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Casual Players


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Im a father of 2 girls an i have a wife that hates video games, lets just say if i play games to long i dont get "special" time....well there is always option B, but lets not get into that.


SO i only get about 2-4 hours every 2 days. im currently level 22 sith assassin, an i noticed this game really caters to the casual players...I LOVE IT!

thank you!

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Im a father of 2 girls an i have a wife that hates video games, lets just say if i play games to long i dont get "special" time....well there is always option B, but lets not get into that.


SO i only get about 2-4 hours every 2 days. im currently level 22 sith assassin, an i noticed this game really caters to the casual players...I LOVE IT!

thank you!


Cute story, but if you dont raid, any mmo out there can be played by casual players.

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Im a father of 2 girls an i have a wife that hates video games, lets just say if i play games to long i dont get "special" time....well there is always option B, but lets not get into that.


SO i only get about 2-4 hours every 2 days. im currently level 22 sith assassin, an i noticed this game really caters to the casual players...I LOVE IT!

thank you!




See...I like this...


Now, can we have some kind of reward for players who CAN afford to put in massive amounts of time? I'm not even asking for the best gear, how about some visual rewards, like outfits...or...some of the 'future' lightsaber colors, earlier then they trickle down to other players (Which was the case at first it seemed)


...I dono, I'd just like something special for putting in huge chunks of time :|

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Im a father of 2 girls an i have a wife that hates video games, lets just say if i play games to long i dont get "special" time....well there is always option B, but lets not get into that.


SO i only get about 2-4 hours every 2 days. im currently level 22 sith assassin, an i noticed this game really caters to the casual players...I LOVE IT!

thank you!


Option B...

Does it involve gagballs and whips? ...

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I think you only get from the game what you put in to it. There are many ways to play and completely enjoy your time, but it all depends on playstyles and what is put into the game.


Personally, my guild and I, as well as, many people I have met while playing are very much enjoying the game. PvE, PvP, helping each other and others, we are getting what we want. :D

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And that's why i'm leaving.


No thanks!


I am sooooooooo sorry that some of us actually have an actual life outside of a video game. Oh wait... no i'm not. This pretty much sums up my answer to that.


Im a father of 2 girls an i have a wife that hates video games, lets just say if i play games to long i dont get "special" time....well there is always option B, but lets not get into that.


That pretty much mirrors what I have except the 2 girls (i have 1 boy and 1 girl). Fortunatly, with my current job being a 5 week on 5 week off rotation, when i'm home, I really have no responsibilities and its like a 5 week vacation with no work. So... Monday - Friday, Wife goes to work from 8-6, kids go off to school from 8 - 3 and i'm home with nothing to do except well, do what I want :D


Unfortunately when I do come back, I end up having to play catch-up for the 5 weeks that I've missed out on.

Edited by haliy
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I am sooooooooo sorry that some of us actually have an actual life outside of a video game. Oh wait... no i'm not. This pretty much sums up my answer to that.




That pretty much mirrors what I have except the 2 girls (i have 1 boy and 1 girl). Fortunatly, with my current job being a 5 week on 5 week off rotation, when i'm home, I really have no responsibilities and its like a 5 week vacation with no work. So... Monday - Friday, Wife goes to work from 8-6, kids go off to school from 8 - 3 and i'm home with nothing to do except well, do what I want :D


Unfortunately when I do come back, I end up having to play catch-up for the 5 weeks that I've missed out on.


OMG thank you for that comic...that was priceless lol :D

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I am sooooooooo sorry that some of us actually have an actual life outside of a video game. Oh wait... no i'm not. This pretty much sums up my answer to that.





Lol'd at the comic.


But you need the comic to fight your own battles?


That's pretty much why i just spit you off as another weakling.

At least put your opinion out as to WHY you disagree, then the comic.

Oh and "lololol u no has li3f!" Doesn't quite count.


Weird notice: I've been cave diving. Or explored a cave.

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Im a father of 2 girls an i have a wife that hates video games, lets just say if i play games to long i dont get "special" time....well there is always option B, but lets not get into that.


SO i only get about 2-4 hours every 2 days. im currently level 22 sith assassin, an i noticed this game really caters to the casual players...I LOVE IT!

thank you!


Perhaps you should stick to angry birds on your cellphone insted if you like "casual" games. Games that put heavy focus on a casual demographic generally fail on the MMO market.

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Lol'd at the comic.


But you need the comic to fight your own battles?


That's pretty much why i just spit you off as another weakling.

At least put your opinion out as to WHY you disagree, then the comic.

Oh and "lololol u no has li3f!" Doesn't quite count.


Weird notice: I've been cave diving. Or explored a cave.


no, i don't need a comic to fight my own battles. What would you rather me say... Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt...of elderberries!


I just posted the comic because i found it quite humorous and it deals directly with the casual player. I have in fact had the same exact thing happen to me while I was raiding with my guild as a healer. The very next day, the Raid leader asked *** happened to me. So i told him that the wife showed up naked behind me, told me she was heading upstairs and wanted to know if I wanted to join her. He said he would have done the same thing and would have been pissed off if i didn't do exactly what i had done lol.


I disagree because your response to me basically stated unless the game is only played by the hardcore gamer, it isn't worth playing. SWTOR along with the vast majority of other MMO's need to cater to both the hardcore and casual gamer otherwise they loose out totally on one side compared to the other. Yes, there should be better Items which should be obtainable only to those that are able to spend more time in the game which i'm sure BW will implement in the future.

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The game has only been out for 3 months, idk y people are so butthurt about not having an amazing amount of content. WoW sucked in vanilla and didn't get good till BC. The casual part of this game is amazing and it is built for that right now. Does mean they won't add stuff for the players who spend their lives on this game. Most people don't have time because of parenthood or going to college to become something. So chill out.
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I only work 25-30 hours a week, married with no kids, and I still dont have that much time to play, Im only level 14. I think its great that theres a game that caters to the casual gamer. There are plenty of games out there that specifically cater to hardcore whatever, I used to be one in my younger days. Never got into the whole raiding bit, purely a PVP interest for myself.


The hardcore gamer is becoming a very dispensible breed. The guys who were once in their 20's playing SWG and WoW and all the rest, are now in their 30's and have responsiblities and jobs and families But we still like to play games. A game could survive and flourish quite well on our support without need to appeal to the UMADBRO generation.

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