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Backpedaling...Do you do it?

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So the major critique I get is backpedaling. Do any of you out there ever actually find it useful? Do you do it? Do you unbind your 'S' key?




I try all kinds of techniques and some work at some moments and don't work at some other moments. Anybody who says NEVER do this is a bad player.


Even standing in the fire is usefull if you pull the right person in with you. :)

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I backpedal too whenever i feel like it. i especially do it when some imp scrub is hyper-tapping his left/right keys cuz he thinks it makes him a better player. Edited by Notannos
rude quote
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There is a time and place for evertyhing, even hitting your s key to move abit backwards, no matter what the "pros" tell them self.


Word. I agree.


Play how you want to play. And unless someone is paying you to play SWTOR, you aren't a "Pro".


Well said!

Edited by Space-Guerrilla
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I try all kinds of techniques and some work at some moments and don't work at some other moments. Anybody who says NEVER do this is a bad player.


Even standing in the fire is usefull if you pull the right person in with you. :)


I've gladly burned my Force Charge to suicide on the fire grate, so the ball carrier dies as well. Sometimes, you just gotta get in there and get it done.


On the backpedaling thing, yeah I backpedal. Sometimes you only need to back up like an inch so that you can pop off your CC, and it's less disorienting than whipping your camera around several times. Also, backpedaling away from a slowed melee character while you're in their dead zone is a great way to kite them.

Edited by Greyfeld
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I've gladly burned my Force Charge to suicide on the fire grate, so the ball carrier dies as well. Sometimes, you just gotta get in there and get it done.


On the backpedaling thing, yeah I backpedal. Sometimes you only need to back up like an inch so that you can pop off your CC. Also, backpedaling away from a slowed melee character while you're in their dead zone is a great way to kite them.


Strafing works much better then back pedaling.

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I use walking backwards in roleplay, but in PvP it's just a waste of time, your better of just standing still.


Some mention moving a little backwards, I don't know of anyplace thats so narrow strafing wouldn't accomplish moving backwards too, while still maintaining sight of a target, if your so pro you can somehow time when a firepit lights up that you know walking slowly backwards will be better timing than strafing into the fire pit and pulling your target then go see a doctor because your delusion of grandeur is not real.


Done right you will strafe (fulll run speed) into the pit pull the target and get out faster than slowly backpedeling into the fire taking more damage.

Edited by Miravlix
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I back-peddle on a regular basis, after finishing my melee moves I preemptively back peddle to ensure my front facing only abilities are up and ready to use, I think people need to get a life and worry about their own play rather worry about others.
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What a statement to make. You just called an entire game bad, specifically the pvp content, because people choose to backpedal? This made me laugh pretty hard. Your troll force is strong my friend.





Can you do....wait for it...both!?!?!?


Not without loosing speed, when your char move backwards it lowers your speed.


Any scenario you come up with you will ALWAYS have the lost speed problem, new flash the solution we have found for the loss of speed is strafing.

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Nothing majorly wrong with it - but yeah turn a bit and strafe is often better. All depends on situation.


E.g. tanking karagga, walk backwards with s and its fine. You don't wanna over do it by strafing too much, since its all about maximising available space from fire.


Where as, kiting any boss during enrage for example. The speed of strafing can be crucial. So yeah, try and use whichever seems most appropriate for the given situation.

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Not without loosing speed, when your char move backwards it lowers your speed.


Any scenario you come up with you will ALWAYS have the lost speed problem, new flash the solution we have found for the loss of speed is strafing.


You always asume people do it when they want to run away...

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