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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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Why the mods are tossing every thread about server merges and transfers into this giant mess is beyond me. Right now this thread is on page 2 of the forums, and with how quickly new posts are made it will continually get pushed back. This is the most serious issue with the game right now, this thread should not be getting buried in an effort to "clean up" the forums.
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I agree, Bioware needs to merge servers, my server has so few people on it and I am really tired of not being able to find DPS for a hard mode FP, very sad, this game cant get any better if the people playing it can't actually enjoy the full experience of playing it
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The original version of this thread is over a month old now. If people had just rerolled then, they'd be ahead of where they were when this started, but it seems enough people are just going to sit back and wait for BioWare to solve the issue, instead of handling it themselves.


Odds are pretty good you will lose one or more character names and possibly your legacy name with a server merge, and that will also upset a lot of people. I wouldn't expect any mergers anytime soon (summer at the earliest IMO), and transfers are unlikely until they are ready to allow Oceanic players to transfer to their regional servers...so you're looking at another month for that to happen.


Let me be clear: I think BioWare made a mistake in adding more servers on launch day, and with the initial stupidly low pop caps...especially since they have sharding within the servers. My servers *usually* hit "heavy" during my prime time, and I still feel like the servers are empty, but you have to live in the real world...no MMO is going to merge servers this soon after launch. Not...gonna...happen.


some people joined a light server in anticipation of more people joining the game and coming to that server. atleast thats what i did, i was afraid that if i took a medium or heavy server i had a wait time of 2 days (exagerated but hey)

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Server merge isnt near and IMHO is far too much work for BW.


Prepare for a server transfer but not too soon.


The transfer will contain the path of least resistance for BW, its just too easy to pass the buck to the player stuck on low pop.


Loss of legacy, loss of valor, loss of names. If you dont like it stay where you are or re-roll.


I am less than happy, my biggest problem is I really like trooper.

I have left my 2 troopers behind and have a new guy on Nightmare lands but I dont like Imp and I just cant face doing trooper again.

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I find funny is that I have had an email from the creators of this game four times this week, two asking for my feedback, one offering me a free weeks play time and another wanting to know why I unsubscribed. It was simple. The game is bloody boring.


Man, lucky for Bioware they have big timer high rollers like you around to tell them how to run thier company and manage thier gaming titles. Because, without feedback from elitist MMO basement dwellers the industry would be out of commision. Ammirite??

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A lot of BioWare / RPG fans have stopped playing due to the recent release of Mass Effect 3. I think BW may have made a mistake with their priorities of release dates.


When news of ME3's release first came out, it was slated to be out in December, while SWTOR was going to be released Spring 2012. But mid-2011, BW announced officially that these releases were to be flipped.


So as of a couple weeks ago, BW has effectively been competing with themselves, and most SWTOR server pops are noticeably down.


Even with all the added flash & DLC they're going to tack on and get people to pay extra for in ME3, it probably would have been wiser to release the single player game (ME3) first. Give people a few months to complete it, have their fill of it, then release their grand MMO and have the momentum carry through. It will be more difficult to get people to come back to an older game once they've already unsubbed, even once they're finished with ME3...


This message was brought to you in part by Captain Hindsight. :tran_cool:

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Even with all the added flash & DLC they're going to tack on and get people to pay extra for in ME3, it probably would have been wiser to release the single player game (ME3) first. Give people a few months to complete it, have their fill of it, then release their grand MMO and have the momentum carry through. It will be more difficult to get people to come back to an older game once they've already unsubbed, even once they're finished with ME3...


I've been playing ME3 but to be honest I'm hankering to get back to playing my Sith rather than watching Shepard and James talk for ages and then get scolded because my hand was nowhere near the correct mouse button for the last minute of it.

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There won't be a server merge.This month many people will unsub (just like i did which ends tonight) and EA will panic again.



Since it is EA who forced BW to release this thing, they will force BW to release the patches earlier and unfinished.



Developers do not care what happens in low servers and i am sure there is no employee there who takes care of this stuff.

Currently they think low populated servers can be sacrificed since 500k ppl are enough to buy the Executive Chief Panic Manager a Ferrari.And i am sure that guy wants to buy another to his gf with the char transfer income.

But they forget the saying " one for all, all for one" always a winner.Sacrifice me today, tomorrow you will be alone.


I remember the announcement of a guy which is thanking the beta test players for their millions of hours time.


Now i want to announce to him thanks for wasting millions of hours with an unfinished game and empty servers.


I have had a great time in this game until no wzs started to pop and many of my friends quit.



When server merge was asked in QA, from the answer i noticed noone gives a blabla about it.Just like they didnt care about faction balance.


Also this goes for the designers of game "did you guys really wanted to make this game?"

cos there is no music, no ambiance, NO SOUL in this game.



Also thank you for the space missions but i prefer my Amiga 500.Whose kid designed it for ya?


BW people are 500k times better than me in anything, i accept that.


That also includes destroying a great idea and a fan base.


If someone thinks they care, why they dont take action against the main reasons those made ppl quit.

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Instead of merging servers or character transfers, how about giving an incentive of some sort to new players who roll on a light pop server?

Or perhaps offer some sort of perk to people in servers A,B and C (heavy pop) to transfer to X,Y and Z (light pop). Put a limit on it. Say, the first 1000 players per server.

All alts move as a group. I'm not sure about the best way to handle if a toon already exists on the new server how to mesh legacies. There should be a minimum legacy level requirement to prevent people from rolling a new character just to transfer to get the freebies. Established players only.

Transfer is one way, one time.

Player gets a nice perk. (It will need to be NICE)

Name conflicts are kept to a manageable amount.


In theory, a good guild on server A, could all move together and immediately become the dominant guild on the new server.


My idea would certainly be neater than mashing to low-pop servers together and trying to untangle the mess of name conflicts that result. Should also be less PR backlash than shutting a server down would cause. After all, they aren't shutting down anything, they're just incentivising players to move from over populated servers to lighter to provide a better gaming experience for all. :D


Edit: Also, by keeping the number of transfer slots to a minimum, they can better manage the man-power needed. Instead of a LARGE team of CS people handling entire servers worth of transfers, a small team could open X amount of slots, handle those. Rinse. Repeat as needed. The model is already established in the patching system. Small patches working small issues weekly, rather than huge updates every few months. (with bigger issues being worked on over time and updated when they're ready)

It would also give them the ability to balance the factions.

Smaller transfers would give them the benefit of hindsight, seeing what worked well, rather than mashing two+ servers together and hope it works out.

Edited by JacksonMo
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Ok it used to be funny but now its just plain depressing, it has become next to impossible to find a group for any flashpoint at any level when will bio get there heads out of there asses and have a lfg system good thing my subscription runs out end of this month as i wont be updating it.

huge fail bio huge fail

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Here is the direct cause of the currently dead servers.








Both players and Bioware are to blame for the current situation. Players WHINED because they had to wait 1 hour to play a game. Many MMO veterans tried to warn the community this would happen if they opened too many servers. People still whined instead of having patience and sadly Bioware caved and this is the mess we are in.


People keep talking about how easy it is for character transfers and merges. This game launched missing many things common to MMO's and with many poor features. Do you really think that with all the missing stuff in game that they even considered to put in options of transfers/merges or had the time to even do it?


It has nothing to do with making business look good or not listening to the player base. They simply cannot do it and until they free up programmers from bug fixing and finishing the game. Who knows they may even have a team currently looking into how to go about transfers and mergers.


Someone here asked a "hater" why they had to be like that and I have the answer. Those type of people are petty. There is no other reason to act the way they do or hope a game fails. They are not happy unless they make other people equally unhappy. The anonymous factor also gives them the ability to say anything with no repercussions. Simple solution is to ignore those players and not even respond. They have no constructive input and will not help improve the game. Petty people are never worth listening to!


EDIT: FYI I love the game and once they fix what needs fixing and add what needs adding this game will be very good!

Edited by Lord_Scythe
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A combination of cross-server LFD&LFR and free transfers for characters on low-population servers is all that's needed.


Merging servers is a PR disaster waiting to happen.


While not doing a damn thing is a PR disaster already, this game already has a bad reputation and only gets more and more negative reviews and word of mouth. Even though I still enjoy the game, I sure as hell wouldn't recommend it to anyone.


I dont give a **** about you or your guilds name, if you're will to quit over something so retarded as your online alias please do us all a favour and leave.

Edited by RocNessMonster
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Depends, it can say "look we're failing" or - Look we're taking the bull by the horns. We know theres a problem, we'll tackle it head on. Its causing more damage to their reputation than anything else. But Jobs are at stake so they wouldn't do it.


As for the merge option - say there's x servers with x people on (all light servers) A new server is opened up for these servers to be transferred into. People operate on a first come, first serve basis for those who are active, who want to transfer and are keen to save their name.


Have x days to do so, before those characters are moved too, and if your name / legacy has been taken - that's just how it goes.


That way everyone has a fair chance, no server is being given any form of benefit above another server, and it deals with the problem servers. Not necessarily a solution, but its an idea that can be built upon.


Either way, I know the problems that come with merges, but unless there is any real growth with the game, any incentives or benefits on playing on these servers to bring in the new players - chances are they will just continue to die.



Or we all simply stop crying for merges and create our own merge


Chekc this thread for more info:




Spread the word!

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The problem with re-rolling is having to start the Legacy system over again. I may be wrong, but the upcoming legacy system sort of encourages all your toons to be on one server, and build Legacy points, regardless of Faction.


I wouldn't want to start over and have to create an all new Legacy all over again. Mine's building up quite nicely on my server as it is.

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The problem with re-rolling is having to start the Legacy system over again. I may be wrong, but the upcoming legacy system sort of encourages all your toons to be on one server, and build Legacy points, regardless of Faction.


I wouldn't want to start over and have to create an all new Legacy all over again. Mine's building up quite nicely on my server as it is.


Yeah, it's kinda silly imo that the Legacy can't bolster some features cross server. Stuff like names and maybe more rarer features should remain on the individual server but the rest should be completely cross server. When faced with the daunting task of rerolling their entire legacy people are just going to quit.

Edited by Touchbass
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Greetings & Salutations,


I won't bore you with the details, simply this, our TSPG-guild grew stronger & stronger from day #1, but now we are not losing members, we're losing people who would actually rather start all over again from level 1 on a high/standard populated server then play their lvl 50 on The Kumumgah-server...




As a member of the TSPG-guild on The Kumumgah EU server (150+ members strong), i would like to put in a formal request to Bioware/EA for either a free transfer off this dying server or maybe a server-merge with another low populated server...


I thank you for your consideration & i hope to thank you in the near future, for resolving our problem & for making the SWTOR-experience for the people on The Kumumgah a better one...






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greetings & salutations,


i won't bore you with the details, simply this, our tspg-guild grew stronger & stronger from day #1, but now we are not losing members, we're losing people who would actually rather start all over again from level 1 on a high/standard populated server then play their lvl 50 on the kumumgah-server...




As a member of the tspg-guild on the kumumgah eu server (150+ members strong), i would like to put in a formal request to bioware/ea for either a free transfer off this dying server or maybe a server-merge with another low populated server...


I thank you for your consideration & i hope to thank you in the near future, for resolving our problem & for making the swtor-experience for the people on the kumumgah a better one...







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Don't leave me hangin' Vaknyuszi... "This!" what??? :sul_confused:






*(PS; I created a thread with that exact post & Bioware closed it within hours telling me to post it either under Realm-Transfer or Realm-Merge... ) So that's why it's here, apologies if it's some-how in your way...




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Server merges are needed for german servers aswell.

Ignore those stupid suits, its not a fail to merge servers but rather a requirement to keep the customers stuck on low population servers.

SWTORs population will raise with the deployment of patch 1.2. I also got some unused characters :/

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