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Star Wars: The Clone Wars 4:20 "Bounty" Discussion


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I just watched the episode and for those that haven't, you can watch it here.


Overall, pretty solid episode. Much better than last week's episode which I thought suffered from bad dialogue and silliness. Not that this episode doesn't suffer from some issues as well, like the fact that the alien's voice is annoying(luckily he uttered a few lines) and let's not forget that we never even see Ventress get off of Dathomir. I mean, she was injured and without a ship and then suddenly, she's on Tatooine. I just find that jarring.


But the pros outnumber the cons. The action was top-knotch, the dialogue was well-done, and we even got a brief Embo cameo. Glad to see that he got out of jail. I also liked the whole space elevator idea. Kudos to LucasFilm for being creative.

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I thought the episode was pretty refreshing compared to the other recent episodes. showed us some new places, some new things, and gave us an update on where Boba is at the time. I see that even as a kid he kicked some butt. He obviously has changed a lot from the point on geonosis. At the end where they showed a look into the next episode sort of left me with a few questions like how could Darth Maul be back? You would think that being cut in half and cast down a vent would sort of kill you. When Sideous was cast down a vent he was killed so why would someone cut in half survive a similar thing? Supposedly it explains it here but it seems quite unlikely. (Reveals spoiler for next episode)




It seems that people just love Darth Maul so much that he has to come back multiple times in new forms. I like the one where he battles with Darth Vader the best though. Just proves again Darth Vader is one of the best.

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I actually have really enjoyed the last number of episodes, I really appreciate the increase use of EU characters, and EU based concepts.


And as much as I hate how this series has been responsible for some major confliction of certain bits of canon, I have to admit I actually really liked how they included Dengar and how his personality was portrayed in the episode.

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I also liked the whole space elevator idea. Kudos to LucasFilm for being creative.


That was the thing I liked least about the episode. It made no sense. Our atmosphere is so pressurized, that anything traveling by air will be crushed like a soda can. Let's make a big *** elevator! One, how the hell did the build it? Two, why hasn't it been crushed?


The turnabout at the end was probably one of my favorite parts, aside from What's-her-teeth's whip action, and the Reptile-wannabe's acrobatics.

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It was good, great to see Dengar in action. Whip-chick and High-C pretty cool new introductions. Space-Ninjas had awesome fight choreography, Boba managed to hold his own despite being a teenager, and Ventress got some decent character development and hints about a possible "graying" of her character.


That said I half expected a pale blue starburst and the words "+50 Lightside" to appear at the bottom of the screen when she hinted she was gonna help the girl. Been playing too much TOR

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I did get a TOR Bounty Hunter vibe from Boba Fett when he was dual wielding against all those goons, just like a Mercenary AC bounty hunter. (Though Ventress is obviously a Sith Warrior Marauder ;) )


Didn't expect to see Light Side +50 though :p


Just a random drop here, but wouldn't it be somewhat amusing if M1-4X (a Trooper companion) showed up at some point in the Clone Wars? Say, he was found in the junk heap somewhere and reactivated to start beating up droids? Sounds like the set up of a whacky/comic episode. Hey, HK-47 apparently survived to the Galactic Civil War, so it's not that impossible.

Edited by LukeDanger
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That said I half expected a pale blue starburst and the words "+50 Lightside" to appear at the bottom of the screen when she hinted she was gonna help the girl. Been playing too much TOR


I felt the exact someway multiple times throughout the episode!

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I loved that they are making Ventris a little more grey and giving her a deeper arc and character development. This was a great follow up to the Nightsisters episode where we learn her history. In those two episodes they managed to turn her from a one note totally evil yet cardboard evil for evils sake type character into one of the more interesting villains in the Star Wars cannon.


The constant action and feel of a western style "train job" was great. (although the never ending Ninja's seemed a little over the top). The slowly growing addition of familiar characters from the movies and EU sources was once again well done. Seeing Denegar was a nice touch. And seeing Boba as the not yet badest @zz in the galaxy, but not still a whiny kid was a wonderful change of pace. (can't help noticing the parallels in character maturation between Boba and Ahsoka. Maybe that will payoff at some point in a direct confrontation of some sort?)


Overall an excellent self contained stand alone episode. And a great action adventure bounty hunter story. (and bonus, no sign of Padme, JarJar or the Droids, so you know it has to be a good one.)

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One, how the hell did the build it? Two, why hasn't it been crushed?


Well, one, this isn't the first technological marvel in Star Wars we've seen so far. I mean, look at the Death Star. Speaking of which, how the hell did they build that? Two, it probably hasn't been crushed because it's made out of strong metal where as the bounty hunters are just flesh and bone.


I thought the episode was pretty refreshing compared to the other recent episodes. showed us some new places, some new things, and gave us an update on where Boba is at the time. I see that even as a kid he kicked some butt. He obviously has changed a lot from the point on geonosis. At the end where they showed a look into the next episode sort of left me with a few questions like how could Darth Maul be back? You would think that being cut in half and cast down a vent would sort of kill you. When Sideous was cast down a vent he was killed so why would someone cut in half survive a similar thing? Supposedly it explains it here but it seems quite unlikely. (Reveals spoiler for next episode)




It seems that people just love Darth Maul so much that he has to come back multiple times in new forms. I like the one where he battles with Darth Vader. Just proves again Darth Vader is one of the best.


I have a thread explaing how he survived. You can read it here.

Edited by Aitix
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I'm loving the Ventress stories a great deal. I knew she would become one of my favorite characters if they fleshed her out a bit. Complicated characters are always a good thing.


You know, I just realized that the writers could have Ventress come back to Dooku's side at the end of the series, thus avoiding any contradictions to Labyrinth of Evil.

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I thought this was one of the better episodes of the series. The twists at the end were entertaining and visually this was one of the most impressive episodes to date. More episodes featuring the bounty hunters is always good to me
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That was the thing I liked least about the episode. It made no sense. Our atmosphere is so pressurized, that anything traveling by air will be crushed like a soda can. Let's make a big *** elevator! One, how the hell did the build it? Two, why hasn't it been crushed?


The turnabout at the end was probably one of my favorite parts, aside from What's-her-teeth's whip action, and the Reptile-wannabe's acrobatics.


Yeah, the elevator thing got me as well. The only thing I could come up with is highly pressurized air to push against the walls and prevent it from being crushed. Though that theory has a number of flaws in it as well. Maybe there is giant fans blowing downward the break up the pressure around the elevators? I don't know, it's no sillier then alot of other things seen in the series.

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Yeah, the elevator thing got me as well. The only thing I could come up with is highly pressurized air to push against the walls and prevent it from being crushed. Though that theory has a number of flaws in it as well. Maybe there is giant fans blowing downward the break up the pressure around the elevators? I don't know, it's no sillier then alot of other things seen in the series.


And Star Wars in general.

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Yeah, the elevator thing got me as well. The only thing I could come up with is highly pressurized air to push against the walls and prevent it from being crushed. Though that theory has a number of flaws in it as well. Maybe there is giant fans blowing downward the break up the pressure around the elevators? I don't know, it's no sillier then alot of other things seen in the series.


I think what they were trying to communicate was that the vastly more dense atmosphere of the planet would crush normal spacecraft like eggs should they delve into it. As you desend into a heavier than air atmosphere or environment (such as water) the preasure increases by an order of magnitude the deeper into the environment you go, finally causing the vessel to implode. This is what happens to submarines that go below crash depth, and this is the RL danger of sending probes into the atmospheres of some of our neighbors with denser atmospheres such as Venus or Juipiter. The probes will crush long before they hit the surface.


This would actually be worse for a regular use spaceship, such as a typical SW universe one. Spaceships are designed with the intent to keep the pressure in. Their structural strength is in preventing what is inside the ship from bursting out. But in a denser environment that flips. The preasure outside the ship is greater than what is inside the ship. The walls aren't built this way and it goes squish. (see: "Why airplanes make very poor submarines")


The elevator makes perfect sense once you realize this. It is a solid structure designed to withstand this reversal of forces and allow an interface between spaceships, and the planets surface.

Edited by Faefrost
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The episode started out a little off-putting. I mean Bobba's gang asks Ventres to join after she kills one of them and without knowing anything about her. But it got better, and seeing Bobba in action was pretty cool especially when he has not being a whiny ****.


It was really nice to see a force user portrayed in a slightly different way. I appreciate how Ventres' path is sort of the reverse of Anakin where she is finding that her anger is a burden. Overall this was a refreshing episode especially given how much i disliked the last one.

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