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Why do the Jedi serve the Republic?


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I was re-reading The ROTS novelization. And Mace spoke about possibly leaving the Republic to do the right thing.



And then it brought up a question. Why do the Jedi serve the Republic?




The Jedi avoid war, want peace. Yet, the Republic calls on them for whatever combat affairs.


Mace stated the he saw using his Shatterpoint ability that the Jedi is the shatterpoint to the Republic. And the Republic is NOT the Shatterpoint to the Jedi. He viewed the Senate as a group of people that were BS. He knew that all of them were controlled mindless fools. He knew they wanted peace, but they were getting was the exact opposite. There was only a small group of centers that had the right mind of having a diplomatic solution(Mon Montha, Padme Amidala, Bail Organa and someone else). But they when they brought up their diplomatic solution it got shot down.



And too many times during the Clone Wars did the Republic go against what the Jedi believed(Peace, negotiations). And in the ROTS Novel it shows us that it seemed, they were more "Forced" to serve the Senate than anything. And when the Senate voted on making the Jedi Report only to the Chancellor, their objections didn't even matter.




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I'm guessing because this is Star Wars, not Star Diplomacy...


But in all seriousness you bring up a valid discussion. To frame this in more earthly affairs many people (myself included) feel as though the United States seeks out war in the name of peace, and that especially since the war in Vietnam the U.S. has only engaged in wars that serve the ends of those in power.


The overall message I gain from the films (I haven't read the novelizations) is that power corrupts and no form of governance is immune to this corruption.

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Because the Republic were (and often are) the only Galaxy wide government in existence when the Jedi were first formed. And the Jedi are mindless fools at following past (and often out of date) Jedi rules.


If the Jedi want to bring peace/justice to the galaxy they would always have to work with the government in charge of it (or risk becoming vigilantes (hero-criminals) hunted by the Republic - which would be the opposite of what they want).


And the only other Galaxy wide government that ever pops up now and then is a Empire, which of course is controlled by Sith, so they can never ally with them.

Edited by AngelousWang
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Because the Republic were (and often are) the only Galaxy wide government in existence when the Jedi were first formed. And the Jedi are mindless fools at following past (and often out of date) Jedi rules.


If the Jedi want to bring peace/justice to the galaxy they would always have to work with the government in charge of it (or risk becoming vigilantes (hero-criminals) hunted by the Republic - which would be the opposite of what they want).


And the only other Galaxy wide government that ever pops up now and then is a Empire, which of course is controlled by Sith, so they can never ally with them.


Thats actually incorrect. The Jedi Order is way older than the Republic.


I'm not sure if there is a book of how they first met, maybe thats the current Dawn of the Jedi series. But the Jedi Order is way older than the Republic.

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Basically, The jedi want to keep order in the Galaxy, therefore they protect the republic, AKA Races that join, The empire are just siths, the people the join The empire can just serve, if they fail they get killed.
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Because SW was originally made in the cold war era. Pretty much anyone who did not add republic or democracy, were labeled a communist and no one would have liked GL's movies.


Um... but there was no "Republic" in the original movies... there was only the Galactic Empire.

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I recon that they thought that they could be more good and help more people by serving the republic, then be just some isolanist group out there. In other words better way to fix and care about others in the republic is probably beeing in there and not far away. just my take on it though.
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Thats actually incorrect. The Jedi Order is way older than the Republic.


I'm not sure if there is a book of how they first met, maybe thats the current Dawn of the Jedi series. But the Jedi Order is way older than the Republic.


25,783 BBY

The Jedi Order forms from the ashes of Tython's Force Wars.[10]


c. 25,200 BBY

A Major plague sweeps through the galaxy that kills only Rakata. As a result of this, twinned with subject species rebellions, the Infinite Empire collapses.[12]

The Kitel Phard dynasty is founded on Atrisia.


c. 25,130 BBY

The reign of Xim the Despot begins.[7]


c. 25,102 BBY

The Battle of Ko Vari is fought between the Hutt Empire and the empire of Xim the Despot.


c. 25,100 BBY

The First, Second and Third Battles of Vontor are fought between the Hutts and Xim the Despot.

According to Tionese history, Xim the Despot is killed at Vontor, but he is actually captured and later dies as a slave in the dungeons of Kossak on Varl.

The Treaty of Vontor is signed.

The Hutts gain control of the Si'Klaata Cluster.



The Old Republic eraEdit


c. 25,053 BBY

The Rakatan Hyperdrive is adapted, manufactured, and widely distributed by the Corellians.[9][14]

The Unification Wars are fought.[9][15]

The development of the hyperdrive expands the known galaxy. To keep order, several star systems form a democratic alliance.[10]

The Galactic Republic is founded.[16]

The Galactic Constitution is signed.[17]

Coruscant becomes the Republic's capital.[18]

c. 25,000 BBY

Jedi Knights establish a school on Ossus.

The Perlemian Trade Route is founded, linking Coruscant with Ossus.


24,953 BBY

The Jedi Order swears loyalty to the Republic.[10]


They are only 730 years apart, and it only took 100 years for the Jedi to realize they could only peace/justice to the galaxy if they worked with the republic.

Edited by AngelousWang
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Um... but there was no "Republic" in the original movies... there was only the Galactic Empire.


Yes but it was established by Kenobi in a new hope, when he explained the Jedi order. Where as the empire as seen as a type of nazi/ communism twist.

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Um... but there was no "Republic" in the original movies... there was only the Galactic Empire.


Actually there was a mention of the Emperor dissolving the Senate.


Knowing the Emperor, he probably did so literally.

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Yes but it was established by Kenobi in a new hope, when he explained the Jedi order. Where as the empire as seen as a type of nazi/ communism twist.


The Empire and Rebel Alliance was more a British Empire - American Colonist base, not Nazi or Communism.


Actually there was a mention of the Emperor dissolving the Senate.


Knowing the Emperor, he probably did so literally.


They were the Imperial Senate not the Republic Senate, same people though. The Republic was changed into an Empire in EPIII and the Senate was moved into an Imperial Senate, advisers to the Emperor with no real power.

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The Empire and Rebel Alliance was more a British Empire - American Colonist base, not Nazi or Communism.




They were the Imperial Senate not the Republic Senate, same people though. The Republic was changed into an Empire in EPIII and the Senate was moved into an Imperial Senate, advisers to the Emperor with no real power.


Nah. The Empire was Nazi-based. GL stated it and also, if you look at it.


Emperor= Hitler




Came in as a politic convinced everyone to hate Jews and then began exterminating them and invading countries.




Came in politically convinced everyone to hate the Jedi and then began exterminating them and invading countries.



And then if you look at the specifics of the war, its very similar. After America got rid of Japan they went for the Nazi's. But the Nazi's didn't send as much troops because they viewed Russia as a bigger threat.



The Rebel Alliance came in and the Emperor laughed at it. They went after the RA disinterested, then when the Death Star I got destroyed, the RA became a big deal.

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The Empire and Rebel Alliance was more a British Empire - American Colonist base, not Nazi or Communism.




They were the Imperial Senate not the Republic Senate, same people though. The Republic was changed into an Empire in EPIII and the Senate was moved into an Imperial Senate, advisers to the Emperor with no real power.


Nope, the Empire is a carbon copy of the Third Reich. Right down to the use of the same symbols and colors.


Also the imperial senate was disolved and the "regional governor" were placed in direct control of thier respective systems.

Edited by TKMaster
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Well lucas stated in a interview that the jedi of the clone wars became corrupt, they werent supposed to be generals or fighting in wars but just ambassadors of peace. So you can essentially say pretty much every incarnation of the jedi are corrupt Edited by Girdeux
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Well lucas stated in a interview that the jedi of the clone wars became corrupt, they werent supposed to be generals or fighting in wars but just ambassadors of peace. So you can essentially say pretty much every incarnation of the jedi are corrupt



Peace is a lie....

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what else is there to do sit with there hands on there lightsabers going.. so what or you doing today?


the Jedi even wall new helped form the old Republic make most of the laws even, more or less that's why

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The main problem of Jedi Order is they were trapped by Palpatine.

They served the Republic because this guaranteed peace in galaxy for thousands of years. When they realized that Republic during Clone Wars isn't the Republic they swear to protect it was too late for them. Any attemp to stop serving the Republic would be treated as treason and Palpatine would give Order 66 anyway. Then even more people would hate Jedi. That was Revenge of the Sith - no matter of what the Jedi would do they already lost when the war has begun. And for that reason Sidious is the most powerfull Sith in Star Wars history. He wasn't best lightsaber duelist, he wasn't best force user but he menage to bring Jedi Order into the trap and destroy it alone.

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The main problem of Jedi Order is they were trapped by Palpatine.

They served the Republic because this guaranteed peace in galaxy for thousands of years. When they realized that Republic during Clone Wars isn't the Republic they swear to protect it was too late for them. Any attemp to stop serving the Republic would be treated as treason and Palpatine would give Order 66 anyway. Then even more people would hate Jedi. That was Revenge of the Sith - no matter of what the Jedi would do they already lost when the war has begun. And for that reason Sidious is the most powerfull Sith in Star Wars history. He wasn't best lightsaber duelist, he wasn't best force user but he menage to bring Jedi Order into the trap and destroy it alone.


About that bold and underlined part. No he pretty much was one of the most powerful force users ever.

Edited by mecher
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Yes, Darth Sidious was one of the most powerfull force users for all time but he wasn't the best. I think for example Yoda was better force user because it's a lot easier to create powerfull lightings with your rage than to stop them. In their force duel Yoda lost not with Palpatine's lightings but with the laws of physics because both of the were thrown away but Yoda was smaller and lighter and he has fall down. He didn't continue fight because in that moment he realised what I have write above - that the Jedi has already lost and death of Emperor won't change anything.
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