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Changing Field Of View (FOV)


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This was available in beta. Speeder FOV seems close to 100-110. When walking around, I feel as though I'm looking through an empty paper towel tube. Not only does this 1990s console-style mode cause me to lose track of what's happening in my periphery, it induces an uncomfortable sensation to the eyes.


I've waited for a few months, expecting the playerbase (gaming communities aren't what they used to be) to find a solution.


Am I the only person who finds 110-120 to be a reasonable standard FOV? There are plenty of writeups I could cite regarding FOV and gaming, but I think most of us over 20 know that it's an important playability issue, not just a 'quality-of-life' issue that can be put on the backburner.


So my reasons for this post are:


To find a solution to this <90 degree field of view, or find if I'm the only one who absolutely cannot stand the default.


The FOV during mounted travel makes sense, because you must be able to see your environment and respond to situations in a timely manner. Why on earth would you force zoom the player view when they also need to see things around them (huttball is one place that could really benefit from a larger FOV)?


Before anyone responds with UI issues, I've researched some multi-monitor forums and even tried software that places the UI wherever you want - that's obviously a non-issue.

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yeah its in preferences you can scroll back quite a ways though sometimes with it way back like that the camera seems to screw up a bit when you jump off of a wall and are still close to the wall ...when you move away from the wall it goes back to normal but may be a bit dissorienting at first ...I have mine set at the max distance 100%


the worst thing about the camera in SWTOR is you can not turn it so that you can see your own chars face...unless you are a char that has cover .... you can turn the camera to show your face when in cover..

Edited by Rahl_Windsong
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Sorry, but this has absolutely nothing to do with zoom distance. Zoom out all you want, you still can't view more than 80-90 degrees at a time. Zooming isn't a solution - especially when the camera controls are left wanting.


What I'm concerned with is "Field of view":




Close one eye, then make an 'o' shape with your thumb/forefinger. Put hand in front of eye. This is our view compared to a proper PC game. The lower your FOV, the more you have to turn the camera to find out what's going on in your periphery. This is a very limiting factor combined with the camera clunkyness with which we're stuck.


Consoles get away with it because their art assets were often designed around old televisions, and their inherent limitations. Playing 90 degree FOV at 1920x1080 is downright painful, and limits your situational awareness in PVP. Most developers eventually allow changing this setting, or the community finds a config/ini file to edit and fix it themselves. Has anyone found a solution?


I'm not sure if the MMO community is as sensitive to this issue, but in FPS games (even since the quake 2 era), this has been a pretty big deal.

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Drives me crazy while in combat in a WZ and I cut around an object and the camera zooms to first person and I lose my target....bah!!! Stupid zoom out button doesn't go far enough and still having to over-use my mouse wheel...annoying!!!


BW needs to allow players to see their toons through objects in order to avoid the camera zooming in and out or in the least allow us to enable the camera to auto-zoom out. Currently you cannot even see through foliage or anything. This should be basic!

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130 is a bit extreme, I'd settle for the speeder FOV.


Simple experiment to see whether you agree with me or not:



Mount your speeder.


Zoom in all the way, pan left/right. Stay in that viewmode for a bit.


Now, dismount. Watch as your field of view shrinks. Big difference, isn't it?



This was a big issue for a lot of people back in december, claiming of headaches caused by transitioning from speeder (higher) FOV, to (lower) un-mounted FOV. I recall there were at least a few threads with plenty of pages. I can imagine many of those people left the game or gave up trying, but I won't.

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I don't see this as a problem tbh, especially with the pace of combat in this game.


This is not a shooter, your field of view is already far less restricted than playing from first person view. The only time I ever changed the fov in any mmo I ever played was when tanking in WoW and that was only because I am extraordinarily lazy and add spawns were always happening way outside my vicinity.

Edited by mufutiz
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  • 11 months later...
I don't see this as a problem tbh, especially with the pace of combat in this game.


This is not a shooter, your field of view is already far less restricted than playing from first person view. The only time I ever changed the fov in any mmo I ever played was when tanking in WoW and that was only because I am extraordinarily lazy and add spawns were always happening way outside my vicinity.


But some of us actually get headaches from lower FOV's than were used to.

(sorry for the necro)

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  • 7 years later...

I was wondering why I started having headaches until I realized its because of the FoV in SWTOR.. My brain is so used to FFXIV and WoW that the heavy difference in SWTOR is frying my brain..

Is there no solution to this at all?

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While I'm playing I'm fine, but I have noticed that when I use the GTN sometimes I feel weird or my head hurts. Never occurred to me the FOV might be why.


EDIT: Played for years so there are times I come here to forget feeling ill, and the game actually makes me feel worse. Never understood why. Maybe FOV is it. I usually just end up watching a film instead.

Edited by OrmEmber
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