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Bioware, what did you do with those millions?


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Seriously, gameplay wise SWTOR is below average.

There are plenty of obscure f2p games out there that offer more interesting gameplay than this.

So what exactly did you do with the millions Bioware?

Generic bland graphics, generic bland gameplay and generic bad story, all mixed together in the most pathetic wow clone to date.


I endured 20 hrs of your atrociously boring gameplay hoping things will pick up eventually.


Go ahead GMs, rush to close this thread for being non constructive, no problems there.

Wonder how you gonna stop the flood of cancelled subs.


EA/Bioware, I think you underestimated the intelligence of your playerbase a bit too much.

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Seriously, gameplay wise SWTOR is below average.

There are plenty of obscure f2p games out there that offer more interesting gameplay than this.

So what exactly did you do with the millions Bioware?

Generic bland graphics, generic bland gameplay and generic bad story, all mixed together in the most pathetic wow clone to date.


I endured 20 hrs of your atrociously boring gameplay hoping things will pick up eventually.


Go ahead GMs, rush to close this thread for being non constructive, no problems there.

Wonder how you gonna stop the flood of cancelled subs.


EA/Bioware, I think you underestimated the intelligence of your playerbase a bit too much.



head honchos all gave themselves huge bonuses!

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EA/Bioware, I think you underestimated the intelligence of your playerbase a bit too much.


I think they overestimated.


Judgeing by the forums, it's alot lower then they expected.

Edited by Skoobie
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Why do these threads persist?


There has not yet been a flood of sub-cancels.

And making this thread certainly doesn't help BioWare at all.


And besides... 1.2 is bringing a lot of gameplay changes


*** do you know.. the game died last month.. wake up to the NGE 2.0 and massive failure that is swtor.

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Why do these threads persist?

Yeah, wonder why these threads persist? /scratch head



And making this thread certainly doesn't help BioWare at all.

After enduring 20 hrs of swtor gameplay, helping Bioware is the last thing i want to do.

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*** do you know.. the game died last month.. wake up to the NGE 2.0 and massive failure that is swtor.


It can't be a failure if you're here!


After all, you are smarter then to hang around a game that you don't like just to complain, right?

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thread like this persist because people feel that since they are not enjoying the game, then obviously it is the game that is flawed and not them. Their opinions are the only ones that count and the rest of us are just to slow to realize we should be worshipping the ground they walk on because they are the second coming of Bobby Kotick.


To the OP, and you can quote me on this:






You don't like the game, I'm sorry. Not everyone will. It happens. To say yours are the only opinions that matter however, well, no.


I like the game. It will keep me subscribed for quite a long time.


So, in closing, farewell, enjoy which ever game you choose to go to, and thanks for all the fish.

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thread like this persist because people feel that since they are not enjoying the game, then obviously it is the game that is flawed and not them. Their opinions are the only ones that count and the rest of us are just to slow to realize we should be worshipping the ground they walk on because they are the second coming of Bobby Kotick.


To the OP, and you can quote me on this:






You don't like the game, I'm sorry. Not everyone will. It happens. To say yours are the only opinions that matter however, well, no.


I like the game. It will keep me subscribed for quite a long time.


So, in closing, farewell, enjoy which ever game you choose to go to, and thanks for all the fish.


Hope you like playing F2P games, that's what you will have 6 months from now.

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Hello everyone!


We appreciate feedback, both positive and negative. However, we do ask that that feedback is constructive. This post goes into more detail about what we're looking for in feedback and how to make sure your feedback is constructive and helpful.


With that in mind, we're going to go ahead and close the thread. If you have suggestions for the game, we have a forum for specific suggestions, the Suggestion Box. We encourage you to post your suggestions there!


Thank you for understanding and helping us make sure that the forums are as constructive and helpful as possible!

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