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Marking healers with raid icons need to STOP!


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Next step is to ban teamspeak.


I mean tis not fair that a group can get on vent and do the (more effective) equivalent of someone in a PUG slapping a raid marker on a healer by repeatedly shouting "get X he is healin, Imma cc first you lock him after that".


That be detremental to pvp that.


I also think healers should get stealth which healing people wouldn't brake.



Also people doing damage to me needs to stop, BW give JKs a perma dmg imunity. Ktnxbai.

Edited by aeterno
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I agree even WoW got rid of Mark the Healer Mod. I mean if you want to be a E=sport you can not have that in PvP. It is Lame.


LOL at this crap being an E-sport, they will be lucky if people still play in a year.

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YOU don"t get the point. YES healer get focus. in a game when you have to get up on the healer to stun them they can run pole dance etc etc but when you have a mark on you as soon as you spawn ITS RANGED STUNS you can't move away you cant LOS it you are dead. so i doubt you play much heal


Actually Im a Battlemaster healer, half way to War Hero. But nice try.


It sounds like you have more of a problem with resolve and stunlocks than you do with being focused. You sort of admitted it yourself.


Honestly...Is someone REALLY crying about being able to mark targets? If anything being able to mark targets helps PUG groups stand a chance against premades on vent. I mean when we're fighting all we do is call a targets name and focus it....Doesnt matter if there's a mark or not lol...

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Next step is to ban teamspeak.


I mean tis not fair that a group can get on vent and do the (more effective) equivalent of someone in a PUG slapping a raid marker on a healer by repeatedly shouting "get X he is healin, Imma cc first you lock him after that".


That be detremental to pvp that.


I also think healers should get stealth which healing people wouldn't brake.



Also people doing damage to me needs to stop, BW give JKs a perma dmg imunity. Ktnxbai.


PTs need that dmg immunity too.


Make it happen BW.

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I like it when PUGs mark people. When I'm on my Sage half of them stop marking me with one simple line:


"/s [insert vanguard's name] is a healer focus him!"


Most PUGs are too stupid to see the difference between a Rifle and Assault Cannon so they just beat on the tank while I freely heal them.

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Wow your not to smart even the so called God of MMO WoW seen how dumb and how it hurts pvp more than helps it thats why they banned the mark the healer mod.


wow just allows me to know what every person in my vicinity is casting...


also clicking an assist, focus/interrupt macro is hard stuff.

Edited by Adzzy
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i went and looked at all the OP post and not a single one said anything about him/her could gain more valor if I was not priority target. I do not see that anywere



And the Op never once talked about his numbers It is all about Look i got a target on my back that everyone can see from anywhere in the warfront. No matter where i go what i do you know where i am and that is the main point about it not oh my heals suck or oh we lost a warfront no it is Target i know what and where you are with out even trying.



Anyways im going to work and this is my last post on this subject.


Wanna hear something that will blow your mind? If you can see someone's target marker over their head, then you can target them. If I can target you, you arent hiding from anyone. Good warzone players will know where the healers are at all times with or without target markers. When a healer dies, even if they dont have a target marker over their head, guess what? They are going to respawn! Guess where the healer will be coming from?! The respawn area! I know...There's just so many places to hide in warzones so groups cant see you while you somehow have line of sight of your entire team spam healing them.


God the OP is everything that is wrong with this genre of games.

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I like it when PUGs mark people. When I'm on my Sage half of them stop marking me with one simple line:


"/s [insert vanguard's name] is a healer focus him!"


Most PUGs are too stupid to see the difference between a Rifle and Assault Cannon so they just beat on the tank while I freely heal them.


Apparently they're too stupid to realize the difference between an enemy using /say and team members using Ops or general chat too.


I try not to rely on my enemies being dumb as a brick, usually.


I'm honestly curious, though.


Do all these healers complaining about marking being unfair complain to their own team also? Are they like:






Because, I just do not see that being the case.

Edited by Varicite
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How can you tell when you're marked?


I you actually can see enemy markings, then I've never, ever, been marked, and I've PvPd to valour 45 as a healer 90% of the time.


If you're just guessing your marked based on the fact that everyone is attacking you... thats gonna happen regardless.


Learn to LOS and kite, and consider that having 4 people chasing you around is actually helping your team a lot.

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Apparently they're too stupid to realize the difference between an enemy using /say and team members using Ops or general chat too.


I try not to rely on my enemies being dumb as a brick, usually.


I'm honestly curious, though.


Do all these healers complaining about marking being unfair complain to their own team also? Are they like:






Because, I just do not see that being the case.


I bet 500 dollars that the OP has at least once before, asked the ops leader to mark their healers. lmao.

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Marking is realy bad in this game because of 2 things.


1. Only ops leader can mark.

2. You cant keybind marking.


Marking helps pugs to have a chance against cordinated premades, so they dont loose 90% of the games against premades only 80, and this is a good thing.


Healers are




in every game.

If this is new info for you i'm sorry, but you can still change to dps or just learn to play your role instead of crying. The enemy team has the exact same tools as you, if you loose its your team's fault.

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How can you tell when you're marked?


I you actually can see enemy markings, then I've never, ever, been marked, and I've PvPd to valour 45 as a healer 90% of the time.


If you're just guessing your marked based on the fact that everyone is attacking you... thats gonna happen regardless.


Learn to LOS and kite, and consider that having 4 people chasing you around is actually helping your team a lot.


So true. The OP is just assuming he/she is marked. She really has no idea lol. She could very well just be focused by a good team.


I would laugh if her character name was something like "Healsyou" or "Surgeon" or "Doctor" or "Medicine" and also probably uses the title "The Pure".


I actually have a tank alt named Doktor just so it has the opposite effect lol.

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Marking is realy bad in this game because of 2 things.


1. Only ops leader can mark.

2. You cant keybind marking.


Marking helps pugs to have a chance against cordinated premades, so they dont loose 90% of the games against premades only 80, and this is a good thing.


Healers are




in every game.

If this is new info for you i'm sorry, but you can still change to dps or just learn to play your role instead of crying. The enemy team has the exact same tools as you, if you loose its your team's fault.


I hate how you cant keybind it.

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Wanna hear something that will blow your mind? If you can see someone's target marker over their head, then you can target them. If I can target you, you arent hiding from anyone. Good warzone players will know where the healers are at all times with or without target markers. When a healer dies, even if they dont have a target marker over their head, guess what? They are going to respawn! Guess where the healer will be coming from?! The respawn area! I know...There's just so many places to hide in warzones so groups cant see you while you somehow have line of sight of your entire team spam healing them.


God the OP is everything that is wrong with this genre of games.



Want to hear something that will blow your mind? In Alderaan Warzone I can see your raid icon from the East turret while you are at the West turret and i know where you are at threw the 2 walls in the middle of the warzone i know where you at where you are going.


With out that Icon you could be in the middle underneath and no one would know you are on your way to the east turret since no one called it.


But with Giant Icon I know you are underneath and see you heading this way before i can even target you Should i know that you are coming no. We killed the healer and he can take a speeder to 3 different spots. Should i know with out even to target said healer which speeder he took and where to. No I should not but Giant Icon tells me where you are i see you there no surprise attacks from you no sir. I SEE YOU.

Edited by Molatova
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Marking players in PvP is lame, it's faceroll for dps & it removes a large chunk of the "where's wally?" gameplay if the desired target has a bloody great sign over his head, the chaos & skill factors get skewed so even *******es can be "useful" & it's basically a case of loading the dice, yes both sides get to do it but it erodes the fun for those being marked immeasurably more than anyone else on their team.
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For Marking to be "fairer" it would need to fall off when LoS is broken, have a max range of 30m, focus target to be removed on death or LoS broken, basically a whole lot of changes & coding that would be better served by just removing the damn thing altogether. Edited by SkuzBukit
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Not that I care all that much, but I agree with the OP. Silly that something like this is allowed. And the "if you don't like it reroll" attitude is derp. I guess all WZs should just be 8 dps going pew pew for 15 minutes.



You sir are terrible...


OP you are terrible...


Anybody that thinks this shouldn't be happening is terrible. See a pattern here? Any decent group will zerg healers 1st regardless. Hell alot of games if we are going against a pug or a piss poor wannabe premade. I will find a healer and kill them every time they spawn. Reason behind this? My team is good enough to win without me and it totally removes the healer from the match.. Which considering I would be just another dps, its a bigger benefit for me to harass the healer the entire match. Love teams that run 1 healer. I can completely remove said healer from the equation. Less heals means my team can face roll the other team because we are smart enough to protect our healers. They ALWAYS have guard on them and our ranged hugs our healers like they have candy in their pockets. Reason behind this is so people like me can't reverse our strategy. In the end, welcome to organized pvp. Enjoy your stay..



This is our care cup. Its empty c[_]

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Marking healers is far too useful, especially playing rep and being in a team full of numbties that can't work it out for themselves. Marking the healers seems to be the only way of making sure they get taken out and ensuring you don't have a team of invulnerable players running around.
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PvP is not PvE there should be no marks no matter what it needs to go. Even in Rated Battleground in WoW they don't let you pull that with even Organized 10 people vent groups. Its called having to play the game in pvp not look for a mark on the guy. It needs to go away and make it more fair for not only Pug WF but when they get rated WF it will still be fair having to look for the player not the mark.



LOL Really??? Funny how I always marked targets in wow pvp. Even in arenas. I would mark my team so I could tell where they were and I would mark the other team to get a focus order.. Care to share whatever you are smoking if you think you can not mark targets in WoW while pvping?? Must be some potent stuff imo

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Why would anyone play a solo healer? Wow, I can only imagine how frustrating that must be. I'd never do it in a million years. Find a group, find a tank to guard you and your complaints will disappear when he reduces the damage you take by up to 80%. Heals are actually broken in this game with the right set up. You'll find that you actually want the DPS to target you because of how much you can nullify them. If you're just queuing solo and trying to heal PUGs well....good luck to you sir. Edited by CaptainInsano
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Marking healers is a good tactic. Makes for good team play and helps with dps nubs who keep hitting tanks all warzones, but one little change please


The marks on non-group members should reset and drop on the death of that target..


Being marked for the whole warzone is a major pain. If people want to keep marking me after each death then fair play to them for being that organised and on the ball, but having a perma mark over me from the start of the warzone that says kill this player first for guaranteed win is not fun.

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We sure as hell should not see them through walls from across the map. That is just silly. It's not even remotely fair.


Yeah, it's totally not fair that I can see that guy so far away while I'm defending a door. I'm going to stand by the door all game, no matter what happens. Me seeing him so far away isn't going to change the fact that the point of the game is for me to stand by the door, so obviously I'm going to be smart about it and stand by the door. But it's not fair that I can see the guy even though it will not change the fact that I have to defend a door and need to stay by it.

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Marking healers is a good tactic. Makes for good team play and helps with dps nubs who keep hitting tanks all warzones, but one little change please


The marks on non-group members should reset and drop on the death of that target..


Being marked for the whole warzone is a major pain. If people want to keep marking me after each death then fair play to them for being that organised and on the ball, but having a perma mark over me from the start of the warzone that says kill this player first for guaranteed win is not fun.


This is a good compromise.

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