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Marking healers with raid icons need to STOP!


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what we are talking about is the amount of time it takes for a unmarked heals VS a marked heals the time you take trying to find a heal. is 6 to 10s for good's and the bad well they need to L2P not L2kill mark in that 6 to 10s the heals and GET a GUARD . (its NOT hard to get guard off them) OR maybe make a inpact on the game By Healing said tank( if there is one) maybe saving a team mate FTW with the mark thats all gone they see you from 300m away behind walls and in the spawn room. HOW can you not see a problem with a 15 min mark/debuff. its just sad that it end's the fun for the 90% none super geard/comp/vent/premaed players


i got to be a pug ops leader again today, and i marked a healer in voidstar... :D


since i'm a sniper, i focused on him, yet half the pug group didn't... as i've said a million times in this thread, marking doesn't mean instakill... miraculously, the healer didn't get chain stunned outside the door for 15 min like the OP said...


if my marking can mean he gets ZERO heals off and it helps me win, i'm going to do it... but realistically, a healer with ZERO heals is never going to happen, no matter how much you cry saying it will...


i don't care if it makes them sad they can't get 1 or 2 more heals off... i care, as an ops leader, if my group gets coordinated and it leads to a win...


keep crying misspriss, the e-tears have been giving me chuckles for the last 3 nights! :D


ps. i think they changed the icons to be smaller, and i didn't see them through walls... i'm ok with that...

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YOUr post was just to be rude. when you make a ticket they say post on forum FYI


I've also never had a ticket that said to make a forum post either, most of them say that they're investigating the situation and will keep me updated and to CHECK the forums for any possible update involving the problem.

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I've also never had a ticket that said to make a forum post either, most of them say that they're investigating the situation and will keep me updated and to CHECK the forums for any possible update involving the problem.


investigating the situation is for bug's and there like, game changes they say goto furums

Edited by Misspriss
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We are saying that it's not the healers who need to L2P; it's the baddie dps players that need someone to tell them who the healer is because they have no vision or sense of what's going on around them to notice.


I say this as a dps class.


Take it away, OP is right...there is nothing L2P when 6 n00bs are told to focus you at once with the pretty color icon.


if a baddie dps is doing it wrong, and marking helps them learn and correct their mistakes, i have no problem with that... marking has served it's purpose...


then it is on the healers to adept to players getting better, or at least tell their teammates how to help out their healers... if they don't, then they are baddies themselves because they have to resort to crying on the boards.... ohhh wait....

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If someone marks you and their whole team focuses you - you win the warzone.


That's what happens when you mark their healer because your team is noobs.


If your team isn't noobs, marking the healer shouldn't have any effect at all.


So stop whining about being marked.


When I'm marked, I can pull 4 or 5 idiots away from wherever I don't want them. Even if it happens just once, that can be enough to win the warzone.


Point is, use it to your advantage. Think about football. You can triple team a receiver, but that's going to leave a big hole in your defense. Don't stand there getting focused down then whine about it. Lead them away from the door and laugh while they burn you down and lose the warzone.


it's easier for them to cry on the forums... after all they're getting chain stunned for 15 straight minutes in every warzone! rofl :D

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investigating the situation is for bug's and there like, game changes they say goto furums


And wouldn't getting rid of the targeting be a "game change"?


I'm not trying to be rude right now, but your grammar is horrible. I know mine isn't the best but come on... I can barely understand yours.


Spit out what you're trying to say. If it takes 2 hours for you to type it up that's fine, I'd give you 2 days just to be able to understand you.

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IF it doesn't make the slightest bit of difference then why do you care. If it gives a pug a chance VS vent/premade/comp then it damn sure does make a difference. your point is vold



focused yes dha but its more then a focus THAT"s its make it where you can NOT not be seen. ITS makes it instead of 3 or 4 good that know you but all 8 can see you LOS/ spawning and runing back before they sould



I care for the same reasons I've mentioned 30 times in this thread already.


I care because I simply cannot count on my teammates to do that, because the average SWTOR pugger is NOT at the same level as the average PvPer in most MMOs.


I care because the Republic on my server just LOVE them some premades, and I usually pug, and in order to even stand a chance against a premade communicating on vent, I need to mark their healers so the dps on my team MIGHT think about attacking them.


They usually don't, btw. And when there's more than one healer (which there usually is), there is pretty much no telling who the dps is actually going to focus and when, or if it will be anywhere in the realm of good timing.


This is due to the fact that this game has drawn people from many more walks of life than just the usual "MMO crowd", but also appeals to fans of BW games, Kotor console games, Star Wars fans in general, etc.


Do you think that healers are invisible, or that the warzones are somehow larger than they actually are? A healer is going to be running from the spawn point back to A) the turrets B) the Voidstar doors or C) heal the ball carrier.


Also, vold is not a word. So my point is definitely not that.

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i got to be a pug ops leader again today, and i marked a healer in voidstar... :D


since i'm a sniper, i focused on him, yet half the pug group didn't... as i've said a million times in this thread, marking doesn't mean instakill... miraculously, the healer didn't get chain stunned outside the door for 15 min like the OP said...


if my marking can mean he gets ZERO heals off and it helps me win, i'm going to do it... but realistically, a healer with ZERO heals is never going to happen, no matter how much you cry saying it will...


i don't care if it makes them sad they can't get 1 or 2 more heals off... i care, as an ops leader, if my group gets coordinated and it leads to a win...


keep crying misspriss, the e-tears have been giving me chuckles for the last 3 nights! :D


ps. i think they changed the icons to be smaller, and i didn't see them through walls... i'm ok with that...


The problem is most don't READ the OP the see what they fear and rage or don't get what she was saying. her point was it ends the fun and with this ill say good night have fun with all the post and rage and the like BW for sure will have to look hard and long as they go into rated warfronts have a good night live well ( work calls ) early

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I care for the same reasons I've mentioned 30 times in this thread already.


I care because I simply cannot count on my teammates to do that, because the average SWTOR pugger is NOT at the same level as the average PvPer in most MMOs.


They usually don't, btw. And when there's more than one healer (which there usually is), there is pretty much no telling who the dps is actually going to focus and when, or if it will be anywhere in the realm of good timing.


I care because the Republic on my server just LOVE them some premades, and I usually pug, and in order to even stand a chance against a premade communicating on vent, I need to mark their healers so the dps on my team MIGHT think about attacking them.


This is due to the fact that this game has drawn people from many more walks of life than just the usual "MMO crowd", but also appeals to fans of BW games, Kotor console games, Star Wars fans in general, etc.


Do you think that healers are invisible, or that the warzones are somehow larger than they actually are? A healer is going to be running from the spawn point back to A) the turrets B) the Voidstar doors or C) heal the ball carrier.


Also, vold is not a word. So my point is definitely not that.


Then do like others and (probably you did) told the OP to do PLAY with others that can help you and that are good's not bad's its go's both ways night

Edited by Misspriss
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Both teams can mark and focus the healer, you know... if the other team is doing it but yours is not, then your ops leader needs a kick up the backside.

If you are getting focussed, then all I can say is that the longer you stay up and the more time people spend chasing you, the less time they are spending hitting on your team mates - that basically translates to you doing your job, because your team are up longer than they otherwise would be.

If you are stunned, try to break it and get to cover/LoS the attackers. Keep yourself up, get through the next incoming round, evade incoming.

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Think of it this way, when you go to an instance you allways take a tank and a healer if the healer gets aggro the tank does everything he can to take aggro back cause if the healer dies everyone dies, pvp is somewhat the same just with some twists, when you enter a warzone the opposite team want to win as much as you do, and they will use every skill they got to try to win, and if you realy want to win alot you need some certain classes as you do in instance aswell, maby even try to get the warzone leader to mark you as a healer and tell them you will be healing everyone if they could try to protect you i bet that alone will help ALOT, communication is everything in games like this beeing it written or on vent.

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Then do like others and (probably you did) told the OP to do PLAY with others that can help you and that are good's not bad's its go's both ways night


So basically your answer is that I should always have other people ready to pvp w/ me at the drop of a hat, instead of trying to make the best of the situation w/ whatever team I happen to join as a pugger.


Because the OP doesn't have fun as a healer being focused.


Got it.

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Think of it this way, when you go to an instance you allways take a tank and a healer if the healer gets aggro the tank does everything he can to take aggro back cause if the healer dies everyone dies, pvp is somewhat the same just with some twists, when you enter a warzone the opposite team want to win as much as you do, and they will use every skill they got to try to win, and if you realy want to win alot you need some certain classes as you do in instance aswell, maby even try to get the warzone leader to mark you as a healer and tell them you will be healing everyone if they could try to protect you i bet that alone will help ALOT, communication is everything in games like this beeing it written or on vent.



LoL ive been in WFs with no healers or tank's but thats not the topic even.


Thoses saying like in wow they have marks in BG they dont. And like the addon that eveyone keeps talking about even the maker says This. Blizzard does not allow raid-marking in PvP for good reason - they're visible all the way across the map. The indicator in this mod just attaches to nameplates much like "Healers Have to Die" does. The Mark is a personal mark. If no one eles in that BG or Warfront does not have that mod NO ONE CAN SEE THAT MARK. And WoW says they have 10 million players yet only 500,000 downloads so that means 9.5 million players do not have it OR NEED IT.



Just like this game Does Not Need Icons you can see from across the map.

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So basically your answer is that I should always have other people ready to pvp w/ me at the drop of a hat, instead of trying to make the best of the situation w/ whatever team I happen to join as a pugger.


Because the OP doesn't have fun as a healer being focused.


Got it.


That"s not what she said ( put words in her mouth)


this is the post


Marking healers with raid icons just ends any fun trying to play heal's unless you have a extreme amount of pvp gear. There is no L2play when you have 6 ranged stuns when you spawn and jump out of the walls, etc. etc etc. If you don't have a pre-made group to use cool down to protect heal you die as soon as they see the mark.


In any other mmo with 1/2 way good pvp does not allow enemy marks. In fact, in one or more mmo's they will ban you if you use third party add on's to mark healers. The L2play should not be mark the healer it should be recognize the healer for ones self and then kill him.


BW says they care about PVPbut they let something like this slip through. This sould be fixed, Hell PVP need a big work over and everyone knows it.



I dont see her say one word ABOUT being focused or about norm heal argo. but i have read 100s of POST telling her the same thing i told you Q with a group and other blah blah blah

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LoL ive been in WFs with no healers or tank's but thats not the topic even.


Thoses saying like in wow they have marks in BG they dont. And like the addon that eveyone keeps talking about even the maker says This. Blizzard does not allow raid-marking in PvP for good reason - they're visible all the way across the map. The indicator in this mod just attaches to nameplates much like "Healers Have to Die" does. The Mark is a personal mark. If no one eles in that BG or Warfront does not have that mod NO ONE CAN SEE THAT MARK. And WoW says they have 10 million players yet only 500,000 downloads so that means 9.5 million players do not have it OR NEED IT.



Just like this game Does Not Need Icons you can see from across the map.


That is a valid point, i agree those marks shouldent let you see them across the map.

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LoL ive been in WFs with no healers or tank's but thats not the topic even.


Thoses saying like in wow they have marks in BG they dont. And like the addon that eveyone keeps talking about even the maker says This. Blizzard does not allow raid-marking in PvP for good reason - they're visible all the way across the map. The indicator in this mod just attaches to nameplates much like "Healers Have to Die" does. The Mark is a personal mark. If no one eles in that BG or Warfront does not have that mod NO ONE CAN SEE THAT MARK. And WoW says they have 10 million players yet only 500,000 downloads so that means 9.5 million players do not have it OR NEED IT.



Just like this game Does Not Need Icons you can see from across the map.


Your math is very, very off. Also, WoW healers are already very distinct, and you do not have to wait around for 3-4 casts to tell if they are actually a healer.


Also, WoW has target of target, so that assists can happen far more easily.


And since you want it to be more like WoW, I should mention that WoW also has integrated voice chat, so that pugs can easily combat premade groups communicating on vent.


So, sure, when SWTOR actually has all of that stuff, I'll agree w/ you that SWTOR doesn't need target marking in PvP.

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Marking healers with raid icons just ends any fun trying to play heal's unless you have a extreme amount of pvp gear. There is no L2play when you have 6 ranged stuns when you spawn and jump out of the walls, etc. etc etc. If you don't have a pre-made group to use cool down to protect heal you die as soon as they see the mark.


In any other mmo with 1/2 way good pvp does not allow enemy marks. In fact, in one or more mmo's they will ban you if you use third party add on's to mark healers. The L2play should not be mark the healer it should be recognize the healer for ones self and then kill him.


BW says they care about PVPbut they let something like this slip through. This sould be fixed, Hell PVP need a big work over and everyone knows it.


What MMO doesnt allow marking healers?


WoW does, Rift does, Warhammer has 1 click assist macros as did Anarchy Online...


Stop ************ and play

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No, Marking targets is just fine. If you do not like getting focus fired then reroll.


(healers get focused becuse if played right it gets a bit broken fast, considering the piss poor interrupt mechanics and lack of counters)


Marking targets is the same then some /assist, it ends PvP and starts the zerg.


When we had Towerwars in Anarchy-Online - you need to know, assist there works like make a macro and automatically have the target of the person you wanna assist, ofc its the target caller - we had no PvP, it was mainly a target and kill, because once all have the target, the target is death.


As much as i miss "/macro assist /assist %t", as much i know it breaks PvP and becomes "only" a targeting zerg.


That said, i dislike the marks as they remove chellange.

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Your math is very, very off. Also, WoW healers are already very distinct, and you do not have to wait around for 3-4 casts to tell if they are actually a healer.


Also, WoW has target of target, so that assists can happen far more easily.


And since you want it to be more like WoW, I should mention that WoW also has integrated voice chat, so that pugs can easily combat premade groups communicating on vent.


So, sure, when SWTOR actually has all of that stuff, I'll agree w/ you that SWTOR doesn't need target marking in PvP.


I went to curse looked at the downloads and looked at how many has downloaded it. There is no telling how many people uninstalled it too. And i know how many Subs WoW has they just released it a month ago. My numbers are a little off but pretty dang close.


Add all so what your telling me in that WF or BG your Friend says kill this healer I am on, You cant click your friend and see where he is at and look at where his shots are going or what his light saber is smacking the crap out of? For Real? And you cant pick out the healer for your self after he called the name and his Bar above his head can you not read his name?


The Icon above his head points people out to easily. You just like the Easy Mode and not have to look and to be aware of what is going on around you. No Skill involved

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Your math is very, very off. Also, WoW healers are already very distinct, and you do not have to wait around for 3-4 casts to tell if they are actually a healer.


Also, WoW has target of target, so that assists can happen far more easily.


And since you want it to be more like WoW, I should mention that WoW also has integrated voice chat, so that pugs can easily combat premade groups communicating on vent.


So, sure, when SWTOR actually has all of that stuff, I'll agree w/ you that SWTOR doesn't need target marking in PvP.


^ This

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What MMO doesnt allow marking healers?


WoW does, Rift does, Warhammer has 1 click assist macros as did Anarchy Online...


Stop ************ and play


WoW does not. You got to get a addon to do it. WoW them self do not let you put their raid icons on enemy players. You can mark your self.

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I went to curse looked at the downloads and looked at how many has downloaded it. There is no telling how many people uninstalled it too. And i know how many Subs WoW has they just released it a month ago. My numbers are a little off but pretty dang close.


Add all so what your telling me in that WF or BG your Friend says kill this healer I am on, You cant click your friend and see where he is at and look at where his shots are going or what his light saber is smacking the crap out of? For Real? And you cant pick out the healer for your self after he called the name and his Bar above his head can you not read his name?


The Icon above his head points people out to easily. You just like the Easy Mode and not have to look and to be aware of what is going on around you. No Skill involved


Let's look at what you're saying for a moment.


Okay, first part: In wz, my friend says kill this healer. What you mean is my friend has to type out kill this healer in ops chat WHILE he is actually trying to kill said healer, doing 0 dps to that healer.


Next, you want me to click my friend and see where he is and then look where his shots are going. I'll tell you where his shots are going, they're going to the crowd in the back where all the people are bunched together. That's what the heal line looks like, if you haven't seen one.


And as I've already said, I'd like for you to point to any single post of mine where I have ever said that I have trouble picking out the healers from the crowd. I can wait.


What I did say, however, is that the average SWTOR pugger has problems doing this, and isn't patient enough to wait for 3-4 casts to see if it's a healer or just a dps.


I like how you not-so-artfully dodged the fact that you're trying to draw comparisons to a game that has FAR MORE UTILITY than SWTOR does when it comes to coordinating team members in a pug group, and somehow think that this is any reason that SWTOR should do the same thing.


Like I said, when SWTOR has all of those features in the game to easily distinguish healers and help my teammates focus the right people when they're called, sure, you can take out target marking.


But since it doesn't have anything at all to help coordinate a pug, target marking should stay and people should learn to play around it.


The only point I'd concede is that they shouldn't be seen from so far away.

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Heh, as healer I feel lucky most people from the 1-49 bracket on my server don't read the forums. Most of the pug don't even know you can actually throw the huttball :) not to mention target marking.


Still, I think this marking thing is a flaw and needs to be fixed.

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