is a lost cause if you're in a pug. You never ever have that pre 50, and they actually rely a lot more on teamwork and passing, which is weird. The problem pre 50 is that there are a LOT of seriously bad players, most likely newbies, who don't really know their class yet. It rarely bothers me though, but can make some huttballs fairly painful.


TLDR: Bolster works, and makes pre 50 incredibly balanced, but it's still no more fun than at 50.


On your Powertech.


Do the same on a Marauder at lv10. It's actually not possible w/out access to the majority of your essential skills.


Game is NOT balanced whatsoever around lowbie PvP, and I assure you that not all classes can do as well as a Powertech at low level.


I'm a Powertech, btw.

Edited by Varicite
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On your Powertech.


Do the same on a Marauder at lv10. It's actually not possible w/out access to the majority of your essential skills.


Game is NOT balanced whatsoever around lowbie PvP, and I assure you that not all classes can do as well as a Powertech at low level.


I'm a Powertech, btw.


Hit over 200k damage as a level 11 Smuggler easy as pie. Its not hard to stop a level 10 power tech/bh actually fairly easy. Now will they have big damage maybe if all they do is aoe the entire match they are built for that but skilled hard to kill at those levels nope not at all since they just spam a button or 2.

Edited by LordbishopX
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On your Powertech.


Do the same on a Marauder at lv10. It's actually not possible w/out access to the majority of your essential skills.


Game is NOT balanced whatsoever around lowbie PvP, and I assure you that not all classes can do as well as a Powertech at low level.


I'm a Powertech, btw.


This is true...ranged classes can come in and look awesome at low levels, because the melee classes are lacking most of what they need until level 40, especially classes like Sentinel/Marauder.


But the people pummeling lowbies in this bracket will keep thinking it's the "most competitive bracket" to make themselves feel better. The game is NOT balanced for low level PVP, has been a longstanding issue since before launch, just wasn't worth trying to fix with so many other things that need attention first.

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So it seems I'm about right - 10-49 PvP


- warzones pop more often

- few premades

- closer games (thats what I mean by competitive)

- fewer people abandon

- fewer trash talking WoW kids

- etc


I would certainly level to 50 if there was open world pvp - for me that is end game.


But without it I don't see the point, there is no incentive to actually being a 50.



I like Huttball because pugs on both sides don't have a strategy whereas in 50 a voice co-ordinated team can decimated a pug just through positioning and throwing.


Overall the common agreement is that 10-49 is more fun.

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i didn't put off anything, my first 50 from early access is almost in full bm gear (have a couple of bits of rakata) within 3 weeks of launch.


but i still played my lowbie alts more because the 10-49 bracket was more fun for me because:


- FAR less wz quitters in the 10-49 bracket

- less "experts" raging in /ops in the 10-49 bracket

- less people grinding dailies/gear/medals in the 10-49 bracket so it's more fun.

- at 10-49 because you don't have to worry about grinding gear, you can just enjoying the matches.


This was a good laugh, you honestly believe levelers are just doing PvP for "fun" and not for the medals!?

In Voidstar (and this happens quite frequently) some of us on the attacking team would often stand there and NOT plant bombs when we had clear chances to do so, then you'd have a rager asking us why? Because we want our 6-7 medals before the match ends

Medals = Valor, by keeping your valor capped while you level you'll be valor level 50 as soon as you ding level cap with a ton of merc comms and well on your way to battlemaster.


10-49 PvP REWARDS you for fighting on the roads, so yeah I guess 10-49 PvP is more fun if you enjoy free for all's and half your team actively trying to sabotage the win for medals

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So it seems I'm about right - 10-49 PvP


- warzones pop more often

- few premades

- closer games (thats what I mean by competitive)

- fewer people abandon

- fewer trash talking WoW kids

- etc


I would certainly level to 50 if there was open world pvp - for me that is end game.


But without it I don't see the point, there is no incentive to actually being a 50.



I like Huttball because pugs on both sides don't have a strategy whereas in 50 a voice co-ordinated team can decimated a pug just through positioning and throwing.


Overall the common agreement is that 10-49 is more fun.


So in reality, what you're saying is that it's more fun because it's LESS competitive than the 50 bracket and the queues are faster.


That does make more sense than trying to say that the 10-49 bracket is somehow more competitive when people don't have skills, talents, gear, or usually a clue what they're doing.


Edit: I should clarify, I mean "competitive" as in groups who know what they're doing, focusing targets, and playing to win every match.

Edited by Varicite
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I'm back on the 10-49 bracket now. I'm convinced that most of my server/faction pve exclusively to 50 then think 'what now?' and go and jump into the WZ's..


Seriously I see a LOT more l2p issues at 50 than at 10-49.


I just have a lot more fun in the lower bracket and tend to rage less at people (privately of course) there. Also more pops, even numbered sides, less quitters - it's just better..


But then, I've already decided I'm not sticking in this game for the long-term so I'm not bothered about grinding for gear/valour on my main.

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So in reality, what you're saying is that it's more fun because it's LESS competitive than the 50 bracket and the queues are faster.


That does make more sense than trying to say that the 10-49 bracket is somehow more competitive when people don't have skills, talents, gear, or usually a clue what they're doing.


Edit: I should clarify, I mean "competitive" as in groups who know what they're doing, focusing targets, and playing to win every match.


When i say competitive I dont mean each person is balanced.


I mean the games are often close, closer than 50s bracket which typically consists of 4-8 full BM with voice coordination rofl stomping a pug.


Of course a close match in 50s might be close but as soon as 1 team scores quickly or gets two turrents one or two leave which just decimates the match.

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When i say competitive I dont mean each person is balanced.


I mean the games are often close, closer than 50s bracket which typically consists of 4-8 full BM with voice coordination rofl stomping a pug.


Of course a close match in 50s might be close but as soon as 1 team scores quickly or gets two turrents one or two leave which just decimates the match.


Just depends down 2-0 people left new people came in won 4-2 in huttball it happens many don't just roll over after a score. Been worked in 10-49 where peeps bail all the time it's the same player base doing the exact same thing. Nothing magical at all the player base is the same 50 or not...

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There aren't many level 10s in WZ. Most are 30-40. The ones that are level 10 don't stay level 10 for long. 1-2 matches they level. They can be level 20 in a night of just WZing. There aren't many level 49's either, most people just reroll. Overall, level 10-49 is a better bracket for people that just want to PuG. I can log in, hit que and be in an even match within a minute. That is fun.


People need to realize that gear and premade destroys WZ pvp. When premades fight other premades, they stop doing it because it is to hard. You got your gear, you got your premades. Your in denial, enjoy your dying pvp bracket.

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There aren't many level 10s in WZ. Most are 30-40. The ones that are level 10 don't stay level 10 for long. 1-2 matches they level. They can be level 20 in a night of just WZing. There aren't many level 49's either, most people just reroll. Overall, level 10-49 is a better bracket for people that just want to PuG. I can log in, hit que and be in an even match within a minute. That is fun.


People need to realize that gear and premade destroys WZ pvp. When premades fight other premades, they stop doing it because it is to hard. You got your gear, you got your premades. Your in denial, enjoy your dying pvp bracket.


Not in a premade just in Champion gear and still having a blast it's really fun when a PUG actually works a premade not all premades are made a like. I find that more challenging and fun rather than beating on a level 10 - 20 ...

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When i say competitive I dont mean each person is balanced.


I mean the games are often close, closer than 50s bracket which typically consists of 4-8 full BM with voice coordination rofl stomping a pug.


Of course a close match in 50s might be close but as soon as 1 team scores quickly or gets two turrents one or two leave which just decimates the match.


No, I get what you mean. That's why I added the edit, to clarify that we were obviously talking about two completely different things when using the term "competitive".


I do agree that it sucks at 50 when people leave a match as soon as they THINK they MIGHT not win, causing a guaranteed loss for their teammates. This is definitely more of a problem at 50, where the dailies hinge on victory, and warzone comms don't do anything for you.


Like I said, what you're saying makes a lot more sense now that I understand the context of what you meant by "competitive".


I hear that word, and I think "top-end gear, people who know exactly what they're doing, using good strategy and tactics", etc.


If you just meant that people stay in the matches longer, and that it's more fun for you because people care less about the victory itself and thus act less like douchebags, I'll agree.

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10-49 is more competitive? Half the people you see in that bracket fight 1v1 and don't even have a clue about taking objectives, and the classes are far from balanced.


I don't need to roll level 14's with a 40 to feel good. Have fun feeling uber in the noobie bracket, your still gonna get destroyed by the top end players should you ever dual them or world PVP.

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Not in a premade just in Champion gear and still having a blast it's really fun when a PUG actually works a premade not all premades are made a like. I find that more challenging and fun rather than beating on a level 10 - 20 ...


Stomped a couple premades last night in pugs.


Always a good feeling to shut them down. : )

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Don't delude yourself thinking it takes 2 weeks to get your champion gear, centurion maybe. I've been doing WZs for almost 2 months, usually get 2 bags per day (ilum is too random to count on) + 6 for weeklies, that's 18 bags per week, 126 champ commendations. There's only 7 champ commendations per bag. I guess it's my fault for not grinding Ilum to BM (currently only 57 valor) and getting 15 champ commendations out of some bags.


Most of you are thinking of prior to patch change when champ gear dropped in almost every bag. Most of you skipped centurion gear almost entirely. It doesn't anymore, I got 1 piece out of a bag after that retarded patch rest was from buying with commendations.


Just wanted to set things straight, getting full centurion is about 2 weeks, full champion is closer to 2 months of semi-casual play. In champion you will stand a chance against full BM, in centurion not so much. So a 2 week period of getting owned constantly is somewhat bearable, 2 months ... there's something wrong with that it's just too long to be fun. I kind of understand what OP meant, though don't agree with the course of action of staying in the bracket longer than getting 1k mercenary/1k warzone commendations saved before getting 50.

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I went from fresh 50@25expertise to 50@259expertise in a night.




The gear is flowing in at insane rates... and even if you took ALL my dps

I could still do my class "flavor" stuff and impact a WZ.




and in a patch or so they're handing out centurion...


ya... this game needs MOAR EZE MODE... not..


Hey here's a fun idea, go roll a character in Darkfall!

So much easier to reach comptitive in that game...


Edited by VoidJustice
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