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Obi-wan Vs.


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(Idea that came form the Vader vs Thread)




Obi-wan vs Revan

Obi-wan vs Meetra

Obi-wan vs Kyle Katarn

Obi-wan vs Vader(Post Mustafar)

Obi-wan vs Galen Marek




Now, discuss.



And Don't say "Obi-wan loses all" IMO he wins most except Vader, Katarn and, possibly Revan.

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Ya pretty much what I was thinking, Katarn/Vader would be on the fence.


Think about Katarn is that Katarn's force ability may outrank Obi-wan's.



Vader definately beats him in lightsaber skills and force ability.

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(Idea that came form the Vader vs Thread)




Obi-wan vs Revan

Obi-wan vs Meetra

Obi-wan vs Kyle Katarn

Obi-wan vs Vader(Post Mustafar)

Obi-wan vs Galen Marek




Now, discuss.



And Don't say "Obi-wan loses all" IMO he wins most except Vader, Katarn and, possibly Revan.


Against Revan he takes Saber combat, force power goes to Revan, not very sure, but I'd guess Obi-Wan.


Against Meetra he also takes Saber combat, but in force power Meetra takes it easy, It could go either way.


Against Katarn, I have no idea, I'd say they are inch by inch identical in both forms of combat.


Vader takes everything against Obi-Wan, Clear cut victory for Vader.


Marek could out duel Vader, and his force power was immense, Marek.

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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Revan was nothing, just an overrated character, Meetra would prove to be a greater challenge than him IMO. Vader could also prove to be a challenge, post-mustafar, He had great skills in both force & lightsaber combat. Even though I hate his guts, I'd have to say that Galen would also prove to be a tough challenge. He was kind of like an unstable force beast, He had a strong connection with the force and was really deadly. KAtarn had much of the same skills as Obi, really hard to pick a winner.


Revan & Meetra ~ Obi wins..


Katarn ~ Tie..


Vader & Galen ~ Obi looses.. :(

Edited by _Zorth_
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Hmm might be a bit biased in this response but here goes.


Obi Vs Revan, I think Revan clearly wins thanks to both power and experience.

Obi Vs Meetra could go either way but prolly favor Meetra.

Obi Vs Kyle, Obi has experience but Kyle was likely the better swordsman and also more power and both light and dark abilities. So probably Kyle.

Obi Vs Vader did happen and sadly was kind of a draw.

Obi Vs Galen, Galen was OP so yeah give him it hands down.

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How was it a draw? He cut his remaining non-cybernetic limbs off and left him to die.


In the OP was stated Post Mustafar Vader, so I'm referring to the fight on the Death star where Obi transformed into a ghost before the fight could finish.

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(Idea that came form the Vader vs Thread)




Obi-wan vs Revan

Obi-wan vs Meetra

Obi-wan vs Kyle Katarn

Obi-wan vs Vader(Post Mustafar)

Obi-wan vs Galen Marek




Now, discuss.



And Don't say "Obi-wan loses all" IMO he wins most except Vader, Katarn and, possibly Revan.


Obi-wan vs. Revan could go either way if Revan was a sith, when Revan comes back to the light, the fight would be inconclusive, because they'd both be asking, why the heck are we fighting?


Obi-wan vs. Meetra I have no idea who that is.


Obi-wan vs. Kyle Katarn, that fight would probably end with them ending up in a contest of how many battle droids or storm troopers they could kill.


Obi-wan vs. Vader, that is a toss-up, Obi-wan sacrificed himself to get Luke to stop gawking like an idiot and shoot the blast door controls.


Obi-wan vs. Galen Marak --- While Galen was serving Vader, probably Galen. When Galen broke away from the Vader's control, I could see them actually teaming up, and at most it would be sparring matches. Galen in Force Unleashed II, probably wouldn't have fought Obi-wan.

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Obi-Wan Beat Vadar in while they both were in their prime


As all others , can't really say because they never happened . I am going to always go for Merek , not because he is my favorite but because the guy is a Force Beast .

Vadar was more skilled saber wise after his loss to Obi-wan , he had to change and to be honest he was far better for the events that happened . Vadar took that skill and trained Merek with it , so Merek would not make the same mistakes as his master . Merek beat Vadar , and Vadar was if not better was equal to Obi-wan in alot of areas of fighting.


I truthly believe if Anakin was cool headed fighting Obi-Wan , he would have one no doubts . Anakin being my favorite in the SW story!

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Obi-Wan Beat Vadar in while they both were in their prime


As all others , can't really say because they never happened . I am going to always go for Merek , not because he is my favorite but because the guy is a Force Beast .

Vadar was more skilled saber wise after his loss to Obi-wan , he had to change and to be honest he was far better for the events that happened . Vadar took that skill and trained Merek with it , so Merek would not make the same mistakes as his master . Merek beat Vadar , and Vadar was if not better was equal to Obi-wan in alot of areas of fighting.


I truthly believe if Anakin was cool headed fighting Obi-Wan , he would have one no doubts . Anakin being my favorite in the SW story!


Vader was in prime post-mustafar. And In the ANH novel, they both knew it was a mock fight a distraction and Vader won.



He would dominate Obi-wan easily.

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(Idea that came form the Vader vs Thread)




Obi-wan vs Revan

Obi-wan vs Meetra

Obi-wan vs Kyle Katarn

Obi-wan vs Vader(Post Mustafar)

Obi-wan vs Galen Marek




Now, discuss.



And Don't say "Obi-wan loses all" IMO he wins most except Vader, Katarn and, possibly Revan.


I'm going to go ahead and assume this is Ep. 3 Obi-Wan we're talking about, but after Mustafar Vader.


Obi-Wan vs Revan: Obi-Wan hands down takes the cake in lightsaber combat. He is an immensely talented duelist and is very underrated. But Revan is no doubt superior in command of the force. Because of Obi-Wans clear headedness, yet bold action, lack of fear, and all around combat prowess, I think he could eventually overcome his disadvantages and best Revan.


Obi-wan vs Meetra (Jedi Exile): Honestly, I'd say Obi-Wan again here


Obi-Wan vs Kyle Katarn: They're fairly balanced. I can't answer this.


Obi-Wan vs Vader: He proved he could beat him at Mustafar. After Anakin dons the suit, he is granted much more physical strength, and over time uses it to become powerful. However! I don't honestly believe Vader was nearly as powerful as Anakin. I'd say Obi-Wan.


Obi-Wan vs Galek: Meh, this is a dumb comparison. Galen Marek's power is obviously skyrocketed to add excitement to the game, as is done in the KOTOR cinematics. In TFU and TFU 2, however, the difference from Kyle and Meetra is that they're not total powerhouses. That was the grand mistake of TFU, and the reason I cannot stand that Galen is canon, so ridiculously powerful as he is. Having been said, Galen apparently can kick Vader's *** then right after take on Sidious after clearing dozens of elite imperial troops. Ridiculous. Simply ridiculous. If he can take on Vader, then eat arguably the most powerful Sith Lord for breakfast, it's quite easy to say this fellow would murder Obi-Wan, as much as he'd smack away Yoda like a fly and stop a star destroyer all while doing it. The problem here is that I don't know where Obi would be in terms of TFU power.


A lot of people don't get Obi-Wan enough credit. Besides Windu, he was the only High Jedi General of the Republic. His skill in combat was so astounding that with the most basic lightsaber form he defeated Maul, Grevious, and Anakin. Obi-Wan Kenobi was hands down one of the greatest, if not the greatest duelist in the order. I'm not some Kenobi fanboy, I'm just telling it as it is. He really is not given enough credit. The only one in the order I can truly see matching him in saber combat is Yoda, which says a mountain full of gold.


Edit: To elaborate, I mean to say that Anakin is more powerful potentially than Vader. Vader and Obi-wan would be a tough match, because of Vader's newfound strength and anger. He had nothing to lose, he felt nothing, no pity, no remorse, nothing after a few months in the suit. Obi-Wan would still be faster, however, and I have absolutely no doubt he would have found a way to win. Remember also that Grevious was not only fast, but much, much stronger than Kenobi, yet he still found a way over.

Edited by jKorben
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....Have people even read TFU books or do they just go by what a game says?....Galen isn't THAT powerful the way the game portrays. The novels tone him down.


Sadly no, but quite frankly most don't even acknowledge him as canon which is plain absurd.

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Sadly no, but quite frankly most don't even acknowledge him as canon which is plain absurd.


Its funny cause, the novels came out before the game did yet they look at the game and think thats whats canon.


TFU game- September 16th(US), 17th(Asia), 19th(UK + Europe)


TFU novel- August 19th


TFU 2 game- October 26th(US), October 29th(EU)


TFU 2 novel- October 5th

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  • 3 weeks later...
....Have people even read TFU books or do they just go by what a game says?....Galen isn't THAT powerful the way the game portrays. The novels tone him down.


The game should not rely upon the novel to clarify Galen's power. While naturally the game with tone up force power for visual effect and a better feeling, it's still true that Galen - canonically- not only took Vader head on, but after he was finished with him, went on to fight Sidious, who I will say again is the most powerful Sith Lord (arguably). No other Jedi could do that. NO Jedi.

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The game should not rely upon the novel to clarify Galen's power. While naturally the game with tone up force power for visual effect and a better feeling, it's still true that Galen - canonically- not only took Vader head on, but after he was finished with him, went on to fight Sidious, who I will say again is the most powerful Sith Lord (arguably). No other Jedi could do that. NO Jedi.


Sidious was messing around with him the entire time, if he wanted Galen dead he would have killed him years ago.


Do remember, Sidious knew everything that was happening in regards to Galen.

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(Idea that came form the Vader vs Thread)




Obi-wan vs Revan

Obi-wan vs Meetra

Obi-wan vs Kyle Katarn

Obi-wan vs Vader(Post Mustafar)

Obi-wan vs Galen Marek


I am going with straight up lightsaber duel here. Force power notwithstanding.


Ok, Obi-Wan was the ultimate defensive duellist. He was not a great swordsman. In fact, his saber skills were weak compared to quite a few other Knights. He did, however, always find a way to win. He would study his opponent, and use any tactical advantage he could find. That was how he beat Grievous and Anakin in Episode III.


Only two I see him losing to are Kyle Katarn and Galen Marek. Kyle is a given, since he's pretty much the epitome of Jedi Bad***, and Starkiller was a monster with a lightsaber. Ultimate offense vs. Ultimate defense. When an unstoppable force hits an immovable object, the immovable object is usually shattered.

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