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No more color restrictions on crystals ?! Really ?


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If one choses to use a red light saber as a means of defining their alignment, that is their choice. It becomes a problem when one attempts to force that choice onto other players.


Its a moot point when it was never intended as a means of defining alignment in the movies, and the Dev's have lifted the restriction.


Yep yep.

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The people that like the color restrictions just need to quit moaning and get out instead of trying to ruin it for the people that don't want color restrictions. You play your way and we will play ours. The color of our lightsaber isn't going to hurt you.


The End

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I for one would like this change, I would love to be a sith and have black/blue saber or be a republic and have purple sabers. Kinda not fair only empire gets purple color sabers, for example Master Windu was a jedi and yet he had purple saber.
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I made my own thread about this before being directed to this one, so here's a copy paste.


I've been playing a neutral Sith marauder with one huge defining part of my character, one red and one blue lightsaber. I've spent about 100 hours of game time making decisions that no longer benefit my character in any physical way.


I see zero logical reasoning behind this change; if you're lightside use lightside crystals; if your darkside use darkside crystals; if your're neutral use all crystals.


Also, heres a shot of my now totally underwhelming two colored sabers



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Folks keep using this word Role Play – I do not think it means what you think it means.



The Jedi story is not about an adult that just joined the order, it’s about someone’s who’s been in the order their entire life.


Is it really so difficult to imagine a rescued Sith child that’s been found after a battle and raised in the Jedi order?

How about a lost colony of Sith that was discovered by a Jedi and they were trained in the ways of the light?

Or a Sith mother whose entire family is going to be killed smuggles out her baby and that baby ends up in a Jedi Temple?


Are any of these role-playing scenarios difficult to fathom?



As for the crystals, this story takes place 30,000 years before most Jedi lore. The notion that the crystal is tied to your ethos is not accurate. If memory serves the original red crystals were synthetic. Is it difficult to imagine some undiscovered cave on Tython that held natural red crystals. With the old Jedi Temple sacked and so much lost can you imagine that the Tython Jedi order would have to put aside prejudices and use whatever resources were available to combat the Empire because the crystals aren’t inherently good or evil.


I’m sure that true role-players could be creative enough to imagine that.




The legacy abilities? That you think you should know exactly what any individual is capable of based on out of game information isn’t role-playing it’s meta-gaming. Person is class x, therefore they can only do y.


You only know that they look like class x. They could be force-sensitives who have hid their identity for years. They could be reproducing these results by some mechanical means. They could be a jedi/sith on an undercover assignment. A roleplayer should know that not everything is as it appears.




Imagination is the primary weapon in a role-players arsenal. I recommend using your imagination and justifying these occurrences instead of choosing to be offended by them.



Alodar :)

Edited by Alodar
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I made my own thread about this before being directed to this one, so here's a copy paste.


I've been playing a neutral Sith marauder with one huge defining part of my character, one red and one blue lightsaber. I've spent about 100 hours of game time making decisions that no longer benefit my character in any physical way.


I see zero logical reasoning behind this change; if you're lightside use lightside crystals; if your darkside use darkside crystals; if your're neutral use all crystals.


Also, heres a shot of my now totally underwhelming two colored sabers




It makes no logical sense to you because you bought into the idea of their being light side and dark side crystals. This is wrong. There are no evil crystals or good crystals, crystals are just crystals.


Tradition is not a mandate or a rule. Jedi typically used the color they used because those were the crystals they found when creating a lightsaber. Sith typically used red because that's how artificial crystals came out unless specifically made to be another color. And yes, sith have used other colors and jedi have used red.


The addition of color restrictions was added at the end of beta when most people did not want it and is now being removed, as it should be. Now they should hurry up and allow us to pull all mods out of epic gear so that we can actually start making our chars look how we want them to as was a huge selling point of theirs originally.

Edited by Dystopic
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People keep talking about how they were "forced" to use specific color crystals.

You were never forced! If you choose to follow the path of the dark or light side, you're making a choice about the kind of character you wish to play.

Also, if you choose neutrality and maintain a balance in your actions, then you're also making a choice about your character.


Neutral players are screwed out of relics for most of the game anyways, at least it was cool when they got some extra freedom with colorcrystals.. back when their choice still made them unique in even the smallest way.

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It makes no logical sense to you because you bought into the idea of their being light side and dark side crystals. This is wrong. There are no evil crystals or good crystals, crystals are just crystals.


Tradition is not a mandate or a rule. Jedi typically used the color they used because those were the crystals they found when creating a lightsaber. Sith typically used red because that's how artificial crystals came out unless specifically made to be another color. And yes, sith have used other colors and jedi have used red.


The addition of color restrictions was added at the end of beta when most people did not want it and is now being removed, as it should be. Now they should hurry up and allow us to pull all mods out of epic gear so that we can actually start making our chars look how we want them to as was a huge selling point of theirs originally.


Alright, I'll stop complaining, once we see something for neutral players.


IMO one of the coolest features in this game is that our actions effect our alignment, in turn effecting our characters. Color crystals was one big way (even if you disagree with its reasoning) to define our characters via their alignment.

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Alright, I'll stop complaining, once we see something for neutral players.


IMO one of the coolest features in this game is that our actions effect our alignment, in turn effecting our characters. Color crystals was one big way (even if you disagree with its reasoning) to define our characters via their alignment.

It was a big way, but it was also a WRONG way. As people have said, tradition is not law, and there's a lot of examples in the EU showing evil Sith/Dark Jedi using blue or green and good Jedi using red.


I do agree Neutrality should have some tangible rewards, too. Some unique moddable gear would be a good start. I haven't looked at Dark/Light gear with more than a cursory glance, but ideally some of that stuff would be unique. I like that idea, and think they should expand it to entire sets. I'm not sure if any commendation gear has alignment requirements, but the LS/DS vendors (and eventually a Neutral) could have unique sets available at 20, 40, 50. Maybe some are just unique recolors, but having actual unique models would be pretty great (and if they wanted to be cheap, Bioware's already got access to plenty of unique models for such sets: opposite faction gear! With a unique recolor to that, it could work... and it'd give Dark Jedi a shot at having some of the cooler Sith models for their gear)


Gear can show your personal taste, but it can also show your status in various factions or alignments. Saber color (not to mention blaster-bolt color) should just be choice. The old method, if you CHOOSE to play Light, you're FORCED to use blue or green (or yellow, or orange, or--in a perfect game--purple, but it's way easier/cheaper to grab green or blue). Now, there's more variety available. That's a good thing!

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People keep talking about how they were "forced" to use specific color crystals.

You were never forced! If you choose to follow the path of the dark or light side, you're making a choice about the kind of character you wish to play.

Also, if you choose neutrality and maintain a balance in your actions, then you're also making a choice about your character.


Neutral players are screwed out of relics for most of the game anyways, at least it was cool when they got some extra freedom with colorcrystals.. back when their choice still made them unique in even the smallest way.


I wanted to use red crystals that dropped from moddable blasters and lightsabers in my personal blasters and was unable to because of the restrictions yet I was able to use moddable blasters that had red crystals as long as I never removed them and put them back in.

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I thing its weird to have restrictions on this...


I mean, if i am light 5 Jedi IRL (ignore logic!)

would my hands burn if i touch a red color crystal?


yeah. it was an idiotic restriction in the first place. thank goodness they realized it.

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Alright, I'll stop complaining, once we see something for neutral players.
They're thinking about what you guys should get; they've got it narrowed down to 2 possibilities, but just can't commit to either one of them...
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The lore justification of various lightsaber colours has to do with availability of materials, not the alignment of the user or creator:




Now if you're only regarding the movies as canonical (which is what George Lucas considers canonical), then they say absolutely nothing as to how the alignment of the wielder or maker of a lightsaber affects its colour.


In short: Get over yourself. Colour choice should be used in exactly the same way that the makers of the Star Wars films used them: As a piece of the character's aesthetic.

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I don't like the change either. In Star Wars there were always restrictions and i think Bioware should re-implement them ASAP.


Red/Orange = Sith

Blue/Green = Jedi



All other colours can be used by either sides of the conflict, but these colours should be locked.


Seeing a Jedi with a red saber is just ludicrous.


Lore is important so stick to it.

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Synthetic lightsaber crystals, which were used by the Sith, could be manipulated to be of any colour. Also, they weren't the only crystals which could be red in the Galaxy; just the only ones which required the Dark Side: Qixoni crystals were red crystals, non-synthetic, and they were used by Jedi too.

So in the end, anyone could have used any type of colour crystal.

And if you're still unconvinced by why should Sith make synthetic non-red crystal, just think of non-red lightsabers used by them as the trophies looted from their defeated enemies.


I would like to add that, in the end, we'll end up with more people using blue on the Republic side and red on the Imperial side as the high tier lightsabers have no modification and their colour is fixed (to blue and variants for Republic and to red and variants for Empire). So, until moddable lightsabers become a viable option for end-game (which may happen in 1.2, but anyway I think many will keep using tier lightsabers instead of moddable ones as there shouldn't be too much of a disparity) we'll gain more happiness from the customization of blaster fire than displeasure from maybe-incoherent-lightsaber colours. At least, that's my opinion.

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I don't like the change either. In Star Wars there were always restrictions and i think Bioware should re-implement them ASAP.


Red/Orange = Sith

Blue/Green = Jedi



All other colours can be used by either sides of the conflict, but these colours should be locked.


Seeing a Jedi with a red saber is just ludicrous.


Lore is important so stick to it.


As been stated many times, there are no actual restrictions on color crystals in Star Wars, just ones people impose themselves based on their opinion.

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I don't like the change either. In Star Wars there were always restrictions and i think Bioware should re-implement them ASAP.


Red/Orange = Sith

Blue/Green = Jedi



All other colours can be used by either sides of the conflict, but these colours should be locked.


Seeing a Jedi with a red saber is just ludicrous.


Lore is important so stick to it.


Except you're wrong, and there weren't restrictions. So they SHOULD stick to Lore, i.e. no restrictions.

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I don't like the change either. In Star Wars there were always restrictions and i think Bioware should re-implement them ASAP.


Red/Orange = Sith

Blue/Green = Jedi



All other colours can be used by either sides of the conflict, but these colours should be locked.


Seeing a Jedi with a red saber is just ludicrous.


Lore is important so stick to it.


Anakin was able to wield Dooku's saber while he was a Jedi.


Anakin Skywalker continued to use a blue saber after his transformation into Darth Vader.


As Vader, he held and ignited Luke's green saber.


Then there's Exar Kun.


Amazing how many self-proclaimed "experts" of Star Wars lore don't know these things and pass judgment.

Edited by Syylara
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I don't like the change either. In Star Wars there were always restrictions and i think Bioware should re-implement them ASAP.


Red/Orange = Sith

Blue/Green = Jedi



All other colours can be used by either sides of the conflict, but these colours should be locked.


Seeing a Jedi with a red saber is just ludicrous.


Lore is important so stick to it.


There were NEVER restrictions. Vader only swapped to red after his lightsaber was lost during his fight with obi wan, he was already a "dark force / sith" by then. A lightsaber has always been a tool created with color crystals and those crystals have no force requirements in order to touch or mine them. They're just crystals infused with a power source to create a laser. They dont have any power of their own or give off any power of their own.

Edited by Kindara
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I am playing a Star Wars game and one thing that was iconic to the franchise is definitely the color of crystals tied to the alignment of its user.


Maybe I haven't studied my SW Bible enough (too busy getting laid) but I don't recall anywhere in any of the movies anyone ever mentioning light saber color having anything whatsoever to do with alignment. You've simple made your own conclusions on the matter. Grats

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