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Backpedaling...Do you do it?

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If I want to re-position myself three steps backwards, sure.


Opinion: This describes me. If I want to move more, I tend use my mouse to turn my character, then run to the spot I want/feel I need to be.


Helpful comment: As a general rule, excessive backpedaling can have a negative effect on how you play, since you move at 50% of normal speed. This oh so very true in PvP.

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For me, physically impossible for me to backpedal since I opt for mouse movements, I hold my middle button down and it moves forward only and I move the mouse left/right to turn. I find I can turn and react so much faster than the traditional keybind movements.
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So the major critique I get is backpedaling. Do any of you out there ever actually find it useful? Do you do it? Do you unbind your 'S' key?




There are fights where you want to still dps the target but at the same time have to move away. Back-pedalling is useful in this case, e.g. it's ok to use 'S' when the Jedi boss in Black Talon begins to cast force sweep, you get to dps her and still move out of range in time.

Edited by RabidPopcorn
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I tend to use the mouse AND keyboard to move around and turn the camera as the situation calls for it; if that means a step or two back with the "back peddle" key, so be it. I imagine any capable player would know how and when to use all the tools available to get the job done properly, including appropriate times to "back peddle".
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The problem with back-pedaling is that it dramatically reduces your rate of movement, so competent players will run straight past and hit you from behind as you frantically try to keyboard turn to face them.


This is the calling card of the Bad Player.


What you need to do is strafe instead, with the most rudimentary method for ranged strafing being this:


Rotate your character with the A or D keys so you are virtually sideways to your opponent but still have enough angle to hit them, then press the Q or E keys to strafe away from them. Ranged strafing has the advantage of being able to run at full speed in the opposite direction while still hitting your opponent.


Now you know, and knowing is half the battle!












Body massage.


I thought using a and d to turn instead of using your mouse was a sign of a bad player too? Surely if backpeddling is a sign of a bad player because it restricts movement capacity so is keyboard turning?

Edited by LucisAbyssus
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Can you do....wait for it...both!?!?!?


It's a bad habit - and the "S" key is a valuable keybind. Some classes have 30+ that are used on a constant basis in combat - Keeping "S" bound to a movement key just means that you have to use another <shift> or <ctrl> modifier for an ability - which is less desirable.


However, if you click or don't use many keybinds then leaving "S" bound to movement is the least of your issues.




... and the argument isn't that you *can't* do it and in some cases get away with it - it's just not an optimal way of playing. You can click and never use a keybind, for example... it's just not the most optimal way of going about things.

Edited by Rasstavad
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If you play a sorc or assassin you better not unbind that S as sprint speed is the same backwards as forwards, I see so many sorcs running away with their back to me when they could just back dash and throw instants....




Moving backwards has plenty of uses, with the traps and terrain in WZs you need that backwards movement.



People who unbind 'S' are morons who do it because they think it makes them pro. Removing any movement option is a bad idea. If you find yourself doing it constantly it is very bad but saying you should NEVER do it is idiotic.

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Only time I back pedal is when I have my force speed up and I just want to create a small gap. But I also do the jump 180 to get away faster and still cast and hit someone. So meh. To each their own I think.
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I thought using a and d to turn instead of using your mouse was a sign of a bad player too? Surely if backpeddling is a sign of a bad player because it restricts movement capacity so is keyboard turning?


It's not keyboard turning, it's keyboard strafing.


The turning is only to maintain correct alignment with the target.

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Backpedaling has it uses, any1 saying that it's 100% useless and should be unbound is limiting themselves.


You need to run away and kite someone chasing you while throwing CC/Snare/DPS at them? Strafe, obviously.


You want to taunt someone slowly crawling toward you so they die just in your face? Backpedal, so much more humiliating to be killed by a backpedaling dude.


You want to Precislely position yourself so that when the Warrior/knight leap at you, they fall in the fire pit below? Backpedal.


You want to clearly analyse the battlefield while slowly repositioning yourself? Backpedal...



It's uses are not OVERWHELMING, but it still has some. + being myself someone who go as far as to bind my 1 hour long Stim Buff and I'm still not short on binds, there's no reason to unbind S.

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You guys are awesome for keeping this discussion going. Keep it up! WTB more opinions!


Obviously I think it's a situational and preferential thing. I also agree that if you NEVER use it you're limiting yourself.


As far as pvp goes, I use it to always stay at max distance from target but still being able to get my melee attacks off. Often I will use a close range attack, backpedal a couple steps, throw a ranged attack, and move back in.


I will also backpedal a bit in pvp to get a clear view of the action, and decide what to do from there.

Edited by Space-Guerrilla
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Back peddlers are spawn that fill up the subscription numbers to make the game look good, cannon fodder for half decent players to slaughter and game for decent players to crowd around and laugh at while running circles around them.


I heard walking at half speed is better then running fullspeed doing everything you can do while backpeddling... SEEMS LEGIT.


haha, this is awesome.

Edited by Stupiddrummer
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What I saw in your video.


You randomly twitching your movement keys (including s key) with your backpedaling bringint you out of melee range on a stationary target.


Numerous times on thet video I saw you have to smash an ability key over and over while you are working back into melee rangs - where as if you had been strafing around your target or even standing still (moving around does nothing in this game when ranged classes have autoface target) your ability would have gotten off earlier.


Abilities going off late are a fight loser. Could have interrupted that heal had you not been out of melee range? could have killed him before he got a heal had you hit him 1 second faster?


S key loses.


The only time I use S key is when I know there's an operative/smuggler around and I want to back myself into a corner.


Other than that it's ALWAYS better to use strafe in pvp - it's faster.


While you are backpedaling away from me I'm still hitting you because i can walk forward faster than you can backpedal. I can strafe around you while you backpedal. You are not avoiding anything by backpedaling.


My favorite is seeing someone try to backpedal out of an aoe lol.


In nightmare mode 16 man PVE content there are some aoe abilities that will one shot you or come close if you do not get out fast enough. We have booted people from the raid for backpedaling out of them because they get hit every time - you just don't move fast enough.

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What I saw in your video.


You randomly twitching your movement keys (including s key) with your backpedaling bringint you out of melee range on a stationary target.


Numerous times on thet video I saw you have to smash an ability key over and over while you are working back into melee rangs - where as if you had been strafing around your target or even standing still (moving around does nothing in this game when ranged classes have autoface target) your ability would have gotten off earlier.


Abilities going off late are a fight loser. Could have interrupted that heal had you not been out of melee range? could have killed him before he got a heal had you hit him 1 second faster?


S key loses.


The only time I use S key is when I know there's an operative/smuggler around and I want to back myself into a corner.


Other than that it's ALWAYS better to use strafe in pvp - it's faster.


While you are backpedaling away from me I'm still hitting you because i can walk forward faster than you can backpedal. I can strafe around you while you backpedal. You are not avoiding anything by backpedaling.


My favorite is seeing someone try to backpedal out of an aoe lol.


In nightmare mode 16 man PVE content there are some aoe abilities that will one shot you or come close if you do not get out fast enough. We have booted people from the raid for backpedaling out of them because they get hit every time - you just don't move fast enough.


I spaz, i have a hard time NOT moving while fighting lol...ie all the twitching. Concentrating on stopping it :rolleyes: I don't pve much but I can see all that being bad.


Ty for commenting.

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