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  1. Why does anyone care about under/overrating of characters? Just enjoy the ride...or hate it, whatever. While he is not my favorite character, I have had an emotional attachment to Reven ever since KOTOR. The game is, to this day, one of my all-time favorites. Why would I give a **** if every other fan in the world thinks he is a weakling?
  2. ...If Obi-wan was capable of defeating Vader on the Death Star, why didn't he just do it? Pretty obvious that the reason Obi-wan trained Luke is because neither he, nor Yoda were capable of defeating Vader or the Emperor anymore. And don't undersell Obi-wan, he may have been in isolation for a long time, but don't forget that he is also one of the greatest Jedi ever and became a master at Soresu form, which makes him a master at survival. Even after such a long time, Obi-wan was surely still powerful. Just because Vader didn't kill him in under a minute doesn't mean that he is "overrated" But you are entitled to your opinion, as much as I may disagree.
  3. Why do some people think Vader *lost his potential* after his battle with Obi-wan on Mustafar? Doesn't anyone remember the original movie? Episode IV: Vader(to Obi-Wan) - "When I left you, I was but the learner; now *I* am the master." Pretty obvious from this statement that Vader only became *more* powerful after his injury. His suit did not limit him. If anything it was falling to the Dark Side in the first place that made him lose his potential to be great, perhaps more in a symbolic sense, but you get the idea.
  4. Why are you even trying to argue this? It may certainly be arguable that Vader is not the most powerful Jedi/Sith ever. Of course he was surpassed by Luke, and Yoda may have been more powerful in his prime. In the plethora of Star Wars literature that I haven't read, I'm sure there have been characters that seem more powerful, but because of games like The Force Unleashed, the Force has been perverted into a fireworks display: "well this character brought down a Star Destroyer with the force so he must be more powerful than Vader". I don't think there's any doubt that, at least in the original trilogy (which imo should never be contradicted) and the prequel movies, Vader was always intended to be one of the most powerful Force users ever to have lived. Therefore, the answer to your question is "No", he is not overrated.
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