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What was/is your wosrt on-line gaming experience?


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Hi, what has been your worst gaming expiernce in an MMO? Was it funny or just plain aweful? Here's mine :


I was playing Warhammer on-line with my brothers and other RL firends. They were doing an instance and had already gotten though a bunch of it. I log in and catch up and ask to join them. They reluctantly agree to allow me to join up. They had to wait about an hour for me to get there and meet up. We go though a couple of fights and I die. I instanly rez instead of waiting for the healer to raise me. I have to travel back and catch up, another 45 mins they had to wait. I catch up and die in the next fight. Guess what? I rezzed again. Feeling very foolish and lame I profusly apoligize. No one says a word. Nothing. After a few mins I log out and cancel my subscription.


Anyone else have a horror story they want to share?



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eh, I have the habit of dying because I always forget to heal myself, that has caused some (for me) awful situations before, but that's it.



the most awful player behavior I ever witnessed was actually just a few days ago when some dude kept yelling at me to heal him already, when I was playing on my shadow :rolleyes:


he called me some interesting names, too. I reported him, put him on ignore, and hope I'll never end up in the same ops with him ever again :mad:

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Usually instances of people openly and blatantly engaging in cybersex for everyone to see. Other than that, the usual trolls who's sad sole existance is to make other peoples playtime a misery. It has gotten to the point where these things combined made me change to a different server, when the level of vulgarity and sleaze was too much to ignore.
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Warcraft. Moon Guard. Goldshire.


Five minutes that have scarred my life ever since.



... and then logging onto Age of Conan, and expecting some decent "indecent" and gritty roleplay... and ... nada. Zip. Zilch. Most of the players didn't even know a chat function existed.

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Warcraft. Moon Guard. Goldshire.


Five minutes that have scarred my life ever since.



... and then logging onto Age of Conan, and expecting some decent "indecent" and gritty roleplay... and ... nada. Zip. Zilch. Most of the players didn't even know a chat function existed.


Lol ohhhhh god Moon Guard, how terrrrrrible of a place that is xD.


Uhlmmm, my worst gaming experience I can think of right now is the time I joined a pug raid in WoW [ToGC I'm pretty sure], my gear and achievements checked out great, and the guild I was running with [sort of like a trial run] told me to join their vent. Tab out, punch in vent info, and join. I'm quiet for a bit in vent, and then as I'm headed to Argent Tournament Grounds, I say something in vent to one of the players. Next thing I hear is vent go dead quiet, and the GM speak up asking "Who was that?". I reply "Your pug tank, Xan." He goes to say "YOU'RE A FEMALE?! FEMALES CAN'T TANK, *** YOU THINK YOU'R DOING IN MY TOGC RUN?!" aaand proceded to kick me out of the group and vent. A few of the other players I was with pst me and apologized that they're gm was super sexist, and if they knew I was a female before hand, they would have told me to not even bother.


Sucks for him, I continued pugging until I got into the top guild on the server and was their new main tank in a week. :p

Edited by Xanvai
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Running False emperor 10 times for the chest piece and no luck, Deciding to buy the Columi boots rather than the chest because it was bigger upgrade, next day in karaggas palace and guess what, I got the columi boots.
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This isn't really bad as just funny....


Right after I hit 50 on my PT Tank on the server Black Vulkars, I started running some HMs. To give you some background, i've been playing MMO's since release of WoW, and I have always been a tank. I like to think i know how to manage my cooldowns, and the old adage of skill > gear.


Back to the story, I come across this group willing to give an undergeared (but definately not underskilled) tank a try. The healer, whos name shall remain blank, was in full Columi gear head to toe. On the first pull of Boarding Party, with full aggro and the dps blasting away, he couldn't keep me up. Looking at my screen i could see he was healing me for only 1.5k every heal. Now how does someone in full raid gear only heal for that much. This being my 4th HM ever run, and up to that point i hadnt died before. So we try it again, and same thing. So i pm him asking if he is okay to heal this. He replies with more vulgar language than i have seen on Trailer Park Boys. I laughed my *** off. He was clearly one of those self-righteous players who thinks he is the ****, when he is carried the whole time. My guild leader, who was also in the party, politely explained to the healer that it was the lack of healing that was causing the wipe. The healer retorted quite rudely. Now i have nothing but the utmost respect for my guild leader, having raided with him in WoW for the past 4 years. So i tore the healer a new hole. Needless to say, less than 40 minutes later, his ENTIRE 200 MAN GUILD has me on ignore. The whole guild.


I laughed pretty damn hard at that one.

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