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Punishing the solo player


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Having leveled three toons--not all are easy sauce. BH has been faceroll easy. Sorcerer had a few tough fights, but nothing too bad. Smuggler/Scoundrel has proven to be the trickiest of the three. Since you can stealth, a bunch of bonus missions get skipped and I tend to be a level or two below the boss at the end of every planet. Those fights have been really tough to solo. So far rinse and repeat until I get lucky with crits/interupts to get the kill--or grind out a level, upgrade some gear, use a stim, and try again. Not insurmountable without help, but definitely harder to solo elites than, with say, a BH.


Yup. I got a rude awakening on my scoundrel. Did exactly as you said and did a bit too much stealthing. Hit a wall on Tatooine with 2 strongs. Yes, just two strongs. I was pretty much flattened. So, I rethought it, tried again, same result. I mean 2 strongs? Our equipment was decent it was just this particular fight at the level I was attempting it. Too much stealth led to my problem. Didn't have it with same 2 mobs and other classes.


Lesson learnt.

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I think a majority of the class quests are soloable. I did have to get help on a few of them. My problem was mobs that had abilities that had to be interrupted. As a healer, Im targeted on my companion for healing and cant monitor the mob to see what they are doing as well. The only solutions I could see are either getting rid of those abilities, have companions interrupt or have a mouse over macro.


You shouldnt have to get help to kill a same lvl elite that you cant get down past 60% because it keeps healing.

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I am all for grouping, when it is with friends. But this game really punishes you if you are a solo player. The class quests a are a factor harder then the rest and it is often just to tough to solo them. I die a lot and I consider myself an above average gamer, having played a lot of MMOs and various other games.


It is just becoming more trouble than its worth, and I don't want to be forced to look for help every time I want to do a class quest.


I want to like this game. I always loved what Bioware made, but this is just frustrating. Maybe I will cool down and come back. The whole needing to do class quests and dailies to get gear, so you can have enough gear to do class quests and dailies is a catch 22 that really only be overcome by dieing a lot, or grouping up.


It just isn't fun.


You are playing a MMO, dont expect to do everything solo. Perhaps you should stick to console games. If you insist on playing online games maybe you should try hellokitty online.

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It's an MMORPG









Not an RPG, an MMORPG.


Also, ALL class quests are generally EASILY solo'd as long as you use your skills and don't just tunnel everything with a DPS companion and expect to herp derp through the game.

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Yup. I got a rude awakening on my scoundrel. Did exactly as you said and did a bit too much stealthing. Hit a wall on Tatooine with 2 strongs. Yes, just two strongs. I was pretty much flattened. So, I rethought it, tried again, same result. I mean 2 strongs? Our equipment was decent it was just this particular fight at the level I was attempting it. Too much stealth led to my problem. Didn't have it with same 2 mobs and other classes.


Lesson learnt.


CC one, kill the other. Using your skills.. yep.


I think a majority of the class quests are soloable. I did have to get help on a few of them. My problem was mobs that had abilities that had to be interrupted. As a healer, Im targeted on my companion for healing and cant monitor the mob to see what they are doing as well. The only solutions I could see are either getting rid of those abilities, have companions interrupt or have a mouse over macro.


You shouldnt have to get help to kill a same lvl elite that you cant get down past 60% because it keeps healing.


There are cast bars underneath the health bars even when you aren't targeting the mob last I checked, it's not a guessing game and you don't need macro's nor addons to do it.

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CC one, kill the other. Using your skills.. yep.


I did. :) Didn't work out very well.




There are cast bars underneath the health bars even when you aren't targeting the mob last I checked, it's not a guessing game and you don't need macro's nor addons to do it.


Not a fan of macros or mods myself. I used one in WoW for the AH and that was it. Oh...yeah...I did use a UI mod cos I couldn't stand the vanilla one.

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I've blasted through content with my Jedi that my smuggler struggled with, which is something I expected. It may just be that some classes (especially with a DPS spec) are a little tougher than others.


I'm fine with that, but it might be where the problem lies with others.

This. Some encounters are very managable as a healer with either a DPS or a tank companion, and very managable to a tank with a healer companion.


Now try leveling an Imperial Agent as a Sniper.

You'll hit your first wall on Balmorra, where you definitely need to outlevel certain encounters by 3-4 levels.

Taris? You'll want to outlevel that entire planet by 3-4 levels if you want to keep your repair bill in check.

On Voss there's a boss on a world-arc that you'll want to outlevel by about 5 levels.

Some elite droids on the final mission are really brilliant: you simply can't outlevel them. Level 50 happens to be the cap in case you didn't notice. The end-boss is a simple matter of staying on the move and interrupting, but those droids? No way. The only way to get past them is slicing them, run past, let them kill you in the next room and then simply re-rez. A Sniper simply can't take those on his own. You're quite a few interrupts short, your tank and DPS companions die too fast, your healer companions can't keep up with the damage you receive.


Any idea why there are so few Snipers at levelcap? This is why. Sniper is an uphill battle compared to leveling an easymode healer or tank spec.

Edited by AsheraII
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Level 46 here, juggernaut. I've been soloing all of the class quests with Vette.


They're really not that hard. Are you using your cooldowns intelligently?


For me it's:


Charge: > Invincible - wait until runs out, > Saber ward, wait until it runs out, > Endure pain + Trinket, wait until it runs out. Then: Force choke - wait until it stops stunning, force push, saber throw+charge and then backhand.


That buys me about 2+ minutes of time without any damage really coming in, and then I have medipacks.


What class are you playing?

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I am all for grouping, when it is with friends. But this game really punishes you if you are a solo player. The class quests a are a factor harder then the rest and it is often just to tough to solo them. I die a lot and I consider myself an above average gamer, having played a lot of MMOs and various other games.


It is just becoming more trouble than its worth, and I don't want to be forced to look for help every time I want to do a class quest.


I want to like this game. I always loved what Bioware made, but this is just frustrating. Maybe I will cool down and come back. The whole needing to do class quests and dailies to get gear, so you can have enough gear to do class quests and dailies is a catch 22 that really only be overcome by dieing a lot, or grouping up.


It just isn't fun.


Sorry I am probably the slowest and worst player in the world, and I didnt find this. Its also very easy to level a couple or more above your class quest and just waltz through them

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I am all for grouping, when it is with friends. But this game really punishes you if you are a solo player. The class quests a are a factor harder then the rest and it is often just to tough to solo them. I die a lot and I consider myself an above average gamer, having played a lot of MMOs and various other games.


It is just becoming more trouble than its worth, and I don't want to be forced to look for help every time I want to do a class quest.


I want to like this game. I always loved what Bioware made, but this is just frustrating. Maybe I will cool down and come back. The whole needing to do class quests and dailies to get gear, so you can have enough gear to do class quests and dailies is a catch 22 that really only be overcome by dieing a lot, or grouping up.


It just isn't fun.


the only thing that is against for solo players are the BoP items

if items were BoE all will be happy

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This. Some encounters are very managable as a healer with either a DPS or a tank companion, and very managable to a tank with a healer companion.


Now try leveling an Imperial Agent as a Sniper.

You'll hit your first wall on Balmorra, where you definitely need to outlevel certain encounters by 3-4 levels.

Taris? You'll want to outlevel that entire planet by 3-4 levels if you want to keep your repair bill in check.

On Voss there's a boss on a world-arc that you'll want to outlevel by about 5 levels.

Some elite droids on the final mission are really brilliant: you simply can't outlevel them. Level 50 happens to be the cap in case you didn't notice. The end-boss is a simple matter of staying on the move and interrupting, but those droids? No way. The only way to get past them is slicing them, run past, let them kill you in the next room and then simply re-rez. A Sniper simply can't take those on his own. You're quite a few interrupts short, your tank and DPS companions die too fast, your healer companions can't keep up with the damage you receive.


Any idea why there are so few Snipers at levelcap? This is why. Sniper is an uphill battle compared to leveling an easymode healer or tank spec.


I didn't find sniper too hard, and it was the first character I played when I knew pretty much nothing about the game and was just fumbling around in the dark. I didn't even really understand moddable gear until somewhere around Hoth.


The only solo quest I couldn't do solo was the cyclops thing on Voss. Even the final end boss only beat me twice.

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As I'm sure someone has already said make sure you're interrupting properly. It's a mechanic which you'll seldom use in any other combat but is more or less the difference between winning and losing those tougher boss fights. And remember to blow your big CDs and at the right time, but that's pretty obvious.
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To the OP....class stories can be tougher than others and usually are tougher at the higher levels, however they are most certainly soloable. I leveled my 50 Jedi Shadow all the way solo and never had help with any of his class story quests. The key is to make sure you are the right level for the quest, use the correct companion and go prepared with med packs and stims. TOR is the most solo friendly MMO I have played. 2+ man heroics can be soloed with your companion. I do them pretty often. Once again the key to success is what I said above. Edited by Valkirus
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If you cannot solo your class quests you are doing something wrong. Those are designed for solo play, that's why when you enter the area it says only one xxxxx can gain experience at a time, or whatever it is. Because you are not intended to gang-**** easy content. What you need to do is stop rushing the end and complete all the content on every planet. If you did all the non-heroic content and some occasional space content you'd be at least 4 levels above any class boss you encounter. It amazes me how many people are level 25 trying to take out level 35 bosses and crying when it can't be done. Edited by bahdasz
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I have 8 characters:

SW Marauder and Juggernaught, SI, BH, JK, JC. Trooper Mando and Vanguard.


If I group up, it is because I want to help others as they post in Gen Chat.


Leveling isn't hard at all in this game, unless you intentionally gimp yourself.


This is the easiest leveling game I have played in my 15+ years of PC gaming.

Edited by CeiLican
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It appears I am in the minority. So while I have not had problems with other MMOs or games in general, this one has some quests kicking my butt. I can only use my experience with other games to judge my own competency. Base on those, I would say I am above average. However, if everyone who plays those games finds them tediously easy, then I would probably be below average in comparison.


So without debating the measuring stick, seems most do not have the problem.


So it must be all me or the way I interface with this game. My toon is level 50 with gear that I have acquired through quest rewards, drops, and commendation turn-in. I can fight level 50 elites pretty easily. In a class quest instance, one level 48 strong with two weak mobs will kick my butt. Any other instance, I would not have a problem with it. An elite in a class quest will also be a 50-50 shot, and that is 2 levels below me. A level 50 elite outside the quest will be a relative ease to take down.


So either class quests are considerably harder than other instances, or I loose all my ability to play adequately the moment I enter a class quest.


It is probably me. But at least most others are not having the same problem.

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People. People. It's an obvious troll post. Post something totally off base and stupid and then sit back and watch. OP never returns to thread.


LOL didn't know I had to sit and babysit the post overnight to not be considered a troll.

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It appears I am in the minority. So while I have not had problems with other MMOs or games in general, this one has some quests kicking my butt. I can only use my experience with other games to judge my own competency. Base on those, I would say I am above average. However, if everyone who plays those games finds them tediously easy, then I would probably be below average in comparison.


So without debating the measuring stick, seems most do not have the problem.


So it must be all me or the way I interface with this game. My toon is level 50 with gear that I have acquired through quest rewards, drops, and commendation turn-in. I can fight level 50 elites pretty easily. In a class quest instance, one level 48 strong with two weak mobs will kick my butt. Any other instance, I would not have a problem with it. An elite in a class quest will also be a 50-50 shot, and that is 2 levels below me. A level 50 elite outside the quest will be a relative ease to take down.


So either class quests are considerably harder than other instances, or I loose all my ability to play adequately the moment I enter a class quest.


It is probably me. But at least most others are not having the same problem.


What class is your char? And a class which has some CC can CC the elite, take out the adds first. Even if you cannot use any CC, allways take out the weaker mobs first. And some companions have a CC skill also. A lot of times, the bosses will have a powerful skill/spell which must be interrupted.

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as long as the new patch keeps catering to the three playstyles (solo, pvp, pve group) for 'things to do' and 'gear to get' ..I'll be happy.



- reward PvP players with gear/rewards that help and are related to thier preferrred playstyle.


- reward PvE group players with gear/rewards that help and are related to thier preferrred playstyle.


- reward solo/crafter players with gear/rewards that help and are related to thier preferrred playstyle.



if the devs keep in mind that there are different playstyles as they 'add/modify' content and gear.... there shouldnt be too many problems or gripes from any side.



(but all that's pretty obvious to the devs already, .... I hope....) :rolleyes:

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LOL didn't know I had to sit and babysit the post overnight to not be considered a troll.


I really wish some people would call troll properly, your obviously not a troll, you have an issue and maybe it is with class, maybe with biting off more than you can chew or maybe using the wrong compainion.


As a trooper I found some bosses a lot harder than others and one answer to difficult ones was to clear the area of adds, stick my heal companion out. and kite the mob using stuns to when i could to getb healed up and use the line of sight to keep the mob off me while my compainion throws heals

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