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Is Revan overrated?


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You must have played another version of the game. Yes, he had two companions with him up until the duel with bastilla. That was all. The only thing bastilla was helping him with was her battle meditation.


Canonically he soloed everything up to their.


Ah yes, I will cede the point, I was mixing up with the Dark Side alternate story, AS far as I know, on Lehon you have Juhani and Bindo, then you attack the Star Forge, with I believe Canderous and someone else, until you reach Shan.

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Who called you arrogant or egotistical ? Its not a insult to ask source and I never did that sorry again but I am not , quote me calling you egotistical or arrogant please !


And again. She will just tell you that you are insulting her by asking your question of where her source came from.

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We simply where waiting for you to answer first. We asked the question first.


Then I asked you to bring up a statement I had made to source, then Metik came out with 'She must believe her statements to be so canon' or some such, then you agreed with him with a tongue emoticon, etc..., etc...


You may not find that insulting, I however do.

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Ah yes, I will cede the point, I was mixing up with the Dark Side alternate story, AS far as I know, on Lehon you have Juhani and Bindo, then you attack the Star Forge, with I believe Canderous and someone else, until you reach Shan.


You are right there. I forgot about the different stories in the kotors. Forgive me; but I think revan was suppose to be light sided judging by this game.

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THis is a insult ^


It was a genuine question, you repeatedly claimed I looked at their entire lives and claimed they were exactly the same, when in fact I was stating when you make a general overview of what they did, they are very similar, if you found that insulting then I apologise.

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Why does anyone care about under/overrating of characters? Just enjoy the ride...or hate it, whatever.


While he is not my favorite character, I have had an emotional attachment to Reven ever since KOTOR. The game is, to this day, one of my all-time favorites. Why would I give a **** if every other fan in the world thinks he is a weakling?

Edited by darthjoea
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My opinion on the matter addressed by the OP:


Revan is overrated....if you only look at him using one lens or another. (I.E. as only a Jedi or as only a Sith)


But if you take everything that he did and everything he was all together, he is far from weak...to say the least.


Revan was an extremely powerful force user and a brilliant strategist. The latter part is what gets my attention. When he went to fight the Mandalorians, those guys had practically destroyed the Republic's ability to wage war....let alone their spirit.


Using depleted resources and superior strategy, he was able to turn the war around, win it AND destroy the opponent's will to continue fighting. (One heck of a feat when you consider the Mandalorian way is to fight...)


Nobody stood a chance before he got involved. If they did, it would be their names that we'd be debating and not his. That was the kind of power and intelligence he brought to the table for the Republic and later against it.


And the willpower to combat and hold the emperor at bay for 300 years had to have been astronomical. Yes he had assistance from Meetra. But keep in mind that speaks to his ability to lead. If someone like Meetra (arguably quite impressive in her own right) would follow Revan so devoutly....well that should tell you what opinions that other characters in lore had of him. The confidence he was able to inspire in his followers was unbelievable.


So yes, Revan is overrated if you take parts of what he was individually. He wasn't the greatest Jedi....or the greatest Sith. But if you take all that he was, everything that made him...him...then I personally, respectfully, have to disagree with the OP's opinion.


Leader, Strategist, Jedi, Sith....the list goes on. This is an amazing individual who deserves the praise many throw upon him.


He is not overrated. ^_^

Edited by DragonianJedi
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Someone get Aximand back in here , atleast s/he pulls in Canon from all over the world to defeat a character they never met / lived in same era with / or had anything to do with , everyone else is pulling out false info and opinion of a situation that wasn't there lol ! This thread is just fail and nothing but troll food !


Quite honestly, I just lost interest in arguing with a brick wall when I stated Canon facts of five Force users that were more powerful in both the use of the Force, and in Lightsaber combat than Revan (from his Era, whether you want to admit it or not) and you just went "Nuh uh! It doesn't count because I say it doesn't!".


Plus Mass Effect 3 came out today so this thread has dropped pretty far down on my "things that interest me" list.

Edited by Aximand
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Quite honestly, I just lost interest in arguing with a brick wall when I stated Canon facts of five Force users that were more powerful in both the use of the Force, and in Lightsaber combat than Revan (from his Era, whether you want to admit it or not) and you just went "Nuh uh! It doesn't count because I say it doesn't!".


Plus Mass Effect 3 came out today so this thread has dropped pretty far down on my "things that interest me" list.


I said his life time , you wanted to do era and history of the force , in the era you were half way right but in what I was talking about you were off . I am no more a brick wall than those like yourself



Side topic , I hope you injoy ME3 ! I am jealous because atm I do not have it and wont have it for another 2-3 weeks due to kids and bills ........................very very jealous ........have fun ^^

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Oh my.



The Jedi had no clue that they were being betrayed , Vadar had total surpise advantage and I seem to remember in the movie atleast him slaughtering children , I guess 10years old is prime !


Yeah, I'm talking novel here. As soon as the Jedi saw the 501st and Anakin barked at the gatemaster, they engaged into battle. Killing 12 Jedi Master, numerous nameless knights and Padawan's and younglings.



I am not going to argue here , I do not think those Vitiate cared to be honest . I do not even think he was worried to what they could do or not as the Empire had already build a powerful fleet without needing the Starforge . Not to mention ages of training Sith and soldiers .


This is BW's fault. Vitate wanted Revan to destroy the Republic and build an enormous Empire, yet in SWTOR Vitate has had an empire for 1500 yrs?


His own mess that no one else could takecare of , no living Jedi could defeat Malek at the time and if Revan would have been lost , there would been no Republic and Vitiate would have killed Malek and took the Galaxy with no issues and thus this game would not be here in this form. It would be Empire vs Rebels like the Movies .




Where is it canon that Malak couldn't be killed by any Jedi? I bet you that Meetra could beat Malak in a true battle.



No one is Arguing with Vadar ect in here , mainly just those of his lifetime .



See thats what your arguing, the person I was quoting was speaking of all time. He deserves credibility and such. Revan is one of the best of his lifetime, yeah sure. But Revan lived in a time where... there were no Sith besides himself, the Jedi were at their weakest.



How is not agreeing and saying someone is wrong a insult , I am sorry you are your 2 friends think your always right but you are not and Canon or not , nothing backs up a anything that was replied to last 8 pages. Refusing to not be wrong does not make you right . sorry !


So your refusing to acknowledge canon? Yeah sure 8 pages ago, I hate to break to you, 17 were made in one day arguing about the same damn thing.

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When Vadar was on them attacking I am most sure they defended themselves , it does not mean they weren't suprised when it happened lmao .


There is footage to show you that they were alerted by the attack..

Yet you still say that they were surprised.


Does it even matter?

Vader went in there, Killed Jedi Master's by himself (Clone troopers were killing Knights & guarding gates).


If you want proof just re-read the book again. Revan did nothing like that, Closest he came was defeating Malak in a 1v1, Something he had done many times before. He may have been empowered by the Forge, Byt so was Revan by Bastila's meditation.

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Oh my.





Yeah, I'm talking novel here. As soon as the Jedi saw the 501st and Anakin barked at the gatemaster, they engaged into battle. Killing 12 Jedi Master, numerous nameless knights and Padawan's and younglings.



Even the book said he had the clone troopers uppon the entrance, it comes off as they are focusing more on what Anakin was doing than them , possibly because the whole thing was about Anakin than anything else !


This is BW's fault. Vitate wanted Revan to destroy the Republic and build an enormous Empire, yet in SWTOR Vitate has had an empire for 1500 yrs?

Well I didn't argue this because I truthfully am a little mixed up on this story and cannot comment on it so much . I will say it seems wierd that he even needed Revan or Malek to begin with and if he was smart he should have know if Revan was defeated that the Republic would be more stronger for it and possibly ready for anything else after .





Where is it canon that Malak couldn't be killed by any Jedi? I bet you that Meetra could beat Malak in a true battle.


You play the game you get that as the send someone off that they were not sure if he could do anything at all . Revan had to rediscover himself after all . Alot of scenes talk about Malek as a great threat , I have no read the books behind KotoR but I played the game too manytimes to count and it was a bridge into getting my wife into StarWars and video games!


KotoR and KotoR2 were me and my wife's first games together along with Fable ^^

Possibly why I like those characters the most is because of my overall experience with those games and my wife , was very positive time .




See thats what your arguing, the person I was quoting was speaking of all time. He deserves credibility and such. Revan is one of the best of his lifetime, yeah sure. But Revan lived in a time where... there were no Sith besides himself, the Jedi were at their weakest.

I don't believe they were weak but I believe they didn't act and there for lost to not seeing far into it.




So your refusing to acknowledge canon? Yeah sure 8 pages ago, I hate to break to you, 17 were made in one day arguing about the same damn thing.


Not everything you say is Canon , I could respect you in quoting it if it wasn't always filled with opinions like your "what if" threads that are completely none canon . Not everything I say is gonna be right because memory will change overtime , you will never be able to remember everything , even preachers need to constantly reread the same book over and over to be sure and quote correctly .


I have nothing against anyone in this thread but really , just because you think you are right does not mean you are right and you could remember things away but as long as you gusy use opinion in one thing and then try to quote canon in another it defeats the facts you are trying to use.


Revan canonly was great in his time , its not no more over rated than the books and games made him . That is the fact of teh topic


As for Meetra she was not around and there is nothing to say she would have stopped Malek , and that is another "What if" and not "Canon" .

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There is footage to show you that they were alerted by the attack..

Yet you still say that they were surprised.


Does it even matter?

Vader went in there, Killed Jedi Master's by himself (Clone troopers were killing Knights & guarding gates).


If you want proof just re-read the book again. Revan did nothing like that, Closest he came was defeating Malak in a 1v1, Something he had done many times before. He may have been empowered by the Forge, Byt so was Revan by Bastila's meditation.


IF your friend comes to your door and suddenly starts to beat everything with a bat in his path , no matter how much you try to defend against it , you were still suprised.

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Where is it canon that Malak couldn't be killed by any Jedi? I bet you that Meetra could beat Malak in a true battle.

Irrelevant she didnt he did. Its canon. could or could not its a what if situation. besides During this time she certainly could not, she was exiled without her connection to the force.



But Revan lived in a time where... there were no Sith besides himself, the Jedi were at their weakest.

.... he lived in a era of a second golden age of the sith empire... for you to say that there was no sith besides him.. oh boy even ruling out the sith empire that revan found, there was let me see darth sion, nihilus, traya, among plenty of other sith im sure.

If im not mistaken the trayus academy was founded and rebuilt by revan, where the sith assassin order was created, by fallen jedi that darth revan subdue to his wil.

there was plenty of other sith besides Revan. And he was lord of them all for some time.

Edited by Spartanik
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Just to pop in here, She did defeat the immortal Darth Sion, after wrecking the Trayus Academy, and Sion is basically Malak, but immortal.


Agreed but after the events of KotoR in KotoR2 , not taking away from that great feat either. Surely respectable and noteworthy .


She was nowhere in the KoToR events but lore says before and after she did have alot of story, after all she was respected by both Revan and Malek enough to get honored with General . Not ever Jedi that followed them got that title unlike the happenings of the movies .

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I think somewhere in here someone or something seemed like I do not like Meetra but that is false , I happen to like her as much as Revan and her story is just as good .

Without Meetra Revan would have been lost , so the 2 characters are iimportant as one enother !

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If im not mistaken the trayus academy was founded and rebuilt by revan, where the sith assassin order was created, by fallen jedi that darth revan subdue to his wil.


Actually the Trayus Academy was exactly the same before and after he had been there, all sorts of people came and went from the academy till Meetra Surik destroyed Malachor V for good.

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