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Marking healers with raid icons need to STOP!


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your marked people are focused on YOU...use it to your advantage...you gotta brain use it...solo heals in wz? find your tank get guarded, make sure he TAUNTS MADLY, you'll prolly still die but it will take longer mebe long enough for your team to score/plant a bomb/take a turret...ADAPT OR DIE!!!!

seriuosly your marked anyways by your gear...don't believe me? lookit the diff in the pvp gear sets for a class...the only real disadvantage is the mark will negate stealth...o wait there's abilities to negate that even that a good player will use

you're marked! so what? let your teamates know! at least they can find you for heals or your protection easily. get your teamates to mark you(why not?) whatever this is a non issue or one easily worked around by better TEAMPLAY

Edited by phattisimo
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There is nothing wrong with marking healers. I do it to remind teammates to attack them first. Often people will even ask you to mark the healers because it makes it easier to know who to attack first. As attack others can get you no where as they keep getting healed.


If you are healer than tough luck. I am going to mark you if you are making it difficult for my team to win.

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So what keeps them from recognizing your player name/nameplate. Unless you are on a team with Jim, Jimmy, Jimbo, Jïm, Jïmmy, Jïmbo, Jîm, and Jìm, you opponents will know who you are.


The only real advantage it will pose over this is for people just joining the wz. But seriously, if the opposing team is leaving, its not because they are doing awesome.


Good, let them search and destroy. Don't do it for them.


I never played a healer, but I do recognize this is an unfair advantage to have a persistent mark on some player.


And players should be able to search a name tag on their screen and target it, or watch for what the enemy is casting. And this will give a good healer the opportunity to use the environment for his advantage instead of having a huge mark that you can see from anywhere.


Just remove it after death.

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Markers are really a crutch to help noobs. When I'm Ops leader I'll mark a healer so they know who to kill.


I know who to kill regardless of mark. It would make no difference to me if they took it out.


Actually, I'd rather that BW remove it as it makes the game trivially simple. The dumbing down of this game is dumb...

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Markers are really a crutch to help noobs. When I'm Ops leader I'll mark a healer so they know who to kill.


I know who to kill regardless of mark. It would make no difference to me if they took it out.


Actually, I'd rather that BW remove it as it makes the game trivially simple. The dumbing down of this game is dumb...


Agree with this entire post. Republic 10-49 bracket players refuse to kill healers. It sucks going from the 50 bracket to this BS. :(

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Good healers are laughing at you. Marked or not you can heal just fine. People that don't want to focus healers would rather spend all day wailing on a tank, crying hacks and scratching their heads wondering why this guy can't be killed.


I can stand in the middle of the Huttball mid zone and heal away for quite some time when a brawl is going on. When I start to take damage I scram or my team eliminates the damage dealers.


Healing is not for everyone. You have be able to understand that you are going to die.


Usually healers take a lot of abuse in other games when teammates die. So far I have seen very little griping about heals and lots of thanks.


If you want to stand back and not take damage, pick a ranged class and hide around boxes etc.


I never understood why in a game with NO, yes NO penalty for death the people get butt hurt about dieing.


I am talking about off-spec healing. In other words I have no points in the tree. So no I do not feel bothered or laughed at. So those few half *** heals just got me branded as a kill target for the rest of the Warzone. I can't heal threw that not being spec'ed to heal.


Understand what I am saying now? Just tossing a heal as a healer or a dps gets you marked for death. I happen to be the DPS trying to help heal. Now I just focus on the DPS.

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Dude it is so impossible to even see who is a healer in this game. If we cant mark them I will never be able to determine if its a healer or RDPS?


In wow you can clearly see the disc priest, holy pally, res druid ETC. Cause they usually have gold and yellow flashy lights around them.


SW is just a bunch of guys looking at their Ipods scanning people. Nearly impossible to see if you dont have them targeted.



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I am talking about off-spec healing. In other words I have no points in the tree. So no I do not feel bothered or laughed at. So those few half *** heals just got me branded as a kill target for the rest of the Warzone. I can't heal threw that not being spec'ed to heal.


Understand what I am saying now? Just tossing a heal as a healer or a dps gets you marked for death. I happen to be the DPS trying to help heal. Now I just focus on the DPS.


Honestly, if I happened to notice you toss a heal, even as off-spec, the first thing I'm going to do is assume that you're a healer because I really don't have the time to stand there and wait around for you to cast 3-4 things so I can figure out what your true spec is.


The second thing I'm going to do is make sure to kill you every time that I see you for the entire warzone. I'm going to do this even if I realize that you're not a pure healer. Why? Because I've already seen that you have the inclination to heal your teammates, and that is prolonging the lives of those who want to kill MY healers. This means you're a threat to my team and must die.


I do this whether or not I see a mark, because it's my job. I just look for your class, and then the name. It isn't difficult.


If I could count on every other player in a pug warzone to also do this, then I would not need to mark you.


Unfortunately, that simply is not the case.


I do, however, agree that the mark could be a bit smaller and not be seen from all the way across some maps. On the other hand, I think it needs to be said that whether or not a person is marked, you can still see them through walls as long as you have them targeted, so I really think only the distance that you can see a marked player needs to be adjusted.

Edited by Varicite
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Marking is a convenient way for teams that don't have vent/skype/teamspeak/whatever to coordinate with each other. As the game has no built in voice chat and it's impractical to have a bunch of PuGs join your vent server on short notice... I can't see why removing it would be helpful. Edited by Sylriana
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The problem with marking healers in this game is that the marks persist through death and that they are the same size on the screen regardless of position. Someone sticks a star on an enemy healer, and you can be standing in the landing bay of Voidstar and see that ****er in the computer core.


The marks should be changed so that they don't persist through death, and changed so they scale smaller with distance.


Or, we could just call it a L2P issue and remove marks altogether. If your team can't focusfire a healer without a GIANT FREAKING SYMBOL on their head, your team deserves to lose.

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Of topic here but HI Wessik! Long time no see. Kauri Imperial SWG RULESZ, I wasnt famous but iw as the stromtrooper(jasten merl) always runnign around with rancors and I fought on my back alot lmao..ne wayz I agree with the OP to a degree but also as it was stated thers no differnce between being marked and an ops group being informed thru chat to target you by name. Edited by TechJesus
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I don't see the problem......In my pvp group we also mark the dps and tanks.


We also use vent so we know what each mark is and who to kill first.....


It's not always healers that get focused. In truth if we can't mark in game we will just find a way to mark them outside of the game (mod). Already use mods for tracking pvp wins/loses and other information.....really it can't be stopped.


So better if everyone has it, don't you agree?

Edited by Eaglemouse
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DUDE i can stand the Focus from a few but then you wall out the doors say in the Void Star you are hit with 6 Ranged stuns even a 8 year old can ck on target.The others should L2play for themselves. Its not allowed in other GOOD pvp mmo's for a resion.


Then go play another MMO if they're so good.

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I didn't even know you could do this until earlier today, this will save me so much headache in the future.


Especially since the current targetting system is broken enough that even if someone is standing right in front of me and I press tab, it may target someone else, or not change target at all, OR change targets to the guy in front of me but show no indication that he's selected.



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Then go play another MMO if they're so good.


I have to Question just how old you are to even take the time to post something as lame as that.


She is Trying to make the game better. You are?


If you think this game doesn't need help are wrong or the bugs would be fixed server trans would here and the Forums would not be need at all.

Edited by Misspriss
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I have to Question just how old you are to even take the time to post something as lame as that.


She is Trying to make the game better. You are?


If you think this game doesn't need help are wrong or the bugs would be fixed server trans would here and the Forums would not be need at all.


While the game may have bugs and could use some fixes, I really don't think that this is where the devs really need to be spending that attention.


And I still don't think the OP has ever once told her team to NOT kill the marked healers because it is ruining the fun of the enemy healers.

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While the game may have bugs and could use some fixes, I really don't think that this is where the devs really need to be spending that attention.


And I still don't think the OP has ever once told her team to NOT kill the marked healers because it is ruining the fun of the enemy healers.


I think some bad's need to L2p and not Rely on a mark for 15 min to find a healer that they just cc/slowed/ or kill after they respawn. FOR real you say you don't know what a healer looks like? then you need to L2p and not L2kill mark

Edited by Misspriss
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It's not an issue of seeing the healer, the issue is with the broken targeting system necessitating a click rather than a button press.


If the guy is marked I can target him from range, which makes the problem disappear.


Then make a Thread on getting that fixed. Don't keep a bad game mechanic in the game.



IF You seem to have no problem killing the rest. If you do they need to fix your UI/Target system.


Most of the post that agree with the OP only post 1 time but those that oppose post time after time after time . I see a trend here bad's love it rest say they its got to go.

Edited by Misspriss
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In pretty much every other game, healers are visually distinct from all other players/classes. This thread is asking for essentially healer camoflauge from the Waldo effect.



What healers are asking for is not to be painful visible from 100 yards away while being relentless zerged from start to finish of a war zone. If this BS keeps up I'll just roll dps when I pug, getting a little giggle every time one of you starts QQing about getting no heals.

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What healers are asking for is not to be painful visible from 100 yards away while being relentless zerged from start to finish of a war zone. If this BS keeps up I'll just roll dps when I pug, getting a little giggle every time one of you starts QQing about getting no heals.


People QQ about not getting heals, in an MMO? *shock* *horror*

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