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Marauder/sent realy simple tips


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a Short 1v1 montage of me on illum,I apologize for quality


. I did not put screen shots up because I didn’t feel like it, but if anyone requests some pictures I will. Thank you for reading and good luck!




Keep in mind all said here is exactly the same for a sent.

(with different names for the moves that i do not know)

(I am not discussing rotations here,marauders have tons of moves for different situations and have the option to be creative with the way they fight)


Hi, my first 50 was a Marauder. I picked it because everyone I knew wanted to be a sorc or bounty hunter and I always try to pick a class not many other people seem to be using. This is not the case on all servers but mine is the extremely light server, Anturi reach.


Now for quite awhile I couldn’t figure out why I didn’t seem to be on par with anyone else and after playing my bounty hunter alt I thought marauders were really UP, but they’re not! After trying some new rotations and endless hours of PVP practice against all sorts of different players and styles I’ve learned that this class is not UP. They are beautiful magnificent machines of doom and with a little practice and some gear you too can become a feared force of destruction.


Some key mistakes marauders make;


I only have one interrupt!

I initiate with force jump!

My auto attack is useless!

I die faster than any class!

Why do ranged kill me before I touch them!?


(For all this info I’m going to assume your opponents are skilled and just as geared as you. If you’re in fresh 50 gear and fight a guy in BM and win you’re either a god or he/she was not that smart.)



(I say these 2 classes because for some reason there both considered the most op.)

In order to take out a Sorc/sage or merc/trooper that’s in a channel based spec, (not all of them will be) you must master your interrupting and learn you have more than one. Sorcs/sages and merc/trooper all have something in common. All have multiple ways of healing, and multiple ways of getting you out of their face.



Marauders have;

Disruption: a 8 second cd (6 with points in annil)

Force choke: long cd but can be saved as a interrupt.

The Fear move: your aoe fear works as interrupt, but also has a long cd so make it count.

FORCE JUMP: Yes it interrupts!


No matter what spec you are you have 4 interrupts to use as you please.


When your channeling opponents are low health they will begin the THROW, STUN, HEAL combo.

Considering most classes have 2 stuns it’s not as simple as “let me break a stun”. You need to pick which one to stop, unless you have points in force cloak.


If you haven’t used it yet and save it until they do their combo when your low, just get back in their face to disrupt and finish them. If you didn’t… well sorry to say but that sorcs going to get some health back, just try to get back in his face as quickly as possible.


This is why force jump should never ever be used as a initiate and always as a chase or interrupt after an opponent combos.

In addition Ravage can be used as an immobilize if you’re mid tree.

Now tbh idk if Zealous leap interrupts because I do not play mid tree, but I think it might.


I know BH and sorcs sometimes seem like they’re unkillable with their large amount of defense and escapability but Marauders DESTROY casters, we have more defense, just as much as escape ability and multiple ways to stop them from doing anything.




Assault and battering assault do not do that much damage, this is true however THEY ARE NOT SUPPOSED TOO. Both moves are to build rage, how you choose to use them in you rotation is your own choice but never face roll the assault and wonder why your hits are so small. Consider SLASH as your real auto attack.


I die faster than any class!


Let’s do some math here!

Cloak of pain- 20 percent

Berserk- 15 percent

Saber ward- 50 percent

Endless rage- 99 Percent! (Although it is a flight or fight move)


You have an insane amount of defense! INSANE but some people blow all defensive stuff early! This is not necessary at all! You will last longer if you ration out your defensive cd's. Never blow them all at once! Know when you’re about to get hit by something big!


Obfuscate does not add resistance, but it might as well because it increases your opponents miss chance. This buys precious time, never forget you have this.




If you’re in a 1v1 duel, this is irrelevant; you can see your target in front of you. There is no advantage of ''I didn't see him above me wail-en on me'' So get in that guy's face and show him you‘‘doesn’t afraid of anything!'' like the crazed death dealer you are! But maybe you’re in hutt ball and a ranged has the high ground advantage. You can’t just let him lay out your teammates like that! Show em you don’t play that S***


Now most ranged get a throw move, and unlike most opponents if they’re on a catwalk alone, it is actually ok to force jump. (But you should ONLY do this if you know they just used their throw if they’re a powertech/trooper THEY GET 2 and god does it suck. But you can just get right back up there and retry. I wouldn’t suggest jumping, try sneaking around.)


Now let’s make this easy and say they only have one throw but haven’t used it. You should always try to get the jump on ranged. (I mean sneaking up on them, not force jumping.) This makes their puny ranged advantage disappear! When they get nervous they’ll throw you. Lucky for you,you have jump still! (aren't you glad you didn't use it )You now have some time to teach that ranged guy a little lesson for what he did to you and your team.



I hope some of this advice helps the marauders who can’t find themselves.

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Interrupt is broken.



Once I realized that, I spent two points to make it be on a six second cooldown.



I will never take those points out again.



A GCD is 1.5 seconds. Your interrupt denies them 4 seconds. This means that you can force opponents to only be able to use a 1.5 second channel (snipe, a heal, gravity round/tracer missile, etc) ONCE every six seconds. That's amazing.

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Interrupt is broken.



Once I realized that, I spent two points to make it be on a six second cooldown.



I will never take those points out again.



A GCD is 1.5 seconds. Your interrupt denies them 4 seconds. This means that you can force opponents to only be able to use a 1.5 second channel (snipe, a heal, gravity round/tracer missile, etc) ONCE every six seconds. That's amazing.



Its true and since its such a low CD you can stop evrey single heal with the exception of the classes with the ''i cannot be interuppted'' move thats why i never understood marauders/sent complainen about healers you can burn them out pretty easy as a marauder/sent

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I already knew about choke and fear but force leap interupts?


I only thought it gave me three resource points and rooted the enemy for a short time so I always led with it in order to get time to use my slowing attack...


Ohhhhhh... Those poor tracer missile spamming ******es are going to have a *very* bad day... =3



Also, a note on your description of out defensive CDs, most channeling classes can be tricked into wasting secondary CC abilities to get rid of saber ward, as the animation is very distinct and they assume you only use it together with other CD abilities, as a result don't be surprised if flash grenade or even primary caster CCs get used to tick away that defense.


If you see an enemy do this, use it to your advantage and get him to waste time.

Edited by Morticoccus
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I already knew about choke and fear but force leap interupts?


I only thought it gave me three resource points and rooted the enemy for a short time so I always led with it in order to get time to use my slowing attack...


Ohhhhhh... Those poor tracer missile spamming ******es are going to have a *very* bad day... =3


indeed it does glad i could help you out a lil :D go give them a bad day!

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I have spent entire games just denying healers with interrupts. You won't do much damage while you do this, but if you use Deadly Saber, you can still deal damage while denying the opponent from healing ANYONE, including themselves. They will slowly die.


I have found healers to be the easiest matchup for us to handle, simply because of interrupts. Mercs are quite easy as well since most are TRACERLOL/GRAVITYROUNDLOL noobs. You can interrupt their primary ability and then wail on them and interrupt the other abilities as they come out with the alternative Choke/Charge/Roar.


Sorc/Sage can be harder, but again, they tend to be so used to wrecking everything without thought, that they get wrecked in the face of a class that actually requires strategy (us). Their cockiness is their downfall.


Operative/Scoundrel and Assassin/Shadow are probably the hardest. They are hard to get in a 1v1 situation because of their stealth, so I have little experience with them in general (because if you see them, chances are you're either dead or 3v1 and thus are dying). They have really strong burst/cc out of stealth and this makes it nearly impossible to predict them, set up cooldowns, or interrupt abilities.

Edited by Spiderbubble
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hey Vek


Sorry for my noobness, but i'm a new born Marauder, level 11.

I play on doing a lot of PvP.

Would you mind posting your build.

Also, rotation.

I just got my new mara skills and not sure of the rotation at this point.


thanks in advance.


(edit for spelling)

Edited by Cruces
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dont ever be sorry for being new at some then,evreyone starts somewhere :D


One thing you do need to know our early game is actualy under powered

(not debatebale numbers alone tell the story)

this doesent mean you cant do good in pvp it just means itll be very difficult to be on par with some of the other classes,so if things arent going good do not be hard on yourself


(rotations for marauders can Vary EXTREMELY vs different classes)


As for damage rotation:assault is essential with no rage your not gonna be doing anything

slash is another essential no matter what spec

this is also a kind of filler move after you used somthen big like force scream

early game no matter what spec you will need to pay attention to rage management face rollen assault and slash will not cut it for evrey situation


your rotation should be somthen like Assault, assault,slash,assault,scream you wanna keep yourself from getten rage starved to get the most dps possible


on a bad note you do not get your stun's force choke or intimidate roar early :(


Saber ward and cloak are both given early this is awsome given you a lil tankyness for your squishy self

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The interrupt is not a lockout of all healing - just the heal that was being cast/channeled. Every class has multiple heals... a good BH for example, will bait you with his fast heal - you will either catch it - in which case he just moves to his longer cast bigger heal, or you miss it and he just spams away (assuming his anti-interrupt shield is down).


Not saying you can't use your other "interrupts" to stop a heal - but it's not so simple to stop a competent healer from healing.... and they run in packs. ;)

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dont ever be sorry for being new at some then,evreyone starts somewhere :D


One thing you do need to know our early game is actualy under powered

(not debatebale numbers alone tell the story)

this doesent mean you cant do good in pvp it just means itll be very difficult to be on par with some of the other classes,so if things arent going good do not be hard on yourself


(rotations for marauders can Vary EXTREMELY vs different classes)


As for damage rotation:assault is essential with no rage your not gonna be doing anything

slash is another essential no matter what spec

this is also a kind of filler move after you used somthen big like force scream

early game no matter what spec you will need to pay attention to rage management face rollen assault and slash will not cut it for evrey situation


your rotation should be somthen like Assault, assault,slash,assault,scream you wanna keep yourself from getten rage starved to get the most dps possible


on a bad note you do not get your stun's force choke or intimidate roar early :(


Saber ward and cloak are both given early this is awsome given you a lil tankyness for your squishy self


Sorry but no matter what spec, you shouldn't be using assault and vicious slash that much. I top 300k damage and 80k healing as annhi spec consistently, and i know assault and vs I only use a handful of times in each wz.


I played carnage a ton and w carnage would be priortizing ba for rage, gore + ravage or force scream, and massacre. Vs should never be used in carnage spec.


For annhi, u get rage from dot ticks and charge w no min range, as well as ba, so assault shouldn't be needed a whole lot. Once u get going, you cqn also use annhilate once every 7.5 sec so you don't want to be blowing all your rage on vs.


At best I would use assault and vs MAYBE 4 or 5 times per match? Depending on how the wz is going of course. I also notice that if in playing fresh 50s, my dps suffers since I can destroy them before my dots get a chance to do a full rotation, so I usually pick non-squishy targets to pdot up and destroy for the most dps uptime.....let my teammates gave fun 3 shotting fresh meat. =)


Edit: sorry, didn't notice he was replying to a lvl 11 marauder.

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(i have 5 fingers on my left hand and am a lefty,first 5 moves are hotkeyed) everything else clicked


(my thumb is on wasd and i move with my mouse)


If you mean i dont use what my guide says IDK what your talking about

If you mean im back running,yes i sometimes do THIS ISENT WOW you can get away with it against some opponents


if your mad cause you don't see me spinning to win running in a circle well guess what,if there not moving around me I DON'T NEED TO MOVE AROUND THEM


Im sure you are a good player but you don't need to go to someone else's forum and tell everyone about how you think your better i think that's the definition of trolling

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If you used ALL of your abilities and used them correctly, you would be having a much easier time. You are taking entirely too much damage in those 1v1 fights. If I run into a 1v1, many times I can come out unblemished because a Marauders abilities allow you to absolutely demolish people 1v1 when you use everything properly.



Use your abilities, there is a reason Marauders have 20+ abilities that are used commonly.

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