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The death of pvp, thy name is ranked warzones


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I dont get why they need to give special gear for ranked wz, should be the skill of the players that determinate if your good and not the fact that you are better geared with "ranked only gear" sux. Im in a pve focused guild and wont have any chance of getting that gear... the end for my pvp in this game. :(
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I'm a hardcore PvPer.


I own it up with my premade in WZs.


However, I am totally against ranked WZs being implemented before other aspects of PvP have come to full scope, especially if they introduce gear that can be utilized in any other capacity outside of ranked WZs.


My case is that OPEN WORLD PVP is a far superior experience than limited speciality ranked WZs. I state this because Open World caters to a wider audience and expands upon the same elements that can be found in any type of WZ format.


Depending on how it is handled, new PvP gear only obtainable in ranked WZs can become highly destructive when applied to Open World PvP.

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Yes, the NEW ranked warzones that are coming for pvp WILL BE THE DEATH OF PVP!


Why?? BECAUSE BIOWARE decided to give special gear to premades that play in warzones that will give them huge advantages against NORMAL SOLO PLAYERS that has solo warzone gear....

That is because you cant rank individuals but you can rank teams from their success... This means solo players wont be able to enter ranked warzones therefore wont be able to get that "top gear"

Therefore the moment those premade kids get that gear they are going to jump in to the normal warzone and faceroll everyone in it that doesnt hve that premade gear



Apparently this game is so carebear focused that is even forcing group in the throat of pvpers by forcing them to find a group simply so you can get gear.... You will be forced to talk ith others even if you dont want too(sorry the ******** response go play single player doesnt work since i want to kill people, not talk to them) AND WORST OF ALL, you have to follow them aroundn playing the whole "l33t group" thing that will one shot everyone they see because they focus fire and feel so pro....


Sorry, 4 guys focus firing 1 guy after another isnt skill so premades dont rly ned skill either... so skilled pvpers have nowhere to go for pvp expect search for random RARE duels....



damn you bioware for expecting people to find friends and groups in an MMO. What about those players that wish to have dialogue options determine combat results? THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111

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I dont get why they need to give special gear for ranked wz, should be the skill of the players that determinate if your good and not the fact that you are better geared with "ranked only gear" sux. Im in a pve focused guild and wont have any chance of getting that gear... the end for my pvp in this game. :(


They said "new tier" they never said "rated wz only".

Special rated WZ gear is OPs fairy tale, one of many, definitely, unfortunately not last one.

I wish GW2 was out already so that nerfherder could finally go there to drown everyone in tears about how he sucks at everything... I can already imagine it:

GW2 forum, Labradorski QQ about not being able to do anything solo in GUILD WARS game :rolleyes:

Edited by Lerdoc
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Is Labradoraki agreeing with richardya? Is that allowed?


But seriously, we're arguing based on speculation on a few comments from one guy who was probably so jet-lagged that he thought he was a pineapple. Once the real details start coming out, then we can burn down the forums.

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Yeah I wonder why with all the crying about "I had this in WoW I want it here as well".


This is what is ruining the game. Ex WoW players complaining and ruining the fun for the rest of us "I don't want to play Huttball, I want an arena, We should be able to queue with our 8 man premade, I want to pick my warzone."


Ranked warzones are going to consist of 8 man ops queuing for the exact same warzone day after day after day (this sounds fun for about a month tops). It is going to be cross server so it will, in my opinion, kill any community inside the server. The WoW players want things their way with Dual AC and combat logs and their Macros are just sucking the fun out of this game. Eventually it will dry up and all that will be left is a dusty road with a sign that says "GW2 is that way -->". MMORPG are really only fun in the pure, raw, unfiltered form within the first months (or years if they are lucky) of their release. The worst thing Bioware did was open these forums and begin making major changes/nerfs so early into release. But then again they feel pressure from Diablo 3 and GW2 with release dates right around the corner so it may have been a recipe for failure no matter what they did.


Oh, I have no problems grouping for warzones. If no one on from my guild is interested (or if I feel so inclined) I will queue solo, see people I know, and group with them. I am a great pvper, who likes randomness in my game. Living in a comfort zone bores me. I mean do you really think your rank is all important if you queue with the same group every single time for the same warzone? Enjoy, I leave for Boot Camp soon, that'll be my warzone. When I return no doubt this game will be dead and/or get boring quickly.

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So you're saying people who aren't top tier players won't be able to get top tier gear? This is a problem, why, exactly?


If you are a top tier player, why do you need to have better gear to dominate the lower tier players? If you are top tier, you shouldn't need an edge against lower tier. Or is that the reward for performing in ranked warzones... pay your dues, and then get to pop in on the little guys and basically grief them because they can't ever get the gear because they don't have the top tier "skillz"? They couldn't beat you anyways though because you are top tier though right? (Not aiming anything at you personally... saying "you" in the general sense)

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This is really a non-issue.


Good players who actually earn the top gear in premades are probably beating you right now.


So, if the good players are already beating you, then this post of yours is you complaining that you are alive in combat maybe 3-4 seconds shorter then before?


Am I getting this right?

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Yes, the NEW ranked warzones that are coming for pvp WILL BE THE DEATH OF PVP!


Why?? BECAUSE BIOWARE decided to give special gear to premades that play in warzones that will give them huge advantages against NORMAL SOLO PLAYERS that has solo warzone gear....

That is because you cant rank individuals but you can rank teams from their success... This means solo players wont be able to enter ranked warzones therefore wont be able to get that "top gear"

Therefore the moment those premade kids get that gear they are going to jump in to the normal warzone and faceroll everyone in it that doesnt hve that premade gear



Apparently this game is so carebear focused that is even forcing group in the throat of pvpers by forcing them to find a group simply so you can get gear.... You will be forced to talk ith others even if you dont want too(sorry the ******** response go play single player doesnt work since i want to kill people, not talk to them) AND WORST OF ALL, you have to follow them aroundn playing the whole "l33t group" thing that will one shot everyone they see because they focus fire and feel so pro....


Sorry, 4 guys focus firing 1 guy after another isnt skill so premades dont rly ned skill either... so skilled pvpers have nowhere to go for pvp expect search for random RARE duels....


lol I don't even know what this is.


Any seriously good PvPer rolls with pre-mades. If you don't, you're not a serious PvPer. End of story.

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Problem 1: Top Tier gear sounds like it can be used in non-ranked warzones. Those that don't participate in ranked warzones will still have to be at a disadvantage gear-wise to those that supposedly are more skilled to get the better gear for use in non-ranked warzones. Bioware fail... if they are "ranked" you should not be able to use ranked gear in non-ranked warzones. Why wold you need to... you are already better right?


Problem 2: If you group queue, you are forced to do ranked? What about those that want to play... well, you know together in a MMO? So I can't queue with two family members that should not be in a ranked match? They are not the best two PvP'ers, but they have fun and enjoy PvP. Now, they have to get smoked to play together because they cannot compete with ranked skilled players and especially with their ranked gear. This takes the social aspect out of those that had rather not have gear based PvP and just use skill.


Problem: Endgame is only PvP fun now... so those that want to play together but are not the top tier ranked folks will not have fun and have nothing left to do. PvP is already frustrating for those just entering the 50 bracket that are not top tier players...

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lol I don't even know what this is.


Any seriously good PvPer rolls with pre-mades. If you don't, you're not a serious PvPer. End of story.


But should all premades be mandatory to be all great players? The problem I am seeing is not all premades have to be about being the best. They can be about having fun with friends that may not be the best PvPers in the world.... nor want to be.

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But should all premades be mandatory to be all great players? The problem I am seeing is not all premades have to be about being the best. They can be about having fun with friends that may not be the best PvPers in the world.... nor want to be.


Sure, queue up and play with your friends if you want. Nobody is stopping that. But if you aren't good, you will lose. That holds true for anything competitive. I'm not sure what your point was.

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lol I don't even know what this is.


Any seriously good PvPer rolls with pre-mades. If you don't, you're not a serious PvPer. End of story.


I've been PvPing in MMOs since Neverwinter Nights in 1994, from there played about 5 years of Ultima online. Its pretty much most of my gametime.


Since i don't roll with a pre-made, I'm not serious, or I'm bad?




Well, now we know.



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This is really a non-issue.


Good players who actually earn the top gear in premades are probably beating you right now.


So, if the good players are already beating you, then this post of yours is you complaining that you are alive in combat maybe 3-4 seconds shorter then before?


Am I getting this right?


If they are already beating people... why do they need better gear to beat them worse? Or is it a tool to just make people miserable that were already beaten by embarrassing them even more?

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Sure, queue up and play with your friends if you want. Nobody is stopping that. But if you aren't good, you will lose. That holds true for anything competitive. I'm not sure what your point was.


You have a chance if there isn't a gear gap though and are playing players above your skill on an even keel. There is no chance if there is a gear gap. No chance or feeling like you have no chance (as one family member put it) is just not fun. Giving hope and competing is fun for them.

Edited by Knightcrest
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I've been PvPing in MMOs since Neverwinter Nights in 1994, from there played about 5 years of Ultima online. Its pretty much most of my gametime.


Since i don't roll with a pre-made, I'm not serious, or I'm bad?




Well, now we know.




Just because you PvP doesn't make you serious or good. Just because I go and shoot hoops in the summer doesn't make me serious about playing basketball. If I was, I'd join a team. Simple concept.


Being on a PvP pre-made gives you advantages that you simply can't get while playing solo. You get better communication via vent/TS/Mumble/etc., you get better diversification of classes so you aren't in a WZ with no healer. It allows you to develop strategies that you would not otherwise be able to do with a PUG.


These are all important factors to someone serious about PvP. Let me rephrase, serious about winning at PvP. If you don't think those are important, then yes you are not serious and/or good at PvP.

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The death of pve, thy name is operations!



BIOWARE GIVE SPECIAL GEAR TO PREMADES FOR PVE. It's like Rakata vs. lvl 50 oranges from solo players!




Completely ignoring the solo instance runners!


What is this crap!



Death of PvE!

Edited by Acyu
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You have a chance if there isn't a gear gap though and are playing players above your skill on an even keel. There is no chance if there is a gear gap. No chance or feeling like you have no chance (as one family member put it) is just not fun. Giving hope and competing is fun for them.


You'll have to just grind out the gear gap then until it doesn't hurt. I just hit 50 last week, and the first couple of days were painful in WZs for me. And I had 6 bags right when I dinged 50 and two pieces of Centurion right off the bat. I sucked up the agony, kept playing, got more gear and now I hold my own in WZs. And I don't even have BM gear yet. It may be slower for you guys, but not impossible.

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Just because you PvP doesn't make you serious or good. Just because I go and shoot hoops in the summer doesn't make me serious about playing basketball. If I was, I'd join a team. Simple concept.


Being on a PvP pre-made gives you advantages that you simply can't get while playing solo. You get better communication via vent/TS/Mumble/etc., you get better diversification of classes so you aren't in a WZ with no healer. It allows you to develop strategies that you would not otherwise be able to do with a PUG.


These are all important factors to someone serious about PvP. Let me rephrase, serious about winning at PvP. If you don't think those are important, then yes you are not serious and/or good at PvP.


Wow. you've really got me pegged. :rolleyes:


Yes, i'm serious about PvP, and I'm serious about winning PvP... Guess what? i still don't roll with a pre-made.


/gasp :eek:



As a matter o fact, as per your first paragraph, I rolled a healer, and my winning percentage has gone up quite significantly. Will i get into a pre-made? Perhaps. It won't be hard to find one as a healer, thats for certain. If they make the exact same system as WoW, i probably won't hang around, its old, and tired, at least for me.


I'd love for rankings to be on an individual basis somewhat like the OP is saying


Might add a bit of flavor to a pretty stale PvP flavor.

Edited by Tic-
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You'll have to just grind out the gear gap then until it doesn't hurt. I just hit 50 last week, and the first couple of days were painful in WZs for me. And I had 6 bags right when I dinged 50 and two pieces of Centurion right off the bat. I sucked up the agony, kept playing, got more gear and now I hold my own in WZs. And I don't even have BM gear yet. It may be slower for you guys, but not impossible.


Can't argue with that... I just wish there was an opt-in for ranked PvP. Once you opt in, you are flagged for that bracket and can get the gear but could not come back to the lower brackets with your better gear. Then, you could still have folks queue together that want to in the non-ranked tier.


I did the same as you, and am not horrible at PvP, so could hold my own pretty early on. The other two... they are still feeling the pain. They were hoping this patch might bring the gap closer, but sounds like it may be wider when all is said and done.

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Wow, glad I quit 3 weeks ago. That is pretty lame. Unfortunately I paid for 2 months when I started my subscription. lol


They just turned the PvP even more into WoW PvP, except WoW realized such large gear gaps is a problem and you can get most of the same gear now as a solo player.


Another reason why I am waiting on Guild Wars 2. Check this post out if you are interested in GW2 by the way, tons of good information.

Edited by Ashanor
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Wow. you've really got me pegged. :rolleyes:


Yes, i'm serious about PvP, and I'm serious about winning PvP... Guess what? i still don't roll with a pre-made.


/gasp :eek:



As a matter o fact, as per your first paragraph, I rolled a healer, and my winning percentage has gone up quite significantly. Will i get into a pre-made? Perhaps. It won't be hard to find one as a healer, thats for certain. If they make the exact same system as WoW, i probably won't hang around, its old, and tired, at least for me.


I'd love for rankings to be on an individual basis somewhat like the OP is saying


Might add a bit of flavor to a pretty stale PvP flavor.


you can't be serious about competing in a team based competition without a team...

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Wow, glad I quit 3 weeks ago. That is pretty lame. Unfortunately I paid for 2 months when I started my subscription. lol


They just turned the PvP even more into WoW PvP, except WoW realized such large gear gaps is a problem and you can get most of the same gear now as a solo player.


Another reason why I am waiting on Guild Wars 2. Check this post out if you are interested in GW2 by the way, tons of good information.


it took those guys 7 years to get a fully functioning "jump" working. i'll try it, but forgive me if i'm skeptical of this being the MMO to end all MMOs

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