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The death of pvp, thy name is ranked warzones


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how many times people have said that???1000 and bioware always disapointed us... Stop trying to win arguments and focus on reality,,, bioware is going to disapoint us.... Again and agian and agian and now


learn history plz


You need to go take a walk... or go visit the local animal shelter and rescue and kitten. You take all of this too serious.

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Yeah the OP is foaming but not without due cause, this reminds me of WoW in so many ways that it's sad and stupid. I think I'm out once confirmed in 1.2 notes, but yeah at this point I don't think they're even trying to be original, let the Clone Wars begin!
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You need to go take a walk... or go visit the local animal shelter and rescue and kitten. You take all of this too serious.


Sorry but watching so man yppl still focused on winning "arguments" and ignorint the fact of reality is simply sad

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Yeah the OP is foaming but not without due cause, this reminds me of WoW in so many ways that it's sad and stupid. I think I'm out once confirmed in 1.2 notes, but yeah at this point I don't think they're even trying to be original, let the Clone Wars begin!


Reminds you so much of the most successful MMO in history? This is a bad thing? While some of the community didn't like arena, ranked BG, etc... the PVP community LOVED them.

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Reminds you so much of the most successful MMO in history? This is a bad thing? While some of the community didn't like arena, ranked BG, etc... the PVP community LOVED them.


successful=/= good but i guess gamers have no idea what that is

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how many times people have said that???1000 and bioware always disapointed us... Stop trying to win arguments and focus on reality,,, bioware is going to disapoint us.... Again and agian and agian and now


learn history plz


This is ironic as the only one not in reality is you.


Reality: BW hasn't confirmed or denied ANY of the claims you make.


Even if you believe BioWare is going to disappoint you again, it isn't necessarily going to be in the manner you believe. Basically you are spewing non-sense and creating angst for no reason.


Just wait 'till the release notes and then you can start rants like this.

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Reminds you so much of the most successful MMO in history? This is a bad thing? While some of the community didn't like arena, ranked BG, etc... the PVP community LOVED them.


Yea they were great. :rolleyes:


can we have something different now, or are we going to keep playing the same PvP in every AAA MMO we buy.


Most experienced PvP development team in the world, no?


Hell, i can copy and paste.

Edited by Tic-
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He changed his avatar! This is getting exciting now.


I was thinking the same thing! :D


On a more serious note: OP is probably wrong, based on past number of wolf-cries.

Edited by jizerai
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GW2 is coming.

GW2 is coming

GW2 is coming.


Bioware has about 3 months to figure it out. :D


thank god for reminding me that gw2 is coming soon... i felt slightly better after that huge disapontment from bioware which wasnt rly suprising if you know history

Edited by Labradoraki
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Yes, the NEW ranked warzones that are coming for pvp WILL BE THE DEATH OF PVP!


Why?? BECAUSE BIOWARE decided to give special gear to premades that play in warzones that will give them huge advantages against NORMAL SOLO PLAYERS that has solo warzone gear....

That is because you cant rank individuals but you can rank teams from their success... This means solo players wont be able to enter ranked warzones therefore wont be able to get that "top gear"

Therefore the moment those premade kids get that gear they are going to jump in to the normal warzone and faceroll everyone in it that doesnt hve that premade gear



Apparently this game is so carebear focused that is even forcing group in the throat of pvpers by forcing them to find a group simply so you can get gear.... You will be forced to talk ith others even if you dont want too(sorry the ******** response go play single player doesnt work since i want to kill people, not talk to them) AND WORST OF ALL, you have to follow them aroundn playing the whole "l33t group" thing that will one shot everyone they see because they focus fire and feel so pro....


Sorry, 4 guys focus firing 1 guy after another isnt skill so premades dont rly ned skill either... so skilled pvpers have nowhere to go for pvp expect search for random RARE duels....


1- You cry more than 90% of the ppl i see on these forums.


2- Complaining about ppl grouping in an MMO is like complaining about the sun shining. They both are doing the intended.


3- I read nowhere about special gear to premades.


4- Make some friends and make a premade... if you can't do that then.......


5- HERE i would like to say something but i like being able to post in the forums.

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1- You cry more than 90% of the ppl i see on these forums.


2- Complaining about ppl grouping in an MMO is like complaining about the sun shining. They both are doing the intended.


3- I read nowhere about special gear to premades.


4- Make some friends and make a premade... if you can't do that then.......


5- HERE i would like to say something but i like being able to post in the forums.


1- i am trying to make a balancced fun game which can be ruined easily by huge gear differencies and 4 players one shotting focused targets and thinking its skill


2I am not complaining about grouping, i am saying that they should not get such huge advantages against solo players that cant even get those advantages without being FORCED to group


3- Bioware like always is vague so the qq about gear wont start from now... and will slowly start when you see ppl facerolling battlemasters while others will defend them because they got the gear... its a way to reduce qq, learn history


4- i dont like friends i want to interact with people and by interact mean kill them alone and skillfully... mmorpg doesnt really say anything about team and multiplayer doesnt mean friends... it means interact with ppl and i prefer to interact by killing them

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So stop using multiplayer for only your "friend argument", multiplayer simply means more players and i prefer to kill those players instead of befriending them....




Such a bad-A!

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Ok I'll try another angle... people competing at max level in a team game are getting rewarded. How is this bad?


It isn't as long as it is restricted.


Allowing Ranked gear (if Ranked gear has better stats) into regular WZs would be like allowing an F1 car to compete in an amateur track day race.

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Yes just like the minimal difference of battlemaster.... Sorry, bioware is simply lying as usual so you wont go ****wtfbbq before you see that gear anihilated new 50s or 50s with medium gear...


Battlemaster gear is a marginal upgrade over champion and, in general, is itemized poorly for almost all advanced classes. If BioWare continues that trend, the Ranked WZ items will have Alacrity + Accuracy for healers.

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Reminds you so much of the most successful MMO in history? This is a bad thing? While some of the community didn't like arena, ranked BG, etc... the PVP community LOVED them.


Just because you can copy something that has value, doesn't make your copy valuable now does it?

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As long as we're copying the WoW model and gear is the game, they have no other choice.


Each content patch will include new Operations and Flashpoints. Operations and Flashpoints have to introduce new gear or the PVEers won't PVE for them, at least, more than once.


If they introduce new, better gear for the PVE sector, they have to for PVP, or else the outrage will begin that people are coming in wearing T-4 gear slaughtering real players after gearing up slaughtering oversized bots.


They will never win this argument.


It has nothing to do with elitism, it only demonstrates the flaws of a purely gear based game.

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IMO , you should have an individual rank and stats . . . didn't realize it was 100% group. Good points in first post.


thank you, finally someone who appriciates my genius and let me tell you something...


Individual rank is almost impossible because an individual cannot influence the entire course of the battle and if he doesn he will do in such means that cannot be counted by a computer system(like damage, kills etc) so there will be no way to tell if that single player was important or not.... since anyone can easily get many medals with that horrible system or get high damage by follwing the blop..


there is simply no way to calculate skill with a computer currently to give them a rank individually


But teams are solely responsible for the loss or victory so the rank can be easily given to them simply based on win/losses

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Dude you are right, 4 people focus firing you should all be stunlocked until you can fight them 1 on 1 at full health with all cooldowns. If you are losing an "I Win" button should pop up to save you some face and it zaps them down. You should also adjust your tinfoil hat before the government melts your brain.
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1- i am trying to make a balancced fun game which can be ruined easily by huge gear differencies and 4 players one shotting focused targets and thinking its skill


2I am not complaining about grouping, i am saying that they should not get such huge advantages against solo players that cant even get those advantages without being FORCED to group


3- Bioware like always is vague so the qq about gear wont start from now... and will slowly start when you see ppl facerolling battlemasters while others will defend them because they got the gear... its a way to reduce qq, learn history


4- i dont like friends i want to interact with people and by interact mean kill them alone and skillfully... mmorpg doesnt really say anything about team and multiplayer doesnt mean friends... it means interact with ppl and i prefer to interact by killing them


CoD and street fighter r that way ---------->

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The stupid in this thread is over 9000.

And all of that is condensed in a single poster unwilling to improve, work as a team in team based game and rooted to his Noobville for life yet thinking he was born in Pro City...


Can you guess who is the mysterious one?

Edited by Lerdoc
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